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9532608 No.9532608 [Reply] [Original]

Is 6' 155 a fa height and weight or should I shoot for 145 instead. And if so, could I make it to 145 by the end of this month

>> No.9532612

You're already skinny enough you anorexic faggot.

>> No.9532613
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6'0" 145 here
I would say stick with 155
If you really think it's necessary, go to 150
What's your BF%?

>> No.9532615


But I want to achieve MC Ride mode

>> No.9532617

It isn't about weight so much as it is body type. If you're not skinny-fat, 155 is great.

>> No.9532624



And what's so bad about 145

>> No.9532630

MC Ride is muscular you dumbass

Unless youre already cut, or naturally athletic, you wont achieve his body because ur body cannibalizes ur muscle tone for food

Starving yourself only makes you look like a doughy faggot, you have to lift a little and run alot and eat properly

>> No.9532652

lift for 6-9 months, don't go ham but eat around 2000-2500 calories a day. Do cardio, biking, running, swimming (especially swimming) and you'll achieve ottermode. 165 lbs is a good weight for 6 feet and muscle

>> No.9532689

Dude 6'0 155 is pretty fucking skinny. I'm 5'7 150 and I look average, I mean if you are out of shape I'd say pack on a couple of pounds in muscle weight and you will be ok. I'd ask /fit/ for actual advice tho

>> No.9532705

6'2" 185lbs master race reporting in.

>> No.9532717

>Fatty detected

>> No.9532863

6'3" 140..

i gained 5 lbs ',:^(

>> No.9532987

6'0 132lb hypeee

>> No.9533005

6'1'' 143lbs

man, I wish i could gain some weight/muscles
genetics fuck me though

>> No.9533012

>tfw 110pounds at 5'7
I guess I don't look normal

>> No.9533037
File: 95 KB, 500x750, masterace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'3 and 129 pounds

Get fucked you fucking faggots.

>> No.9533048

>I'm 5'7
>I look average

You mean you look like a fucking midget.

>> No.9533073

I look pretty great, betas step aside everywhere I go, they avert their gaze if I maintain eye contact. feels good to be masterrace

>> No.9533124

>Gloating about this

Why are you even here?

Your fits are pretty much fucking trash and you're never gonna look good, fatass.

>> No.9533168

they avert their gaze because you're fat and it hurts to look at you for longer than a few seconds.

>> No.9533181 [DELETED] 
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I enjoy the low caloric maintenance

>> No.9533185


6'2 138 here

exercise can help and is certainly recommended

if you're just skinny and weak that's pathetic

>> No.9533200 [DELETED] 

th-thank you skeletor...

>> No.9533236


>> No.9533243


there's no way you're strong at 6'2 138. i'd be surprised if you could bench press 90lbs for reps of 3

>> No.9533249

6' 160 lb rock climbing aesthetic checking in

>> No.9533266


unless you have sort of hormonal or developmental or digestive disorder, it's not genetics fucking you.

it's that you don't eat enough and you don't lift.

and don't give me "i eat like crazy i just have a high metabolism" shit because i was just like you, hungry skelly for life who thought i ate a lot. until i actually started counting calories and realized i was undereating for my weight and height.

you wanna get big? you gotta eat big. and then you gotta lift big. it's not genetics

>> No.9533270

6'1 165

im not like fat but im not skinny either, pretty happy about my body except maybe my legs. i dont get why everyone are so obsessed with their body, like dude if youre sad or whatever just start running or something or stop being such a insecure little bitch

>> No.9533276



>> No.9533278

6'1 158 here

feels pretty good

>> No.9533290

>height and weight / body thread
>getting pained at people talking about bodies

fucking child

>> No.9533298

i am definitely rustled now

post fit, height and weight stranger

>inb4 fakes stats to feel better online

>> No.9533304

too fucking tall and too fucking fat kek
i bet youre ugly as well for that sentence you wrote, hahaha. who the fuck even gloats about that?

6' 3" masterrace reporting in

>> No.9533330

How come when MC Ride wears all black he looks cool, but when I try I just look like an edgy faggot?

>> No.9533333

gotta be black to rock black tbh

>> No.9533336

I'm getting pained at people who say the same generic shit anybody would say.


Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.9533338

I have curly hair and I'm getting ingrown hairs on my cheeks more and more now my facial hair is coming in fml

>> No.9533339

fuck that I am on 500 calories a day on the Cambridge diet and wont stop till you can count my ribs. You want to be a meathead jock, fine, bitches look and laugh at those. sluts like skinny guys and if you cant drape, you fail

>> No.9533353


it's true though. i don't care how many people say it, and you shouldn't either. you should care about whether or not it's true. if your only criticism of what i'm saying is "lots of people say it" then your criticism doesn't matter.

>> No.9533610

This. While MC Ride isn't legit muscular, he's muscular enough that his complete lack of body fat doesn't make him look unhealthy/like he's going to snap.
Just do cardio and bodyweight exercises. Run three times a week, push ups, pull ups and sit ups. Don't eat shit, eat healthy but don't starve yourself. His physique is easily attainable, providing you don't have shit genetics.

>> No.9533783

9% body fat

get on my level