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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 532 KB, 1126x1622, 1425586481720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9529561 No.9529561 [Reply] [Original]

Since when did this become the new standard of beauty in the West and why

>> No.9529566

several years ago because it is beautiful

>> No.9529572

It's not

I am the new standard of beauty universally

>> No.9529573


Reported for Off-topic thread, lardass

>> No.9529579

they are unhealthy and mentally ill just like the tumblrites who despise them

>> No.9529601

Can somebody ban this fucking tripfag already.

>> No.9529607


>> No.9529608


>> No.9529610

go to reddit so you can downvote things you don't like reading
I'm just stating my honest opinion. welcome to 4chan

>> No.9529613

I bet you're really cute :3

>> No.9529619

aye girl lemme pee in that butt

>> No.9529627

you're right c:

>> No.9529630

sorry you're fat, OP ;(

>> No.9529645

>not having to spend any money on food
>guys pay for anything you want anyways
>never have to get a job ever, even if you do all you have to do is put on clothes and walk in a straight line for a few seconds a day

i was born as le wrong gender

>> No.9529646

Ew, they look like a pair of chopsticks.

>> No.9529654

It looks like playful confidence to me anon. You seem to take it as serious arrogance.

>> No.9529661

>where are the curves

>> No.9529665

;) <3 :*

>> No.9529666

standard of beauty=/=runway models (who are definitely on the skinny side).
They are chosen because they show the clothes they model in the best light.

>> No.9529681

it's not, they look fucking awful

less bad than fatties because they can at least look ok enough in flattering clothing, but they still look horrible

>> No.9529683

I don't know man he/she/it (probably the last) does this all the time.

And I stated mine. Hope you get ass-cancer sweetie.

>> No.9529716

being skinny is a meme

>> No.9529755

Looks shopped

>> No.9529764

They look more delicate and fragile and as a result more feminine. I dig that.

>> No.9529803
File: 57 KB, 266x199, Cocoon27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u will never have an alium waifu

>> No.9530046

you can literally stretch every photo to make people look skinny

even chris farley

>> No.9530066
File: 487 KB, 900x900, reeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being skinny is mandatory

>> No.9530095
File: 314 KB, 1121x1176, 23423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed them for you

>> No.9530117

>where are the curves

>> No.9530118
File: 89 KB, 615x388, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9531579

they seem so happy

>> No.9531587

they're thinking "o my gawd we're liek so fah"

>> No.9531607

they went from being 10 out 10s

to being complete average 6.5s

>> No.9531616

It's funny that there are millions upon millions of people (fatties) saying "skinny is the impossible to reach beauty standard" when there are zero people who actually believe skinny is the beauty standard.

Also on the same note, "unattainable beauty standard" is hilarious. It's obviously very attainable because there are plenty of girls who have attained it. There's no fucking mystery on that one. "Unattainable" is just a buzzword. And the point of it is to not be "standard." Beautiful girls are beautiful because they are better than standard. That's the fucking point. Of course fatties will not understand because their cholesterol is interfering with the blood circulation in their brains.

>> No.9531621

my beauty is unattainable

>> No.9531626

> Beautiful girls are beautiful because they are better than standard.

o lawd the circular reasonin and lack of any historical context

im ok with the rest tho

>> No.9532000


>> No.9532007


science disagrees. beautiful=average.

>> No.9532020

That's correct. But...
The average person doesn't look like the average of all persons (of one sex). If you overlay 100 guys faces the result will look beatiful. But you might say that every one of those guys has an average face. The word average in the sense of mean differs from the use of the term in everyday life.

>> No.9532031

i thought you would have OD'd by now

>> No.9532036

well in this case - beauty is in the eye of the beholder. and in people like reeeeee's scenario, she may be pretty, but many people would find her personality off putting. After a while no matter how pretty she is all youd see is ugliness.

no offense ray :) im sure youre a qt and you can pull off any fit

>> No.9532038

im in recovery
how r u? still fat?

>> No.9532041
File: 506 KB, 605x487, 1375940769809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> she may be pretty, but many people would find her personality off putting

28 years old

community college fashion merch student

addicted to various substances ranging from mild meth usage to various pills

low income

most of her clothing comes from TJmaxx or thrift stores and brags about it

>> No.9532046

jesus cchrist.....
fa never forgets huh?
btw none of those are facts

wtf is wrong with marshalls anyway? esp considering how much fuccbois pay and still look shit

>> No.9532049

Sieg why did you take your trip off?

>> No.9532050

these teens look better in their worst fit than you have ever looked in your best fit which was only half decent because there was v little clothing in it.

marshalls is a store frequented by slav trash and gypsy druggies

....guess you fit right in

>> No.9532056

Sieg youre pissed because they don't have a big and tall section?

>> No.9532057

so she can't filter

just wanted to say me piece and move on

>> No.9532058 [DELETED] 

get a real job you fat idiot!

>> No.9532062

she thinks she's a big shot drug dealer because she sells her adult ADHD meds she gets through medicare to college kids through tinder

>> No.9532070

you have a lot of nerve considering you still live at your moms house

you think id be so stupid to sell drugs and brag about it online?

fkng sheltered idiots. Id love to see you both IRL you probably wouldn't have the nerve to say hello

>> No.9532074

i'd probably step over you, or watch as you try to find a spot to inject while getting aggravated/sick because you couldn't use fast enough

and if you continued to insult me in person, i'd probably hand you some cash so that in a month i could see you laying dead in the street

>> No.9532075 [DELETED] 

i live with aunti and uncle in bel air


>IRL you probably wouldn't have the nerve to say hello
you're several tiers below me in attractiveness, you're also apparently 28(i had no idea who were until this thread) so you're way past your prime, probably had about 10-15 dicks inside you, you're used goods at this point.

finding a beta provider fast, your 6/10 looks are going to continue to decline, last thing you want to be is a 30 something average woman on the market.

>> No.9532077

lol i've seen u in real life before, u look a lot more funnier irl like ur proportions are kinda off and ur face looks funny when u dont get to mess with angles in pictures also ur outfit was embarrassing

and why the fuck would i say hello to a fucking loser?

>> No.9532093
File: 83 KB, 1066x668, 1383023656295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill take your $ and donate to the kids in Africa.
your daily food intake could save numerous lives. y r u sucha greedyfuck?

>> No.9532099

im sure you have

>> No.9532116
File: 988 KB, 500x400, EOBJAyk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tripfags arguing who has the shittiest fit and ugliest face

>> No.9532118

you couldn't name a country in africa or even take your dirty skid row residing finger out of your rotting used up ash tray smelling pussy (you even admitted to it tasting like n ash tray due to your smoking) long enough to point to the content of Africa on a map.

you live an empty fucking life chasing any form of pleasure (drugs, sexual addiction, alcohol addiction) to escape your slavic mid-west nothing existence.....and you call me selfish?

I just told you i would have given you resources to better your life had i met you in person....while you just gave a thinly veiled empty threat.

face it indre, i'm a better person than you will ever be

>> No.9532135

I didn't realize spending countless hours on 4chan equated with quality of life/person.

youre doing great sieg
its been a pleasure as always peace out
and your ARE absolutely right. I am too fkng old for this board. realizing im arguing with teenagers makes me feel damn silly.

I am ashamed.

gbye fa

>> No.9532147

>tfw u realize ur too old for a 18+ website

ur biological clock is ticking
u'll find a man
y-yeah sure
you're not that insufferable are u?
y-yeah ha- i'm not that insufferable :)
it'll be ok

>> No.9532158 [DELETED] 

leave her the fuck alone dude?

>> No.9532160

funny thing is we're the same age and she's being pious about her age.

she is too fucking old and far too unattractive with a flat chest/body to be THAT fucking vain

>> No.9532336

there is literally nothing more humiliating than this pic

>> No.9532515

Pls don't go bb girl. For all it's worth I like you and want you here.

>> No.9532559

i'd love to hear the story behind this one

>> No.9532571

You should really consider getting a life, and probably also leave this board mate.

>> No.9532621

lots of designers are gay so you have chance ;)

>> No.9532880

That pic is Sieg with a past gf. The worst part is SHE dumped him, after he allegedly spent thousands on buying designer dresses.

>> No.9533013

Selective breeding

>> No.9533016

hey ^.^ :

>> No.9533692


>Hurr let's be Taylor Swift

>> No.9533713

looks streched with photoshop. this is just horrifying.

>> No.9533826

they arent? i thought that was the joke

>> No.9533831

I can't believe i actually aspired to look like that, once upon a time. The whole /fit/ movement is the best thing that could have happened to women.

>> No.9534323

If you're average looking with an average body, the genetic mutants you see in magazines and runways is an unobtainable look for you. That's the point being made.