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/fa/ - Fashion

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9529496 No.9529496 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/, I'd really like to get into a lifestyle change of getting more comfortable with my body. One step towards this goal, is putting some braids into my hair, growing out my beard, and becoming more lean and muscular.

As a college student, there's already people running around with odd hairstyles, and there's a lot of people who are doing the same but still complain about their bodies.

I don't want to be one of those people, so that's why I'm trying to do research on this before I go and do it.

I got the idea of doing braids in my hair from the Elder Scrolls, because I really enjoy that series and like the continuity. I have a light copper shade of hair, my hair takes well to mousse (not sure if that is relevant, but it's my product of choice for my hair which I wear down or wear in a ponytail), and its down to about an inch or two below the nape of my neck. It becomes wavy, on the edge of curly when it has no product in it, and I'll probably trim it soon for the sake of tidyness.

My questions to you all are:

> what would be the best clothing choices with the braids I would put in my hair?
> what would be the best beard style to have with them?
>in the process of braiding, what is the best pattern to use? A standard three srand braid? I'm looking for a pretty thick braid set like the picture shown.
> I'm also doing this to get my hair out of my face, but I'd like to keep my long hair, would pulling a set of braids back work better?

I was thinking of having a set of braids along the side of my head, or having them stay where my hair is now, then bring loose hair back behind my ears.

Would plaid flannels be a good style choice? What would you recommend? For my beard, I was thinking for either full, close beard, or shaving the area under my jawline to avoid a neckbeard look.

>> No.9529497

I apologize for any misspellings, I'm typing this on mobile in class.

>> No.9529508

Autism core

>> No.9529533


Not sure if a fedora would go well with it :^)

>> No.9529546
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A noose would go well with it

>> No.9529558


Have to wait for the braids to grow out. Can't make the noose with my length of hair yet

>> No.9529563

how can we tell you what you should do to look more aesthetic if you don't show us what you look like now

>> No.9529588


I was looking for any general tips, but I can take images of my lower hace and hair later on tonight, assuming the thread doesn't 404

>> No.9529596



>> No.9529640

how tall are you?
do you like metal?
if you're 6'4+ and go full metal head this would be cool.

>> No.9529659

Please do. If you are attractive you can pretty much do w/e the fuck you want. If you are ugly (i highly suspect you are, severe autism and ugly go hand in hand), you should just save yourself the trouble and embarrassment and just kill yourself. I'm sure you won't be embarrassed but everyone else will be for you. Save everyone that feeling.

>> No.9529663

if you're short as fuck you need to be twice as wide, and have a large beard as well, otherwise you're gonna look like a braided faggot

>> No.9529667


I'm 6' even and I'm of athletic build, but I've been preoccupied with school so I've gotten fatter. I'm doing more workouts to fix that, and honestly, I don't really know my musical preference, but I can see your point.

my end goal is to have some braids in my hair, a full beard close to my face (well groomed of course), and to really beef myself up to a point where I'm comfortable in my body

>> No.9529678


I'm actually not, as much as my low self-esteem tells me otherwise. After a while of thinking how shitty life would be if you didn't better yourself and live life how you wanted, you start tryig to better yourself

> inb4 bettering yourself doesnt include braids

>> No.9529703

maybe, although you're not short i agree with >>9529663 that you're going to need to be built and have decent beard.

>> No.9529713

You're not short but I'll just repeat what >>9529703 said. Post pics later.

>> No.9531348


I'll start dumping a few images, some are with my hair pulled back and others with my hair down.

Bar that I haven't showered today since I've been up since 8 am here with classes and trying to reteach myself how to use bootstrap and jQuery. It's been a rough day and I look like shit, but I'd rather not have the thread 404 so here we go.

>> No.9531358
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>> No.9531362
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shitty profile, not good at taking pictures with my phone, not as much of an autistic neanderthal as I look in here, I assure you.

>> No.9531367
File: 60 KB, 720x960, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's me with my hair combed down, it's really late and I haven't had the chance to wash the product out of my hair so it looks really fucking grimey.

>> No.9531375
File: 62 KB, 720x960, fuckingfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And bar the really shit care I have for my ends. I have to do some treatments and get a fucking haircut, which I haven't had done in a long time.

ETA Last deep conditioning ~60 days

Last haircut was ~2 years ago

>> No.9531383

DUDE. You cant grow a beard just shave your fucking facial hair it looks awful.

>> No.9531386


Yeah, it's trash. Not sure if it's genetics or what but I'm probs just going to shave it off and try to restart.

>> No.9531406


Also, keep in mind that this is the first time I'm actually growing out my facial hair, so that's also why it's looking like ass.

>> No.9531457

heheh, keep telling yourself that after 1000 shaves and countless attempts. If you're >22 and grow only that, good luck bro.

>> No.9531465


I'm only 19, brosopheles. Only a fledgling as far as facial hair care and encouragement goes

>> No.9531474

Post teeth.

>> No.9531480

Your hairs too thin

>> No.9531483

disregard other anons if you are seriously considering growing that beard out.

keep trimming it so it all grows evenly, and keep trying. it's going to look awful for a while, but if you keep trying with it and keep it neat, it will (hopefully) eventually pay off. won't know til you try.

>> No.9531485

Why do you want to look like a video game character? That's really gay and beta. You probably wear sonic shirts with leather jackets over them.

>> No.9531513

>try try try
damn nigga

>> No.9531516

I did not expect this, but if you got some volume in your hair you probably could pull off viking brains, yeah. You're neander as fuck, broheim.

>> No.9531526


Haven't been wearing retainers, but they're not awful.


Still have mousse in it, trust me, it poofs right up once its out.


I'll probably shave it off once spring break comes up, but shaping it up wont harm anything. :D


Because I want to do something for myself instead of making fun of people online

>> No.9531541


Once I'm done with my 8 AM course I'll wash out the product and post pictures. I honestly have way more hair than these pictures let on lol. Honestly I just look like pure shit since I've been so obsessed with landing internships and kicking my GPA up that I've been neglecting myself and I'm trying to stop that now


Yeah, been watching videos on how to improve hair growth and I'm going to see what I can do
I just want to thank you anons for posting in the thread, I'm glad you're giving me input and I genuinely want to thank you all.

>> No.9531575

>this is the first time I'm actually growing out my facial hair, so that's also why it's looking like ass.
nigger I grew a better beard than that at 15

Hey OP keep doing what you're doing, by looking terrible with long hair you make people like me look way better in comparison. So you've got that going for you.

>> No.9531654
File: 50 KB, 547x471, 1423602988674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Using his age of >22 as a reference to explain it.

Might want to clean the cheeto dust off of your fingers before you tip your trilby, m'lad

>> No.9531669

Either way, I'm going to bed for the night. Once I'm out of class I'll shower and show the difference in my hair once it dries off.

>> No.9531698

Hahahaha literally coming from someone who looks like this
and is "6 foot." Like I said keep doing what you're doing. Based off of the random 22 I'm going to assume English isn't your native tongue. I'll explain it for you the way that a retard would understand.
>Also, keep in mind that this is the first time I'm actually growing out my facial hair, so that's also why it's looking like ass.
This doesn't make any sense. Period. It just doesn't. The way your facial hair grows is based on genetics and your diet. If it looks like ass, it looks like ass. You're obviously butt hurt by this fact but your genes don't allow good facial hair.
Or maybe it's the bone structure shown in
that's fucking up your cognitive ability. The deformity I'm talking about is how your brow bone actually extends past your jaw. That's not a normal thing and it makes your profile look really tragic. Worst part is it's from an angle so we can't even see how bad it really is. I hope you wear your hair in a tail like that on campus because it makes you look even more ugly than you already are.
Stay mad, stay ugly, stay fat, stay short.

>> No.9531740

How old are you op? I had shitty facial hair until 23. And from 23-24 I went from how you look to full on beard. So if you're younger than that don't worry about it. Stay clean shaven in the mean time.

>> No.9532092


I can hear your heavy breathing from over here anon, might want to stop exerting yourself

besides, like I said, trying out a bunch of different things, it's college, so why not. And yes, my first language is english and I was born in the us.

>> No.9532104


Only 19, so yeah I'm not really worried about it. If it plays out well, awesome, if not, I have other things I can rely on.

I have class in about half an hour so once im out I can shower and clean myself up a bit, it'll give better reference.

>> No.9532892
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, 20150306_112005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this is probably the last pic I'll post, but whatevs.

also shaved my beard close, got rid of the hair except for what would constitute a chinstrap style beard, and its pretty much unnoticeable, but I feel good about it so whatever. It'll grow back in once I want it to.

there's no product in my hair currently, and its all over the place, but it's to show the volume of my hair, even if it's frizzy.

Gonna try braiding it tomorrow, and see how it goes.

gg /fa/, any constructive posts are appreciated

> inb4 faggot kill yourself lol

>> No.9533874

Bulk up more and acquire plate or leather armor OP. Grow out and carefully groom beard. Do not braid hair until armor, beard, and muscles have been achieved.