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File: 292 KB, 746x476, http%253A%252F%252F40.media.tumblr.com%252Ftumblr_m7swkprShH1rc5ha8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9523975 No.9523975[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Made a vid response to my dear Sieg and despised pigface

Inb4 ugly etc etc

>> No.9523980


>> No.9524039

Mfw piggy is so unattractive

And so insecure

I look so much better. Am not gonna even lie.

>> No.9524056

wheres the vid you ugly mutt

>> No.9524091

what's in it for me?

what do i get for showing u my kawaii desu face?

>> No.9525317
File: 240 KB, 480x800, 20150304160028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I dug up some dirt on this Neanderthal and boy oh boy is he a hypocrite

I get it now though. He was/is bullied for being the most stereotypical eastern European in existance, did the zyzz thing and went full meat head and is now directing his misguided resentment at those who dare to question his bullshit.

>> No.9525330
File: 164 KB, 480x800, 20150304160421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dellusional is he

This is kinda sad now. I could never sympathize with him, hearing that creepy af voice of his was enough. I don't want to know how deep his shitty complexes go.

>> No.9525354
File: 271 KB, 480x800, 20150304162038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9525361

>is constantly asking fa for validation
>tries to one up 18 year olds
>looks to be about 40
>>>totally insane


>> No.9525412

holy shit, grow the fuck up.

>> No.9525425
File: 212 KB, 480x800, 20150304163547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit son

No wonder pigface feels threatened by women. He has some kid of dysmorphic disorder that he has treated by lying to doctors so he can get growth hormones injected into him in hopes that his scrawny shoulders would expand. His sperm must be of the lowest fucking quality possible. Not that those Neanderthal genes need to be passed on to begin with.

>> No.9525427

He needs to see himself for what he is anon

So do you

>> No.9525429

is this troal post?

>> No.9525436

No that's someone else

>> No.9525463

Remember this, pig face: you and others like you are damaged individuals. Don't take project ur insecurities on scapegoats.

>> No.9525481

>So I dug up some dirt

why are women so stupid

>> No.9525486

Cannot even into syntax anymore. Ugh

My head...

>> No.9525516

when are we making a video together ;)

>> No.9525526

Someone likes to nitpick don't they? Pig face posts hundreds of times a week. Do u think it has ever occurred to him that all of it is public and anyone can get to the juicy, telling bits within minutes like I did? All it takes is careful deliberation and analyzing his speech patterns.

It's funny how someone that pedantic can be so dumb.

>> No.9525533

pigfuck has triggered another tumblr sjw

whats your weight? Bet it begins with a 2

>> No.9525545


I was insulting u in that video bc I am near forget. Also I thought u hated me? Or is that hate conditional? I still find your cluelessness endearing though.

>> No.9525553

Fucking auto correct

*nevar forget

>> No.9525563

Yeah he has

But this sjw has connections and means

>> No.9525574

let's see the vid

> Also I thought u hated me?

nah i got confused when i saw "pigfuck" i thought you were implying you wanted to get laid

>> No.9525609

Nah I looked it over and it felt like an uncomfortably narcissistic thing to do.

Uh. If I wanted some Northern European uggo like pig I could have had one recently when I was in Europe. He wants to appear dominant and confident but if ever got with a eastern European women who are notorious shrews he would rue the day he was born.

>> No.9525622

God what am I thinking....

*eastern European uggo

>> No.9525626

right, so i gave you attention

no more emails right?

>> No.9525712

Sure thing sweetie

Anyway. Is it weird to say provocative stuff to doods online? Irl dudes are hella guarded. Hot guys will fuck u even if u r not a 10/10 no matter what bullshit they try to pull about their supposed standards in my experience. That kind is the worst. I avoid them. Too many guys I spend five mins talking to tries to find out if I would have sex with them. So many have this "another notch on their belt" kind of thinking going on but they play dumb. If ur hot and I am being nice that doesn't mean I want to do anything with you. .....nothing sexual anyway.

God that makes me sound like an awful person. But then again I am not flawless.

/rant over

Its OK Sieg. You're not so bad. Maybe its just me who doesn't deserve to make friends.

>> No.9525727

the way you present yourself in public (ungroomed) makes that little diatribe of yours unbelievable.

you also sound pretty miserable to be around

pigfuck will be your friend...dude is chill

>> No.9525748

i hate piggie too
but you just sound like a moron who just found this website

>dug up some dirt
>sjw with means

or am i gettin rtolled by the pigmaster himself

actually that is very likely

>> No.9525754

Ironically enough I spend far too long primping nowadays because its a mood booster.

I seem miserable to be around eh. Perhaps so. I would say exasperating because I talk nonstop and disregard social cues when it suits me but. Yeah.

I am a very bubbly person I've been told. Soft spoken too. I don't know if all the people likening me to some docile yet exuberant puppy are projecting or being nice or what. I can see why they say that when I watch my cringe ass on video though. It makes so much sense that ppl target me even when I have not said a word to them . I look vulnerable af.

No way. Pig would fucking wear me down.

You on the other hand are bearable.

>> No.9525764

Cringe queen of projection bias here

Pls love me and ty

>> No.9525769

why do you keep complimenting me?

i find it really hard to believe that you're a cheerful person....in person....you always seem like you're depressed on here. maybe it's an act though.

you keep trying to discuss he video with me but refuse to show it..

>> No.9525770

>If you are not colored
Still waiting 4 my bb pigfuck 2 love me.

>> No.9525796

why? Because I want to and I find it funny that u only respond to girls. I think you are quite contradictory yourself.

I am depressed. It isn't an act. But no matter how misanthropic I feel I tend to want to please and lift up my spirits by whatever means available. I have always been this way. I am very affectionate and carefree usually.

I can't upload it because of how narcissistic it felt to make it. If u want to see me irl go to one of the east coast meet ups.

>> No.9525800


>> No.9525808

pigfuck is just a sociopath, he is not chill at all
he sometimes allows himself to get in these huge flame wars with anons where he sits there for literally hours upon hours hurling aggressive, juvenile insults

pretty sad for a 24 year old who lives with his parents, or however old that man is

>> No.9525816

>pretty sad for a 24 year old who lives with his parents, or however old that man is

Oh god really

>> No.9525818
File: 174 KB, 500x344, pigeek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what he really looks like when not posing for the webcam in flattering angles. Straight up nerd.

>> No.9525825

sounds like it doesn't exist, cry for attention.

and i doubt you go to meetups. you sound a lot like i do, and i def would not be caught dead at an internet culture hangout

>> No.9525826


Figured that much. He talks like a college professor. All the more reason for me to believe that he has been bullied by girls thus the misogynist tendencies.

>> No.9525828

this dude greek or what? he isn't white that's for sure

>> No.9525837
File: 139 KB, 457x465, Screenshot_2015-03-04-08-35-53-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does unfortunately

I sound like you...?hmmm. Guess I do.

>> No.9525845

u sure do love to embarrass yourself
ur a crazy woman
crazy lady

>> No.9525846
File: 264 KB, 480x800, 20150207171847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same neck of the woods as i

>> No.9525851

He looks white in his other pictures, that's just bad lighting

>> No.9525854

Nice one piggy

>> No.9525855

Greeks are white though
Unless you only count blonde blue eyed Nordics as white

>> No.9525874

Greeks are not central Europeans who are largely regarded as white. Haplotypes common in Greece are of middle eastern origin. Belong blue eyed Greeks are depigmented not Norics and definitely not Nordids who are clustered up North. My family has a lot of Norics who are phenotypically Dinaric. I have family members who had white hair as teenagers. They are just depigmented Mediterraneans.

>> No.9525879

nah not piggy
u honestly sound schizophrenic at this point, u really got completely pushed to ur limits last night

goodbye, thanks for fucking nothing

>> No.9525881

Omg u are parroting me how cute

Siege Siege Siege hey siege

Where did u gooo

>> No.9525886

you insult me in a video, then refuse to go through with posting it once you see i'm here to defend myself?

yup, sounds like a typical young woman who others despise.
quick to talk in your absence

>> No.9525889

Autism alert
Now excuse me while I go fap to pictures of Sakis Rouvas

>> No.9525910


Greek men are gorgeous for sure though. However...They're not white.

You need to respect my decision. Maybe if I ever go to Cali (unlikely since I despise heat) I'll drop by to laugh at ur fit sometime.

>> No.9525926

that's too bad. wanted to see pigfuck tear you apart.

your facade probably won't hold up on camera which would have been interesting.

no intention on ever meeting you.
we're not friends....like i said in the emails...

>> No.9525931

Also all I rely say in the vid is for u to reevaluate ur decisions and to stop ruminating over the past, no need to be defensive baby.

I'll see u later then.