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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 57 KB, 548x144, tumblr_nkd7nzHQbh1u9f28to1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9506780 No.9506780 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9506876


when will fatties learn. whatever they wear would look ten times better on a normal person
fashion isn't made to look good on whales

>> No.9506893

>yes, it's possible to look cute

lmao not with that body

also how come she's still alive

>> No.9506922


the texture of her thighs is literally making me sick. i am not eating anymore srsly.

>> No.9506933
File: 690 KB, 1008x1008, tumblr_nkd7nzHQbh1u9f28to6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way this is real

Her legs...

>> No.9506937

oh god
the way the fat of her thighs droops over her knee oh god

>> No.9506959
File: 33 KB, 308x313, datass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw dat smell tho

>> No.9506978

Jesus Christ.
Not only her body but her clothes, too, are hideous.
Literally the opposite of fashionable.

>> No.9506980
File: 41 KB, 533x477, 1425052968029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always covers her gross belly

definitely not insecure about her gelatinous body

>> No.9506982

because it's societies fault you can't stop eating THEY need to JUST DEAL WITH IT duh

>> No.9506988
File: 868 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_nkd7nzHQbh1u9f28to8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I've ever been this repulsed in my life

>> No.9507032

And to be honest, with most of these women, I could overlook her face and upper body, but it's the legs. Always the legs that gross me out.

>> No.9507034

kill it

>> No.9507041

really reminds me heavily of


>> No.9507047



>> No.9507063

you know laughter aside I mean she's a walking tumblr in human form

The real issue is she is unhealthy, promoting self love is fine to an extent until it crosses over to morbid obesity. You're not fine, you do not look okay, you're eating yourself to death. Get therapy and find out what emotional issues are really behind this, rather than self justification.

>> No.9507076

thank you anon I tried

>> No.9507302

Why? Is she too much women for you?

>> No.9507314

This is why we need Hedi

>> No.9507322

I'm a girl actually, but quite literally yes.

it's a super unsettling fact that I would fit inside her. or that she probably consumes my body weight in food every few days.

>> No.9507338
File: 30 KB, 400x400, secretive smile wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're so thin you make the average woman visibly jealous
>they make passive aggressive remarks trying to put you down while also figure out your "secret"
>get upset when they discover the "secret" is not being a disgusting pig

>> No.9507339

Youre just jelly that men like girls with more cushion for the pushin instead of an anorexic stick like you

>> No.9507344

kek oh bb

too low quality bait m8

>> No.9507346

The worst part is that she doesnt even have tits. Thats basically the only selling point fat chicks have. Gigantic tits.

>> No.9508046

Go back to tumblr

>> No.9508338

You just fucking know she's the kind of bitch to yell at a guy for not wanting to hook up with her

>> No.9508386

Sticks over tubs of lard any day.

>> No.9508425

It is not that landwhale I'm sad about it. Every society has its delusional outcasts.

The real worry are those 14000 notes, most of them probably from insecure pubescent females, who grow up believing that this 'acceptance' shit is normal.

>> No.9508452

this is interesting and all but it belongs on another board, hardly has anything to do with actual fashion. k?

>> No.9508472

it has everything to do with fashion though

>> No.9508648
File: 20 KB, 533x477, 1411668673037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this girl would NEVER EVER date a fat guy

>> No.9508670

>tfw I know this feeling
>tfw don't dress basic bitch and get jealous glares
>tfw not dressing basic automatically makes you the top 1%

>> No.9508673
File: 505 KB, 1720x1176, 1424905552583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Having a tumblr invalidates all opinions.

>> No.9508692

To be honest I think she is pretty good looking compared to most land whales. Just her darn cellulite.
He looks like a beached whale flopping around.

>> No.9508715

>claims to be girl
>is repulsed by girls, which sounds like something on of u oversexed mestheads would say

Nice Try Satan.

Its a damn shame that u don't want to stick ur grose peen in that but I don't think she would mind tbh

>> No.9508726

>tfw not dressing basic automatically makes you the top 1%

this is so true and so sad.

>> No.9508731

I do not fucking condone that

But u guys pulling this emotionally abusive shit in order to cover up ur own insecurity is misguided and reprehensible. You're no more responsible for her body than she is for yours.

>> No.9508762


Nvr said I was repulse by girls, but that a walking shitheap of mcdonalds.

holy kek it's great that you've come to a point in your life where you don't think girls exist. I bet I'd get a good laugh at your dick too.

>> No.9508783


fat fetish, micro penis, who are either overweight or severely underweight.

Did I hit oil?

>> No.9508996
File: 92 KB, 400x300, 15232_franchise_icon0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9509172


>> No.9509281

i dont see any four figure black designers

so no this has nothing to w fashion

mods ban these fat apologists

>> No.9509403

> Be me
> Spend all of saved money on clothes and a car for senior year as I was moving to new school
> life was significantly better just because I didn't dress horribly
It's true
Just present yourself better, stay in shape. Life becomes good.

>> No.9509420

To be fair, the same could be said of a lot off the pro ana whispy skellybois and girls who browse /fa/.

>> No.9509456

ayyyy underrated post

>> No.9509484


yea i wont be clicking that haha

>> No.9509574

I love how she says she loves her body but still reblogs pics of skinny models.

>> No.9509602

This is retarded logic
>just because I like one thing doesnt mean I cant like other things

>> No.9509733 [DELETED] 


>> No.9509738


>> No.9509829

Eh, I'd fuck her.

>> No.9510990

Tired of this "love my body" bs. I mean, a ripped guy or girl gets hate all the time but it doesn't bring them down because they truly love their bodies, but these fucking fatties can't take any hate at all. She even disabled questions from anons.