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/fa/ - Fashion

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9506718 No.9506718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>injected heroin for the first time 3 days ago
>did a bag a day
>none today
>can't stop thinking about doing it and will know I'll buy more heroin when I get paid

why did you faggots tell me to do this ;_;

>> No.9506723


>don't have anything worthwhile to do
>become drug addict

you can see how your lifestyle allows you to do this?

>> No.9506724

>injecting heroin like pleb junkie,
>not snorting it like a patrician

>> No.9506727

I think the question you have to ask yourself is do you value your health more or how /fa/ you are?

You really have to prioritise what you do and it can have really detrimental effects brought upon yourself. I mean it really is all up to your but IMO being heroin chic is like top tier /fa/.

>> No.9506730

sorry but the only /fa/ way to do is it inject

>not injecting it into your vein, knowing that feeling of pure bliss will happen at any moment, feeling the rush surge through out your entire body

enjoy your basically oxycodone high lol

>> No.9506731

lmao... only 14 year olds take drugs to impress others.

>> No.9506732
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>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.9506737

I just told you to get a haircut but now I hope this thread gets deleted and that you lose everything that you love you fucking piece of trash

>> No.9506744

lmao ur a fucking nerd

>> No.9506747

Don't buy more heroin.

I'm assuming this will work since you sound like a pushover who would do whatever a Melanesian Playdough Stop-Motion board tells them to do.

>> No.9506759

kill yourself

do it because we told you to
and do it on cam if possible

>> No.9506763
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what makes you think this is a fucking joke?

first needle given to me by my friend who shot me up the first time i used it 3 times i know i need a new one. seriously just in bed thinking about shooting up i can't sleep

>> No.9506772

You're clearly going to eventually off yourself over this so you should get it over with

>> No.9506777
File: 14 KB, 500x375, 1384523103550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO you fucked up bad OP.

Ruined your life because you believed someone on the internet.

Made my day, seriously. Thanks for that hahaha.


>> No.9506789

>heroin-chic is /fa/

no, being healthy and fit is /fa/ ,you bunch of fagets.

>> No.9506793

Seriously this.

>> No.9506801

get some fucking self-control now while you still can, I've known too many people who have succumbed under the needle, they will sell everything they have to get more, then when they've hit rock-bottom they'll show up at your family's doorstep begging for money.

I'm not fucking joking man, this is serious shit.

>> No.9506803

heroin chic is top tier /fa/

some people just don't have what it takes

>> No.9506805

healthy yes, fit no

>> No.9506808

Stop now or it will ruin your pathetic life

>> No.9506813

Think how good a hit would feel right now
It's still not too late to go out and find something

>> No.9506856
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>this whole fucking thread
>doing heroin to be heroin chic
I don't even have a reaction face for this

>> No.9506857


>> No.9506860

nope, heroin chic is disgusting. you'll look bad, your clothes will fit disgustingly, and you will send an extremely unnatractive aura. ottermode is true elder god-tier. go fit or go home.

>> No.9506866

no matter your body you're still some autistic fuck who spouts shit like 'elder god-tier'

>> No.9506872

funny maymay bruh. now fuck off this board and go lift.

>> No.9506882

you know, now that I'm thinking about it, don't go lift. I like feeling superior to others (even when I'm not).

stay skinnyfat plebs.

>> No.9506889

that only applies for /b/, newfriend

>> No.9506895

but injecting heroin is cooler than lifting things...

>> No.9506910

you did it like 5 time how the fuck are you already that helplessly addicted you faggot? my uncle did this shit 6 years and managed to quit

>> No.9506990

Watch this:

And now hear me out. I lost my brother to heroin and you better not make me write all of this for nothing.

You have received a death sentence, OP.
You have received a death sentence, because you have found something that you will come to prioritize higher than all other things in your life.

You will not need to spend time doing the things you love. You will not need to spend time with friends. You will not need to hang out with your family. You will not need to take care of yourself, wash yourself, or even eat for a couple of days.

Instead, you will ruin absolutely everything in your life. You will scare off the people you used to love because you cannot love them as much as heroin. You will become infected with diseases, as well as lonely, unloved, desperate for human connection - and suicidal.

Why? Because heroin will make you destroy your life. Heroin will make you take away all the things in your life that makes your life worth living. Heroin will make you slowly kill yourself.

You will become an addicted wreck, a completely hollow shell of the person you once were - and you will want to kill yourself. You will find that the only time when you do not want to kill yourself is when you're on heroin. Heroin will establish itself as the only single meaning of your life.

That is, until you accidentally overdose due to the shifting purity of the heroin - or when you actually do it on purpose. Heroin will make you destroy your life, until you allow it to kill you.

That's what happened to my brother.

The above path is the path you're currently on. Heroin. will. kill. you.


>> No.9506996

You can choose to stray from this path, though.

To do this, you must seek all the possible help you can. Tell a trusted (and drug-free) friend or acquaintance. Inform your family. Break contact will all people you know who use drugs (or at least heroin/opiates). Don't hang on 4chan - especially not /fa/. This community is toxic.

Contact local support groups/your authorities. Get help as soon as possible, as early as possible, because you currently still have time to beat the addiction. It will only get harder to do this as time goes by.

I know that you're probably terrified of this, but all of the temporary suffering that you will endure during this process is temporary. The social embarrassment will pass, and people will actually not be as judging as you think. They will, once they've calmed themselves down, generally be incredibly supportive and thankful because you took the step to take care of yourself and those around you.

You will have chosen to live your life, fall in love, make new friends, take care of your family, pursue hobbies, make a great career, be an artist, listen to awesome music, eat your favorite meals, and being truly happy.

Every single day of the rest of your life will be spent thinking about heroin, until you die, if you don't stop the addiction as soon as possible. If you're unable to do it for yourself, then do it for everyone around you.

Because people around you will miss you when you're gone, even if you're not dead quite yet.

Please save your life, and please don't end up as my brother.

It really hurts to see people you love die from heroin addiction.

>> No.9507019

Do it once a week on Saturdays as a treat, don't be a pleb who can't discipline himself.

>> No.9507025

fuck op i know this isn't the place to say it, but my brother died of heroin (mixed with fentanoyl) september 2014. the shit still hits me, i think about him every day.

stop doing it, man.

>> No.9507026

fucking hell

I am now bawling my eyes out


>> No.9507029

cringed hard tbh

>> No.9507040

>did coke here and there rarely, never bought it
>plan vegas trip with gf, decide to bring a gram
>we do half of it there
>bring it home and used the other half tonight
>thought about doing it all day today and considered buying more


>> No.9507049

>nerds on a chinese cartoon imageboard are seriously taking heroin to be more fashionable
this is fucked up

>> No.9507050

Fuck. And here's me thinking I'm an addict for smoking twice a day.

>> No.9507059
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>> No.9507066

when you do a drug alone by yourself you know it has you

>> No.9507070

Damn, bruh... Listen to this fellow, OP. Also, watch Requiem for a Dream.

>> No.9507071

well, that's only the start friendo
you'll think, well 3 times a day-not too bad

all of a sudden you're on a pack a day like me

also what the fuck is up with you op
get help now wtf
you beleived the heroin shit?

>> No.9507072

how was it?

>genuinely interested

i've always wanted to try it but afraid of addiction

>> No.9507093

nah I didn't do it alone, I did it with my gf and my other friend at a kick back. still feels bad man.

>> No.9507113

I don't think you know what heroin-chic is

>> No.9507119

Don't do that, friend. Try acid instead.

>> No.9507124
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God damn it Anon.
Reading about drugs or anything makes me feel weak and squeamish but I really hope OP listens to you and stops fucking about.

>> No.9507143

exactly that is described in the video here


>> No.9507167
File: 209 KB, 900x675, cnr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread

>> No.9507227


great support community

see the Top posts of all time for some recovery inspo

>> No.9507235



>> No.9507237


You got trolled hard. I hope you OD'd because of your own stupidity.

>> No.9507510

Stop ruining drugs for the intelligent people, OP.
You've experienced it, embrace that you were lucky and brave enough to go there, so now be smart and don't let it ruin your life. Prove your self-control to yourself.
Try taking LSD now. It'll make you come to your senses and is proven to help with addictions.
lol what, i've always taken drugs by myself

>> No.9507526

drugs and tattoos are lame

>> No.9507532


fit, not /fit/