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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 20 KB, 625x313, google brandless laptop special edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9488660 No.9488660 [Reply] [Original]

Can we all agree that the most un-/fa/ thing 2015 is brands?

You shouldn't want the brand on anything from your clothes to your fucking laptop or coffee maker to show.
Apple-fags are so 2010

>> No.9488700

stop wasting time talking about "un-/fa/" shit and focus more and getting your own shit to be "/fa/"

>> No.9488780

but apple products are effay
android phones are pleb as fuck
pcs are pleb as fuck

>> No.9488785

Macs and iphones are for old people and women

>> No.9488821

ah yes everything i own, beyond clothes, does not show any branding. these fucking plebs just dont understand my minimalist tumblr lifestyle

>> No.9488923


Android and PCs are for redditors and nerds.

>> No.9488929

nerdcore is my goal nihalistic

>> No.9488940

I'd rather associate with nerds than pumpkin spiced basic bitches. iphones may as well come with a pair of PINK sweatpants for free. Unless you are actually using the fact that it's actually Unix you're an idiot who couldn't figure out a real computer.

>> No.9489631

>"ah ill buy this product because Apple
>"ah ill buy this product because no branding

>"x associates with A, im going to buy y instead because it associates with B

you follow the same logic as any other sheep consumer op

>> No.9489661

Apple isn't really /fa/ anymore. It's the the uggs and leggings of tech.

>> No.9489665

I thought excessive and ironic branding was popular now?

>> No.9489691

I do think it's still reasonably fa to use a Mac laptop if you're only using Windows

>> No.9489713

>tfw have to use a mac for work
>tfw get a free macbook air upon being hired

it's a mixed feel. basically all i do is edit text but they insist on me having a mac laptop and my desktop in my office is a mac too

>> No.9489714


I don't know about the MOST un-/fa/, and I don't know about 2015 specifically, but prominent branding is cringe-worthy as fuck. Think about what conspicuous branding associates with its owner:

LV / Gucci / Chanel-covered: ghetto queen, Asian beta, etc.
Phone case with hole cut out to show Apple logo: teenage girl
Giant pony logo on polo chest: inner-city high school

/fa/ brands are identified by their style and subtle details, not by a big fucking crest.

>> No.9489719

>nihilism + realistic??

>> No.9489726

>le generic minimalism hipster face

>> No.9489752

HBA comes to mind

do you seem to be confusing omission of branding with minimalism?
logos aren't the only kind of visual detail you kno

>> No.9489772

the point is beyond you m8

>> No.9489871

>le android products are le pleb! i am le superior apple le patrician!
good goy

>> No.9489883

>im buying android even though ill never flash my phone!
>im not supporting any jew company!

oy vey!

>> No.9489965

apple shill go home

>> No.9489974

>amd goy

>> No.9490028
File: 401 KB, 1600x1063, MotoX-0212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How effay is the 1st gen Moto X? I love this phone and honestly have no plans to upgrade, which is weird because I'm usually a huge techtard.

>> No.9490035

Functionality in a sleek design is always effay.

Why not get the 2nd gen though? I'm just curious, it is what I would grab if my Nexus 5 killed over on me. (Nexus 6 is too damn big fuck you Google)

>> No.9490049

The 4.7" screen is the perfect size for my manlet hands honestly. I got the 1st gen in November of 2013 and my only real complaint is the camera when it is not in optimal lighting. Otherwise 10/10 for me. No need to upgrade to the 2014 model. I wish I could have gone to motomaker route with mine but it probably would have ended up all black anways.

>> No.9490055
File: 28 KB, 320x242, valve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valve Eyepatches are so fucking shitting looking now. Try finding something that matches with them, I fucking dare you

>> No.9490056
File: 50 KB, 800x641, 800px-Lenovo_ThinkPad_X1_Ultrabook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a Lenovo Thinkpad /fa/?

also >choosing technology based on how fashionable it is is ridiculous.

>> No.9490059


>> No.9490060
File: 48 KB, 600x400, small_nexus_4_review_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nexus 4 is the most effy phone.

>> No.9490065

Well I think they're pretty solid besides the whole adware scandal
captcha: imung

>> No.9490087


>> No.9490094

n-n-nexus 5 pls

>> No.9490099

>You shouldn't want the brand on anything from your clothes to your fucking laptop or coffee maker to show.
Your mom probably shouldn't want to suck my dick, but she do.

>> No.9490100
File: 2.43 MB, 2500x1667, 20121030-NEXUS-4-PHONE-019edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


show them the back you disgusting fuck

I had one of these, besides being absolute shit the slippery glass back pissed me off to no end. it's entirely dysfunctional.

enjoy your pretty sparkly shit, you bitch

>> No.9490122
File: 78 KB, 918x372, dbrand1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its all about that matte black dbrand skin

>> No.9490258

>they actually think android trash is more effay than the iphone 5 or 6

>> No.9490644

time for another game of

>> No.9492062

>android users are somehow void of being a shill or goy

>> No.9492067

>he thinks one kind of NSA tracking device is more effay than another

>> No.9492073

lenovos and nokia lumia windows phones are /fa/ as fuck

>> No.9492074

I am typing this reply from a Moto X. Such a good fuckin phone. Sleek, well built, fast, and good UI.

>> No.9492089
File: 483 KB, 2500x1875, 131030_macbookpro_15_011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Idiot, Apple has always been extremely minimal in branding, trying to avoid it as much as possible.

Look at the Pro, no brand names anywhere and the Apple logo on the back is actually a piece of translucent plastic that doubles as the wifi/bluetooth antenna since aluminium doesn't allow for transmission of radio signals.

>> No.9492092

Windows phones and linux on computer is the true masterrace.

>> No.9492094


>> No.9492108

Apple products are no longer /fa/; give it up. They were a frontrunner for minimal branding and aesthetics for electronics, but they're not original anymore and they cannot come up with anything relatively original except for their own past designs. Probably under the fear that if they changed anything drastically, they would lose their user base, which now ranges from pre-teens to senior citizens.

The most /fa/ laptop on the market right now is the Lenovo X1 Carbon. Last generation did away with the F-keys and replaced them with a multimedia touchscreen (adaptive keyboard), but it was shit for functionality, so they did away with it and newest gen has the physical keys back.

Most /fa/ cell phone on the market right is the OnePlus One. Screen isn't too big, under 9mm thickness, runs completely customizable Android OS. Find me something more simplistic, sleeker and functionality is almost limitless.

Wasn't really an issue on the X1, like the PC you're replying to.

>> No.9492109

yeah, /fa/er than apple products
that business look is nxtlvl

fuckin pleb

>> No.9492171


enjoy your spyware.

>> No.9492260


>> No.9492276

>Apple products are no longer /fa/
They never were. Little kids have iPhones. Soccer moms have them. It's mainstream pleb garbage.

>> No.9492287

preach it brutha

>> No.9492294


> Motorola customers
> using the word "sleek"
Checks out