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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 58 KB, 400x576, plaid-flannel-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9484404 No.9484404 [Reply] [Original]

need some advice/inspo/referral to brands and such.

gonna spend my tax return on clothes. this is the sort of look i'm going for. not exactly the lumbersexual thing, but things that are more classic and well accepted. advice? brands?

i'm 32 years old, so this is probably not the best place to be asking, i notice many of you actually thinking wearing a well tailored suit as some sort of "out and about" outfit is actually a good idea.

protip: if you are wearing a suit (even a really really well tailored and fashionable one) outside of doing some sort of business (office business, creative client business, etc)

you will be seen as a fucking tool. period. this isn't just a personal opinion. trust me.

>> No.9484413

>i notice many of you actually thinking wearing a well tailored suit as some sort of "out and about" outfit is actually a good idea.

are you sure you're in the right place?

>> No.9484430

I think the last time he came here was in 2010.

>> No.9484441


any time i come by this board, there's always some 17-25 yearold talking about what sort of suit items to get

>> No.9484443


i came here day before last night. some kid posting about how he wanted to wear british styled suits or some shit was front and center on first page

>> No.9484446

What website were you on?

>> No.9484455
File: 1.77 MB, 330x251, 1420933526248.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sees 1 thread
>assumes the whole board dresses like this
>wants to dress beardculture
Oh boy

>> No.9484481
File: 75 KB, 435x293, 1412034855068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>is 32

>been on 4chan about 10 years longer than you

>feels good man

any of you shitstains gonna offer some advice? brands? or you just wanna cry for a few hours about my "insult"?

>> No.9484554

My advice is that you fucked your own thread by voicing a ridiculous opinion right after asking a legitimate question. Why'd you do that man

>> No.9484562


because it needed to be said. sorry you guys are so sensitive.

> ridiculous opinion
keep believing that

>> No.9484574

If anything you shouldn't be shitting on the hands that you asked for help.

I'm not even siding with anyone but yeah, >>9484554.

>> No.9484592

Don't wear a suit out and about unless you want to look like a tool. Just go to jcrew, banana republic, and nordstrom if you want good upper mid tier clothes at a good price. Banana republic is the best mall store in terms of price, quality, fit, and style in my opinion. Their heritage line is often times str8 fire for that style and they have the best plain tees at the mall. Jcrew is much more boring and more expensive at the same quality. But the preppy guys like it.

>> No.9484641


thanks for the advice.

trying to avoid straight prep style. apparently more "beardcore" as the butthurt kid put it. i've always liked banana republic, but i feel some of it is sometimes too plain for the price they're asking. my current peacoat is from banana and i love it. any advice on brands for flannel type button downs? need to know what to avoid

>> No.9484705

I could make a thread right now about crossdressing

It doesn't mean the whole board is in some kind of agreement that crossdressing is nxtlevel and effay

>> No.9484736


i've come here off and on for the better part of 10 years. i have a pretty decent understanding of this board. man, you fucking kids are sensitive.

>> No.9484882

That's heritage/workwear. Beardcore is essentially a tumblr faggot thing where pussies who are skinny grow beards and get american classic or geometric tattoos and pretend to be manly while wearing clip on suspenders and clubmasters.

Just buy the new gq with thor if you want some workwear advice. The kids here mostly wear streetwear ot really boring shit like black bombers, white tee, white shoes. Snore.