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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 46 KB, 331x343, shampoo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9479439 No.9479439 [Reply] [Original]

>there are currently people on this board who still smear 'poo in their hair

What's your excuse?


>> No.9479463

I'm a girl

>> No.9479485

I bought shampoo that didn't dry out my hair

>> No.9479646

i haven't used shampoo in a month but im not on a fashion board pushing it on other people

>> No.9479917


also I get the 10/10 super organic expensive designer shampoo... that's my excuse.

Fuck ur pleb tier pharmacy shop chemical poopoo

>> No.9479988

What's so bad about shampoo?

>> No.9479998

It's bleached so I have to put special violet poo in twice a week.

>> No.9480006

this is the equivalent of fashion veganism
enjoy your dirty greasy ass hair hippy /fa/ggot

>> No.9480017

Wouldn't this guy's head smell horribly?

I get it that he's harnessing the power of human grease, but everyone has their own scent, some very mild, some very overpowering and disgusting.

>> No.9480026

my head would stink so bad.
my skalp starts to smell if i skip one day of shampoo

>> No.9480039

>letting a german male put his snout in your locks

>> No.9480041

If I don't use that, my hair gets so fucking greasy that no amount of water would wash that grease away.

scalp gets itchy as well and I get pimples on my forehead. so fuck this guys advice. there is nothing wrong with using shampoo. also, comparing hairgel with grease is a stupid stretch because the gel dries and your shit grease doesn't dry.

>> No.9480043

That's because your scalp is overproducing sebum since the shampoo takes it away, after a week or too it gets a lot better.

>> No.9480046

I only rinse it with water everyday and condition a few times a week. It's never greasy or dry

>> No.9480372

watch the video

>> No.9480380

I prefer to wash with a solid shampoo twice a week.

The thing that fucked my hair was shampoo residue, not sls or anything like that.
Twice a week with a solid shampoo has left it the cleanest it's been in memory, looks great and is growing a lot quicker than using a conventional shampoo.

Do whatever suits your hair. If shampoo gives you great hair then use it. If it fucks you up find an alternative.

>> No.9480391

>muh precious bodily fluids

>> No.9480394
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he looks like Kool AD after a makeover

>> No.9480596

my hair still has great hold even after I shampoo/condition

It's really thick too because I'm a swede/italian hybrid
thick blonde hair master race

>> No.9480922

I am surprised how few on /fa/ know Roosh... Or just 4chan for that matter.

>> No.9480962
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Just ordered this shampoo and plan on using virgin coconut oil as a conditioner about once a week (maybe more). How's this routine sound? Been going no-poo for about 2 weeks now.

>> No.9480964

This no-poo method is not so good if you smoke cigarettes....

>> No.9480974

because it gets flaky and itchy if i dont use it

looks good though without, but not worth it imo

>> No.9480978

why does he assume i wear gel

who wears gel

also no offence but I think I'm gonna listen to the professional i pay to cut my hair over this guy

>> No.9480979

I'm a swimmer and there's no other way to wash away the shit they put in the water... My hair looks a lot better if I skip training for one day or two though

>> No.9480980


also if you have greasy hair and dandruff what the fuck do you do?

>> No.9480985

I use shampoo about once a month. As much as i would love to be totally no poo, it just isn't realistic. After 2 weeks of no poo, my hair starts feeling disgustingly greasy. My scalp itches and i find that my hair actually sheds more than usual and becomes more difficult to comb. By the 4th week i just can't take it, and use the most sulfate-y, silicon-y shampoo i can get my hands on, and wash my hair untill it's squeaky clean. The water usually turns black or grey with what i'm presuming is built up grease or some shit. Feels good man.

>> No.9480986

>still paying the scissor jew

>> No.9481709

Is anyone on this thread employed? Like where you have to work with the same people or maybe clients? Seriously how could this ever work?

>> No.9481714

No one is saying don't shower...

>> No.9481720

>the professional i pay to cut my hair

that person cuts hair for a living and likely has very little knowledge of biology. they are about as credible as this guy

>> No.9481721

Is this any good? I've been looking into it.

>> No.9481728


I use organic shampoo every other day because I have dandruff.

>> No.9481736

I haven't used shampoo in 14 months now. Your body will regulate the oil in your scalp and it cleans really really easily with just cold water.

If you don't use any product I recommend it as your natural hair turns out really well.

>> No.9481753

Shampoo is for the scalp, not the hair.

>> No.9481773

Ugh, please don't do this. It makes you're hair look so greasy, even at endgame. Sure you can see highlighted, sort of contrast and rich colour, but another look and you release it's due to grease. Here's a better tip, don't use welfare shampoo and conditioner, rotate actual brands.

>> No.9481792



>> No.9481809
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stopped watching immediately

>> No.9481812

Hair product industrial complex shill detected

They're among us, I fucking told you /fa/

>> No.9481823

So does that mean that dandruff is effay?

>> No.9481845

I get dandruff if I don't shampoo, what do I do?

>> No.9481870

Fuck you, every hair is different, enjoy your greasy stinky mess.

>> No.9481875

Kool is super effay

>> No.9481915

I posted him on /mu/ the other day and someone called me a tool even though he has infinitely better advice than anyone on this shithole.

>> No.9481922

Are u a grill

>> No.9482124

just ordered it, will report back

>> No.9482239

Scalp psoriasis.

>> No.9482252

I did the no 'poo for awhile. It was great for styling my hair; needed no product, styled fuckin' A double + fab. However, the dandruff ended up doing me in; so much flakes. Could be seen from space I'm sure.

So now I used some dandruff shampoo twice a week and on those days my hair is fuzzy and blegh; elsewise it looks great and has the perfect amount of volume.

No 'poo is not a catch all; everyone is different and must find what works best for them.

>not realizing your best self and finding what works for you

>> No.9482255

that guy is the definition of a fedora

>> No.9482558

answer this shit fa, me too

>> No.9484067
File: 254 KB, 1600x1422, Untitled[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having my hair smooth, healthy and good smelling
i don't see whats so bad about it

>> No.9484105

Who ever does no poo is getting trolled. There is nothing /fa/ about having your hair smell like a garbage pale

>> No.9484202

But I do no poo and my hair doesn't smell like garbage. I'm probably the aryan 1% then.

>> No.9484214

actually the smell is amazing
at least mine was
i don't smell it anymore tho.

coming up on 3 years nopoo in april. hair is fine, if anything less fluxuating than before. no one notices.

>> No.9485663
File: 274 KB, 999x1107, tumblr_nhey2pv7y11qkegsbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what's being contested..

>> No.9485703

Does all that oil ever contribute to developing acne/pimples on your forehead?

>> No.9485707

The longest I went without shampooing was 3 months. I don't remember if I ended up getting dandruff or not but I get it now. I shampoo about twice a week and it does the trick.

Wish I didn't have dandruff or I would never shampoo.

>> No.9485724

i condition only and let almond oil sit overnight during the weekend

i have silky soft, shiny gorgoeous locks

>> No.9485863

what if you work out a lot and get really sweaty hair?

if i don't get that shit out my hair gets fucking bizarre

>> No.9485886

Then use an individualized approach based upon "no-pooing" such as using apple cider vinegar and/or an hydrosol to offset an excess of oil,sweat,dirt.etc.

>> No.9486105

or you just fucking use shampoo and not put actual vinegar in your hair you fucking autist

>> No.9486472

Why is his shirt so fucking crinkly? He speaks in half-truths and bullshit like a cult leader.

>> No.9486478
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>> No.9486484

Kill yourself, I guess. The no-poo cult has never produced an answer.

>> No.9486485


should i use this stuff to moisturize my scalp if i'm doing nopoo?

>> No.9486505

Use something like Nizoral twice a week.

>> No.9487809



>> No.9488034

maybe a little
i keep my hair short and scrub it out w a thick haired brush in the shower, that seems to keep it going

>> No.9488045

Imo, yes
It'll tone down the negatives of no-poo

>> No.9488063
File: 153 KB, 600x450, noPoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been on No-Poo for 2 years.

>> No.9488125

You want to provide any scientific citations for it being unhealthy?

>> No.9488145

I did no poo for about a year, never had any problems with greasy hair or anything like that. I also never had that horrible transition phase where your hair supposedly gets extremely greasy. I only washed my hair with water and then once a week I'd do the baking soda/ Apple cider vinegar wash. Now I just use some expensive shampoo, but I still only use it once a week. In all honesty both results are about the same.

>> No.9488256


>> No.9488269

Now u are

>> No.9488299
File: 42 KB, 576x416, 1407762078240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a bit of an anomally with no-poo. My hair never went through a huge transition phase, it just kinda got better as I used BS + ACV to ease into it. It was soft and healthy feeling.

Unfortunately, I went for a swim and that changed everything. I never got my hair to recover back to that point, no matter what I did. It was just always dry, for a good part of a year I tried and got nowhere. Nobody knew what the fuck was up either. I mean, the benefit is that I forced myself to get a shower filter, so that's good for my skin anyways, but still just a little bit of a bummer in general that I got the complete opposite that everyone else gets.

Now, I use head and shoulders conditioner everytime I wash, and I shampoo my hair maybe every week or two. Hell, I don't even wash my hair everyday anymore, because I really don't have to. I guess I just don't produce that much oil to coat my hair. (I have really thick hair) I only use shampoo on occasion because if I go too long without washing my hair (like 4 days), then it isn't really that great looking by the 4th day. not bad, but not good either.

I use head and shoulders now btw, love this stuff. Fixed up my dandruff pretty well.

>> No.9488313

>taking grooming advice from a guy that looks like that
>implying everyone is the same and what works anecdotally for one person applies to all men

i dont even

>> No.9488321

>has hair

>> No.9488333

I'm fashionably bald and razor it semi-weekly.

I take a scrubber to my head in the shower with my body wash. I'm partial to those axe body scrubbers because the scratch pad on the back is the stiffest and lets me scour the dandruff away.

The whole no-poo movement thingy is disgusting. If you have hair you need to wash it and with a decent soap designed to work with head hair. Stinky dirty hippies.

>> No.9488362

your hair smells like shit l

>> No.9488373
File: 55 KB, 440x626, 10395853_1384013908520602_5149460997505309865_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad has been a barber/hairdresser for 25 years, he tried the whole not shampooing/conditioning thing for like 3-4 months but ended up going back to washing his hair

>> No.9488383
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curlygirl method 4lyf idgaf

>> No.9488390
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I do it once or twice a week, and obviously when I go to the salon.

Anyway this video is a damn mess. Hair is just like skin, there's so many things to consider when recommending treatments and products. To claim all men should stop using shampoo is beyond retarded.

>> No.9488395
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>smoke cigarettes

>> No.9488551

Idk, noo poo is easily the best thing ive ever done to my hair, use a little jojoba hair thrice a week, I get compliments all the time, shit's cool

>> No.9488575

I wear a helmet...
And my long hair is in a knot under it. I actually do this out of lazyness.

>> No.9488728

you would think with all the skincare threads here people would realize this

>> No.9490650

This board is filled with posers, what did you expect?

>> No.9490729

i am a hairdresser and i shampoo everyday and then put conditioner in and style my hair afterwards

you lot are fucking idiots

>> No.9490761

>If I don't use that, my hair gets so fucking greasy that no amount of water would wash that grease away.
Your hair gets so greasy BECAUSE you are overusing shampoo. The grease is supposed to be there (in reasonable amounts) so when you wash out all of it everyday, your grease-secreting facilities go into overdrive to replace all that lost grease.

If you stop using shampoo for more than a few days, everything should normalize and you'll have a normal amount of grease in your hair. You can ease into not using shampoo by shampooing your hair less frequently at first.

>> No.9490785
File: 444 KB, 720x1348, 1424693250832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to this shill, he's lying.

Shampoo is a bacteria stripper. Not a bad bacteria stripper, a fucking amazing one. Why? Because we've perfected the chemical balances to remove almost all negative bacteria using this product, with the least potency to remove good bacteria that promotes healthy hair attributes. Your natural oils are amazing for your hair, however, your natural hair oils can be one of the biggest bacteria hot spots on your body. The point of shampoo is to remove the oils in your hair and strip bacteria that could attract much worse problems. The point of conditioner is to restock your hair with a nice new layer of healthy oils and nutrients. Conditioner paired with shea butter + coconut oil, is amazing, as it not only will provide you with the oils necessary to have magnificent feeling hair, it also is all the product you need to full style and function it.

No poo is good, if you have a great immune system that can fight off dry scalp, irritation of skin, and have no problem sticking to a regimen of keeping healthy skin. But if you can't do those. Don't do no poo. It's not worth it, save yourself the time, and invest in a quality, sulfate free shampoo. My personal preference is Joico, but there are great products everywhere is you give the time and research to look into them.

>> No.9490788

Also, your fucking retarded.

>> No.9490813

dunno man if i dont use shampoo for a week and then use shampoo my hair is so silky smooth
i use shampoo every time i shower because i use american crew pomade and it leaves my hair really hard and harsh

>> No.9490815

I've no pood for 2 years but I've had a buzzcut the whole time so it's probably not as bad

>> No.9490879

it works well if you got really short hair. I tried that for a while in summer and it was fine but now I'm back to shampoo because my hair are a bit longer now and I get dandruff otherwise.

>> No.9490895

your hair looks exactly like mine breh

>> No.9490906

>What's your excuse?

>> No.9490911

this so much

>> No.9490942

I use russian soap for banya, am I declared innocent?

>> No.9490963

I did it for 3 months but then went to salon and hairdresser said my hair is greasy as fuck even though I quite liked it. Use shampoo every day since, at least I stopped getting pimples

>> No.9491421

Telling that this was skipped over. People who fall for this scam are just idiots.

>> No.9492373

I had symptoms of this shit for about 5 years. I decided one day, about a year ago, that I would stop using the topical steroids and fix this shit. I completely cut soy, wheat, dairy, and unnecessary sugars from my diet. A year later, I pretty much have no symptoms of psoriasis. Don't give into that shit that there is no way to fix it without medication. I can help you get rid of that shit, if you want.

>> No.9492447

Because I don't care to put thought into something so meaningless

>> No.9492646
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>I pay for designer chemicals that unnecessarily damage my hair

>> No.9492923

What about curly hair?

>> No.9493736

get a haircut your bangs look like fucking shit

>> No.9494080
File: 47 KB, 500x375, 2124654319_003f18619b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>letting the bottled-commie strip your precious bodily fluids