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File: 90 KB, 640x631, photo-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9475100 No.9475100 [Reply] [Original]

bunch of dudes drive around and cut off mens top knots, thoughts?


>> No.9475134

probably fake but
>judging anyones hairstyle with that mustache

>> No.9475154

>clubmasters, stretchers, ironic mustache, diamond tatt, edgy t-shirt
why am I responding?

>> No.9475193

Hahaha, yes exactly. That guy is more of a hipster fag than all those guys with topknots put together.

>> No.9475267

Justice being served, I wish these gentlemen the best of luck

>> No.9475287

careful not to cut yourself on that edge

>> No.9475310

alright, the people who have knots just because they think it's cool are a problem, but some of us just want to keep the shit out of our faces until it's long enough for a real bun therefore sneaking up behind a person and cutting their faggy topknot off could be incredibly counter intuitive that means it's that much longer that it's going to take for them to successfully achieve a true manbun.

end run-on sentence rant

>> No.9475477

this would be illegal where i live

>> No.9475479

>obnoxious reddit moustaches

these faggots have no right to criticise anyone else for their faggot style choices.

>> No.9475480

Fake as fuck like 98% of other YT "prank" channels.

>> No.9476195

Yeah, honestly, topknots are better than these guys

>> No.9476202

this has to be fake, right? otherwise it's fucking assault with a deadly weapon... (yeah it's just hair but its not your fucking body so you can't just fucking cut someones hair and not get arrested).

>> No.9476227

topcock faggot detected
it's all trash

>> No.9476245

These guys have no right to criticise anybody. They look pretty disgusting themselves. It's probably fake, but if it's real it's pretty fucked up. Just plain wrong. They must actually be bad people.
>ruining somebody's hair just because you don't like it

>> No.9476251

how can they judge somebody when they have a much worse style? i don't like the topknot but these bunch of faggots have no right to criticise with that lame ass ironic mustache and faggy designer shirt

>> No.9476254

the guy with the topknot actually looked like an onion, but these gentlemen are pretty much worse. The video is 70% to be a fake one, but if it isn't I hope someone fucked them up

>> No.9476265

I think many hairstyles look terrible but I wouldn't go and ruin someones hair just because I don't like it. I think the guys mustache looks pretty terrific but I'm not going to go up to him and shave his face. wtf is up with these faggots

>> No.9476279

Man, I really, really hope this is fake. I am the first one to comment on people's ridiculous hairstyles and clothing styles but this is just disgusting. Maybe they should take a look at themselves first?

>> No.9476289

that diamond tattoo is pretty gay. i hope somebody will cut it out.

>> No.9476296

>inb4 you wouldn't fight that guy

Yeah I would for chopping my fucking hair off. I would separate his fucking earlobes.

Might be fake but it still made me made as shit.

>> No.9476299

This. Uploading this to youtube is retarded unless it's staged, just asking to get busted.

>> No.9476314

>violating other people's autonomy

stay pleb

>> No.9476343

I think they're dicks and hipsters and whatever else, but I kekd pretty hard.

>> No.9476372


>> No.9476375


>> No.9476378


>> No.9476385


>> No.9476389


>> No.9476393


Fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.9476421


Fuck off back to tumblr

>> No.9476436

>not being an autistic libertarian

>> No.9476444

Idk what the problem is I find top knots hot

>> No.9476448

Do I seriously fucking see arguments about libertarianism brewing in this thread

What the fuck

>> No.9476450
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>> No.9476454

theres something wrong with doing things because you think its cool?

>> No.9476457

well how do you judge other people? you dont have to be a better person to judge others, the most judgmental people are probably not good people

>> No.9476485

okay, you're right, but I wouldn't judge these guys just by their looks, I mostly judge them because what they have done. I would probably say to myself "what a shitty mustache" but I wouldn't go and shave it because I think everyone has the right to look whatever he/she feels like. I have the right to personally think that mustache looks like shit but I have no right to change it

>> No.9476489

they are actually south african

>> No.9476493

moralfag feminist liberal scum

are your muh feels hurt????

back 2 tumblr

>> No.9476494

what's the difference?

>> No.9476500

this is so fucking retarded holy shit

>> No.9476506


there's a difference between judging people and acting on your judgments

>> No.9476529

making a judgment is already an action, an action to be more concerned with other people than yourself. it communicates theres really nothing going on with your life and you lack a purpose.

>> No.9476536

You know how I know you're American?

>> No.9476538
File: 210 KB, 1200x599, 8_2c71772f2c3a31994d5208d4518632495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me about YOUR purpose

>> No.9476548

The coons in Australia are harmless

>> No.9476550

I think you use fahrenheit, am I right?

>> No.9476703

This. It's annoying when you're trying to grow your hair out and you literally have to tie it up for the simple tasks. I personally don't like the top knot that much but I'll take it over the dreaded awkward phase hair that I'm going through.

>> No.9476930

so tie it behind your head like a fucking normal person.

>> No.9477152

eh, topknots will die like duckfaces, eventually.

>> No.9477172

i hope so.

i want to be able to stealth-cosplay as Sokka without looking like every other hipster on the bus again.

>> No.9477254

"3 faggots assault strangers on the street for wearing a hair style they dont like"

>> No.9477271

sad clickbait bullshit by a bunch of clueless unfunny irrelevant twats

>> No.9477280

"these three guys hate topknots, you won't believe what they do next..."

the only way this video would be funny is if they went to a South African jail

>> No.9477396

>touching other people
>touching other people with sharp objects
if this is real, I hope the fags doing this get beaten or shot

>> No.9477415
File: 14 KB, 212x230, 1420623656790s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>accusing people of shit style
>having that musctache

>> No.9478016


Fucking Kek on all sides of thai story KEK
Those niggers doing the cutting look like they tried to dress like hipsters from 2008 and failed at that
They felt out-hipstered by those horrible topknot fucks and tryed to retaliate
It is like the whole sandnig nog war stripped to the core
>Muh god is way more badass than yours, he also urges you to chop off half your dick off of you are not a god fan like me!, no itz mine, oh fuck you!
>my played out trend is better than your played put trend, fuck you!

Kekin so hard rn

>> No.9478059

>criminal assault charges pending

>> No.9478060

>They felt out-hipstered by those horrible topknot fucks and tryed to retaliate

lol this.

>those glasses
>faggot facial hair

it's probably staged but these guys are fags anyway

>> No.9480304

>this guy knows whats up

>> No.9480368

Imagine his outrage if someone cut off his waxed mustache

>> No.9480379

I want to do a similar video where a guy walks around public places looking for girls wearing tights (leggings). When he finds one, he gets behind her and slaps her ass as hard as he can, and then runs away.

The cameraman, who is behind the attacker, pretends to chase him down after witnessing the incident. In reality they both run to their car or whatever and leave the scene.

Rinse and repeat all over the country for maximum lulz

>> No.9480403


>> No.9480424

this is worse than the idea in the OP. no one is going to believe some guy with a camera filming is chasing the slapper down for justice. its obvious he'd be in on the "prank"

are you a teenager

how is slapping a strangers ass even funny

>> No.9482022
File: 80 KB, 960x639, 1397336822519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it. The Patriarchy wins again!
Is this vid a satire of Chapelle's Blind Racist sketch?

>> No.9483123


>> No.9483125

buns/topknot/long hair on men is PHAGGOT level shit

real men have a decent beard and short hair

>> No.9483129
File: 85 KB, 500x710, 1405391222906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only Hipster dipshits did more policing of themselves!

Baristas vs Mixologists!!!

>> No.9483147

dadcore faggot detected

please stay on /mfa/

>> No.9483150


>> No.9483215

>Is this vid a satire of Chapelle's Blind Racist sketch?
top kek

>> No.9483231

You fucking idiot, then you end up with a top tail. And that's even fucking worse. The point is that in this stage, it's going to be top _____.

>> No.9483240

>real men

>> No.9483450

You're fucking retarded. Any long hair will "fall in your face" which is why people use fucking pomade or wax and hair spray to keep it back. You can also just wear a fuckin hat.

Top knot shit is fucking cancer

>> No.9485326

leave this website

>> No.9485398

>ironically assaulting people
hipsters are the biggest faggots

>> No.9485400

Real men don't need a specific haircut or a beard to be real men. I'm taking a wild guess that you're
a) one of the millions of insecure lumbersexuals
b) good enough at baiting that you got me to bite

>> No.9485434

>You're fucking retarded. Any long hair will "fall in your face"
The point is I'm attempting to get a full bun on the back of my head, no shit long hair falls in your face.

>pomade or wax and hair spray to keep it back
sorry that I don't want put a bunch of shit in my hair.

>You can also just wear a fuckin hat.
I do wear hats sometimes, but I don't think I should always have to just because I'm growing my hair out.

>> No.9486596

why do you give fucks how other people style their hair you fucking faggot?