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File: 357 KB, 1334x709, fd4d51a124e1f31c030e5b2ce8737f7a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9463354 No.9463354[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

not being redpilled on women is not /fa/

>> No.9463356


>> No.9463357


>> No.9463647

Le double negative

>> No.9463654

I seriously pity the dude that drew this
To honestly view women this way, you have to be pretty miserable.

>> No.9463667

>being redpilled on women is /fa/

>> No.9463688

You cant reason with redpillers it's like trying to explain to the westborough baptist church why their shit doesnt make sense, there's a foundation of poor logic and bad mental health. just let them rustle their jimmies in private.

>> No.9463738

what does it even mean to be 'redpilled', I never got the point of it

>> No.9463745

the matrix

>> No.9463759


redpilled = the truth

>> No.9463846

Redpilled means you know the truth. The idiom stems from the movie 'Matrix'. It used to mean you don't believe all the shit the mass media feeds you, try to see what motives are behind political actions and doubt the validity of social constructs and norms.
Today it means you believe the jews did it if used in conext with /pol/ or that women are worthless whores and you should be cheating on them in every way possible if used in conext with reddit.

or see r/theredpill on reddit. Both communities are retarded in their own special way.

>> No.9463915

stay delusional, fuccboi

enjoy getting married at 35 to some 6/10 cumdumpster who has had her fun with Chads and now wants you for you stable STEM degree

>> No.9463923

funny because all I seem to be doing is thinking about jacking off , not nasa, maths, earning $200k/y

>> No.9463926

>and you should be cheating on them in every way possible if used in conext with reddit.
That's not what they believe at all. They think that there's a wide gulf between what women profess to find attractive and what they actually find attractive, and that traditional masculinity is necessary for a healthy heterosexual relationship.They're not about lying to women or beating them, that's just a manifestation of beta insecurity to them.

>> No.9463927
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>he thinks women will be after his STEM degree

>> No.9463929
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True. Putting time and effort into yourself is /fa/ as fck

>> No.9463932

is that you, leebyenhueng?

>> No.9463937

>They're not about lying to women or beating them, that's just a manifestation of beta insecurity to them.
They're more into emotional abuse.

>> No.9463939

somebody sat down and drew this

>> No.9463941

I feel bad for 4chan.

As the sites grown older a section of users have grown distant and delusional. All the nice guys have turned full MRA out of selfish anger.

>> No.9463943

Y'all need Jesus forreal

>> No.9463946

That's debatable. It might be perceived as abusive due to some more recent political and social factors that attempt to victimize all women, but consensual sex isn't abuse.

>> No.9463952

fuck off back to tumblr lmao.

>> No.9463953

It's a reactionary counterpoint to feminism. They see women talk about the various advantages of being male, then notice that none of them actually reap any of those supposed benefits, so they become as anti-feminist as possible.

>> No.9463962

bunch of outliers with a lack of sympathy?
on 4chan!?!?!?
ahaha you must be making the jokes with me friend, only the most well adjusted rational people post on 4chan
ahah well memed

>> No.9463964

No one said it was, do you know what emotional abuse is?

>> No.9463971

/pol/ bugs me because they just project their insecurities on women and then cherry pick anicdotes to justify. Women and men are both imperfect and some do hurtful things to eachother but it is ridiculous to dismiss a gender with some out of context pseudoscience on an infograph and a story about how a guy got fucked in a divorce.

>> No.9463972

You niggers don't see the point, in the dating pool men look for different things in women and vice versa. If I was a loser dude I couldn't just go up to lebron james or bill gates and introduce myself as some guy unless I achieved something great, but hey, if I'm a loser girl with a great set of tits and ass I would considered equal (in terms of value) to be given the time of day. I mean look at the basketball wives, they make bank just because their hot.

Should you get mad at this, no way, its just biology baby. But you know its the truth, so you niggers better get /fit/, /fa/, etc.

>> No.9463973

>No one said it was
Using the term "emotional abuse" implies that it's abuse, doesn't it?

>> No.9463980

thats because youre a whiteknight loser NEET who will never even get a gold digger

youre the lowest tier

>> No.9463983

That's what I was hoping too. I sympathize with the general idea, but reading r/theredpill I felt that it's just what those who oppose it make it out to be: Betas trying to justify their hate in women. I found that most people reading the redpill just turn from cucked betas to angry women hating betas. But that's just like my opinion man.

>> No.9463986

they will be at 35 once their pussy is all used up and they need someone stable

you think im proud of that or something?

>> No.9463987

No one said they were surprised or thought otherwise.

>> No.9463990

I didn't say "sex is emotional abuse" did I?

>> No.9463991

>so you niggers better get /fit/, /fa/, etc.
It doesnt matter

youll always be a third choice, a plan C, unless you have an 8/10 face or youre actually famous

>> No.9463995

Marriages aren't based on banging pussy and spending money. Any relationship youre involved in is going to fail while you nurture that weird, immature point of view.

>> No.9463997
File: 174 KB, 1100x733, 1407199135550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you actually read the theories and concepts commonly talked about in theredpill or do you just look for ways to insult them? If you read some of the books recommended and look at some of the top posts then you might actually learn something.

>> No.9463998
File: 168 KB, 1230x563, 1413049701587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New 4chan is too full of beta cucks, sjws, and white knights who just ad hom you to have a real discussion about women m8

Let them learn from experience

>> No.9463999

nice projections bro

>> No.9464005

>men don't think about women or possessions in the shower
yeah, ok, whatever you say

>> No.9464006
File: 173 KB, 1400x990, nniTyDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

modern women are hypocrites

They werent in the past, but in modern western society men get married to spread their seed, as usual, and women get married to stay financially stable/because theyre not hot or young enough to fuck prime college guys anymore

>> No.9464008

Plan C to what, having sex with a virgin? Yeah maybe so, but I honestly don't think that matters. at a certain level of fitness, fashion, intelligence, money and ultimately confidence, you can have your choice in women. I'd rather fuck 50 really attractive women than be 1 attractive women's "first" choice, saying you'd prefer one girl given the choice of many goes against your own biology.

>> No.9464010
File: 394 KB, 1200x1657, hUGcasP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ik dude, the least I can do is put the information out there for them if theyre wiling to stop being so pussywhipped

>> No.9464011

That picture always gets me because I'm sure it originates from /b/, where most users spent their day looking at pictures of vags and tits.

>> No.9464012

this is the most /r9k/ thread I've ever seen
fucking hell please stop

>> No.9464013

>at a certain level of fitness, fashion, intelligence, money and ultimately confidence, you can have your choice in women
tip top kek

>saying you'd prefer one girl given the choice of many
didnt say that

>> No.9464015


>> No.9464016

So do you just want virgins throwing themselves onto you?

>> No.9464018

You're coming from a pretty warped mind if you think you can generalize an entire gender. If you're emotionally stunted enough to wait around until a Dependant latches on you can be my guest but there's a whole world of choice out there.

>> No.9464019

No, but Id prefer to not live in a society in which every women better than 5/10 gets to bang 9/10 guys on demand, and the leftovers are left to every guy under 8/10 or so

It didnt used to be like this before the fraud of "sexual liberation"

>> No.9464024

That's the natural progression though.

>> No.9464026

Who's fault do you that is nigga? If you were a 9/10 guy don't you think you'd try every scheme in the book to try and fuck any girl over 5/10. The sexual liberation just made it easier for girls to fall into our traps.

>> No.9464028

redpill is sour grapes

it's loser kids sitting at home with no social skills or any reason why anyone would have sex with them

who, rather than improving their social skills, just get angry at the world and decide they're perfect and all the world's women are terrible and they wouldn't want them anyway

>> No.9464030

What a bunch of losers

>> No.9464031
File: 24 KB, 954x539, 1409336399052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are stupid and evil because they won't have sex with me

>I'm have nothing to offer emotional or physically but it's their fault

>> No.9464032

>implying youre getting sex
>implying improving your social skills (provided youre not absolutely autistic) will mean anything

>> No.9464036

Indeed, they act like having sex with attractive women is a damn human right and if women don't choose them they deserve to die, get raped or beat. Maybe their hateful attitude towards women influences women's decision not to have sex with them.

Either way it's just that, a woman's choice. I certainly don't see these guys lowering their standards so why should women?

Plus if all women are hoes why do these niggas have such a hard time having sex?

>> No.9464037
File: 16 KB, 190x190, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. Yall niggas need to use the D.E.N.N.I.S. System

>> No.9464042

I have a girlfriend
sex is on a "whenever I want it" basis

>> No.9464046

True, if you ugly or a lame you belong with ugly and lame females. But men who actually have a choice (athletes, actors, musicians, good looking guys) never go for ugly girls, so I wonder why atheist expect attractive women to go for ugly guys who have nothing to offer them.

>> No.9464050

>Indeed, they act like having sex with attractive women is a damn human right and if women don't choose them they deserve to die, get raped or beat.
Stop projecting ElliotRodger-ism unto everyone who doesnt put up with womens bullshit. Moreover, stop memorizing and spewing out what you read on a buzzfeed article, you memelord.

>> No.9464051

You're making a fool out of yourself here on this board, because most of us aren't leather trenchcoat wearing social rejects.

>> No.9464055

good for you, man

seriously, if you have a girlfriend who isnt a stuck up bitch about having headaches when you want to fuck, etc, then you went right

>> No.9464057

Shut your ugly ass up

>> No.9464061

I am aware of the theories. I have not read any of the books though recommended there. But that's not what I am talking about. I stated that I like the concept behind it all. It's just that I found the redpill to be filled with bitter people who react in a bad manner to events in their past and generalize from these. Do women like dominant and alpha men? Sure thing. Does this mean they should be taken advantage of through deceptions? I doubt that.
And r/theredpill is about nothing else but deceiving women, be it about the status of the man or something else.

tl;dr: I like the idea in the same way a right wing person might like ideas on /pol/. That doesn't change the fact that the place itself is populated by dimwits.

>> No.9464065

>True, if you ugly or a lame you belong with ugly and lame females.
absolutely, but it doesnt work like that

with "sexual liberation" the inherently more sexual nature of men has actually fucked most men

women who are 2-5/10 upgrade to men who are 5-10/10 (at least when it comes to fucking) because men have lower standards and there is no longer a pressure for monogamous relationships as much as their used to be. today having sex with a bunch of chads is totally fine for any girl, marrying a virgin is unheard of

fuck this, I need to go back to the fatherland

Srbja here I come

>> No.9464066

You're going to look back at yourself in a few years and cringe real hard. Lighten up and go live your life.

>> No.9464067

For anyone in this thread, I'd highly recommend checking out patrice o'neal, really changed my mind about women. Check him out!


>> No.9464068

This man bout to shoot up the school

>> No.9464069
File: 427 KB, 925x811, 2c82da3034bff68998bdc3ef31578e80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my dick you fucking nerd beta

talk shit post fit

>> No.9464073

how old are you?

>> No.9464074
File: 294 KB, 900x900, 1420234515441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>money doesn't boost attraction levels

Picking Up Girls In A Lamborghini Without Talking!: http://youtu.be/XbYNAZxcWh4

Yea, but some people would rather see the world for how theyd like it to be, rather than how it is.

Besides, it's in your best interest to keep women unaware of TRP and keep other men as beta as possible.

Pic related, the only buzzwords used to attack TRP.

>> No.9464080

pussy ass nigga stop hating

>> No.9464084

>Picking Up Girls In A Lamborghini Without Talking!: http://youtu.be/XbYNAZxcWh4 [Embed]
that guy is a muscular, tall, blonde, low inhibition alpha

try being a skinny creep and doing that

>> No.9464085


>> No.9464086
File: 472 KB, 1900x1440, 5Uggq3m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knock it off

>> No.9464087

nigger ass nigger

>> No.9464092

Being bitter and hateful is really effy

>> No.9464093

I swear Elliot Rodger had the whip and cash but still couldn't get hoes
Exactly, if you a lame you have no hope regardess.

>> No.9464096

lmao... you know if everyone calls you these words, maybe there is some truhth behind it?

>> No.9464099

well after being called faggot and fuccboi so much, why havent you taken the memo yet and hit up a gaybar?

>> No.9464100

Beta to the max sentence structure

>> No.9464101

>Why won't anyone argue with me?

>> No.9464109


This post could quite possibly the dumbest shit I've read in my entirety of browsing /fa/

>> No.9464112

meant for

>> No.9464116
File: 25 KB, 450x338, hypergamy-in-a-pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of skinny creeps here
Picking Up Girls in a Lamborghini - Pick Up Prank…: http://youtu.be/Hbgsy9ek--A

Or how about trying it with a speech impediment?

Picking up girls with Stutter in Lamborghini Prank: http://youtu.be/H7jNs56O0Tk


>One day you will hate how you think! Stop thinking what I dont think or you will regret it!

Lmao, you people are pathetic. I'm:

Make over 100k yr
Still under 25

And i use trp truths to pump n dump women of every race by the dozens. Stay mad SJWs

>> No.9464120

>Make over 100k yr
come on

>> No.9464123

Elliot roger was legit crazy though.

Also he drove a 3 series BMW.

Thats like a Honda Civic in LA.

>> No.9464131

True but his daddy had bread and he lived bout two hours from LA, shit his daddy made Hunger Games and he still couldn't pull some young hoes? He wasn't even ugly he was just a short lame

>> No.9464132

selling drugs can be very profitable.

>> No.9464134

I guss it just proves women are opportunistic whores

>> No.9464135
File: 309 KB, 540x540, Screenshot_2015-02-17-09-05-32-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9464137

If he sold drugs and was 6'5 he wouldn't be browsing reddit to learn how to talk to girls.

>> No.9464140

He could play in the NBA D-league

>> No.9464142

then u must be new here

>> No.9464144

>shitty graphic made by some outcast
>proves anything

>> No.9464147

Gender warfare is so fucking inane

>> No.9464149
File: 141 KB, 701x799, 1422840104989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddiit redpillers, mras etc are fucking gay, they're doing the jews job for them and widening the divide between genders that third wave feminism and kike courts started.

if you cant tame a good woman its your own fault.

women arent the enemy

kikes, niggers, liberals, shitskins and lgbt are the enemy.

>> No.9464150

>Implying you wouldn't hop in that lambo even if it was a 1/10 old lady driving it.

I'd hop on it, fuck her, then take the lambo for a ride and pick up a 10/10 bitch.

You people are pathetic.

>> No.9464151

odd combo here on /fa/

yall are racists but whiteknights? lmao