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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 267 KB, 1000x1293, fecastleberry20110808_0001a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9458280 No.9458280 [Reply] [Original]

Spring is almost here and I'm just going pure prep.

Nothing special, just some chinos, some OCBDs, a pair or two of boat shoes, I even have the stores to shop at planned out.

One problem, I can't find chinos or twill pants in any colors other than generic khaki or some other shade of it. Is it too early for that stuff to be out or will there really only be normal colored stuff? I wasn't looking for anything outlandish, a pair of yellow, green, blue, just generic colors.

Is it too early to start shopping for spring?

>> No.9458284

>prep cosplay


>> No.9458290

>trying to dress how poor people think rich people dress

>> No.9458292

>Prep when you're not old money
Don't even try

>> No.9458298

Sorry, I'll just buy a pair of high top Vans and joggers

>> No.9458299
File: 72 KB, 485x313, 1423112920189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont listen to them

if you do it right it doesnt matter who you are

>> No.9458309

>doesnt matter who you are
>posts a picture of JFK

just don't bother, OP

>> No.9458315

I'm not trying to crush your dreams here but you will look like a wannabe if you do this and better I tell you this over the internet than someone tell you this IRL

>> No.9458321

JFK was an Irish Catholic

>> No.9458347

That stuff apart from the crazy colored pants is more generic fratboy than it is prep. You won't look that weird in it unless you're really poor. I'd add in some Cole Haan loafers or Weejuns and some Ray-Bans too

>> No.9458482

assuming he wasn't old money based on that? lol

His family has a huge fortune.

>> No.9458580

J.Crew and Gap will have colored chinos. In fact, I remember seeing some on sale on the J.Crew website just last week.

>> No.9458634

so? he still broke the mold in two ways

his family fortune dated back to only his grandfather or great grandfather iirc

lol @ that being old money, I know people whos ancestors had money when they came over from England in the 1600s. Thats old money.

>> No.9458977

I never understood /fa/ and to an extent America/UK obsession with this old/new money dichotomy.

What the fuck does it matter how "old" your money is. Who the fuck are you trying to impress? I can understand that there's inherent value in being rich and it's an "attractive" and admirable trait, but why would it matter how many generations your money extends back?

Seems like the most pathetic kind of ego jerkoff imo.

>> No.9459220

It's a matter of education, mostly. People from old money have a long tradition of exclusive education and good taste, while new money are basically plebs with a lot of money, meaning that they'll spend fortunes on ostentacious ugly shit.

All this "muh prep cosplay" non-sense is fucking stupid. The ivy league style started spreading across america in the 60's. It has stopped being associated only with old money and ivy league a long time ago. Anybody from upper middle class can afford the cloths, sailing in cape cod, etc...

>> No.9459228

Basically, money can't buy class you peasant.

>> No.9459250

yeah but heritage can?
seems like a silly argument. I've only ever met 1 or 2 "old" money kids and they were arrogant little shitters and always considered themselves above everyone. It was annoying as all hell.

>> No.9459515

Prep/ Palewave in my case, dont spend too much on that style except for a good pair of shoes.

>> No.9459941


>> No.9460035

can a bald man look good int this?

>> No.9460052

the old money/new money thing isn't really that important anymore in america, but sometimes you can tell the difference between them by attitudes people have toward their wealth. new money people generally are more likely to brag about their money (wearing brand labels on their shirts etc.).

as far as education goes really anyone can be 'cultured' nowadays via the internet. old money people just have traditions that give that a foundation

>> No.9460082

I dont see why not, its made for middle aged white men, about half of whom are balding

>> No.9460146

>not Scandinavian streetwear with touches of soft-palewave and darkearth influence

>> No.9460154

define 'cultured'

>> No.9460190

having knowledge of art, literature, music etc. and the state of the world

>> No.9460211

>as far as education goes really anyone can be 'cultured' nowadays via the internet. old money people just have traditions that give that a foundation

I feel like this is the thing that most true PLEBIANS don't realize. The thing that keeps them PLEBIANS their entire lives. With no hope of ever ascending in status, station, or financial security. PLEBIAN BORN, PLEBIAN BURIED. The internet now allows anyone who is interested and passionate access to anything they could want to learn. With a combination of places like The Hathi Trust, Archive.org, and online classes presented by prestigious universities. It's easy to get access to a University Library, and even Middle Level University Libraries have access to electronic versions of most Academic Journals from off campus.

I'll be upfront. I was born in a rural town of 5000 to a lower middle class family to parents who watched PBS and read. They were nice enough to adopt the internet and computers in the early 90's. But we were poor as shit and I still dropped out of school at Grade 9. Because of them I was able spend most of my life using the internet and other resources to teach myself everything I could want despite my situatin. My adult life was smooth sailing into the upper class because I had the same knowledge as them. Nothing stopped be from reading the same books, listening to the same music, or gaining the same understanding of ettiquitte and aesthetics.
I literally had money, opportunities, and prestige thrown at me by those who already had it because [SPOILER]Money surrounds itself with talent to prove it's not just money[/SPOILER]. If you have the kind of legitimate talent they value (Education) in excess of them, they don't care where you got it, just that you have it and they want it.

The greatest trick of Upper Class is convincing the Lower Class they need money instead of talent, when talent is the only way they'll ever get money.

>> No.9460224

That's great anon. Mind if I ask what you do?

>> No.9460232

Do you think anyone cares enough to read all that shit by you?

>> No.9460248

That and you need connections. Seriously, some people have no talent what-so-ever but they always seem fail but to land on their feet and pushed to a higher level.

>> No.9460485

Seems like now its most popular among 19-25yo

>> No.9460504

and what makes you think he dosen't meet the qualifications?

>> No.9460517

w2c a good pair of penny loafers like in >>9458280
except in black?

>> No.9460560
File: 199 KB, 610x310, Blog-image_Take-Ivy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out the book "Take Ivy" to do it right

>> No.9460614

can you please elaborate? this is extremely relevant to my interests.

>> No.9460642


>> No.9460643

>Not going full wealthcore

Alright grandpa

>> No.9460649

I'm not trying to spend over $200

>> No.9460652

family man
family man
with your glances my way
taking no chances on the new day
family man

>> No.9460669

Yeah Black Flag sucks cock

>> No.9460791
File: 46 KB, 599x251, ngbbs4de912b5bf2b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't think of any other way to put it. If you want Prestige, choose something relevant to others (Law, Justice, Medicine, Science). If you want money, relevant to the wallets of others (Business, Investing, Accounting). Then spend all your time and energy studying and working at your chosen subject until you're the best you can possibly be at it.

>> No.9460800

Oh. And most important. You have to naturally love the subject and not actually be interested in prestige/money as anything more of a side effect of your being able to engage your true passion. If you're just doing it for the sake of furthering a career, you'll never get anywhere because you'll be seen as a poser. But if you're honestly just interested in being the best in your field, and put the effort into doing so, you'll get the respect someone of that ability deserves as long as you aren't completely lacking in social skills, manners, and common sense..

>> No.9460840

sounds good. does that only hold true with the subjects you listed? or is it just another circle you get in based on the subject you succeed in? for example something that isn't a STEM major?

>> No.9461067

Are you genuinely fucking retarded?

>> No.9461084

nah, i'm just not that good with english since it isn't my first language.

>> No.9461101

Were you raised in a Chinese orphanage where no one gave you basic life advice?
Do you really have to ask something as basic as "how to succeed in life" to anonymous posters in a fucking imageboard?
Do you really think success in life is limited to those who pursue the handful of subjects that some guy used as an example you fucking mong?