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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 54 KB, 368x504, Plus-Size-Men-Fashion-Tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9454831 No.9454831 [Reply] [Original]

I've been tasked with going shopping with a plus sized friend. He is pretty clueless fashion-wise. He regularly shows his butt-crack off to the world.

Any suggestions for fat person wardrobe?

>> No.9454834

make him lose weight

>> No.9454840

Starting Strength and calorie restriction

>> No.9454843

Working on that. In the meantime?

>> No.9454881

Tell him to hide. Hide until he loses weight.

>> No.9454882

a good pair of dark jeans can go a long way, tapered like the pants in your pic

>> No.9454885

clothing that fits. go for traditional colors and textures. don't experiment too much.

the thing I always say is this: fat guys can't look beautiful, but they can look hygienic and self-aware. which is a big step above looking like a greasy geek. so don't listen to what other people here say. no matter how fat you are, you can still gain a lot from a working knowledge of fashion.

also, get some good shoes. they make a big difference.

>> No.9454901

pick one

>> No.9455198

Some basic clothes that fit. Preferably cheap/sale. If he's really working on himself and is going to shed weight in the forseeable future no point splurging on stuff thats gonna fit 2-3 sizes too big when he gets fit

Slim/straight jeans, basic tees and shirts

>> No.9455252

be honest now babe are you a fatty

>> No.9455336
File: 392 KB, 460x422, 1417831693431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno about fashion (just came here to see if there's love or hate for kanye's new line) but I love fatties and when a fat guy dresses well I get horny af

especially tight stuff about the gut.

So fatties please dress ok, you impress literally nobody when you dress like shit but you might have a 0.05% chance of impressing someone if you dress nice.

>> No.9455341

oh and baggy stuff doesn't work we can still tell you're fat

>> No.9455696

Agreed, anything that resembles a starting wardrobe is unrelated to fashion, perhaps style is a more fitting term.

In response to op, sweaters and plain dark jeans/chinos are probably the best. Perhaps a few shirts.

>> No.9455727

nobody cares

>> No.9455772


you're actually just a fat guy aren't you?

stop lying on the internet and lose some weight

>> No.9455881


the truth is that fat guys can wear most things that skinny guys can, but it just wont look as good. However, it will still be an improvement over whatever he looks like now. Just get him some basic button ups and jeans and a pair of clean looking sneakers or boots and he'll be alright.

>> No.9455895

Hawaiian shirts
any good will or salvation army will stock a thousand in 2-3xl sizes

>> No.9455898

a noose around his neck would look parfait

>> No.9455914

>I'm going shopping, however I'm a plus sized guy. I'm pretty clueless fashion-wise. I regularly show my butt-crack off to the world.

>Any suggestions for fat person wardrobe?

be honest op

>> No.9457841

Dude on the left look alright

>> No.9457972


>> No.9458538


>> No.9458643

Chunky boots would probably look good.

>> No.9458675
File: 416 KB, 1280x1920, 12ws34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy on the left is hot af.

>> No.9459138

Brah, thats what I did. Ive never been that white before.

>> No.9461001
File: 43 KB, 400x533, 26734_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slim jeans on a fat guy y/n?

I'm a skinny person trapped inside the body of a fat one and I'm SO. FUCKING. DONE. with baggy jeans, they look and feel like shit, I just want to wear tight ones.

>> No.9461010



come back in 6 months

>> No.9461020


they look fine, not even super slim. but if you're going to say shit like that, do the world a favor and lose some weight.

>> No.9461028

I already browse /fit/ and am in the process of losing weight. pic related is not even me btw.

>> No.9461033

Have you ever seen a fresh faced hygienic fatty? It looks weird as fuck, better off losing weight / dying.