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File: 537 KB, 1112x998, w2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9450325 No.9450325[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where do i cop the vintage shoes that whitey is wearing?

>> No.9450332

I love this picture

>> No.9450351

>straight off reddit
confirmed as faggot

>> No.9450353

>dat dropcrotch

>> No.9450377

>knowing it's from reddit
confirmed as faggot

>> No.9450379

Muh rivalry >>>/b/

>> No.9450392

Will whites ever be able to culturally enrich other races again?

>> No.9450425

how do all those kids afford rick owens

>> No.9450435

>implying colonialism actually enriched native cultures in the first place

>> No.9450452
File: 317 KB, 1024x715, africa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying it didn't

meanwhile cultural diffusion has destroyed the western world

>> No.9450470
File: 789 KB, 803x697, skeptical cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger pls

>> No.9450531

>posts white slums as evidence of foreign degeneracy
>posts giraffe as symbol of african posperity

if anything, your pictures actually show that white people are shit and africa doesnt suck. you had so much to work with on this one.

>> No.9450536

>neo-colonialism in the form of israel fundamentally drove a stake through the middle east
>triangular trade displaced an entire continent
>the destruction of africa's resources
>the destruction of the native americans through the trail of tears and alcohol
>opium wars waged against da aizuns so the west can import opium into china.
>degeneration of native mexicans due to rape conducted by spaniards, causing a race and social system imbalance that rivaled the caste system of the indians.

check ur privilege 💅

>> No.9450557
File: 124 KB, 720x960, 1410971554615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello, historian and bachelor graduate here, AMA anything about colonialism.

did it harm african nations? no, all african nations under colonial rule enjoyed a much higher standard living, lower crime and higher GDP than they do now.

>b-b-b-but its wh-whiteys fault they're shit now dey dun stole all dem resAWWCESS

no, they didnt, any resources that were extracted did not belong to the native people in the first place, what use did africans have for diamond, oil or gold? none. oh and btw, they're still being exploited by corporations, to a much greater extent now than under colonial rule(hint, this is why the powers that me ended colonial rule and rhodesia and SA, its a lot easier to exploit dumb niggers than white men in government)

if you think colonialism or imperialism is an excuse for the aids infested shithole that africa is today, explain ireland, explain russia, explain moldova or the balkan states, all experienced much harsher rule of government. ireland suffered for 800 years at the hands of the british and is now a wealthier nation than britain.

if anyone believes for a second niggers are humans, i suggest you watch this documentary.


>> No.9450662

>resources extracted didnt belong to them in the first place
>implying that resources found within a certain providence does not belong to the inhabitants of that providence during the time period.
>implying that 400 years of physical and psychological slavery creates less of an impact than whatever ireland had to go through.

explain to me why, anon, explain to me why if someone comes into my backyard and finds an oil reservoir under my household, that the oil does not belong to me. this is also giving you the benefit that rules and structures regarding the jurisdiction of "property" have already been established, and you dont have to muddle through acclimating white concepts of bought property to african concepts that dont revolve around the accumulation of wealth.

biochemistry majored undergrad 20 year old anon, ask me why i fucked your mother.

>> No.9450678
File: 114 KB, 800x507, 800px-Trashgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no interest in engaging in a prolonged history lesson with a clinical simpleton who would unabashedly write:

>implying that 400 years of physical and psychological slavery creates less of an impact than whatever ireland had to go through.

i will only put forward this question.

aside from the infrastructure, farms, wildlife reserves(that were all abolished and their inhabitants slaughtered by 'natives' at the end of colonialism) cities, plumbing, electricity and modernizations that the colonialists invested in the host nations, what else would you have had them do with the resources?

oh right, you'd have had them 'give it all back' which is the case now, hows that working out for your autonomous african brothers?

you're also 20 years old and study at university(read marxist indoctrination center) you probably think you're rebelling against the dominant structure of a white owned 'patriarchy' or some other marxist drivel. you probably earnestly believe you're a revolutionary, when in fact you're cut and paste extension of the system, you're an ignorant good goyim who knows little more about any historical period than what he was taught in highschool and on TV.

you repulse me.

>> No.9450701

>brags about a degree
>makes fun of someone for being in higher education

Community college pls leave

>> No.9450709

>bachelor degree
>from community college
nice reading comprehension btw, and false equivalency.

let me know your name when you grow a brain lamoaao

>> No.9450711
File: 23 KB, 508x513, 1385803362838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel sorry for eurofaggots.

Which was a proud nation before,now a cuckniggerloving country.


>> No.9450746
File: 40 KB, 614x545, 1404889209170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>white people forced native americans to drink alcohol

>> No.9450780

what does marxism have anything to do with biochemistry you fucking idiot? if anything, your discrediting of a traditional college education directly contradicts your self-sucking "ask me ur questuns becuz im edyucated" initial proposition.

do you not understand that cultural progression and development is a slow process? interfering in social progression dramatically is bound to have *profound* effects on the society, whether it be detrimental or not. the introduction of western cultivation into a society that had already created its own law system, its own sets of morals and values, its own belief system, heavily stunted the growth of a majority of the cultures in the area. had the natives of these countries gradually shifted towards trade over time after slow exposure to foreign people, choosing to value themselves as bodies worthy of equal consideration rather than animals of labor, unrestricted gold mines, and the purchasers of weapons that further escalated tribal differences, then you would see a completely different Africa today.

you just ignored the hypothetical scenario I propose to you, and resorted to projecting whatever assumption you've made of me on the grounds of my current undergrad program. thanks for exemplifying your lack of progressive, let alone linear, sense of reasoning. your attention towards the african sphere of colonialism, rather than the attention devoted to the multiple instances of colonialism aforementioned, leads me to believe that you are a YouTube-influenced "self-learned" dumb fuck, whose scope of vision is only hindered by his desire to be a "special snowflake" in a grossly skewed proportion, parallel to today's gender-confused and radical sexism-identifiers that bank and feed on their own self-perceived, self-appreciated sense of novelty. thank you.

>> No.9450807
File: 2.97 MB, 260x195, 1423721347144.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your lack of progressive
didnt read the rest lmao

>> No.9450814
File: 704 KB, 900x692, 1423494814099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw for the audience and my fans, this guy is what we call a beta male provider, by latching on to the 6/10 SJW marxists at his university as well as their views he hopes to have a chance to have sex with them.

normally these types look something like this, any radical feminist/marxist will have a gaggle of beta male orbiters following her around echoing her every insane whim.

this user who i am responding to probably has a twitter.

>> No.9450821

and you just skipped all that by going straight to sucking your mate's dicks right mate?

>> No.9450831
File: 56 KB, 800x600, 1423876630824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your mum sucked pretty good dick last night ahahaha

>> No.9450838
File: 174 KB, 500x344, loluglypifguck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow pigfuck, you spent you entire friday afternoon and evening getting buttblasted by teens on /fa/ and now you're back at it again for your saturday night

guess it's going to be a lonely valentines day for martin

>> No.9450842

I have a mom not a "mum" you uneducated Australian trash. Enjoy your chinks and abos you greasy half-wog retard.
Germany-Master RACE

>> No.9450851

...but you already went through 2/3 of my post by then? progressive as in continuous, ongoing, not as modern or liberal. at this point, I know you're just drawing this out, but fuck, man.

but thanks anyway, mr. 2smart4me graduate student historian pursuing whatever top-tier 250k salaried job that's sprawled on your table for you, waiting to be fucked by ur extensive and practical knowledge of history.

>> No.9450853


Grade AA White checking in. Pigfuck is a CCC grade Southern Italian piece of dog vomit at best.

The World of Whites

Northern European Grade AAA:
British-origin Britons (of non-Celtic heritage).

Northern Europeans Grade AA:
Germans of non-Alemanic origin, Swiss Germans, Austrians Dutch and Flemings, some highly-Germanicized Scandinavians.

Northern Europeans Grade A:
Northern French, British Isles Celts (including Welsh and Irish), Alemanics (Donauswaben), remaining Scandinavians

Latins Grade BBB:
Southern French, Northern Italians (Continental Italians as far south as, but not including Tuscans), Swiss Latins, Liechtensteiners, Andorrans, Monagesque, all that crap.

Latins Grade BB:
Central Italians (including Romans and Tuscans)

Latins Grade B:
Spanish (excluding Andalucia and Extramadura)

Latins Grade CCC:
Southern Spanish, Portuguese, Southern Italians

Other Southern Grade CC:
Greeks, Maltese

Others Grade C:
Hungarians, Finnish

Savages DDD:
Slovenes, Croats

Savages DD:
Czechs, Slovaks,

Savages D:

Sub-Human Grade F:
Polish, Russian, other former Soviets (Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian), Romanians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Bosnians, Kosovars (all your genociding Southern Slavic crap is in here).

"European" (according to American definition) but Lower than Sub-Human (lower than any conceivable rating):
Turks. all Jews.

>> No.9450858
File: 840 KB, 941x979, 1423744271315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but unfortunately most of the good germanic genes were wiped out or raped out in ww2, what you have left is the descendents of cowards and betas who are willfully handing over their country to muslim hordes.


>> No.9450866


Wait..wouldn't that make you also a lonely faggot?

You're even worse.

>> No.9450870

logic fail

>> No.9450877

you're just towing the company line and spouting irrelevant and unfounded marxist revisionist aphorisms like:

>interfering in social progression dramatically is bound to have *profound* effects on the society

and as i said earlier, i have no interest in engaging in a prolonged history lesson with someone like you. you're the type of person who denies facts and reality in spite of himself because you're so perversely indoctrinated.

ill just give you a hint, everything you believe and have been taught to believe is in most cases fundamentally untrue.

if you have any interest in real history not your perverted 'tolerant' relativist history, i suggest you do your own independent research outside of the wikipedia and msm documentaries you're used to.

>> No.9450880

>you're just
stopped right there
try harder martin lmbo

>> No.9450891


>implying the best germanic genes didn't leave to USA prior to ww2

>> No.9450894

nice dubs, as an example, you seem to be under the impression that the irish werent enslaved by the british, this is just one example while i have no interest in an actual discussion with you, you're an ignorant 20 year old.

>> No.9450898

talk shot post fit fat fuck

>spouts off shit about knowing history and swears up and down he's not gargling kike cock
>provides no real information

>> No.9450903

you're 24 and live at home with mommy and daddy lol

>> No.9450905

hahhahahahaha really?



>> No.9450908

you mean indentured servitude you dumb fuck?

>> No.9450916
File: 28 KB, 300x300, 1423402789972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

39 / 11 / 14

>> No.9450928

kill whitey

>> No.9450963

so........is anyone going to identify the shoes?

>> No.9451048

black suede clarks desert boot is close enough

>> No.9451289

>Grade AAA

I'm sorry but not even Norman and Danish cuckholding fixed the genetics of your race. Brits have the weirdest looking faces of all whites, too blocky or too round. Also, why all the hate for Celts?

Half the Czechs and Slovaks I've met are really good looking, blonde hair and blue eyes and all.

>> No.9451294

Implying they didn't flee to South America. Eg. Argentina.


>> No.9451302


>implying andalucia is not infested by euro descendants

>> No.9451312

Man, I used to think that pigfuck was funny but he's just getting pathetic now. All the edgy racist stuff is just getting boring and it makes it even worse because he's 24 :/

>> No.9451339


That's definitely autism then. He posts /pol/ autism on a fashion board to try and get himself attention. Then he tries to act cool. But he cares what a bunch of /fa/ggots think about whether blacks are humans hahahaha

Would bottle at a club/10

>> No.9451454
File: 29 KB, 932x349, dreamboat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sad cunt is on fa every friday and saturday night, you'd never see the nerd in a club or pub

>> No.9451483

For all the shit he talks, I bet he can't look a nigger in the eyes without soiling himself. How does it feel to know that if you ever have a girl a black man is going to fuck her huh piggy? Hell they might even fuck your son if he's half the faggot you are

>> No.9451507

>physiological impact in Africa had more of an effect than what Ireland went through
Yeah because having half of a pop starve to death then separating them through religion to this day is as bad as simply ruling over them in Africa

>> No.9451540

Ireland is not a wealthier nation than Britain. This is wildy, WILDLY, incorrect.

>> No.9451586

irelands GDP per capita is 9000USD higher than UK gdp per capita.

even if you were correct(which you arent,) the point was that ireland suffered much more at the hands of colonialism than any african nation yet now it is a first world country.

>> No.9451591

britain* not UK

>> No.9451605

>thinking gdp per capita is a wealth metric
>has never heard of the congo apparently
did you even graduate from tafe? lmao

>> No.9451609
File: 172 KB, 1034x720, 1423828595421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>thinking gdp per capita is a wealth metric
>he thinks it isnt

>> No.9451611

he'd probably just spaghetti and avert his eyes
dude is like 65 kg soaking wet heh

>> No.9451615

Yea, and he's been on all night tonight and last night like clock work.
Not that there is anything to do in the shithole he lives in.

>> No.9451621

what a nerd
get some new glasses, nerd

>> No.9451623

grade a french reporting in
cant disagree with this list
sorry pf
A+ only.....

>> No.9451633
File: 17 KB, 353x265, 1416671570864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pigfuck looks a bit like a wog to me

>> No.9451643

>greasy wog features
>genetically inferior myopia
into the trash it goes

>> No.9451647

how skinny are this ugly cunt's arms? lmao
you'd get curb stomped at nulla beach mate

>> No.9451658

while i am flattered by the attention number oney, at some point i would like someone else to post in my thread

are you yet to realise 4chan has a features that lets you see unique posters in a thread? you've posted 10 times in a row, i think there might be something deeply wrong with you.


this is pure insanity, your mania seems to have increased in my absence, do you miss me that much, you can add me to skype if you like man, we're starting to really worry about you.

>> No.9451661
File: 730 KB, 807x613, Screen-Shot-2012-09-26-at-9.41.25-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more than one person think you're a wog Martin
I'm not "oney" either, you've created a character who doesn't exist

>> No.9451671

lol god damn
you can see the half wop in him

those arms!! LMAO

>> No.9451672
File: 2 KB, 115x60, its time to go to bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know you arent very smart, so i am going to help you out here.

>yfw you didnt know this existed.

>desperate for my attention

>literally obsessed with a 4chan personality

>at least 5000 posts on /fa/

>dumb as a post

all but confirmed

>> No.9451682

martin is about as smart with computers and how the poster count works as he is with basic economics and world history (he's retarded)

>> No.9451684

>he thinks it's one person
watch the poster count go up after this post

you're a fucking wanker

>> No.9451687

Didn't mama giseppi feed him enough meat balls??

>> No.9451693

HOLY SHIT this is the worst case of samefagging i've ever seen! Who the fuck is this dude?

>> No.9451696

Poor old Marty

another Saturday night getting buttblasted by teens on /fa/

i'd tell you to seek therapy but it's too funny watching your spiral downward

>> No.9451701
File: 183 KB, 1781x581, dense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're real fuckin dumb Martin

>> No.9451705
File: 3.01 MB, 2976x2076, my numba oney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes quite an anomaly, i think this is one of the most interesting cases of some sort of OCD disorder in 4chan's history.

>> No.9451715

spot on

>> No.9451718

rofl I remember this, this is the same guy that used to obsess over trunks, lamy and that other Australian trip asokone. Super bizarre...

>> No.9451722

he doesn't know the difference
most wogs living in australia are quite dumb

>> No.9451724

What Ireland went through was probably worse than Africa dude,

Under colonial rule and the famine the population went down so much that it has yet to fully recover (eight million before famine, 5 in republic of Ireland currently) Effect also changed the demographic of Ireland, going from one of Europes tallest ethnic group to a one of the smalest.
INB4 colonial rule didn't cause famine! correct, but it did actively export grain out of the country during the famine, compounding its effects.

Finally, during colonial rule (which has been going on since about 1100AD with the Normans) Irish people were second class citizens for all of colonial times too. Look up the penal laws if you don't believe me.

>> No.9451728

its amusing but also terrifying tbh, as far as i can tell this guy is on 4chan at least 14-16 hours a day, i wouldnt be surprised if at least 20% of /fa/s post were this dude, ive seen entire threads in which he replies to himself.

it dates back to at least 2013, i think he also was infatuated with stance.

>> No.9451738

asokone was never interesting enough or tough enough for this place anyway

after someone doxxed him he ran off straight away

trunks probably just left because he couldn't handle the bants about his ugly ching chong gf everytime he posted

>> No.9451743

Sounds like you and him are two peas in a pod? (probably just you samefagging as the janitor already confirmed)

>> No.9451748

and yet look at ireland today compared to south africa which, under aparthied, was one of the wealthiest nations in the world. SA had their own nuclear program and the rand was worth more than the dollar, compare it to SA under nig rule, a third world aids ridden rape den that is on the brink of total collapse.


there he is again, i would honestly love to see your computer number oney, you have at least 50 pics of me saved, probably more of other various trips, what a world we live in.

>> No.9451759

and you have at least 50 pics of tripe including a hung midget, kids with some sort of disease and shitty pics like >>9451705 you spent about 10 minutes compiling

you're fucking pathetic man

>> No.9451765

hello darling, getting a little hurt by all the speculation? thats cute as fuck that you remember the pics i have saved on my computer, fuck this is wonderful.

tell me more about your life, please!

>> No.9451768

The end of trunks' posting career was straight up embarrassing. He tried to parrot pf but couldn't pull it off. Pf himself has become completely unhinged by this place it seems as well.

>> No.9451775

Like I said I'm still not "oney", you've lost the fucking plot.
You seem really afraid of something man I'm actually worried for you at this point, all of the flak you get day in day out has turned you into a mess.

>> No.9451776

lol and he does it all for free on his friday and saturday nights

but it's all just 1 person right martin? hehehe

so delusional

so embarrassing (for you)

>> No.9451777

please tell me more about yourself number oney, i am curious.

could you answer the following

how old are you
what race ae you
have you had sex
have you been diagnosed with any sort of mental/social disorder
do you even like fashion or is does /fa/ just have the trips that most appeal to your brand of OCD

much appreciated

>> No.9451782
File: 14 KB, 267x295, 131993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you even like fashion or is does /fa/

>> No.9451785

>those trips

if you ever want me to acknowledge your existence again you better answer these questions number oney.

also, do you post on any other boards? do you have any other husbandos or am i your most beloved?

>> No.9451794

pigfuck doesn't even know how post timers work i guess

your conspiracy theories are hilarious. you must have quite the imagination!

>> No.9451795

>do you have any other husbandos or am i your most beloved?
Super curious about this as well. This is really interesting tbh, of all the boards on 4chan /fa/ has the most autistic nerd lol?

>> No.9451801

The dude has a 4chan pass, no wait time

>> No.9451803

yes he is totally crazy as far as i can tell, whether its 8am or 4am the guy is on consistently.

what i know so far is hes a shitskin of some kind, has a 4chan pass(lol) hes australian and in his teens.

>> No.9451806
File: 18 KB, 658x102, nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pigfuck is insane
stop rationalizing him being batshit

>> No.9451807

i wonder what Martin's fat greaseball mama would think if she ever saw his PC

folder after folder of pol memes and ms paint compilations of his imagined board conspiracies

10 bux says it one day becomes used as evidence when his brain finally cracks, which is any day now for sure

>> No.9451808

"oney" is just anyone that thinks you're a pathetic fuck, is that right piggy?

>> No.9451812

This is the guy who OBSESSED over Asokone, I remember this very well, he used to samefag Asokone as well as post pretending to be him, this is INSANE LOL! Fuck I haven't been on /fa/ much this year but I remember this distinctly from 2014.

>> No.9451815

lol hes a pretty quick typist then!

>> No.9451819

who is asokone for us newfriends?
another pigfuck wannabe?

>> No.9451821

there was a period there he would use a dumpscript to post my pic, i know he would also lurk tinychats but thats all i know. i would pay serious money to know how many posts hes made on /fa/ and what this guy looks like.

i know that he is a minority of some kind due to how angry/worked up he gets, he also uses a lot of euphemisms i would attribute with an australian in high school/uni.

>> No.9451826

he was on tc the other night talking about how depressed, fat and lonely he was. he's considering suicide within the next two years. im fairly sure it's the same guy

>> No.9451827

This thread is boring and tryhard af but this gem:
is fucking hilarious

is it OC?

>> No.9451829


>> No.9451830

nice samefag martin

it's sad how stupid you are and how easy it is to spot your tells :)

you have now been reduced to samefagging conversations with yourself on saturday night on valentines

a new pathetic low

complete embarrassment

another namefag mentally destroyed

>> No.9451831


this is pure insanity number oney, i remember when you would post your copy pasta and then follow up with the same two reaction pics, every single time.

i honestly dont know why you persist when you can see the unique posters hasnt risen in a long time, its totally crazy my man.

can you please answer >>9451777
>how old are you
>what race ae you
>have you had sex
>have you been diagnosed with any sort of mental/social disorder
>do you even like fashion or is does /fa/ just have the trips that most appeal to your brand of OCD

>> No.9451833
File: 32 KB, 770x233, uhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're honestly insane
I posted the wog picture about half-way through the thread, that's it
get a fucking grip

>> No.9451837

I don't think hes going to answer, he seems very reclusive. As far as I can remember this is the guy that would flood any thread trunks and/or stance was in with the same weird bullshit and responses as this thread.

Judging by the post he made in your collage this is more than just simply 'trolling' to him, he has a very personal attachment to the board and perceives this is a 'battle' as insane as that sounds, I would actually be very careful about your dox because this guy seems mentally unstable.

>> No.9451839


Martin, curious what the extent of your autism is.

Clearly we can see evidence in the schizo paranoid fantasies and samefag conversations, but I have a feeling that is just the tip of the iceberg. Are you medicated?

>> No.9451840

hes autistic but i dont think hes dangerous.

he seems too beta to be any real threat to anyone, if i had to guess i would say 16-19 years old of west asian descent.

>> No.9451842

Lol man, he's with his gf right now. He's always with her.

So while yea he's shitposting on valentines day at least he's not alone... Unlike you.

>> No.9451844

Why do you mock others for their race when you are literally, figuratively, objectively a wog?

>> No.9451845

btw number oney if you dont answer my questions you will never get another response from me again.

>how old are you
>what race ae you
>have you had sex
>have you been diagnosed with any sort of mental/social disorder
>do you even like fashion or is does /fa/ just have the trips that most appeal to your brand of OCD

>> No.9451847

>those dubs

Don't even respond Martin you're finished.

>> No.9451848

Yeah this guy is seriously insane. Being a trip fag is one thing but being obsessed with them...

He's probably handicapped or something lol

>> No.9451851

this will be the last thread we have any real interaction number oney, you're gonna have to cough it up if you want to continue this relationship. after this thread, if you dont answer my questions, we're done.

>> No.9451853


hey martin. notice how everytime you post you misuse apostrophes as quotation marks? yea, you're doing that in your anon same fag posts as well.

fucking embarrassing dude. lol. you've got other tells but this one was just so funny i thought i'd point it out

>> No.9451855

ok pigwog ill answer your questions cause your clearly obsessed with me lol

>>how old are you
>>what race ae you
indian =/
>>have you had sex
not telling
>>have you been diagnosed with any sort of mental/social disorder
i am self diagnosed asperges but other than that no.
>>do you even like fashion or is does /fa/ just have the trips that most appeal to your brand of OCD
i am too poor to really enjoy fashion i mostly come here to shitpost and mercilessly insult tripfaggots while samefagging until they leave(asokone and stance are scalps i consider mine)

>> No.9451856

holy fuck #ethered


shows how much you care about your little forums personality and cred lmao

>> No.9451860

holy fuck lol
give up now Martin, this is it
I fucking knew he was samefagging, no wonder the post counter is like this

>> No.9451861
File: 79 KB, 467x333, 1410954560305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>what race ae you
>indian =/

its over

>> No.9451862

lol that's not misusing you fuckin autist and it's quite common and normal to do

Get out more

>> No.9451864


>> No.9451867
File: 50 KB, 422x339, wt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.9451868

Holy shiiiit so its true LOL

>self diagnosed asperges

I guess you were right after all pf.

>> No.9451872

yep just as i suspected, kid is finished, openly admitting to being indian, underaged and asperges.

>> No.9451873

haha omg this is funny

pf has to invent his own supporters and then goes on to have conversations with him

a new low

though i suspect he's been doing this for a long time

>> No.9451880

u wish piggy

i guess u can make up your friends you can make up new enemies as well hehe

you're so weird man

>> No.9451881
File: 19 KB, 1271x286, omg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day that pigfucks stalker came out and admitted it.

>> No.9451884
File: 89 KB, 638x854, 1420486718447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same person

>i am too poor to really enjoy fashion i mostly come here to shitpost and mercilessly insult tripfaggots

because somebody would admit this
you LITERALLY got caught out for samefagging right here: >>9451853

>> No.9451889

I'm fairly certain this guy uses multiple devices (and his 4chan pass) to post several responses at once

I've seen this often and not just in pigfuck threads, but where there will be a sudden influx of posts saying the same thing pretty much, and agreeing with the post

It's some sort of way to get others to believe that he's right

And it's really weird the effort he puts into it.

Like I notice it frequently where it's very clearly the same guy. He has the same posting style in other threads too (mostly to do with tripfags) where he always accuses them of samefagging (like when a cheating girl accuses her bf of cheating-- projection)

I wish there were IDs

This kid is literally autistic

>> No.9451890

hahahahha fucken hell, 17 years old how the fuck is this little shitskin even allowed up so late to play with the big boys?

>> No.9451893

the amount of samefagging on both sides in this thread is disgusting everyone here should be purged

>> No.9451897

i would honestly love to see the IDs ITT based on IP, it would be pure insanity the guy is a complete nutcase.

17 year old indian tripfag obsessed weirdo.

>> No.9451901

i bet he will actively try to stop doing from now on lol

the other night he was getting raped in some thread he made about being a business man too
revealed he doesnt even have a uni degree
it shows pigwog, it shows

>> No.9451904

>>>/pol/ is that way

>> No.9451905

um mods, 17 yeas old is bannable no?

>> No.9451909



>> No.9451911

you literally made that post yourself mate
are you not going to respond to >>9451853 or what?

you've lost
>>9451905 they'll only be banning one of your dyanmic IP's mate
Indian, 17 year old, aspergers? too easy man

>> No.9451916

lel piglet keeps ignoring this:


won't make it go away

more evidence that you samefag as bad as trunks did

>> No.9451919
File: 274 KB, 699x970, 1423474308447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw this is the same person

>> No.9451924
File: 94 KB, 696x948, Capture4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost but not quite :~)

>> No.9451927

>mfw u quoted all of those manually because you're too dumb to do it in bulk

samefag harder martin. i'd bet half of your 'detractors' (lol) are you yourself

>> No.9451931
File: 761 KB, 1101x435, 1423576216378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the last post i made in this thread was >>9451672
>mfw my number one fan has been arguing with himself using this name for 2 hours, dropping the name to argue post sides.

>> No.9451933

Waking up in the morning to see Pigfuck effectively contained and raped in his own thread is a good way to start the day.

When will you grow out of this crap, Pigfuck?

>> No.9451937

pigfuck has a fetish for humiliation, he enjoys being mocked and made to look a fool

>> No.9451938

nice try pigfaggot, you wont be able to wiggle yourself out of this one so easily.

>> No.9451939

yea... thats not going to work martin

you've got a very unique kind of dyslexia and it's obvious which posts are yours

i know you're too dumb to realize that though

>> No.9451944
File: 1.98 MB, 403x234, 1418717106334.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot to remove the name

>> No.9451951

holy shit lmao

this thread is literally one dude arguing with himself, pretending to be a tripfag and pretending to be anons.

mind = blown

>> No.9451957

and that person is... pigfuck

>> No.9451959

i am honestly speechless

i just got back from double dropping mdma at my nans house party to the most insane shit ive ever fucken seen.

i honestly dont know whether to be flattered or fucken scared

>> No.9451971

>jews aren't white
>triangular trade supplied by black tribe slave traders
>destruction of resources blacks were never able to harvest for centuries until the whites showed them how
>yakuza aren't white
>spaniards aren't white

>> No.9451972

pigfuck actually pretending to be an impersonator so he can avoid responding to >>9451853

you honestly need mental help pigfuck, you really fucking do

>> No.9451975

the dude who saved all your pol and tv images and mastered your writing style to make a fool of you on a fashion board is really highly skilled to be able to do that

oh wait no. it's you trying to make up a story as to why you got raped so badly tonight

you have so many cute coping strategies martin

wonder what you'll come up with next

>> No.9451977

what a crazy fucking read. i'd be impressed number oney if this wasnt so sad. dude. dude seriously
the fuck

you think after a night of hot sex, cool memes, sick drops, mdma and dank memes i want to come home to the board that worships me to read this shit number oney? this is obscene, this is downright offensive.

>> No.9451980

cmon martin nobody is biting
>hot sex, cool memes, sick drops, mdma and dank memes


>> No.9451982

Hopefully the sad-brained little cunt just fucks off.

>> No.9451988

if you're a biochem major, you need to be smarter than that. i know you did only the basic history classes where you didn't learn much other than "blame whitey" but as a biochem major you should've been curious towards the propaganda you were being taught. as a science major, you should recognize bias easily

>> No.9451989

Maybe it's that cousin of yours you got to post a few times.

What was that fag's name again?

>> No.9451999
File: 2.31 MB, 203x324, 1418613808888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this is where i have to call it between us number oney, as funny as this is for me and my online gang of hacker friends, this is clearly very distressing for your shitskin mind, the sheer amount of effort is having a degenerating effect on your indian brain.

i am sorry dude but i honestly do friggen care about you and i dont want you to friggen die.

i am sorry man but i have to ignore you from here on out, ill always smile when i see you samefagging threads to shit with the same images every time, but as far as you and i as a couple go? its over dude, i dont want you to wind up dead.

>> No.9452001

See how you repeat certain words and phrases over and over in your prose?

It's a symptom of mild autism. I know you can't help it Martin so you keep doing it, probably subconsciously. I'd stick to just shit posting. You'll never be good at samefagging with your mental condition.

>> No.9452007
File: 358 KB, 1728x2592, 1418867115682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trips confirm, goodbye old friend, i hope your life gets back on track and you find a nice indian girl to settle down with.

>> No.9452009

lol damn he does do that in most of his posts

>i am sorry
>i am sorry


>> No.9452010

>hurr biochem major has synonyms
>using a thesaurus for an internet argument
>can't cope with the idea more than one person disagrees
>projecting autism this hard

>> No.9452011

lol you cant leave me you fucking idiot, you'd be nothing without me, who do you think made you into the celebrity you are? fucken loser

youll come crawling back to me
just you wait you wog fuck you better come back you prick

>> No.9452016

reading pig fuck try to write as his fan is funny as

>> No.9452022

christ pigfuck
stop now

>just you wait you wog fuck you better come back you prick

this is the most Embarrassing thread I've ever witnessed
14th of February the day pigfuck was raped

>> No.9452027

Can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on in this thread?

>> No.9452030

nice time stamp martin

maybe its time for a pass?

>> No.9452031

>no but see the poster numbers in the bottom right? its only 30! that means its just 1 person!!

should be a fucking detective or something piggy

>> No.9452034


>> No.9452049
File: 14 KB, 341x145, muh feelings r hurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you actually had a thesaurus pulled up in a different tab when you read that didn't you?

>> No.9452058

>sent to the shadow realm

>> No.9452058,1 [INTERNAL] 

Bunch of shitskins