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9449507 No.9449507 [Reply] [Original]

how is 2015 going for you, /fa/?
>started hitting the gym in january as a 5'9" 185lb depressed fatass with literally zero muscle & constantly ate out of boredom; couldnt even run 1mi on the treadmill without taking a break
>had enough money to buy clothes but i could only wear fat people stuff or look obese as fuck
>wore a jacket literally everyday to hide fat
>now 155lbs and built enough muscle with >dumbbells to actually start lifting
>run 5mi every day and feel less winded than i did running half a mile before
>eat one healthy meal every day and fast food is literally disgusting now
>social anxiety and depression are completely gone
>i can actually wear clothes and have them fit
>have enough confidence to start convos with people
>10/10 best year of my life so far m8s

>> No.9449520


g-good job

Seriously though if you want people to tell you that you're going to make it then better off going to /fit/

>> No.9449565

I did all of that in 2013!
I worked out very casually before that and was convinced I was incapable of having abs/muscle definition. Got a physical job (but still in retail, so human interaction), started losing weight/looking slimmer, so I hit the weights. Became very aesthetic in about 7-8 months.

Updated wardrobe, better fitting stuff, more /fa/.
Working retail made me less socially self-conscious, more confident - no more depression.

Found a gorgeous girlfriend who is best friend. Regular sex. She is madly in love with me.

Fast-forward to 2015, still have all these things.

Feel empty again.

Sorry man, didn't want to bum your mood, but you can't just fix your life by looking sexier. Take this new-found confidence and make a difference in the world. I haven't done that, and I'm starting to hate myself again.

>> No.9449569

when will they learn

>> No.9449575

30 lbs in one month is impressive for me. You only hate 1 meal a day ?

>> No.9449576

>Sorry man, didn't want to bum your mood, but you can't just fix your life by looking sexier. Take this new-found confidence and make a difference in the world. I haven't done that, and I'm starting to hate myself again.

that actually hit pretty hard. Getting happy, fit, healthy is only step one. Keep moving forward.

>> No.9449584

cant do anything about it m9 cant change genetics
only 19 so i might get one or two inches still
yeah got adderall script (i actually have adhd im pretty sure) so that really cut down on my eating until i got used to it
if everything keeps going for me im planning on starting med school after undergrad so hopefully passion for my job will carry me after i get fit

>> No.9449605

get a leg stretching operation unless you want to be treated like a child for the rest of your life

>> No.9449617


>> No.9449635

there's always the option of killing yourself

>> No.9449738

I'd take 5'9 aesthetic instead of 6'2 mouth breather anyday.

>> No.9449886

epic my guy! he will surely be sad now haha(:

>> No.9449905

daily reminder to ignore all resolutionfags

>> No.9449927

i made a new friend and saw some old friends who i havent seen in 6+ months
its okay
would be nice to have more money though

>> No.9449974
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>185lbs fatass
Are you a woman?

>> No.9450045
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Are you dumb?

>> No.9450049

5'9 185 lbs @ 18 yo and literally none of that was muscle is definitely well overweight
fatass lifestyle and fatass aesthetic

>> No.9450052


>> No.9450064


>> No.9450206
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2015 is going great for me! I feel really fortunate to have friends and family who care for me. It is truly a good time to be alive.

>> No.9450208

Terrible. At this point, I'm starting to give up on some of the things I expected to achieve ever since 2012.
>no gf
>still a dumbass
>never regained my confidence that I lost in 2011
>never acquired a steady and decent social circle like I did before I moved back with parents in their hometown in late 2010

>> No.9450209
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>tfw he doesn't text you anymore
Back to where I started I guess

>> No.9450233

i just found $600 worth of mtg cards so it seems pretty cool

>> No.9450247
File: 2.78 MB, 338x252, 1415062244014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Realize, once again, I am a huge faggot
>Start eliminating fake confidence that I created to convince myself I am cool
>Start gaining confidence from myself rather than what others think of me
>Social anxiety eliminated
>Dressing by what I think looks good, not what others think looks good
>Create personal aesthetic
>Listen to different music, stuff that I like, not what's "hip"
>The people who mock me are now easily distinguishable as insecure when they are doing so around me
>I can feel my personal magnetism forming
>People start to like me more
>Become more social
>People like me because I don't try to be someone I'm not now

I should stop writing these, usually my personal successes go to my head and I get too confident with the shit I do, then I get depressed again.

Anyways, I dress however the fuck I want now, take chances, I don't care what people think of me, and people like me because of this. I'm the happiest I have ever been in my life, and I can say that honestly.

>> No.9450256

Jesus, I just realized how fucking vacuous I sound in this post.

>> No.9450260

Won $25 today because I guessed 7/10 EPL match outcomes correctly last week

everything's turning up roses


>> No.9450262

No, I'm happy for you! Really glad you were able to overcome your social anxiety and become a confident person.

>> No.9450298

gimme ur number bb and i'll text u

>> No.9450307

Thanks m8

>> No.9450311

so far in 2015 I haven't bought a single article of clothing (to be honest I don't really need any more, at least not until it starts getting warm out anymore)

I haven't gotten a job yet since quitting my old one in november 2014 despite putting out loads of applications

I'm still living with my parents

but there is one good thing, one very very good thing. I finally got with my oneitis of 10 years and now we hang out and fuck all the time. proof that you CAN get out of the friendzone

>> No.9450313

>everything's turning up roses
>which I won't have to buy with my newly won $25
You're the winner here anon

>> No.9450314

failing calculus

struggling r i g h t n o w with a comp sci assignment

still have feelings for ex gf

>> No.9450316


Too bad youre still a faggot

>> No.9450337

Good job op. I have a pretty similar story. All I have left to do is start lifting.

>awkward and weird af all through childhood/highschool
>dressed like shit, terribly awkward and depressed
>showered like once a week
>said fuck this last year
>started dressing decent
>became borderline alcoholic, which strangely fixed almost all awkward issues.
>Depression is still there but much,much less worse
>doing decent in school and have a damn solid resume for my age
>Waaay better with girls, pretty much every time I try I get something
>still 6'3, 180lbs but kinda toned

Feels good man

>> No.9450352

BMI is totally applicable. Only fatties say it's not

>> No.9450364

> made like 20-30 friends just in january 2015 alone
> started getting involved with numerous women
> looking better and feeling better
> more happy, days more productive
> got a basic job earning $26/hour
> caring less about trivial problems
> starting fourth year engineering soon
> planning on buying a convertible
> 21 years old

My life literally gets better every year. It's not about resolutions, just taking literally every opportunity you're given, even if you don't want to take it. You'll be surprised how things branch out.

>> No.9450365


Congrats on losing the weight OP. I'm just curious as to how someone gets there in the first place? I mean, don't you look at yourself in the morning and just feel disgusted? I know girls have a way of mentally shifting responsibility to external factors, but as a guy, you think you would say "shit, maybe I should stop eating like a garbage pail, I look like shit"

>> No.9450369

>taking literally every opportunity you're given

Exactly. Maybe i'm just drunk but preach nigga.

This is like the main thing that improved me(not op btw). But seriously fuck your comfort zone, if you're shitting your pants its a good thing, keep on doing new shit. Worst case it sucks and you learned a lesson.

>> No.9450586

>just turned 23
Is it too late for me already?

>> No.9450600

>almost done with my shitty dead-end job that i spent 3 years loving

only one more month before i move to big city livin and try to make something of myself

never too late nigga
never too late