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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 215 KB, 950x600, university.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9444922 No.9444922 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you go? Is it /fa/?

>> No.9444982

Trinity College Dublin, meh

>> No.9444986

university of hawaii at manoa

nobody cares about fashion

>> No.9444996

Universiteit van Amsterdam

I guess it kinda is

>> No.9444997


pretty /fa/ tbh, unless you're one of the turbonerds that lives anywhere aside from Fallowfield/didsbury/withington

>> No.9445009

university of washington

go huskies

>> No.9445012
File: 57 KB, 400x200, pleasance_edinburgh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ uni gym

>> No.9445017
File: 183 KB, 1365x1024, Dartmouth_Big_Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dartmouth College

Mostly flannels. Tons of basic bitches. Tons of asians who wear khakis every day.

Not especially effay

>> No.9445026

>Where do you go?
>Is it /fa/?
its awful.

>> No.9445028

>tfw very nearly decided to go edinburgh uni

Sort of glad I didn't, no offence intended

Is it as "middle-aged, middle-class person" city as it felt when I went?

>> No.9445089

Almost as bad as Brown.

>> No.9445100

Glasgow Uni here. Everyone wears Lacoste trackies

>> No.9445107

Fermatta Contemporary School of Music - Mexico City

Not really. Some hipster faggots if you are lucky.

>> No.9445117

Birmingham UK, quite plebby unless you know where to look/go

>> No.9445125

Lille 3.
Saw two Japanese students who looked like they stepped out of a Men's Nonno magazine once, that's all.

>> No.9445139

södra latin, the most /fa/ school in Sweden

>> No.9445147

Mcgill university, montreal

montreal is very /fa/ but mcgill is just rich north eastern americans, torontonians, quebecois, french people, vancouverites and anybody else who has french citizenship

>> No.9445154

my gf works there and i go there from time to time, it's a decent place. nice strip of bars in the old part

>> No.9445157

Université de montréal

God awful

>> No.9445158

I went to the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Not very /fa/ at all. College kids typically don't know how to dress themselves. The campus was very nice and going to school in Chicago was fun.

I graduated a few years ago and don't really miss college tbh. The college atmosphere felt kinda like a glorified day care/summer camp

>> No.9445161

Which Ivy is most fashionable?

I can't imagine Cornell is any different than my school, Brown as you said is terrible. Yale is just douchebags with polo shirts and sperrys. So out of Harvard, Princeton, Penn and Columbia which one is the best...

>> No.9445162

>know a qt at uni

she was literally top 10 in our year but I bet she's still not even kissed a bloke

>> No.9445165

Oh yeah? Where do you live? Where does she work?

>> No.9445177

University of Washington
everyone is either tumblr, asian meme, or autistic engineer

>> No.9445184

don't want to say where she works, but it's in education. i live in north wales, final year of university. i used to work in valenciennes as a teaching assistant

>> No.9445186
File: 641 KB, 1200x766, Purdue University.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purdue University

>> No.9445189

Florida State University

lol no

Unless you want to see nothing but Han Solo cosplay, polos + sperrys, or basketball shorts + school-related t-shirts.

>> No.9445190

looks exaclty like a university should

>> No.9445194

brum meetup should happen 1 day m80s

>> No.9445202

I understand that. Did you like Lille? How is it compared to Wales?

>> No.9445206

yeah i love it. should be living there next year. it's alright here

>> No.9445211
File: 206 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-Western_Michigan_University_seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School of Music at Western Michigan University. And it's kind of meh. The Japanese foreign exchange students are dressed the best. Jazz department isn't too bad either. Engineering department is the worst. I don't know where their chest hair ends and their neckbeards begin.

>> No.9445213

Do you already know where the good shops are? I can give you some.

>> No.9445226

That's how I'm feeling rn. Lots of people don't really know what they are doing/want to do but are at college b/c it's the next step or they are supposed to find themselves at college. But you have to pay out the ass for the "privilege" to do that. I think that people shouldn't go to college until they know what they want to do and that college should be a lot more focused on your major. Colleges trying to do everything for everybody isn't very efficient.

>> No.9445230

i've been there a lot so i have a pretty good idea of what i liked, think that culture denim place stood out. got something from carhartt WIP once too. and a whistles has opened up there now? what do you suggest?

>> No.9445244

not uni
but a swiss boarding school
pretty /fa/ that my parents aren't attached enough to keep me at home

>> No.9445247

are you wearing a t-shirt?

>> No.9445249

engineers are the worst at every school, secound only to environemental studies folks with their patchwork everything

>> No.9445250

Whistles? Is it a clothes brand?
So there is Serie Noire, next to Carhartt. You can find Comme des Garçons fragrances there and Tricky Rick, Boris, that kind of stuff.
Honoris Cosa in the Rue Basse, they have Helmut Lang, BLK DNM. Beneath the Galeries Lafayette, there is some permanent pop up store called the Grand Playground, they have Odeur and local/independant brands.

>> No.9445260

What is the make-up of UDM's population? Mostly quebecois i assume, but how many france french and others are there?

>> No.9445264


At least it's better then the VU.

>> No.9445265

Would love to go there ;_;

>> No.9445272

currently no

>> No.9445289

Brunel London
Pretty /fa/ considering
A lot of new money chinks though

>> No.9445298

Yeah, college felt like an extension of high school to me except NO PARENTS!

but all the kids still needed their hands to be held every step of the way. a lot of them didn't even know how to do their own laundry or shop properly for their own food, let alone cook it. i remember my roommate once calling his mom asking how to use the coffee maker she bought for him when he moved in

one of the reasons why college in the US has gotten so expensive is because colleges have hugely expanded their student support and recreation offerings. they want to provide a totally structured environment instead of letting the kids learn how to be independent adults on their own. it's a huge change to how universities used to be 50, even 20, years ago.

>> No.9445301
File: 153 KB, 808x1023, McGill_University_CoA.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I might be going to McGill, do you like it?

>> No.9445302

>Used to go to
King's College London
Pretty /fa/ tbh. Fashion weeks was around the corner so there were plenty of weird fits around the corner.
>Currently go to
University of Oxford
I'm doing law so basically all rahs in red trousers - vv un-/fa/

>> No.9445317

Arizona State University

Definitely not /fa/

>> No.9445332

Hard to say whether i 'liked it'
It's an extremelly impersonal school. It seems that no one in administration gives a single fuck about you. This is exaclty what i wanted in my first couple years, as i was sick of being micromanaged in HS. But now that i'm trying to do research this summer, it sucks as people don't even fucking anwser your emails. Winters are also really tough (-15 average in january) and can relaly bring you down. Mcgill is also known for grinding it's students relaly hard and having low averages.

All that being said, im very glad with my decision. it was really good programs that teach you so much because you are worked so hard. you can relaly fly under the radar if you want and cheating is fairly easy (i've been told).

so if you are OK with wearing a parka most of the year, dont want teachers holding your hand through everything, arent scared of a little hard work and want to have crazy good sex with quebecois girls then i'd recommend mcgill.

PS if you do end up coming, spend a summer here. it's a unbelievably fantastic city in the summer. if you want to get drunk at a park in the middle of the day with thousands of people, you can do that legally in montreal. also theres tons of festivals and shows always goin on, to keep you busy.

>> No.9445351

heard thats the douchiest school NA

what frat are you in anon

>> No.9445355

Columbia no questions asked

>> No.9445364

I'm not in one :( I go to the honors college and am trying to just graduate near the top of my class so I can go to a nice law school

I only came here because it was cheap and my family couldn't afford to send me anywhere else

>> No.9445372

wow, had no idea about that. is it new?

>> No.9445375

University of Maryland, College Park.

Hell no. Basic bitches in northface+uggs, fratstars in sperrys, croakies, and one-size-too-big vineyard vines polos, STEMlords in sweatpants and asics, and a bunch of normcore people in hoodies.

Saw one super-/fa/ guy in those prada crepe sole brogues though.

If any of you /fa/gs go to UMD, say hi to me sometime. Skinny whiteboy with glasses, usually wearing a navy duffel coat and riding an old red road bike

>> No.9445397

Umass Boston
So many fucking Korean fuccbois (Im half chink so)

>> No.9445403

I checked, no Whistles here.
No those shops aren't new except for the pop-up store, I don't know if it'll stay.
Série Noire is a black shop in front of the Ibis hotel rue Lepelletier. You have to cross a corridor before actually entering the shop.
Also, try le Dandy, rue Basse, it's the best cocktail bar in Lille. (according to me.)

>> No.9445417

yooo! i went there last year but transferred for a better program

you commute fam? or live in the apartments

>> No.9445421

Ayyyy I also go to uni in the DMV area
We should hang

>> No.9445440

I commute from my apartment in eastie. Where'd you go? I'm a freshman planning on transferring.

>> No.9445462


Not even remotely close, maybe two people I've ever seen that have actually been impressive. Actually very jarring to see anyone dressed well usually I double take when it happens because everyone here looks like trash

>> No.9445475


rugby lads and brown people
not /fa/ at all

>> No.9445476

oh word, yeah last year was my freshman year as well now i'm at NEU lol

what major?

>> No.9445479


>> No.9445485

Ayy lmao my ex goes there.
Undecided. Might go to massart for fashion design. Might do comp sci.

>> No.9445495

Currently looking at ASU, were you in state or out of state student?

>> No.9445501

Filled with basic bitches
I've met another fuccboi who goes to school here and we're p chill

>> No.9445503

ualbany :/

>> No.9445509

ayy lmao the girls here are nothin to write home about anyways no sweat

fashion design would be tight if you have some really cool ideas that you think would sell, i have a lot of good friends at massart. i'm in comp sci as well currently it's decent, pretty predictable lol

>> No.9445510

Winina state uni in minnesota

Its terrible

>> No.9445511

oh and yea it's kind of /fa a lot of kids from NYC come up here plus the international asians

>> No.9445516

UMDfag here. My off-and-on GF goes to AU. We should hang out next time I'm at her place

>> No.9445537

I'm out of state, costs around 28k a year without aid, they gave me ~18k per year in scholarships so I'll pay about 40k over four years

the business school is good, the school is filled with drunk frat people, you can get a good education and take advantage of nice facilities if you stay dedicated

>> No.9445544

Sounds good. There's not much to do here in our corner of NW DC but we'll figure something out. Contact info?

>> No.9445548


sweet, this sounds like exactly what I want in a university, thanks man

>> No.9445550

My current suitemate transferred from there, he was in Fiji. He said that the majority of the school is frat boys and sorority sluts and it's an absolutely zoo-like environment. sounds unhealthy and not like a place to be making life long friends.

>> No.9445559
File: 8 KB, 220x229, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to Georgia Southern
not /fa/ in the slightest. I see pic related at least 20 times a day.. wannabe frat assholes abound

>> No.9445562
File: 39 KB, 768x630, 7233_rutgers_scarlet_knights-alternate-2001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little bit ofe verything here

>> No.9445574

at least you/your parents are rich and you have npr

your dorms look like prisons tho

>> No.9445592

Harvard is the prep capital of the world, but usually the students are well dressed. Personally I believe Harvard to be the best by far, but as a 6th generation legacy I might be a bit biased

>> No.9445604

At least you admit it.

>> No.9445627

q: how can you tell a Harvard student's a legacy?
a: don't worry, they'll let you know.

>> No.9445635

Seriously though. I'm taking some comp sci courses and they're typical. Good luck with college though, effay bro.

>> No.9445638


>> No.9445641 [DELETED] 

Here are the different ivys:
Brown: For hipsters and potheads - tons of tumblrcore
Cornell: Preppy and fashionable
Yale: Preppy, full of rich smart kids
Harvard: New England prep (nautical), mostly traditional old families
Princeton: Preppy, most conservative ivy
Penn State: preppy, but also alot of basic bitches
Columbia: for smart kids who want the city life, most are preppy of fashionable

>> No.9445642

I actually live off campus since freshmen dorms were so bad.
Social scene here is lacking though.

>> No.9445645
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>> No.9445648

you may be joking now, but anyone in my family has an extremely high admission rate. My uncle got accepted without even sending his grades in, they just saw his SATs

>> No.9445651

>penn state

you know how i know you're talking out of your ass?

>> No.9445653

>penn state
Good lord, opinion dropped

>> No.9445669

>you may be joking now, but anyone in my family has an extremely high admission rate
>you maybe be joking now,

harvard writing abilities everyone

>> No.9445673

portland state huehue

>> No.9445680
File: 512 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senior in High School; I'm going to Geneseo next year.
>tfw going to be geology major
>tfw streetwear
I'll be a fish out of water

>> No.9445686

Same, think the Arts Block is pretty /fa/, anything Hamilton side is nowhere near

>> No.9445707
File: 41 KB, 600x469, 6def9ad4921f777961e9a065d94e7284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ross School of Business

>> No.9445708

you too homie, stay up and if you don't think UMB is right for you make the switch, there's tons of good schools in Boston

>> No.9445713

did they have sats back in the 70s or is your uncle really young?

>> No.9445721

Why not McGill, It's right beside

McGill for me, best university for partying , wild.

>> No.9445726

>not updating your wardrobe to be geologist tech core

Earthtones now

>> No.9445745

Dude your jazz school fucking good

>> No.9445746

K college here. It's mainly basic shit and tumblrcore quirky shit over here, but a few people stunt.

>> No.9445750

University of Louisville
It's meh, people usually don't give a fuck, lots of street wear givin it's the biggest city in Kentucky

>> No.9445753

I'm in the hill, makes me wanna die. Like it here otherwise tho

>> No.9445759

Because mcgill is a uni for tourists its literally filled with american bros

>> No.9445767

My program is like 65-70% france french ppl

>> No.9445773

>not making connections with americans from northeast who want a decent undergrad to get into a good law school so they can be a politician

>> No.9445775
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USC is effay.

Got into their engineering school.

>> No.9445782

ayyyy fsu bro

>> No.9445784

Hey, only like 80% of the women think that Docs are legit winter boots

>> No.9445818
File: 49 KB, 181x125, cmu pittsburgh represent.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

econ and statistics
the compsci department is obv trash but there are a ton of rich international students to compensate. there's a hypebeast korean for every brony.
pittsburgh dresses pretty poorly though

>> No.9445821

You know what this school needs? More yoga pants and uggs.

>> No.9445824

CMU is a turbo dork school but you can make some fat grands if u graduate from there, my dad and sister are both alum.

ask ur profs if they know of any internships btw, my sis got hired full time after her internship for medical statistics and has worked there ever since and makes racks $$$

>> No.9445828

Or white guys in Timbs. Definitely needs more Timbs

>> No.9445857
File: 71 KB, 534x401, SUNYBROCKPORTPEOPLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to a state university in western new york state

Brockport, aka "jockport"
PEople here are literally just starting to get the macklemore haircut

The most /fa/ people are the girls in tall bron boots and green fishtails

I'm the kinda the campus flamer even though I'm not really that gay just cuzza how I like to dress

One day, maybe I'lll get to live someplace that matters

What's it like? Please understand that you people who live in NYC and Boston and places are pretty much gods to me. I would lick your fucking feet if I ever met you, if you asked

flyover state feels

>> No.9445872

UEL (University of East London)

It's p shit and the fashun students r cringe worthy, I plan to change uni at the end of this year to a somewhere hopefully better

>> No.9445875
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1280, DSC01836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boston has tons of college students and a decent amount of fashionable ones (even grills) cause of the liberal arts schools, but the city itself runs out of things to do when there's no good music shows in town or when you aren't at some bar. It's not a huge city, but there's definitely some cool exploring to do. Try and find work here after college if you're really interested anon! It's easier than NYC unless you're an investment banker working 100hrs a week lol

pic related I managed to get onto the roof of the John Hancock tower :^)

>> No.9445911

Yea true. What you studying?

>> No.9445949
File: 63 KB, 313x308, BamaSeal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no

>> No.9445967
File: 50 KB, 233x275, Brass_Rat_233x275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are class rings /fa/

>> No.9445979

Are you Frank Underwood

>> No.9446018
File: 374 KB, 1350x1307, Ohio-State-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not particularly...

>> No.9446026

North Wales bra, where you from liid?

>> No.9446027

university of adelaide, one of the top universities in australia. not sure if that has any grain of salt, prob not lol

>> No.9446039

not effay at all

>> No.9446042

I'm looking to transfer after this year. Which schools have the hottest fat chicks?

>> No.9446044

Brown was rated the most fashionable, and it was rated as the one of happiest schools in the country.

>> No.9446046

in bangor right now. from birmingham tho

>> No.9446047
File: 14 KB, 500x500, helmet_green_RGB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9446056

>basic bitches
>engineers can't dress
>frat stars
Thank god the asians can dress well

>> No.9446057

some people are

>> No.9446058


I go to EMU though. Not /fa/

>> No.9446065

Bangor is better than most places in the north wales, but isn't it full of Welshies?

>> No.9446069 [DELETED] 


>> No.9446071

no it's full of students that arent welsh p much

>> No.9446073

pretty much sums it up actually

>> No.9446084

nope ; -(

>> No.9446096

Hipsters everywhere

>> No.9446099
File: 16 KB, 329x153, osu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oregon State University

No, it's not effay. The population is Enginerds and the Greeks, so you either get people not giving a shit, some degree of prep out of maybe 1/30 people, and then the Chinese immigrant population coming here on their businessman parents' wallets. The azns are pretty effay I suppose, but you never see gothninja or palewave around here since they care about graduating without debt first.

>> No.9446100

>Hipsters everywhere

>> No.9446102

grats on good school anon

>> No.9446114
File: 25 KB, 216x221, brookings-circular-1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely any white people

otherwise it's just average dressing asians in doctor-core

>> No.9446118

RISD is much worse than Brown.

>> No.9446126

Thank you

Although i said there are hipsters everywhere there are amazingly a lot of dudes who dress like frat stars and girls who walk around wearing tory burch flats and carrying louis vouitton bags.... they're not the majority but definitely there are a lot of them.

>> No.9446139


damn I applied to Brown and am waiting to hear back from them. is there a good arts/music scene at the school?

>> No.9446145
File: 1.94 MB, 5312x2988, 20150212_203213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know

>> No.9446166
File: 129 KB, 322x100, logo_udp_2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd say yes

>> No.9446171

Ayy I go to risd

>> No.9446172

umass amherst
>very not /fa/

>> No.9446177
File: 147 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-02-12-20-37-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I've seen some of the things that KC students wear. Also, your women are nuts. I went out with one who said she believes in dragons. Yeahh... And then there was another one who sent me this message when she was drunk and saw me at a bar (we were broken up)

>> No.9446179
File: 174 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-02-12-20-37-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9446180

yooo guy go fuckin pats lets slug some fuckin brews n flip some cahs go minutemen yaaa guy this kid probly dont even do keg stands yea i wear my highschool hockey lettahman jacket cause im the fuckin man and im too nice at puck guy

yoo im literally failin my psych 100 class haha what a buncha bullshit that is eh lets get hammid

yo fuck UNH we'a the numbah 1 pahty school in the naaation guy

wheah's the pahty tonight i got a 30 of keystone my guy

>> No.9446181


Lumping the U of M in with other pleb state schools


>> No.9446195

it's by RISD so of course there's a good arts scene. there are a lot of cool clubs downtown with music. i'm not too much into that scene though but its there if you want it.

i am fucking tired of this school because of all the SJWs, their screaming, and how everything is just hyper liberal.

>> No.9446216


I want to tell you that you should have given her the D.

But if you would have, you'd be in prison for rape charges right now.

>> No.9446219


The city is fantastic, it's just 70% of the population is disgustingly middle-class. Wish it was a little more like Glasgow in that regard

>> No.9446236

I feel like a lot of people here feel like they're /fa/ though even though they're wearing the same thing as everyone else. Also the number of people who wear L.L Bean meme boots is disgusting.

>> No.9446236,1 [INTERNAL] 

Northeastern University. The only /fa/ kids are the chinese.

Boston meetup when?

>> No.9446266

what's up with y'all and your superiority complex

>> No.9446303


Lol, no. It's chadbros, niggers, plain boring latinos and FoB asians.
Fuck off.

>> No.9446305

im 6th year rec me a course bb.
trinity by far most fashionable campus in ireland.

>> No.9446320

University of Washington, Seattle

Not very /fa/, usually not offensively bad tho. Everyone does their own thing and I appreciate that :)

>> No.9446322
File: 1.44 MB, 400x277, 9nKzT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is University /fa/

>> No.9446325

Lol...I have some Bean boots although not the meme ones. You are right I see those all the time crossing the oval to class.

>> No.9446326

Yes unless you're workwear but that'd make you not /fa/ regardless of what you do after highschool LOL

>> No.9446327

Should I go here for compsci?

>> No.9446330

>This guys friend went here
yeah accept him for anything
Yeah, they seem like a place that would do that, y'know, ignore basic principle and put their academic achievements at risk

>> No.9446363

you can go anywhere for comp sci they teach you the same shit, with CS it's really about what you do with the material not where you learn it.

you don't even need college for CS if you have a portfolio of successful projects and a W3 certificate.

Ohio State is decent in the realm of state schools too and if you're going to college to party you'll like it

>> No.9446401

Well we are ranked magnitudes higher as a university.

>> No.9446414
File: 507 KB, 1559x640, DSCN0224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to Howard. It was on the admissions application.

>> No.9446460

black people are in general more /fa/ than white people, cooler too.

i'm white and wish i would have gone to a HBCU

>> No.9446461

As in Winona State? Have a buddy who goes there for bio.

Personally Iowa State. There's a lot of Asians who are meh. Some decent dadcore. One guy rocks lunarcore everyday but it works for him sorta. Other than that pretty uninspiring.

>> No.9446466

How do you like it?

>> No.9446468

>tfw left after one year

I fucking loved it their man. How is it this year? You in honor's college? what dorm?

>> No.9446484

>yoo im literally failin my psych 100 class haha what a buncha bullshit that is eh lets get hammid
actually heard a kid say that today about an entry level philosophy class

>> No.9446487

Yeah but you Ann Arbor fuckers can't cross streets for shit
>oh there's speeding traffic?
>that means go now right?

>> No.9446492

Definitely went to Bama

>> No.9446499

Even worse. It's a shame how many actual morons end up at Amherst, it's such a good school if you take advantage of what it offers. Same with UNH honestly. Average intelligence there is trucker tier but there's some bright minds and driven workers there too. Weird thing about state schools, they make you feel like you're going to a school for idiots a lot of the time.

You from MA anon?

>> No.9446523

no shit lol i go there mad asians trying to flex and then just generic prep kids from long island

>> No.9446529

What scholarships did you apply for? I'm getting the WUE rate and waiting for the fafsa/ ASU package. Would appreciate the feedback, Trying to cut down the costs myself to make a four year a reality

>> No.9446549

It was a really different (refreshing) perspective, culturally and scholastically, from what I got at Whitebread NHS High.

I liked that it was essentially discount Georgetown/GU, what with the proximity to everything in DC, and the ability to take classes at those schools plus the Corcoran, UMD, and American.

I don't know how many white kids' heads would have remained unexploded after their first run-in with Club Cafe, though. (Do PWIs have random nights where a DJ sets up and has people rocking to TI while you're just trying to eat your mashed potatoes, or was that just us?)

I hear other HBCUs are tamer.

>> No.9446555
File: 341 KB, 1702x862, 891956_4684036303555_1262073979_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other Stanford students here? Is Stanford /fa/ or is it too over-saturated with tech bros?

>> No.9446562


McGill University aka Canada's Harvard

>> No.9446569

w2c cool Howard friends?
All the white people at the other DMV unis are basic/bland af

>> No.9446571

sorry bb was posting from phone at work

>> No.9446576

>trucker tier
kek. that's true though. I just transferred here this year, and it's pretty sad how even the honors kids are all pretty stupid--at least in my dorm. I've met a couple brilliant kids who came here bc it's cheap but could have gone to much better schools, but the southwest kids never fail to surprise me with just how accurate the stereotype can be.

>You from MA anon?
yup. you?

>> No.9446579

which NY colleges are effay

>> No.9446585

nyu 4 sure

>> No.9446593

Pratt, NYU, Fordham

>> No.9446599

Yeah, I'm from the North Shore so like 1/5 of my classmates ended up at UNH or UMass lol. Living in Hawaii now though. How's that snow? :^)

>> No.9446601

The New School

>> No.9446603

Great. I that doesn't entitle you to be an asshole to other people though.

>> No.9446606

Underrated post

>> No.9446607

people here dress like idiots

>> No.9446608

They offered 12k for just applying.

Got the rest through a specific scholarship application for the business school, a specific scholarship application for the honors college, and through random scholarships listed on their website.

If you're really dedicated to making it happen, no matter where you go, shun all outside distractions for a weekend to just fill out scholarship applications. I'm not sure if the deadline has already passed for this year, but there's no harm in trying.

>> No.9446609

>(Do PWIs have random nights where a DJ sets up and has people rocking to TI while you're just trying to eat your mashed potatoes, or was that just us?)
not sure what a PWI is?
but that sounds cool as fuck

>> No.9446646

The snow sucks. It's fucking with all my siqq fits.
Hawaii sounds dope though. I knew a girl from Hawaii who chose to go to school in Boston for some reason. Are you out there for school?

>> No.9446650

Pretty good school, mainly went here because its like 20 minutes from my house, but still. If you don't want to pay for private I highly recommend.

>> No.9446651
File: 243 KB, 590x421, dsc_0696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look out for the parties advertised on campus with little flyers.

Check out local black-owned restaurants; Sankofa is right off of campus, there are a ton of places on U Street.

Head for cultural events with a more local bent.

Get tickets to Yardfest/Homecoming (especially the fashion show).

Though they have good academics, agreed. Howard is DC's only school with a cultural tradition that people still value. Every place else is just a congressional intern factory or whatever. They're just passing through.

>> No.9446661

Predominantly White University. I guess it could be Predominantly White/Asian University now.

>> No.9446686

Yea, fucking Alec man

>> No.9446705

UK: Aberystwyth University
It's a small town on the west coast of wales and it's essentially a seafront and a massive hill.
It's not terribly /fa/, attempts were made at the beginning of the academic year. Most people give up, the weather's just awful, the Asians tried to hold out longest but even they can't fight the mighty Welsh dragon

>> No.9446707
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University of Dubs.

Check em'

>> No.9446715

Boston is pretty chill. It's really small though, so its hard to find things to do. You could walk from one side to the other in a decent amount of time. But ithere are so many cool people and events if you can find them. Youre not that far, just come down.

>> No.9446717


I went to a big urban state school, was something like 30% white. 30% asian, 30% hispanic, and 10% black (despite the fact of being in a 50% black city).

We had a big music concert the university sponsored at the beginning of the year for students that always featured hip hop artists. trying to think now of who we all had when i was there, but I remember lupe fiasco, childish gambino, tyler the creator, kid cudi, j cole, not bad actually.

>> No.9446718

I feel like a clown if I say I came from the Northeast to Hawaii for school, cause a lot of the reason was more for family reasons (and to get away from some negative shit) but yes, I do go to school out here. Boston has some great private universities, so I can totally get why she'd go there for an education.

And you should embrace the snow! I'd kill to still be able to have some layers, out here pants and a collar is "dressing up", I'm lucky to not let myself wear boardshorts and slippers (sandals) every day like everyone else

>> No.9446757

How do u it like, brah?

>> No.9446773

wow dude i grew up in the 808 and its entire school system is awful... hope you're studying to be a marine biologist

>> No.9446774

do u know joey

>> No.9446780

cool dubs, anon!

>> No.9446785

>they just saw his SATs
this is how i know you're in middle school

>> No.9446799

i know several joeys

>> No.9446805

>ctrl+F Toronto
>ctrl+F York
>ctrl+F Ryerson
w-what happened to Toronto /fa/?

>> No.9446810
File: 77 KB, 576x768, university of florida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sup fag

>> No.9446824


sorry m8, opposite end of the country

nm bby, u?

>> No.9446828
File: 549 KB, 1280x800, Rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rice University anyone?

>> No.9446867


it does if you go to msu

>> No.9446868

Rice indeed. Only the asians can dress effay tbh.

>> No.9446891

>tfw UH pleb
you guys are lucky don't ever forget I've seen things you wouldn't believe

>> No.9446897

What kind of stuff have you seen?

>> No.9446900

im in CS currently, considering transferring to finish my degree at a better school back home once my family stuff is sorted out

>> No.9446905


how do you like it?

>> No.9446910

James Madison University

in short...yes and no:

the un/fa/:
frat douchebags with sperries
Han Solo cosplay
so much Patagonia it sickens me
punk scene kids that look like they crawled out of a thrift store dumpster
occasional Arab with fake LV driving mocs in the middle of winter

the /fa/:
cooperative collectivist farmers who dress in sick earth tone layers
techfag road bikers
qt Asians (only the girls)
some professors (tweedcore)

Any Dukes out there say hi to me on campus. I'm a real normcore fuck with RayBans and knock off GATs.

>> No.9446911

the asians who go to rice are extremely unique. Think gifted super rich but cheap as fuck asains

>> No.9446920

And then sent directly to an insane asylum because I would have to be nuts to sleep with her again.

>> No.9446931

theyre 2nd - 3rd gen wealthy asians. raised right.

i have a friend like that. lives in a 5+ mill house. has a driver. still tries to get discounts on clothes. this nigga man. but he was taught to live frugal and had a job from age 16. so fucking jealous of his work ethic and his net worth lol!

>> No.9446937

Asians here are hit or miss. Some of them are hardworkers, rich, and unique. Others are only here because their family bought their way here.

>> No.9446944

no it isn't lmfao

also usc engineering? whats the matter. couldn't get into an objectively better engineering program at berkeley/la?

>> No.9446945

What are the most /fa/ Texas universities?

>> No.9446951

What college are you at?

>> No.9446958

Rice or UT and thats it.

>> No.9446965
File: 229 KB, 1500x1487, wsu-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian kids dress fresh as hell, white kids dress Zumiez, North Face, and Neff. So fucking sick of the half assed streetwear trend. Black dude on my floor must browse /fa/ because he's always lookin merciless.

Also is it just universal law that Asian foreigners dress better than everyone else?

>> No.9446975

I'm from MA but a girl from my high school went there. She's fucking insufferable. I hope, for your sake, they're not all like that.

>> No.9446976
File: 7 KB, 164x232, 1414035624590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Toronto /fa/

>> No.9446977

>Also is it just universal law that Asian foreigners dress better than everyone else?

this is such a trite thought process i feel physically ill reading ur post

>> No.9446979

I Lovett, I want some more of it

>> No.9446989

>different cultures have different standards of fashion

Hold my hair I'm vomiting at the concept omg next I'm gonna say something whack like Brazilian students always dress terribly.

>> No.9446996

nice. I'm at McM

>> No.9446997
File: 108 KB, 450x317, topsider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyy 912 represent

>> No.9446999

wow u sound upset maybe u should go read some of ur fav animes xDD calm u down a lil before u go shitting up the internet again hehe ;)

>> No.9447001

But you don't use a boat

>> No.9447011

If you ever see a black guy wearing b/w flyknits thats me.

>> No.9447014

I don't know if I like those or not. I feel like they could go one of two directions.

>> No.9447031

McM and Duncan have some phenomenal rooms man. The commons isn't that dope though.

Oh shit man. Are you at WR?

>> No.9447032

what house are you in?

>> No.9447040

any uvic students here? thinking of going but dont want to go to a non /fa/ school

>> No.9447066

aye another buckeye

>> No.9447067

HACC and surprisingly enough for a community college it isn't too bad.

>> No.9447078
File: 143 KB, 746x718, um_seal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to Umich. No one here is /fa/, including me. I'm studying chemical engineering.

>> No.9447081

>go to michigan
>for engineering
>not nuclear engineering
you're fucking up hard

>> No.9447092


Nuclear engineering is really interesting but doesn't offer the flexibility that most other engineering degrees offer in regards to what fields you can work in.

>> No.9447102
File: 15 KB, 500x500, linkedinlogo-500px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else? Looking for a friend to laugh at Chinese students' terrible RO and HBA fits

>> No.9447121

nukes can do ME, chemE, and materials science jobs as well. actually one of my professors headed a group that produced the first simulated images of cell growth and dislocation migration in metals under plastic deformation. it's a pretty broad degree actually.

>> No.9447140
File: 19 KB, 200x159, Albany_Great_Danes_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UAlbany is pretty /fa/ TBH

Who /dutchquad/ here?

>> No.9447162

Where are my usyd bros at?
A lot of hippie skater boy types supplemented with lumbersexuals

Did see some acne faced herb with a topknot and what i presume to be rick dunks once. He was dressed in all black too

>> No.9447170

UCI bros where you at zoot zoot

>> No.9447242

>tfw community college
>tfw second semester
I already hate this shit

>> No.9447277

hang in there homie

>> No.9447282

lol no Im at McM.

>> No.9447326

Depends, go for some arts degree of you just want to do nothing and be in the /fa/ part of the campus or a degree on the science side of campus for actually getting a job but with people who don't care about what they wear

>> No.9447341

>Arizona Wildcats
Surprisingly /fa/ I mean its probably a 6/10 but people make the effort to dress up and for women its a strong 9.

I was a grad student here and had to see parties outside my window at undergrads, girls would straight up wear 1000 dollar Gucci dresses and have on so much makeup and jewelry.

Guys would just derp and wear Sears level suits but better than frat boys tanks.

During class, its not uncommon to have ladies wearing sensible skirts and open blouses with a hint of cleavage and some nice Ray Ban shades or Gucci. Or they will wear sports shorts or a few wear jeans but its really rare.

Oh my God some of the fit ladies here love their yoga pants. I have to admit since its anonymous... one time I saw the best ass in my life in tight yoga pants and im 34 and I felt compelled to stalk her for about 3 blocks and she eventually I think ducked away noticing me being a creep but I couldn't help myself.

Probably my lowest life moment but I was in love/lust.

>> No.9447348

Ayyyyy Alex is that you

>> No.9447358

>there are still people this deluded

>> No.9447359

Simon Fraser University in BC
All rich chinese kids who wear luxury clothes and drive luxury cars. most look like shit tho.

>> No.9447365

That guy in the middle is a fucking GOD. If I ever make professor at a college and teach I will copy this mans style. He looks like he should be in Howard: The Movie.

>> No.9447375

UIC? Nice campus? U wot? Went there for a year and transfered the fuck out to UofI

>> No.9447433

I go to Georgia State University. not an /fa/ school, but a lot of people dress nice. typically the koreans and blacks. But obviously there are far plenty of people who dress like shit.

>> No.9447440

>being in denial
What do you do anon?

>> No.9447481
File: 1.36 MB, 1800x1800, byu-medallion1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generally no, but there are exceptions

>> No.9447483

asu. its absolute ass. everyone still wears dockers, hawaiin shirts, and salmon colored shorts that sit 4 inches above the knee. its so fucking bad and im angry. the asians are fresh 2 death though with their bape and dolphin. rich arabs walk around in lv, gucci, and prada, but they dress like they just pulled whatever off the mannequins. i think their clothes are legit because theyre always driving expensive luxury vehicles with arabic numbers on the license plates. gahtdamn.

>> No.9447485

>arabic numbers on the license plates

you do know the entire United States uses arabic numerals right? ',:^)

>> No.9447492

>Imperial College London
everyone was too depressed to be /fa/
the campus is /fa/ at least

>> No.9447504

i fucking killed it with my 3.9 high school gpa and 27 on my act, got offered the provost scholarship, i think. $8,000 a year, and my fafsa covered the rest, so im going to asu for free. im in state, though, i have no idea what your situations like. whatever you do, shoot for classes at the west campus. theyre waaaaay more professional, both students and staff.

>> No.9447519
File: 83 KB, 640x481, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a wise guy, eh?

>> No.9447609


>> No.9447625

I work for a living. Heh.

>> No.9447660

Ole Miss

regularly voted most beautiful campus in the US

>> No.9447735
File: 83 KB, 471x471, UOA Logo 4Col Vert_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Auckland Uni, this place fucking sucks in terms of effay-ness.
Anyone else from here?

>> No.9447774


Not that effay. A lot of kids dressing in that overplayed daddy's money prep. Sperry's are considered the epitome of fashion.

>> No.9447778

Yeah here
What are you doing?

>> No.9447792

Science, bitch. That probably doesn't help, I am surrounded by asians (not the /fa kind) and indians in most of my classes


>> No.9447800


Lund UB in the pic right?

I went there, done now though. Spent days and days in that library.

It's pretty /fa/, as long as you stay away from LTH. Only autist engineers.

>> No.9447812

Physics maths
Tried compsci but I dont like the way its taught would rather learn on my own.
Would like to try one arty paper but nothing is offered. Checked out MDS today but probably not for me

Some reasonablly /fa/ Asians in one of the maths classes I did
Hopefully this year will be more enjoyable than last
What year are you in?

>> No.9447831

Token LLB flunkie falling back on BA here, hello UoA bros

>> No.9447835

Black people are so much cooler. I wish I was black and wasn't stuck as a disgusting privileged white person :^(

>> No.9447846

Yeah, I've heard shitty stories about compsci lecturers and compsci in general.
3rd year but applying to med school after, so prob another 5 years at uni for me

insert an arts student joke

>> No.9447882
File: 1013 KB, 300x240, 1422902347823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who UTS here?
I just moved here, know absolutely nobody and am lost as fuck.

>> No.9447890

are you tired of peoplr asking you
S A D B O Y S ?

>> No.9447898
File: 159 KB, 1024x1024, tmp_6251-1024px-Utrecht_University_logo.svg352182612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, Utrecht University representing here.
I might be the first one of my department repping that/palewave/. Sure feels good.

>> No.9447927

King's college London, pretty meh.

>> No.9447934

University of East Anglia

Parka dudes and badly dressed english everywhere

i'm no better

>> No.9447942
File: 8 KB, 289x262, ngbbs4dfb62cb5a836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Tfw living in New Zealand

> Tfw no /fa/ schools

>> No.9447945

lincoln bruh

>> No.9447951

nope, I was good enough for UNSW

enjoy your more convenient location and jenga building though

also i didnt make any real friends in 4 years (graduated now); you get used to the lonely and lost as fuck feeling eventually

>> No.9447967

idk man, judging from the tone of your post
>i didnt make any real friends in 4 years
isn't really surprising

>> No.9447970

I didn't bother applying for anything better, I went in on STAT (didn't do HSC) and honestly thought I'd just end up at CSU or something.
>enjoy your more convenient location
I'm from a small town and have never even taken public transport, so I appreciate everything being in walking distance.

>> No.9448012

UWS med. The medicine building itself is architecturally pretty nice, but the campus is pig-disgusting. Shit area too.

>> No.9448146

I'm nice on the inside, things just come out wrongly
There's nothing wrong with it, wasn't being too serious. I hear it can actually be better than the other unis for practical experience and such, depending on which discipline etc.
You're living nearby then? Try to avoid commuting from too far because it is so painful and draining like i cant even explain

>> No.9448216

I live literally on top of some class rooms, the res leads straight into a tunnel that goes to the station and has all these shops.
Everything else is a short walk in the opposite direction.
>Try to avoid commuting from too far because it is so painful and draining like i cant even explain
I don't have the confidence to stray far. Hopefully I make a friend who's somewhat competent and can teach me how to get around.

>> No.9448221

I mean I'm studying math. But STEM/non-STEM is such a false dichotomy. Unless you're doing specialised technical work, most employers won't be looking for a particular background so long as you aren't a fucking moron.

>> No.9448222


>> No.9448240

This is a very accurate description of usyd

>> No.9448246



Sussex University's shit cousin

>> No.9448251

literally the least /fa/ school in existence enless you consider 80% of the school wearing canada goose jackets /fa/

typically not that /fa/, but its kind of 50/50 id say.

easily the most /fa/ girls in ontario.

>> No.9448252

i went to wilfried laurier (ontario) before dropping out. it was frat-core to the max, and with the ratio being like 4:1 girls to guys, id say 20% of the girls were /fa/, all the rest were pretty identical looking.

>> No.9448255

Umd also, what major are you?

>> No.9448259

I didn't apply there due to the 4 year degree and all the Etonians and Oxford/Cambridge rejects.
Love the city so much though.

>> No.9448260


Mostly kids in timbs and sweats, but some kids are /fa

>> No.9448285

I can strongly relate to what you said about the winters here bringing you down. Sucks big time. Know of any /fa/ boutiques in Montreal other than ssense?

>> No.9448667

Yeah. i cant type for shit on my phone. Admittedly i used to dress shit too. i met lots of asians here. I went to korea myself and changed for the better.

>> No.9448674

Nor can i reply for shit. This was for >>9446461

>> No.9448842


>> No.9448939
File: 41 KB, 350x350, a4185116081_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha fuck ya dude! hate em

>> No.9448975

Law and Business, yourself?

>> No.9449021

Any arts block course except for BESS

>> No.9449074

As a whole? Sure. But what's your major? That's where it really counts. There are terrific universities, like U of M, that still offer quite a few sub par programs.

>> No.9450345
