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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 178 KB, 1024x877, gay af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9443585 No.9443585 [Reply] [Original]

can somebody please explain this board's obsession with rolling up your pants? Ok, doing it every once in a while is fine I guess, but you guys seem to do it all the time and for absolutely no good reason. Is there an explanation for this? Is it a troll? Most of the time in fit pics people post in WAYWT it looks like pic related. You guys really don't think that's a good look, do you?

>> No.9443647

>roll up
All different things

>> No.9443668

bending jeans is dope af trust me

>> No.9443748

rolled up pants + no socks + winter coat is something far beyond my understanding

>> No.9443757

i knwo we all dress for ourselves here
but bitches love that look on a guy age <22

>> No.9443760
File: 160 KB, 980x1000, 1408469476642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice post dad

it's so there's no break over your shoes because that looks sloppy. also shows off your socks. generally just looks cleaner
well yeah

>> No.9443762

Well, with most high end jeans they come in one inseam length only,, so unless you are a giraffe they will be long as fuck so instead of getting them hemmed you can cuff them, the other reasons people do it is to show off that their jeans are selvedge, to show off their shoes or because they are a sheep

>> No.9443788
File: 3.78 MB, 2160x2184, disdain-for-plebs-hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not bending your jeans

>> No.9443793
File: 586 KB, 922x2607, UGH0jC9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for every uncultured fuck out there

>> No.9443809

Because this is the only way typical /fa/ drone is allowed to express himself. Because god forbid if you actually want to dress interesting in any way.

>> No.9443894

yes but i'm lumping them all together because they all look silly

do they? i don't like it on guys, but then again i'm a few years older

>nice post dad
thanks for showing how much of a newfag you are. nobody on /fa/ rolled their pants 2 years ago. it's a new trend on /fa/

so it's a manlet compensation device? showing off your "selvedge"? pathetic. and most people here don't have that interesting of socks

i swear some of you kids do it literally day. i bet people know you as "that kid who always rolls up his pants"

>> No.9443901

>are you the guy on /ck/ that kept referring to pizza crusts as handes

>> No.9443902

>it's a new trend on /fa/

unless you live in fucking Eritrea how have you not seen it in real life. fashion exists outside of 4chan

>> No.9443928

yes i've seen it in real life
but it's much, much more common on /fa/ than in real life because /fa/ is a hivemind where people don't have independent thoughts of their own

>> No.9443931

that's a broad brush you're painting with mate. i'm guessing you live somewhere remote

>> No.9443936

Besides aesthetics cuffs add weight to the bottom of the pants, creating a better trouser drape.

>> No.9443943

>cuffing is the elastic on a sweetshirt.

This thread was gold.

>> No.9443950

The only people I see cuffing their pants IRL are major league douchers trying to be Beck.

>> No.9443951

Some people think it looks good, retard. Get the fuck over it.

>> No.9443962

Are cuffed joggers meem pants?

>> No.9445422

why would anybody cuff their joggers? they're already tapered and "cuffed" so to speak

>> No.9445443

are you the fuck that's been spamming the waywts with "why r u cuffin ur pants when u dont need to lol"

answer: sometimes it looks better than letting it fall. that's literally the only reason. people have been cuffing for decades and will be for a good long time, get used to it.

>> No.9446919

did you take inspiration from trainspotting?

>> No.9446960

It cleans up the silhouette so the wearer looks taller

>> No.9446995
File: 106 KB, 941x628, LooksAwesomeWithARolledCuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeans look awesome with a rolled cuff.

>> No.9447010

i do it because it's an easy way of managing inseam length. i don't like cropped jeans, i don't hem my jeans too high and this way i can wear the same pair with both boots and sneakers. pinrolling everything is gay af tho
guys wearing pinrolled sweatpants, jesus christ

>> No.9447029
File: 18 KB, 500x328, B58b9EGIgAELAjc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pinrolling is good if you want a more tapered look but are either

>A) to stupid or poor for a sewing machine to just taper them yourself
>B) to lazy to do it

but i do agree /fa/ seems to cuff their pants for no good reason, and waay too often, ive seen some good or decent fits get absolutely ruined for no reason because the person always wants to roll or cuff their jeans/pants

>> No.9447036

How tight should the ankle opening be for jeans? Like an inch and a half?

>> No.9447051

>be me
>plan the perfect norm aesthetic fit
>loosely pinroll my chinos to display my polo lobster pattern socks
>girl in class: "i like ur crab socks"
>th-they're lobsters...

>> No.9447071
File: 55 KB, 400x300, thumbnail_6232015823948515279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldve told her they're damn hippos..

>> No.9447410

That looks fucking gay

>> No.9447435


>> No.9447437

pants are either too long or too short on me so I get long pants and cuff them so that they dont bunch up at the bottom or at my knees