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File: 249 KB, 4173x1772, Godard_Pierrot_le_fou_cool_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9441187 No.9441187 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you smoke?

>> No.9441248

>wanting lung cancer and other respiratory illnesses

Besides, I have asthma.

>> No.9441270

You can get that treated

>> No.9441283

Fuck off, nerd.

>> No.9441320

My Uncle served in Vietnam and smoked since he was 13.

He recently died of lung cancer which had metastasized to his liver. He was constantly in a state of poor health from his 40's all the way til his death bed.

He was a good man, but that was no way to live.

Please don't smoke, it doesn't make you look cool. Whenever I see someone smoking I think of some hipster faggot who lived in my dorm my freshman year who would always have a pack of American Spirits rolled under his sleeve and a single tucked behind his ear.

He'd never smoke, but he'd pantomime it as best he could and blast Animal Collective 24/7.

That is what I think of when I see a cigarette smoker.

>> No.9441323

Smells like shit
Makes you smell like shit
Outdated way of looking cool
Willingly giving yourself health problems

>> No.9441356
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>Not using snus.
It's like you guys don't want to fuck chicks all day.

>> No.9441383

smelling like shit is not /fa/

>> No.9441386

head spins that almost made me vomit every time I had a cigarette, if it hadn't been for those i probably would have started when i was a teen

>> No.9441391

I smoked for 4 years and quit 3 months ago. It's something you tell yourself looks cool, but in reality girls think it's gross. It seems enjoyable, but there is no net enjoyment because the pleasure is just taken from yourself in the future when you have to deal with withdrawal. It's a waste of money, it makes you smell, it makes people think you're stupid, you're worse off in job interviews, lowers productivity, kills you years later and makes you cough and feel sickly until then. Always clearing your throat. Reduces your ability to taste and smell. Makes your teeth yellow, face leathery, all skin worse, nails yellow, semen yellow, and fucks up pretty much every organ in your body somehow.

And you actually pay $100 a month to kill yourself because you don't just look like an idiot, you ARE an idiot.

>> No.9441399

I smoke a cigarette after drinking because it makes me feel more awake but thats about it


>> No.9441420

I smoked from age of 14 to 23.
>Why don't you smoke?
>Smell on my Fingers
>Smell on my Clothes
>Smell everywhere
>Very expensive. pack a day, sometimes 2. 6$X365=2much4me
>Caused my teeth to be green (And I brush twice a day)
Also, this
Dunno how much of this is real, but it did the job.

>> No.9441424
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• waste of time
• waste of money
• greatly decreases lifespan
• greatly decreases quality of life

Logically, it makes no sense to smoke.

>> No.9441427

Because my ego is not defined by random reactions of pedestrians that I see everyday. My ego is defined by me and I don't need to romanticize consumerism, nicotine addiction and carcinogenic death sticks to get randoms to think im deep, tough, or 'intelligent'. The same traits that are displayed by a 'smoker' by the media/popular culture which ALSO is the same companies that get a kickback from tobacco corporations promoting an addictive substance.

TL;DR youre a fucking peasant.

>> No.9441430

on par with dip, kill yourself faggot

>> No.9441453

Smoking is for poor people to get poorer.

>> No.9441469

>try it out for a week
>smells like shit
>smell gets everywhere
>way too expensive
in what universe is spending $6.50 on a pack of cigarettes okay
the only thing you get from it is reduced appetite and adderall already does that for me

>> No.9441481

sounds like a cool dude

>> No.9441489

>living in a state with high taxes

>> No.9441498

You Sir are a gentleman and a scholar. Consider my fedora tipped.

>> No.9441563

People itt saying
>smokers smoke because they try to be cool
must still be in middle school. Nowadays smoking isn't cool and every smoker with an IQ above average fucking knows it.

But it's fun. I smoked when I was in University and it was fucking great. The kick of your first cigarette in the morning... the cigarette break with classmates during a learning session... the cigarette outside the library on a warm summer night while you're studying for the finals... the cigarette and beer at the lake with friends.... the cigarette on your way through the city to meet some friends and go partying... damn smoking is so great.

And I never understood why people act like it makes you some brainless addicted zombie. Even back when I was smoking I'd just stop for several months just because I didn't feel like smoking. Then I'd start whenever I felt like it.

>> No.9441591

eh. Cigarettes make the mucus in my lung congeal and form balls and I get a dry cough for weeks after just a pack.

I smoke a pipe now. I wanna try snus cuz that girl is fucking hot tho.

>> No.9441631

I smoked for a while when I could first buy them myself and I never really enjoyed the experience that much. The smell of the smoke, the slight burning in the throat, the lingering odor on your hand and clothes. I did however like the effect the effect of the nicotine. My thoughts seemed clearer and faster after a cig. I hope e-cigs become more regulated and higher quality. I would probably pick that up.

>> No.9441732

I'm not a degenerate.

>> No.9441748


>> No.9441756

Costs too much money that I'd rather be spending on something else.

>> No.9441770

>paying money to slowly kill yourself in one of the most agonizing ways possible

gee i dunno

>> No.9441811

lost my virginity cause of smoking

It's a good conversation starter

>> No.9441944

Your uncle probably had a higher risk of cancer because of his exposure to the Rainbow chemicals by Dow/Monsanto in Nam.

>> No.9441949

what to smoke lads

>> No.9441950

I would start, wanting to since I was 12 and saw my uncles and grandpa smoke. They stopped since, but I never started because I'm too much of a pussy. Also never tried drugs. :(

>> No.9441957


>> No.9441958

smoking regularly aka a pack a day =/= smoking 1 cig a week

>> No.9441971

I smoke because it gets the taste of the world out of my mouth.

>> No.9442085

The only girls you'll get with snus are cousin-fucking, camo-wearing country trash

>> No.9442206

That's not smoking, that's being a faggot.

>> No.9442257

>1 cig a week

i acc hate faggots like you.

>> No.9442291

Because when i kicked opiates, smoking wasn't enjoyable anymore.

>> No.9442366

Smoked from age 15 up to 21. Started snusing after that.

>> No.9442367

bad 4 teeth

bad smell

>> No.9442385

smoked for 4 years. so fucking glad i quit. lungs feel good, skin looks good, no more yellowing of teeth.

>> No.9442406

>i'm angry that somebody has the self-control to do something in moderation

i acc hate faggots like you

>> No.9442417

I never tried it, but I'll occasionally dip. Is snus any good?

>> No.9442422

Yeah this. Reconnected with my ex from high school while sharing a cig under the quiet summer midnight outside of a loud house party

>> No.9442432

Smoking kills, but at least you look cool.

>> No.9442436

I live in a cold state.
It's nice not having to go outside every hour and a half.

Also nice to not smell like shit all the time.

>> No.9442440

I'm not socially autistic

>> No.9442453

My friends got me into vaping.

I only do it at home though for now.

>> No.9442461

box mod or pen?

>> No.9442464

I used to smoke like 4 cigs/week but I only really liked it when I was drunk (same with weed).
If you hate on people for smoking regularly you're a fag and if you hate on people for smoking infrequently you're an even bigger fag.

>> No.9442497

>have asthma
>smoke erry day

totally *EUGGHCH* worth it man

>> No.9442517

I got a mech. 'salright

>> No.9442524

What Nic

>> No.9442528

>you will never live in mad men times and smoke at work constantly
it just isnt worth it now

>> No.9442549

I just go with 3mg.

>> No.9442555

>being this level of human garbage

>> No.9442561

Why am I human garbage?

>> No.9442586
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>> No.9442598

It was a question m8.

I'd rather vape than smoke.

Shit doesn't stick and it actually tastes decent.

>> No.9442602

3mg is baby stuff unless you drip

>> No.9442604

I said I have a mech, I assumed that implies I drip.

>> No.9442605
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it's like I can hear you tipping through the computer

>> No.9442643

>retarded unfitting response towards a genuine question

nigga u autistic? >>>/b/

>> No.9442652

>having an opinion that differs from the one you blatantly conform to without any thought of your own
>full fedora *TIPPING INTENSIFIES* lel! xD

>> No.9442654

>not realizing vaping is the most fedora thing you can do

muh flavored tobacco

>> No.9442660

that's deep

>> No.9442690
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>> No.9442691

trying to keep it to that.
haven't smoked a cig sober in almost two weeks (only smoked on friday when plastered). baby steps, fam.

>> No.9442963

I'm the same. Used to smoke for 5 years, now only smoke a few times a year when I'm on the lash.

>> No.9442978


>> No.9443006

But not cured, dumb fuck.

>> No.9443019

WOW, now I want to smoke.

>> No.9443036

god tier film

>> No.9443039

>not chewing nicotine gum

>> No.9443040

I smoke only with my crew or when I'm drinking. I have never smoked alone. Is my first rule.
Anyways I will quit it one of these days, I just realized that smoking a pack a week is just as bad as smoking 2 or 3 ciggies in a row. When I'm limited of cigarettes, I inhale and swallow more smoke in order to get the buzz faster.

>> No.9443042

>a learning session
its called a class
i agree though
i recently quit and you've made me want one

>> No.9443053

Smoking is for stupid and poor people. Forget about the cancer and all that shit. It makes you smell terrible all the time, your car, house and clothes all smell like shit. Stains your teeth yellow. Its fucking inconvenient too. Save your money and do heroin or ecstasy, at least that's kinda fa
If you live in a trailer park then go for it, you'll impress all the other poor trash you spend your time with

>> No.9443058

What is with the smoking smells bad maymay? Even before I started I thought cigarettes smelled good. Is this just something people tell themselves, like a sour grapes thing?

>> No.9443063
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i smoke when i go out to bars and at techno parties
i look cool AF

>> No.9443077
File: 20 KB, 283x283, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im getting real tired of this 'everything is a meme' meme

>> No.9443086

>Even back when I was smoking I'd just stop for several months just because I didn't feel like smoking
Fuck you, nigga. I do this too, but your faggot post made me want to pick it back up

>> No.9443087

Some people don't like it and some people do. It's like the taste of coffee, some people like it and other people don't.

>> No.9443105

picked up smoking as a new years resolution to see what's all the fuss

its really fun like >>9441563 said, cigarette breaks at shows or bars allowed me to meet some cool people

i like it after dining out or after working hard but it feels pointless otherwise

when does the addiction kick in?

>> No.9443107

Are you actually going to be the kind of fumbling retard that tries to argue that lighting pesticides found inside a toxic plant on fire and trapping those particulates in some of the most unprotected of your tissues is not going to cause cancer? There are decades of studies. Smoking causes cancer at a higher rate than the base population. Even regular exposure to second-hand smoke is linked to cancer.

>> No.9443109

What could possibly be fashionable about smoking, you pack of mongrel children?

>> No.9443122

when you try and stop is usually when youll notice, or you just wont for a few days and be pissed off and wonder why

>> No.9443140
File: 25 KB, 350x354, 1334461024333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those addicted faggots smoking their youth away believing they won't turn into the prematurely aged 40yr old disgusting old smokers
>tfw living with a lifetime smoker that would cough and splutter the most horrendous noises for hours each morning all whilst smoking his morning cigarette
>tfw addiction is the sign of a weak personality

This board really is full of degenerate trash.

>> No.9443145

>This is cost adjusted wages in americlapistan
>In liveable wages tier highest qol straya smokes are $25 per pack

You guys are basically Pakistan tier poverty, all costs are adjusted for your average wage.

>> No.9443150

> >$6.50
I spend like 15-30$ on shit like pop and vitamin water and mineral water every fucking day, looks like smoking would be cheaper

>> No.9443161
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>Vitamin water
>Mineral water
>He buys bottled water


>> No.9443162

You're a fucking retard. That's not how economics works. It's based on maximum exploitation, not edging towards a mean. And it's also not taking into account things like ease of supply access, which is huge in America because massive tobacco farms and processors are everywhere, and morality taxes which are much, much higher in Europe. 6.5 isn't even consistent across all brands, let alone all locations. They're 25 a pack in NYC, 6 in Chicago and Texas, and 1-15 dollars in Detroit.

And now you'll be hurr durr b8d you but schooling a dumb motherfucker isn't getting mad and provoking pity isn't trolling. Step it up, nigger.

>> No.9443168

That's not how that works. Cigarettes are like $12 where I live, and like $25 in New York. It just depends on the city's tax policy.

>> No.9443170
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I can't take it, I get headspins.

>> No.9443173
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>B-But they charge us more in slightly more affluent Uzbekistan tier states
>T-that makes up for a-all those Pakistan levels of poverty in the rest of the country

>> No.9443176

vitamin water is more like some lemonade or juice

and mineral water is fucking carbonated you know, I like that, it's not like I can get tap water carbonated and FRESH and in a nice big glass bottle

also unless you live in a certain countries/cities, tap water is shit

filters make water taste like shit too

>> No.9443183
File: 141 KB, 980x550, PHA_DASANI-WATER_carousel_980x550_091113_for_web-fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dasani was launched in the UK on 10 February 2004. The product launch was labelled "a disaster",a "fiasco" and a "PR catastrophe". Early advertisements referred to Dasani as "bottled spunk" or featured the tagline "can't live without spunk". These slogans were used seemingly oblivious to the fact that spunk is slang for semen in the UK.
>Prior to the launch, an article in The Grocer trade magazine had mentioned that the source of the Dasani brand water was in fact treated tap water from Sidcup, a suburban development in London. By early March 2004, the mainstream press had picked up the story and it became widely reported that Sidcup tap water, after being processed by reverse osmosis, had been remineralized, bottled and sold under the Dasani brand name in the UK. Although Coca-Cola never implied that the water was being sourced from a spring or other natural source, they marketed it as being especially "pure". This led the Food Standards Agency to request Hillingdon trading standards officers to launch an investigation into whether the claim was accurate.
>Richard May, Chief Publicity Officer of Dasani, was said to be disappointed that the water had not been more successful.

This is the hype you're buying into with bottled water.

Jesus are you a short midget with a terminal disease making youtube videos or what.

>> No.9443187

u gotta smoke through those, everyone has that when they first start. once you smoke for a little bit you pass a certain threshold and the spins go away

>> No.9443194

yup. i quit three months ago but i miss it for all these reasons.

>> No.9443202
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>> No.9443212

dude what the fuck are you on about?
I told you I dont drink usual water in bottles usually, and I dont buy it. you're so fucking fedora-tipping and pedantic right now, which is fucking funny and disgusting, considering you completely missed the point.

and no, I'm 6'3, I'm pretty sure I'm taller than you or anyone in your servile trash family, fucking mongoloid bitch kike whoreson.

>> No.9443216

A meme (/ˈmiːm/ meem)[1] is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture."

that person actually used the word correctly they werent just saying it to be a faggot

>> No.9443219
File: 492 KB, 1876x2066, 1370413306493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and no, I'm 6'3, I'm pretty sure I'm taller than you or anyone in your servile trash family, fucking mongoloid bitch kike whoreson.

Wow you're mad.

>> No.9443234

epic imagerelated my friend haha you sir good sir gentleman I tip my fedora to you

also good 'wow you're mad' meme usage haha

add me on reddit

>> No.9443294
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>Le reddit meme

>> No.9443382


I'd actually like for a girl to kiss me and not look like she tonguefucked an ashtray

>> No.9443402

who wants to live past 40?

>> No.9443412
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+1 for not being a brain dead Fuccboi

>> No.9443429

I don't like how it makes my lungs feel

>> No.9443483

Because I'm going into medicine and doing so would make me a huge hypocrite.

Oh yeah, and it's super bad for you. Although I will admit, it does look cool

>> No.9443513

lol at all the smokerfags getting btfo in this thread.

animal collective are cool though so step off.

you're so wrong. It's absolutely still cool to smoke. It's only uncool amongst pure-children type people.

>> No.9443582

I want my body to be in good condition and age well.

Also I want to be able to fuck my girl good, instead of being out of breath 1 minute in.

I have smoked before, for 2 years, and holy fuck it affected my performance very negatively.

It's been a little more than 1 year since I quit, and I have never felt better.

>> No.9443600
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I don't want to smell horrible

>> No.9443637



>> No.9443658


it's pretty sad when you consider that pretty much everyone young (i'm leaving out older people because people weren't educated on the risk back then) who smokes started out because they wanted to look cool
when you acknowledge that it's pretty sad

>> No.9443808

>not buying perfume that is complimented by tobacco smoke

>> No.9443828

It also makes no sense to live. Why not kill yourself right now? Faggot.

>> No.9443832

But I do. Where I'm living the most expensive pack is 3 bucks and probably half of the males smoke. I smoke a pack a day and haven't had any problems yet. I even went without for a couple months Without much trouble outside of the first week. It helped that my break started in the hospital where the nurses wouldn't let me smoke even though I tried paying them off. It's a nice way to break up your day and meet people. It's always fun to go to a strip club and watch girls spit ice cubes out of their pussies while chainsmoking.

>> No.9443843

Mainly money (it's ridiculously expensive here in Germany), the smell and health. Whenever people explain to me why they smoke they usually come up with this whole weird philosophy of what it means to live, kind of like whatever smoking ads say. To me it just sounds like "I wanted to be one of the cool kids in school and shock my parents and I honestly can't stop now, no matter how hard I try". I just can't see the upside other than some pseudo-philosophical bullshit that makes no sense. There are literally no benefits at all.

>> No.9444092

>no benefits

Yea just like soda and junk food but that doesn't mean that it isn't enjoyable.

>> No.9444106

After a few smokes the buzz is gone anyway.

>> No.9444439

This post literally gave me cancer. Thanks, faglord.

>> No.9444490

>Go for a 10min smoke break every 50 minutes.

Boss says it's fine.

>Stretch legs once every 200 minutes and stroll around for a minute.


>> No.9444528

Smoking ads haven't been around for over ten years though.

>> No.9444547

This. The whole debate is absolutely fucked because nobody can see a middle ground here -- that's how good the lobbying has been against smoking.

Take drinking for comparison. Who doesn't know someone whose life has been destroyed by alcoholism? Anyone could tell a story about someone like that. Yet we don't say "that's why I don't drink. You're not cool for drinking, just don't do it." Because we recognize, in that case, the possibility of moderation.

Smoking is different only because an excess of smoking does not impair functioning at first. Thus we have a hard time telling the difference between a moderate and immoderate smoker because there are no 'signs' to speak of. Yet the principle of moderation, whether for long-term or short-term benefit, is still the same -- cigarettes will not kill you if you control yourself. Smoking is also different because people forget the benefits other than "looking cool" -- partly because the effect is more transient. But the euphoric momentary effect is real, and it's worth it, for me. And it works really well for conversation (not as a subject; as a catalyst), so it has some social value, too.

The sad thing is, between smoking too much and not at all, not enough people respect that middle ground. Hardcore smokers think casual smokers are posers or wimps, and non-smokers don't differentiate between degrees of smoking.

We need to stop demonizing smoking and to realize that it is possible to smoke responsibly. The whole conversation going on about smoking is fucked up.

>> No.9444565

fucking not true

so the first time I smoked a cigarette, and I got a crazy headrush and felt amazing, I was just soothing my craving? must have been addicted from all that second-hand smoke I inhaled living in a household where nobody smoked! or maybe I was just so blown away by how cool I felt for smoking?

but he's right. it's simple, really. sometimes people do things because


I don't even smoke anymore so idk why it bothers me to read that, but that post is such a load of shit

>> No.9444567

>new years resolution
>"I want to start smoking!"

silly nigga ur doing this all backwards

>> No.9444573

man this post gave me feels

cigarettes are so great, I should pick up smoking again

funny how people who have never smoked think they can tell you what a cigarette feels like, and if you disagree you're just delusional and addicted

>> No.9444577

I inject nicotine to my vein every 2 hours

>> No.9444578

>moderation you guise!

holy fucking shit, what a wimp you are

>> No.9444589

just keep track of how many you're having per week or per day/etc. Try not to let that number increase. The natural impulse is always to have one more than usual, and eventually you're having a few a day, and then a few more a day, etc. My rule of thumb is that if you're having a cigarette (or more than one) every day it's becoming a habit, and you want to keep smoking non-habitual.

The trick is to be always fighting against the impulse to increase your intake. My rule that keeps me in check is to never have a cigarette when I'm alone unless I feel really inspired about something (this happens very rarely), and to not have more than two when I'm going out with good friends. All in all I smoke pretty infrequently as a result

>> No.9444595

I spend too much money already on

Clothes, tattoos, my car, motorcycle, and taking your mom on expensive dates.

>Also smells like shit

>> No.9444597

Moderation works. The anti-smokers aren't entirely wrong. It's absolutely true that heavy smoking will turn your life into a living hell.

>> No.9444641
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Not the other anon but I accidentally bought a 10 ml bottle of 25mg while I was high 2 weeks ago and its the nastiest shit Ive only gone through like 2ml of it and its just sitting on my desk.At 25mg a ml is a pack of straights I felt like puking

>> No.9444650
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Tastes shitty anyway

>> No.9444668

>We need to stop demonizing smoking

no. get fucked.

>> No.9444684
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>that pretentious ass post

>> No.9444732

>It also makes no sense to live

>> No.9444774

I vape since I dont like my sleeves and hands getting that nasty smell.Also it turns out much cheaper since the excise duty on tobacco here in Ireland is really high with vaping coming to almost a third of the cost for me

>> No.9445102

>still feels the kick of a cigarette
either a newbie or pedantic

>> No.9445174

Fuck smoking. I've been smoking for 7 years and it sucks. Walking around smelling like an ashtray, coughing up shit every 10 minutes, probably have lung cancer.
only time I actually enjoy smoking is when I need a break from a crowd and go stand by myself and have a cig, or when I read. Otherwise, it feels exactly like that abovetheinfluence commercial where the cigarette drags you outside.

>> No.9445181

No, anon said the toxic gasses used in nam is what probably gave him cancer. My dad smoked a lot and got cancer, but then again all the guys who worked with him at the glass refinery got cancer and died too.

>> No.9445204

>>smoking isn't cool, but I enjoy it
>what a pretentious fag
You're an idiot, it was actually a modest and cogent comment.

>> No.9445237

Yes but the incorrect use is way more commonly accepted here.

>> No.9445241

you're lucky you never got addicted. I would smoke like clockwork. The routine of it, and frequency of it, sort of made it hard to stop for months. Finally quit cold turkey, but fuck it was hard.

>> No.9445269

I do. Started out of depression, looking for some extra kick in my day. I still enjoy that first cig of the day too much to quit right now

>> No.9445295

some people don't have an addictive nature. must be nice.

>> No.9445307
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Addiction is different for everybody. I've been smoking ~5 cigs a day for 7 months but have gone days (longest 3 weeks) and didn't feel much of an urge

>> No.9445339

kill yourself

>> No.9446244

nice dubs

>> No.9446263

Some people also have fast metabolisms !! I sure don't :(

>> No.9446270

Same reason I don't put radioactive lead or polonium in my mouth.

>> No.9446386

Snus isn't as fucking rank as dip. It's more discrete (pouches), it comes in different flavours and you'll be tapping in to a proud Scandinavian tobacco tradition.

>> No.9446771

man this thread is doing a great job at exposing the age demographic of /fa/ users

any grown person who isnt a complete manchild would understand that people do unhealthy things for the very simple and honest reason that they enjoy doing those things.

i stopped smoking 3 months ago from around 5 a day. but man smoking was fun. also i swear that i got all my best essay ideas while taking a smoke break. the feeling of lighting up after 50 minutes of gruelling studying is such a pleasure.

if you havent smoked before you should try it.

>> No.9446934

Smoking, regardless of the extra shit, in the real world, you still smell like open ass.

Literally. Of course it can be fun fora year but even then you're going to see obvious visual affects from just one year of actual, continual use.

>> No.9446959

>Same reason I don't put radioactive lead or polonium in my mouth.

oh my is that right

i hope u eat a strictly organic diet before u preach anti smoking because i have news for u

>> No.9446964

>smell like shit
>yellow teeth
>holes in clothes
>expensive habit

>> No.9447020

Heavy smoker for two years from 14 to 16. One day I just quite.went through shit and I thought it was a headache.switched to coffee, yellows your teeth but you don't smell and look awful.never really had cravings tho, never.chain smoking was relaxing to.

>> No.9447062

>instead of modern pesticides, lets bathe our food in 40 year old pesticides! They were made using natural ingredients so it's different from this scary genetic stuff!

>> No.9447073

cool bait

i cant help but feel sad knowing there are people out there actually do advocate of the consumption gmo produce and industrialized cage meat though

how sickening

>> No.9447103


the tobacco aftertaste in your mouth after you smoke always put me off from cigs

>> No.9449268


>> No.9449352

Better bait, 7/10 made me reply.

>> No.9449585

I smoke brick weed cigs with mint leaves I smell like tea and I'm sort of high all the time

get on my lvl

>> No.9451233

>tfw australia, $22.50 for a 25 pack of winfields
>tfw if you worked in a kitchen you may understand why people smoked a little more

>> No.9451274

??? what's the problem?

Unless you believe God created you for a purpose, life is as pointless as death.

>> No.9451442

>switched to coffee
>not drinking coffee and smoking regularly
