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/fa/ - Fashion

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9433469 No.9433469[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no squad to roll with

>> No.9433473

if you live in toronto and you're nice, we can be pals

>> No.9433486

where can we meet

>> No.9433506

I too know this feel

>> No.9433509

do you actually live in toronto

>> No.9433515

not OP tho

>> No.9433529

you did not expect that, did you?

>> No.9433556
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so do I

>> No.9433598
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there's no way there are 3 people from toronto in 1 thread

the meetup only had like 2 people who went

>> No.9433623

It is not effay to hang with shitheads, better being alone. But there are time I wish I was in a effay crew ;__;

>> No.9433624

actually we had 6 showup

tornoot fam is strong on /fa/

>> No.9433636

tbh the idea of hanging out with teenagers wearing archival raf and talking about memes doesn't seem like a fun time irl

>> No.9433692

this so much

Hanging with tripsk or maybe positivity would probably be chill tho

>> No.9433717

w2c those stan smiths

>> No.9433719
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Daily Reminder:

There will never be a DMV slash Effay slash crew

>> No.9433727

>tfw depressed, unkissed and lonely 18 year old

why do I even care about my clothes ;_;

>> No.9433732
File: 744 KB, 500x281, sadaf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you, homie.

>> No.9433737
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>Rolling with da boiz
>Some hipster sitting at a cafe with a fat chick says "hey look it's the entourage" as we walk by
>Still hurts years later

>> No.9433738

Anybody here in LAUSANNE switzerland?

>> No.9433747
File: 242 KB, 1224x1632, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would i be correct in guessing 5/6 were liberal arts students :^)

this pic (bottom) says they're coming out in March

>> No.9433751

>tfw dont know what having friends is like
>tfw fantasise about having a nice group of people to hang out with and do stuff with

>> No.9433752

probably rexy too
she seems v chill

>> No.9433759
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>> No.9433761

lol why don't you have friends? go make some

>> No.9433773

i have never done it before

>> No.9433779

Ignore him, he's been doing this for a while now

>> No.9433791


I feel for you guys. But its not that hard I promise, im a testament to that. You'll make it bbys.

>> No.9433794

resu/rexy/not user, stop samefagging

just filter the cancer

>> No.9433800

Tell us your secret

>> No.9433813
File: 1.58 MB, 3179x4928, 1415473255870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i guess i shouldn't make generalizations, i don't know your situations but still

pic unrelated

>> No.9433835

All of my friends IRL are for the most part moderately to very into fashion. I live in a major metropolis and work for a boutique that stocks most of the brands talked about in here. So I have met every stylist, model, designer, etc in the city. Most of my friends are people I know through work, and what's better is they are all talented, motovated and making money.

A lot of these effay crews are really creative and doing cool stuff. Ask yourself: would the kind of kids you want to hang out with want to hang out with you in return?

>> No.9433841

What city are you in?

>> No.9433842

I mean im not sure how much this applies to you, but for me it was overcoming all sorts of issues i had with myself. I realized that people perceive me in a radically different way than i saw myself, namely not a piece of shit. People actually don't hate you, most don't care, some even like you and think you're cool i promise. I mean im still struggling with my depression, but I've forged really cool strong relationships and made all sorts of friends. Its getting better dudes. Also i mean it for sure helps to make sure you look decent and stuff like that i guess, but for me it was really an issue of mentality and self isolation because I cared to much about being judged.

>> No.9433852

Did you get help for your depression? Like meds, therapy etc.

>> No.9433859

I'm sorry anon, I was only trying to impress my grl

>> No.9433869

I fucked with meds for a while, but I wasn't really a fan, they helped, but they also made me feel "altered". I just didn't like it.

Yeah some therapy, which originally started to help me deal with some other issues with school and just kinda being an apathetic fuck. It helped me realize that i needed to change the way i think. That and honestly just having people to be with has been enormously helpful.

>> No.9433873

you're kidding if you think he had depression.
>i just, you know, "woke up," i guess
Yeah, you don't "get over" depression like that.

>> No.9433877

Never say never bby
Atown reporting

>> No.9433886

i didn't say i got over it. just better.

>> No.9433900

As In its still there, it still negatively impacts me. I still have difficulties with a lot of stuff. but at least i have some friends now so thats nice. Thanks tho

>> No.9433901
File: 235 KB, 1280x850, 1396426811119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who says it has to be teens talkin aboot maymays??

why cant it be some fun ppl to talk fashion aboot with and have fun doing things normal friends would do just with the added benefit of not being called a /fa/g just cause you appreciate fashion,and having some ppl to roll with to cop pieces with?

>tfw wish i had an /fa/ squad to roll with to grab cops and then grab food with.. ;_;

>> No.9433902

It's very possible to reach a point in your thinking where you're simply fed up with the current situation, and take steps to get out of whatever you're in.

It's very possible to hit rock bottom and start getting better from there. But not, no, just like that - unless you're one of the lucky few in the scopolamine studies. "scopolamine depression" on google. Amazing stuff. Therapy is still required to prevent relapse, though

thank you for sharing this. means a lot.

>> No.9433907

If I told you I or my boutique would be identified and that wouldn't be very cool.

>> No.9433976

w2c high end boutique job?

>> No.9433983

>implying I'd wanna hang with a bunch of fuccbois who go to CC :^)

>> No.9433994

do you not understand what w2c means you sperglord

>> No.9434006

aiddias nigga they just not out yet

>> No.9434018
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>tfw no friends

I don't feel too bad though, its not like i'm actively looking for people to hang out with. had plenty in school just kind of dropped off the social planet after graduation and now its work/sleep/anime repeat lmao.

>> No.9434041

are those the sadboys2001?

>> No.9434047
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I think you're missing out on something. There are very few people in the world who do not appreciate good company. I used to be alone a lot, too, but now other people are what gives my life meaning.

>> No.9434061
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>> No.9434062

never felt need for friends, even though I was a social butterfly, everyone always described me as very cheerful, had friends in school etc.

all I need in terms of social interaction is a gf, friends dont make it for me.

>> No.9434092

Geneva here

>> No.9434107


toronto is /fa/ as fuck how can you be suprised there are so many of us

>> No.9434108

lol you sound like you're a dick irl.

95% of people involved in the fashion industry (even more so in "styling") are vapid, vain idiots.

>> No.9434115

> toronto is /fa/ as fuck
top jej
there are no /fa/ cities in cucknada

>> No.9434121

Other toronto reporting in :^)

>> No.9434125

sure but even so friends wont come through your window

its more a matter of where to find them, you need some way of meeting people which is the hard part, if you arent in school its impossible

>> No.9434166

lol how mysterious

>> No.9434177

>projecting this hard

>> No.9434195
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>there are like five philly/fa/gs but nobody can be assed to plan a meetup


>> No.9434205

very good point. Yeah the whole forced contact of school was definitely helpful. Thats why i said my situation might not be applicable to others.

>> No.9434208

also toronto

>> No.9434291

this very much.

>> No.9434383

T-dot here

>> No.9434389

also toronto
19/ f/ george brown

>> No.9434406


Anyone east end?

>> No.9434465

>be with squad
>see another squad coming down the road
>that tension as you pass each other

>> No.9434489

next time you're in this situation, fight them

great experience, 10/10, I promise

>> No.9434811

Hey man, I was in the same boat until recently. I feel for you.

>> No.9434862

You think making friends is not a good idea...? Wow

Well find people with common interests! Join a club or something.

And you should make an effort to make small talk with people like in your classes and stuff

It's a good way to get to know people or just exchange friendly conversation

>> No.9434882

>if you arent in school its impossible

Hey man you're being too close minded. How do you think adults make friends?

>> No.9434886

>george brown

i'm a dumbass and i'm still going to get into ryerson

maybe utsc coop or laurier

why would you settle for a college?

>> No.9434911

actually pretty sure only tripsk was in arts and even then i'm not sure i keep forgetting her major
cause it's german + something

>> No.9434926

versace is studying fashion design so that makes 2 lib arts majors already

>> No.9434952
File: 45 KB, 680x320, gang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like the fecking warriors lel
>/fa/ V.S /r/mfa

(radio DJ) "werd on tha street boppahz is that /fa/ is tryin to get back to they home turf, all tha way from downtown bronx to coney island and /r/mfa aint too pleased bout dat..lets see if they can get back to home plate in one piece boppahz.."


>> No.9434959

don't study fashion yet ;)

>> No.9434967

>roll with

i can imagine u fags putting on sterling ruby x raf tshirt and qasas in hope some street phtoographer will catch u wearing those gaudy prints

>> No.9434970

why dont u go play some more league of legends

>> No.9434974


>> No.9435003

it's not too late to change to business then ;)

>> No.9435362

can i be a pal?

>> No.9435405
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>> No.9435418

Me and like half of my friends all talk about fashion every day and I can attest to the fact that it's fuckin' mean, especially because we're all into pretty redically different stuff mostly.

>> No.9435422

post pics

>> No.9435647

>tfw friends are the most socially retarded fucks in the city
only one of them is into fashion but he's gone full dadcore

>> No.9435648
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mean as in good? or bad?

>> No.9435650

i rarely play video games

>> No.9435652


>> No.9435664

good man, real good, cept for one motherfucker who keeps trying to get me to buy shit that aint my style.

>> No.9435682

Rolling with a squad is overrated.
Solo bolo is the way to go.
No end to the amount of fun shit you can get into when it's just you.

>> No.9435694
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what does he want you to buy?

>> No.9435705

He's jumping on some crazy silhouettes and shit and all I wanna do is build my stuff around tech and cool contrast based stuff, silhouette and texture aren't huge interests of mine.

>> No.9435711
File: 72 KB, 500x334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants to see if the tennis courts are open?

>> No.9435720

You're me
You don't live in LA do you?

>> No.9435734 [DELETED] 

how do you even get to be depressed, unkissed and lonely in LA? it's seriously one of the coolest, kindest cities in the world

>> No.9435771

>got a pretty tight knit squad
>everybody plays in each others bands
>everyone smokes the same cigarettes
>best looking guys in a room
>shit tons of drugs in our bags

it's a good life. glad i finally got some friends. Nothing quite like playing a shitty venue in our shitty midwestern city and being fully aware that people are intimidated by the squad

>> No.9435774


>being the stinkiest log in a bowl of turd punch

stay arrogant bro. also your band is trash

>> No.9435777

oh no we know, but it's not really about that. we're happy with it, shitty as it is. and we don't attack random fuckers on fashion boards- it's nice

>> No.9435782

Toronto here. Forming the Kings of St. George, premier clique.

>> No.9435788

Are there any people from the west coast of Finland, preferably Pori? I've seen a lot of people from Pori on Ylilauta, I'd be interested to see how much are there in 4chan

>> No.9435807
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so u guys wanna makeout or smthng

>> No.9435817
File: 62 KB, 960x960, 10929149_10152933451776208_850501674844571612_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im cool with putting the next meet together, but idd rather wait a lil for all this snow shit to pass or at least some weather above freezing

add 'whammywalker' on skype and ill figure this shit out

>unless ur the weird coat guy from last meet

>> No.9435823

>tfw want friends but despise the human race

I'm probably gonna get dog soon

>> No.9435847

>selaa muotifoorumia

oot varmaa eksyny

>> No.9435915

You didn't even beat his ass? LOL C U C K

>> No.9435924

lel, are you me?
like you sound exactly like me "I'm not actively looking for friends"

>> No.9435929

Zuid-Holland anyone?

>> No.9435934

Where's my cencal krew, I need some /fa/gs to hang with in the Fresno area. We can call out some bulldogs and get our shit kicked in in style.

>> No.9435963
File: 287 KB, 1569x827, 1422932707288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont worry m88
he's jelly cause he couldnt be in your crew
so he had to impress his whale

>> No.9436022 [DELETED] 

Squad would be cool and all even though O really hate it when my irl friends "copy" my interests

>> No.9436032

Squad would be cool and all even though I really hate it when my irl friends "copy" my interests.

>> No.9436044

Ylilauta's /fa/ is just so fucking shitty.
It's like two years behind mfa which is like two years behind /fa/.

>> No.9436052


>> No.9436120

I'm not the same person but I'm in LA

>> No.9436207

next week is good m8
most people have reading week so more people in town

>> No.9436237
File: 545 KB, 608x568, Screen Shot 2015-02-10 at 10.47.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and da squad

>> No.9436249

No, sweden actually.


>> No.9436273

>vis, feit and rick.

>> No.9436278

jealous ass nigga lmao quit hatin and get money faggot

>> No.9436282

i dont think that the guy who posted those actually took the picture because those are not feits and he did not correct you

>> No.9436283

Time to grow up, pal.
"The squad" rocking played out gear.

>> No.9436285

What are they tho?

>> No.9436286

i kno wtheyre common projects lol

>> No.9436287
File: 80 KB, 480x480, inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Danish/Swedish.
Are you from Skåne? If yes, come to CPH, I'll take care of you, young one

>> No.9436288

>all these meet-ups
a-anyone live in VA? (Virginia, NOVA)
i could use a friend ;~;

i'm in the DMV

>> No.9436289

Joo luultavasti

>> No.9436293

nah u jus broke and jelly af b. get on my lvl swag swag bitch boy

>> No.9436295

wheat color ones are cp fagot

>> No.9436297

>tfw no Aussie squad to roll with
>tfw 90% of Aussies I know wear Southern Cross boardies and wifes wear Guess singlets.

Help me /fa/

>> No.9436303

most def not.

>> No.9436306

holy shit youre retarded lmfao kill yourself

>> No.9436314
File: 806 KB, 245x180, 1422282931634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which fucking model of cps are they?

>> No.9436318

yeah whatever, found em

>> No.9436321
File: 502 KB, 608x972, KakaoTalk_Photo_2015-02-10-23-24-09_91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres another pic

>> No.9436326
File: 83 KB, 640x480, cp_dunk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cp dunks

>> No.9436486

Nope, I live like 2 hours from stockholm
