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/fa/ - Fashion

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9422076 No.9422076 [Reply] [Original]

is it possible for a fatty to be fashionable?

>> No.9422123

Just to save you and keep this thread short, no. Lose weight

>> No.9422126


No it isn't, just like how a short person can't be fashionable.

>> No.9422136

No body type is fashionable on its own, but fat people are more nxtlvl than thin people. It's the damn truth.

>inb4 shut up fatty

>> No.9422137

Shes fat but if i was drunk, id smash that girls anus

>> No.9422156

looks like a pig it just needs an apple in her mouth

>> No.9422350

What about really tiny girls without big, pretty boobs and nice curves....?

>> No.9422353

would eat out at party

>> No.9422354

ignore everything that's been said in here so far. if you're a self-aware person, you can be fashionable. Is it particularly harder for fat people? Sure. Short people? Maybe, but I don't see why. Small boobs or curves? Not a problem. It's about who you are and how you put yourself out there.

>> No.9422355

thick yes but being overweight is not attractive

>> No.9422356

Okay cool! I just see lots of fashionable women that are still able to look sexy and I'm just really afraid I won't be able to

>> No.9422363
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Antwon is the best looking fat dude you'll ever see

>> No.9422375

Be confident. If you know how to look good, look good. If you see an outfit you like, don't just copy it. Be inspired by it. If you enjoy your clothes, you enjoy finding new clothes, and enjoy wearing good clothes, then you're on the right track.

>> No.9422378

I, too, think being over one unit of weight is unattractive.

>> No.9422385

Okay!! I will try really hard! I want to start getting into fashion so I can look cute and impress my boyfriend very much

>> No.9422386
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>> No.9422393
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Attempting to be both fat and fashionable is a contradiction.

Being fat means you have a gluttonous personality and demeanor, you focus more on the short term benefit of eating than the long term health effects. You don't care about your appearance or your health for that matter, and mindlessly stuff your face.

Being fashionable means cultivating your appearance and trying to impress others with it.

You can't care about your appearance with physical clothing pieces and not care about it with regards to your body.

>> No.9422395


>> No.9422426

>posting a picture of a man who was confirmed to be autistic by numerous psychiatrists while making an autistic, long winded rant about over weight people on the clothing aisle of an anime image board

>> No.9422475

>taking the time to reply to an autistic, long winded rant about over weight people on the clothing aisle of an anime image board

>> No.9422480

if you're fat, you're gonna look horrible no matter what. the best thing you can wear on top of your fat body is six feet of dirt.

>> No.9422482

>dressing for others
never going to make it

>> No.9422498
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not unless you can be biggie smalls

>> No.9422502

No i am too thin

Well before I used to dress a certain way because i thought it would make men look at me in a certain way but now i know that i can dress however it makes me happy, and He would be so imimpressed to see me happy!!

>> No.9422503


Heartthrob never, black and ugly as ever

>> No.9422585

no it fucks up a healthy slim silhouette that compliments the whole outfit and overall looks with so much body making patterned fabrics look like curtaains and skinny jeans like susages

in other words, if you´re fat you make clothes looks like curtains and shit

>> No.9423262

Shut up fatty.

>> No.9423290

that's seriously my waifu

>> No.9423295

of course. How do you think japaneese girls are so fashionable.

>> No.9423297

got damn i h8 u so much

>> No.9423316

as someone who used to be fat before losing a shit ton of weight, no.

being in shape just makes clothing look better. not to mention, you feel a lot better. having extra weight on you can mess up a certain look you're going for, or a certain silhouette you want to achieve. and you can forget about designer clothing.

it is possible to look somewhat nice while being bigger. but it is a lot more work, and takes more effort than just dropping the weight. the money spent on driving and eating at a crappy fast food restaurant, and the effort it takes to try to find bigger clothing that doesn't look like a potato sack, takes a lot more than just eating an apple and going for a jog.

>> No.9423395

I wrote you a poem:

The grill and the /fa/g:

Oh little girl, please post a fit,
we are your friends, have a go at it.
We will suggest you some of Raf's clothes
or maybe even some of Ricky's drobes.

Oh Little girl please dont be shy,
lets see the back too, don't ask why.
The Effay people want to see,
the little girl, who a fuccboi wants to be.

>> No.9423497

Unfortunately it does not apply to men so gain weight lanklet

>> No.9423517

Lose the weight, not trying to be a dick but you will be a lot happier in the end. It's tough work but it's really rewarding

>> No.9423519

fashion is about displaying the fit, even girls with huge tits distort their fit in a negative way. being fashionable isn't binary, but being overweight is always an influence in the pleb direction

>> No.9423524

Also being overweight is terrible for your health

>> No.9423531

All models are lanklets you pleb

>> No.9423539

i would berry my dick so far inside your ass whoever could pull it out would be crowned king arthur

>> No.9423549

this phrase is new and exciting

>> No.9423571

Nigga your pacing is awful, and your meter doesn't translate at all.


>> No.9423593

Yes. It's more difficult for women than men, and it gets more difficult the fatter you get, until the singularity where people are spending more time wondering how many bedsheets they had to sow together to make sleeves for you than thinking about your style.

I'm a fatty and I dress well. It's difficult but not impossible.

>> No.9423595

guys can, girls can't

>> No.9423598

>delusional fatties

>> No.9423606

I tried.

>> No.9423610

>best looking
>fat dude
pick one

>> No.9423612

Don't shoot the fatties down based on health, coming from a board where most live on coffee and cigarettes. Feel free to judge them based on appearance though.

>> No.9423697
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These fucking threads.
No, now fucking stop.

>> No.9423775

Unless you're pregnant, there is no reason to be fat.

>> No.9423783
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>> No.9423847

Fat and pregannat is like the worse kind of fatness.

Seriously your body looks like a refrigerator.
A walking Gamecube.
Kia Soul with legs.
A fucking box.

>> No.9423874

Kek, short people can't be models but they can be fashionable. Most things cater to shorter people.

>> No.9423879

There's 371 photos on my inspo album and none of them are fattys. So that should tell you something

>> No.9423900
File: 153 KB, 500x591, tumblr_lfwbouQQ9S1qfu7rv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marcus Mumford is /fa/ though he's quite larger.

>> No.9423986

good luck! I have no idea why people are saying you can't dress for someone else. As long as that's not the only reason why you're putting on clothes in the morning, enjoy it.

>> No.9423990
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Its possible for them to wear clothes that fit them. (plus size stuff)
Stuff beyond "basic" will never be available to them, however, due to the logistics involved (extra fabric, different plus sized bodytypes, design principles, ect.)

>> No.9423993

Shut up fatty

>> No.9424055

Marcus Mumford is /fa/ though he's a large queer.

>> No.9424081

since everyone is giving half assed answers...

anyone can be fashionable, some people look better as opposed to others no matter size... but the problem with being fat is ...fabric and clothing is not cheap and you will pay extra... the selection isnt as diverse. If your dressing to get action being fat might set you back.. but can you dress to impress and feel great about yourself ,yes.

>> No.9424131
File: 152 KB, 500x750, mw33m6RnHm1s46f9zo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP why post this here:( almost every person on here is such an asshole and is just gonna make fun of fat people.
Nadia Aboulhosn is super well dressed and just one example.

>> No.9424178
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>hambeast is super well dressed
still a hambeast that's visually repulsive to look at

>> No.9424183

fashion is supplemental. fat fashion is like taking vitamin D3 alongside your 5k kcal a day diet of junk and fast food

>> No.9424187


she should not be wearing that. i'm like half the size of her and i still consider myself too chubby/have enough shame to not dress like that. know your place woman.

>> No.9424206

>haah waaw

Cry me a river, fatty.

>> No.9424265

Short answer: No

Long answer: NOOoooooOOOOooooooo

>> No.9424298

Have you heard "no" enough yet?

Because no.

>> No.9424334

i.m. not fat, I just know that my skeleton look is going to go out of style in 30-50 years.

>> No.9424342

She's not even that fat, people, get your eyes off swimsuit shows.

>> No.9424397


>> No.9424401
File: 93 KB, 610x363, stylish-dads-the-sopranos_610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9424405

She is you dense cunt. There is an optimal weight for everyone. And % bf.

>> No.9425009

best-looking under the condition of being a fat dude. faggot.

>> No.9425053

I don't even hate overweight people and I think she looks good but part of me cannot help but think she's overcompensating. Same with all overweight people who try and dress /fa/

>> No.9425196
File: 131 KB, 768x1024, 9NoOaSW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, check out this curvy girls sikk fit. Plus size womyn can pull off some sick drapes

>> No.9425269




>> No.9425285

She's like a peep.

>> No.9425290


>> No.9425320

Sorry to inform you but nope.
Beauty standards will remain mostly the same, as they have been for the last x thousand years so.
Being fat will never be fashionable, since fat people will always be disgusting, and as time goes on and being fat becomes even easier, fit people will become ever more desirable.

>> No.9425342

>>inb4 shut up fatty
shut up fatty

>> No.9425439

would take her out to eat after the party*

>> No.9425545

You can try, but thin is effay and always has been. As long as you don't have a fat face you have a chance, but fat people need to sort priorities the same as everybody -
1. /fit/
2. /fa/

>> No.9425549

No. A sick outfit is going to look dramatically worse on a fat person, and no matter how well they are dressed, the main thing people are going to notice is that they're fat. Besides, fit is the most important thing, and clothes don't fit fat people well, period.

>> No.9425768
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Unpopular opinion, but yes. The things you wear (similar to thin people) have to flatter your body type. Beyond that things are pretty similar.

Hope that your body distributes fat pretty evenly, or you're probably fucked. Also, the fatter you get, the harder it is. If you're obese you're fucked.

Pic related. The guy on the left is copying the guy on the right's fit. However, the guy on the left's clothes don't flatter his body. His skinny jeans make him look top-heavy, and I'm not sure that sport coat can close. Also, tight tees do not look good on people who aren't nearly without body fat.

>> No.9425774

this fatty looks terrible, don't try to convince some fatty that being a fattty is okay.

if he took a frontal angle pic his pants would look silly at the thighs and you would be able to see that tit fold even more.
because of is massive size he also has disproportionately small arms and shoulders to the blazer he is wearing.

>> No.9425785

>this fatty looks terrible
that was the whole fucking point of his post

>> No.9425798

you think i read all of his post, fuck you

>> No.9425826
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post more qts pls but only those w/ booties

>> No.9425963


I could easily construct a similar argument about skinnyness . . . "its contradictory to want to enjoy the finer things in life like art and fashion if you starve your body blah blah blah". Being fat was fashionable at one point, when it signified wealth and prosperity, and it probably will be again at some point in the future. There's not really much logic behind it.

>> No.9426092

you are cowardly as fuck

>> No.9426120
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>Trying to get a bit more fashionable
>Also fat
>this thread


why try

>> No.9426796

is your insecurity fashionable?

>> No.9426797

the problem is fatties thnk they look like the girl in OP's image. that girl is thick--there's a huge difference.

>> No.9426805


>> No.9427097


>> No.9427154

>Being fat was fashionable at one point, when it signified wealth and prosperity, and it probably will be again at some point in the future

Have you ever actually studied history? Being fat was never fashionable. No one ever looked at a fat person and said "That's fashionable". Being fat was DESIRABLE because it signified wealth at a time where everyone that wasn't the nobility was fucking starving. The standards of beauty have been the same throughout hundreds and possibly even thousands of years. Have you ever looked at classic Greek and Roman sculptures? What about Egyptian Hieroglyphs? The records left behind by the Mayans or Aztecs? Classical paintings such as "The Birth of Venus" and even the fucking "Mona Lisa"?

None of them depict beauty as fat.

Not only that, fat will never ever be fashionable.


>> No.9427161


>those body rolls
>not fat

pick one

>> No.9427172


This was meant for


Also, to touch on your other points, I can also enjoy the finer things in life such as Art and Music without feeling the need to be a gluttonous pig.

I can also enjoy living upwards of 60 without chronic Heart attacks. Can fatties say the same?

>> No.9427325


you tell me.

>> No.9427333
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Dem eyebrows

>> No.9427341

They can be fashionable, but they'll still look like shit

>> No.9427361

Shut up fatty

>> No.9427417

Eat healthier and excercise you damn quitter

>> No.9427490

she looks like a disney villain

>> No.9428255

shut up fatty

>> No.9429048

Like every other fat person, she'd look better if she lost weight.

>> No.9430699

Firstly, everyone here is going to die. Because fat people and thin people die. Secondly, fashion changes, style matters. Today I judged more than one person's appearance and they came in all sizes. If you ate trendy or dressing your body in a way that suits someone else's shape, you will look bad. Fat, thin or in between. Your weight or shape being fashionable depends on what time we live in, and right now a titless twelve year old boy body is fashionable. Fashion changes. Style is forever. And no matter what your weight is (thin or not), you can be stylish, you can get fucked (if desired), and you will die and no one will care that you were ever there to begin with. And if they do care, you won't know cause you'll be dead.

So be fat.

>> No.9430718
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>> No.9430730

didn't read lol

>> No.9430750

Yes. After losing weight.

>> No.9431654

Fashionable yes, good looking no

Capctcha: changg society

>> No.9432426

1. /fit/
2. /fa/
3. Profit

>> No.9432484

there is a /fa/ large person
and it is a slightly overweight patriarch
just enough of a belly to let people know you have what you want

>> No.9432762

poisson's ratio in action

>> No.9432777

No, but they can look passable. Im a big/fat guy 6'5 250 and ik i can never pull off proper fits or be fashionable but that's no reason to wear ill fitting jeans, graphic t-s and a hoodies

>> No.9432896

I think being fat, or 'curvy', ruins most outfits

>> No.9432905

I love Nadia, although she's not fat just has huge hips there's difference.

>> No.9433078


> she should not be wearing that

maybe she doesn't give a fuck, like you should too, you sound beta as fuck.

>> No.9434030

I'd fuck her

>> No.9434059


Landwhales detected.

She may not give a fuck but for the sake of the eyes, minds, and sanity of everyone else, she should.

>> No.9434141

that fag aint /fa/

>> No.9434151
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I do think it's a bit easier for girls to be /fa/ and not skinny. There's so many more options. I mean some girls are unlucky and have.. all the wrong junk in all the wrong places. So to speak. But still they could be fashionable if they cared to I think.

Boys have it a bit rough. In this one aspect of life, it is hard to be stylish and overweight. But not impossible!

Sorry you're self-conscious about your hips. I like her hips, I'm sure you can dress that way if you wanted!

>> No.9434188
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People associate being fat yet fashionable with the old British gentry. Translation: dress like uppercrust old people.

>> No.9434219
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Your goal is to obliterate your curves with the lines of your clothing. Always have collars, especially if you have a thin neck. Never fucking do shoulder pads, build up your goddamn shoulder muscles, then get a shirt that fits loosely to your forearms. For the love of god never wear just one layer; unless you're wearing a tent, the first layer is going to hug your body disgustingly, always put something over it. Coats work, sweatervests work. Chest/belly high points should straight lines from front and profile, then drop straight the rest of the way. Pants should be the same from the butt/thigh high points.

You'll never look normal, but you can transform schlubby into imposing by minimizing the negative space between the high and low points on your silhouette.

>> No.9434329

See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcNWxlHaAMo

And it's a near perfect point of comparison because they're all wearing the same, colorless suits.

>> No.9434365

people being you

i associate it with reddit mfa nerdlords

>> No.9434392

...I can see that. Normal people don't, though, because they've never even heard of reddit mfa nerdlords. All they know is that the few times they see a fat guy and he doesn't look like a schlub, it's usually in some period piece, or else he's dressed like he's got money and his savvy in the boardroom is what got him there.

>> No.9434416


>> No.9434443

Nick Wooster disagrees

>> No.9434792

even then, those who starve themselves will face much worse issues. I ain't saying being a fat fuck is good, but neither is starving oneself.

>> No.9434843

If they walk for 30 minutes a day and avoid sitting, yes.

Obesity is a risk factor for heart disease, but not the cause. They're both actually caused by the same thing: eating too much and sitting on your ass too much. And not sitting on your ass too much is more important as long as you're not morbidly obese.

>> No.9435848

No and not because they're fat but because the fashion industry is fucking garbage. Clothes are made to fit one body type and that's a thin, short, shapeless body. I'm tall with naturally big boobs but most things are too short and good luck trying to find tops that don't turn into tit curtains.

>> No.9435884

reminder that obesity will be cured in our life times and everyone will have fit perfect aesthetic bodies (except for those who deem it morally wrong and are most likely fat in the first place)

>> No.9435906

Its quite unclear what you mean, im afraid you're gonna need to post your naturally large breasts to clear us up.

>> No.9435922

Stop whining and get of your fat ass.I'm overweight myself and am working on loosing the extra weight.And not because I want to be /fa.You'll get in late 20s and youll see how your health slowly starts to get worse.I've got back problems,slightly elevated blood pressure,my heart struggles to pump when I get very physically active.All that with only ~20kgs overweight.Fuck that!Im too young to have such issues,and I'm telling you too,move your ass before it's late.

>> No.9436294

just because you are an insecure piece of shit who projects her own insecurities onto other girls via some bullshit internalized misogyny doesn't mean other girls can't or shouldn't be confident in how they present themselves

>> No.9437764

You would fuck your hand.

>> No.9439177

kek, time to play some rebirth

>> No.9439348

for the last fucking time, no

>> No.9439423

Jesus Christ you're fucking brainwashed

>> No.9439515
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>> No.9439523

why are you so vain?

>> No.9439554

Ahah i was thinking the same when looking at her.

>> No.9439558

lol mad fatty alert

>> No.9439733

>internalized misogyny
ugh, tumblr needs to leave, and fucking die with the other dumbasses.

when ya bastardize the term "misogyny" so much, it starts to lose its meaning. insulting fat people isn't misogyny, neither is making an offhand comment about somebody's body. we encourage all fat people here to lose weight (read the fucking sticky).

instead of being a mad fatty and crying "muh misogyny!" over any petty shit, just lose some fucking weight.

>> No.9440442
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>Not having self control

>> No.9440448

Based Patrice said it best.


>> No.9440448,1 [INTERNAL] 
