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9420376 No.9420376 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here actually stick to a particular theme/style that you feel properly expresses yourself?

Or are most of you like me, where I just focus more on particular outfits and specific pieces that look good.

In other words, is anybody's wardrobe really all techwear pieces, or all palewave pieces, or all street fashion pieces, or, I don't know, all preppy pieces?

Or, do you guys end up looking differently everyday? Like how I'll sometimes dress in all black, and then the following day I'll suddenly show up in a navy anorak, hemmed wool pants, and a pair of slip-ons or something.

>pic unrelated

>> No.9420382


curious about this. I'm pretty much the same as you op

>> No.9420387

I try and stick to a particular set of colors and textures, that way I can dress in a few different styles whilst still remaining myself I guess.

With a white t-shirt you can make a well-dressed and smart outfit or you can use it for b/w edgy shit (as an example).

>> No.9420390

Generally all black techwear / "comfy core" depending on the occasion / weather - it's an accurate reflection of my interests and don't make any style deviations

>> No.9420393

I have my style, but it doesn't exist in vacuum exactly, I get new ideas I incorporate and with time I drop some other things etc.
Streetwear basically, influences range so much it would be silly to post them all but I guess I'm heavily influenced by skateboarding.

>> No.9420396

I feel like sticking with a certain aesthetic makes some claims about preference that I'm not comfortable sticking with so I go for a wide variety of pieces. I like to have options within a genre of clothing, but I often try to have a very diverse set of aesthetic options.

>> No.9420399

I have two styles

One is the classic rugged white guy, denim, boots, white tee, denim denim denim, henleys, occasional white v neck. I try to mix in techwear when applicable as well.

The other is 90s sportswear. I have the air command forces from white men can't jump and a bunch of other colorful shit.

Both express me because I'm a masculine guy, I lift weights, I hunt, I like classic country especially outlaw like willie nelson and waylon jennings, my family owns a cattle ranch, I own 7 guns.

And the 90s sportswear because I like dad rap like mobb deep and too short.

>> No.9420401

I didn't for a long time, but in the last 3-4 months I've really fallen into this weird grungey, postmodern grandma kind of thing. It really stems from being interested in a range of weird textures, earthy and/or washed out colours, and buying only a few really high quality pieces and filling in with interesting thrift store stuff.

I guess you could call it Japanese streetweaer, but that's such a broad term.

>> No.9420406


I dress all preppy/collegiate/academic, all the time

I have my everyday fits, but I even go to the gym in a white sports polo by Lacoste, navy shorts, white tennis shoes - or I sleep in my uni sweatpants with the crest on and shit

I expect once I leave uni I'll go into law/the City so can't wait to get my shit on with Savile Row bespoke as well

>> No.9420427


My wardrobe, although small, has a lot of variation among the pieces and I mostly try to mesh them together, so in drawing from lots of different styles I create my own that's recognizable as mine.

>> No.9420495

I just throw clothes randomly together that seem to look good together.

I like being colorful but not tumblrcore-colorful.
also I don't like dressing all black at all. I don't know why that appeals so much to some of you. I feel like the older one gets, the less appealing this color becomes for clothing.

>> No.9420555

I wouldn't say I look drastically different from day to day, but I definitely have outfits that border more on a different style. It's somewhere between heritage/workwear and streetwear, and it often flows depending on the season. Essentially I'll wear more streetwear in the warmer months and workwear in the winter. Half of that is due to necessity from the weather. I have a handful of pieces that can struggle to work into my general wardrobe, but I occasionally buy things because I really liked them, even if they aren't my style. The only thing that is really different is that I wear silly euro cycling stuff when I'm biking for a day (or biking to my day job, since I have to change there anyway). I would wear nicer techwear stuff, but I sweat a lot and ride really hard, so I tend to blow through cycling clothing fast.

>> No.9420571

>a thread with a genuinely interesting fashion-related topic
>anons having civil, normal discussion about fashion

what the fuck /fa/

>> No.9420595

I'd say I have as style, although it'd be hard for me to describe it using the terms /fit/ is used to. Lots of black techwear (like an earlier anon), as well as black sportswear, and a few (again black) standard indie pieces.

Outside of that core of items, I plan to purchase specific outfits that are needed at specific but infrequent occasions. Such as smart dress/slacks combo for formal shmoozing at networking events.

>> No.9420604

I don't have a certain way of style I follow. I mostly base my outfits off of my shoes though. And it just so happens that my entire closet consists of mostly just black, navy, grey or dark maroons.

>> No.9421519
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Wardrobe focus has many dependencies.

I own mostly techwear and keep a focus on dark shades of practical urban clothes. The weather is real shit here and you look like a joke when you are wearing a fit that will cause you to freeze your ass off solely for the sake of looks. Good techwear, in my opinion, is the crossroad of modern fashion and practicality.
It is also much more subtle in appearance. I don't really like when clothes define personality.

>> No.9421728

The only thing consistent about my wardrobe is that I'm not a fan of vibrant colours. Generally stick to gray, black, and navy. However I jump between street wear and men's wear depending on how I'm feeling that day or what I'm up to.

i.e. I usually wear dark wash 511 communters or black zanerobe joggers with dessert boots and a button up, or with flyknits and an oversized tee

>> No.9421754

Enjoy it whilte it lasts

>> No.9421757

I mostly wear black, white, grey, and other muted colors in a sorta minimalistic-ish style. I actually wore something pretty palewave today though, and I liked it, so I might start doing that some more.

>> No.9421782

Pretty much this, I avoid black on more sunnier days and wear something brighter, in winter I tend to wear darker fits.

Goof ninja when done right looks pretty good in summer despite lack of layering, something like an assymetrical charcoal/black tank top or assymetrical tee, drop crotch shorts past knees a bit and some black & white high tops.

>> No.9421792

I don't like to put myself in a box. But then again, I don't have enough money for room-sized wardrobes full of all sorts of high-fashion clothes.

I buy only the stuff I like the most. I have maybe a dozen designers I stick with, so it's not hard to combine.

>> No.9421855

good thread

i've thought a lot about this but im on mobile so heres a brief summary:

just bc something looks cool or good doesnt mean i wanna wear it, i can appreciate mfa/menswear/workwear/prep done well as well as goth ninja/avant garde stuff, but neither is really where i wanna go

i do try to keep things in a single aesthetic, which is simple, monochrome, and clean (think inkinsurgent or teddybonkers), so i will have some variations and inconsistencies (such as rickdidas vs stans, which usually wont work in the same fit, but i want both shoes)

right now im working in that direction and i have a pretty standard uniform: black jacket, solid tee, black pants, sneakers

people are free to experiment and wear whatever they want, i just personally want to stick to a single style that i feel represents me and what i like best

>> No.9421861

I guess I have a laid-back style? Cliche, I know. I tend to prefer drab colors, I guess -- olive, grey, brown, tan, blue, black.

I wear sneakers or boots and a jacket or sweater always.

>> No.9421871

I like owning a lot of different styles of clothing. I don't tend to combine multiple styles, though. It mostly depends on the occasion, too.
It's not like I wear colourful clothing and high heels on the first day and go full-on goof nigger the next. I kind of stick to one style for a few months and then kind of switch into another.

>> No.9421891

i draw inspo from a lot a things but i'm not really concerned about styles or what arbitrary category outfits fall into; i feel like i lose personality if i do so and whatever i'm wearing becomes contrived

instead i just wear w/e i like or feel like. i think this approach is best because it allows your personality/expression to shine without falling into preconceptions associated with other styles

>> No.9421921

I have a very casual style for the most part. Sneakers, very basic cuts, mute colors, comfy clothes, that sort of thing.

I try going with what just feels good (mentally and physically). I get a lot of my inspiration from korean/japanese minimalism.

>> No.9421944

i wear exclusively joggers, nike runners or hi-tops, and graphic/plain tees.

can someone recommend a solid daily wear jacket for me/my style? I've got nothing for outerwear but sweaters/sweatshirts/hoodies.

:( getting kinda desperate

>> No.9422195

get a navy blue anorak or lkke any rain jacket really would look good with techy stuff

>> No.9422360

I def have a style, hard to classify though. I wear lots of band shirts but I wouldn't call myself hipster trash. Basically pin rolled pants, unique sneakers, band tees and random outerwear I like. Oversized sweaters, axs folk technology's wideneck anorak, nothing fits well under a term

>> No.9422397

For the past few years I've done workwear/dadcore and maybe nautical prep in the spring summer. Boots, button downs, selvedge denim, henleys. I'd like to venture out into something like OPs pic. ID on the pants and shoes?

>> No.9422408

i generally stick within rocker, skater, and punk looks. for business casual looks i go to buttoned-up 60's skinhead/mod, and for super casual i'll reach into autistic 90's slacker territory. 20th century youth subcultures are my main point of reference, though i do dabble in "space casual" and/or "outer space military school" territory from time to time. my recent idea for fusing the two has been dystopian future surfer, inspired by the new y-3 collection using florals and neoprene.

>> No.9422413

is this a serious reply... /fa/ pls

>> No.9422417


My clothes all follow a particular style because I have particular tastes. I like durable, textured, not too bright clothing. I can generally mix and match well because The palettes are similar.

>> No.9422421


You're me, basically.

>> No.9422440

That was gold...

>> No.9422581


This is basically my dream, but my lack of cash/time stops me from just replacing all my shit so that I can dress like this normally.

Oh well, if I just save pics of inspos to my computer it's totally the same thing, right?

>> No.9423291

What are those shoes OP?

>> No.9424229

I like to build outfits up from A nice piece of clothing I come across while I subconsciously stick to the local stigma of approved colour palettes which is basically grey scale and monochrome. I guess, what I'm saying is, I like to challenge my local aesthetic

>> No.9424278

Last year I redid my wardrobe with mostly basic grayscale clothes with some brown. I do pay a lot of attention to shoes and jackets as those two pieces makes my whole fit works. Probably one of the best thing I've done in my life.

My co-worker even asked me if I have some kind of uniform for each day lol.

>> No.9425047

My style is pretty much "not really a hipster but kind of an unintentional hipster with a little Jerry Seinfeld thrown in"

>> No.9425072

"Whatever I think /fa/ will hate most" style

>> No.9425099



>> No.9425161

Yes. To a certain degree. But I've had all my character building moments come before success, so I had enough confidence and deeply held beliefs to feel inauthentic in pieces of clothing which don't actually express my values or personality in any way. And in reverse, I never felt shame wearing the clothes I wanted to wear because I'd thought carefully about how they'd look on me. I only dress in shades and two colours normally; Black, Midnight Gray, White, Red, and Green. This matches my Black Hair/Pale Skin/Green Eyes. [I wear very dark blues to please certain people who buy me then, but only in their presence.] I'm thin, so I dress in clothing to accentuate that aesthetic. Since I know all this, and I know my levels of comfort in formality and informality,

I literally have a printed list of clothing that I buy from. It's formed around a core wardrobe that I will wear in any situation, and then filled with sub-lists based around interpreting my personality based on the dress codes of places/situations I frequent. I update it with new ideas as I discover them and as I enter into new situations, I reformulate ideas. But I still work almost entirely within thin silouhettes, sharp dramatic contrasts of shade and color, and the Hardy Amies qoute "A man should look as if he has bought his clothes with intelligence, put them on with care and then forgotten all about them."

It's not quite techcore/comfycore, but it's personal style core.

>> No.9425297
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>> No.9425336

You misspelled "pretentious"