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9409177 No.9409177 [Reply] [Original]

When did the manbun become such a popular trend? I see girls posting shit about it on twitter all the time now.

>> No.9409187

Last year, lots of guys had it in my uni

>> No.9409238

everything is popular and trendy somewhere on the internet you douche

>> No.9409253

i only ever saw one guy wearing it. it was at a club. he looked dope

>> No.9409259

I saw a cop in DC with a topknot.

>> No.9409262

did it look any good?

>> No.9409274

its like having long hair, but its still short so its attractive

oxmoronic if you ask me

>> No.9409276

people's been wearing it in my city since summer, boring look.

>> No.9409277

by "its still short" i meant "it looks short"

>> No.9409283
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 1418429207708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are instagram accounts dedicated to only posting pictures of guys in manbuns


manbuns are all over tumblr, and i personally know like 3 girls irl who always drool over guys with manbuns

>tfw currently in the process of growing hair out long but am hesitant to tie it into a bun now that it's become meme hair

>> No.9409305

Over three years ago.


NYT is usually late to pick up on trends too.

>> No.9409370


Been growin out hair for 6.5 months and my hair is finally long enough to bun.
Now I'm not sure if I want long hair since it's become trendy.

>> No.9409655

People in my school use manbun in the top of the head

>> No.9409735

Fuck off hipster faggot

>> No.9409752
File: 484 KB, 1920x1200, sokka-and-katara-13659-1920x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it happened years ago bruh

>> No.9409768

>tails !== buns
fucking flips

>> No.9409787

had one for like two years now get a few compliments every now and then only keep my hair long cus im so indecisive when i go to get it cut

>> No.9409788

13:43 12/06/2013

>> No.9409830

>tfw can never decide to wear hair up or down
But yah they're great I like it a lot. It's a versatile hairstyle, I can put the bun anywhere I want, my hair down looks really cool and when I need to work or am just lazy I can bun it. The fact that's it's super "in" for basics right now is just icing on the cake. It's hilarious IRL when people are like "I love your manbun", it's such a stupid thing to say it's so bizarre. Like, it's just a bun and there's no way you're confusing me for a girl so just call it that or say "I like your hair."

>> No.9410297

>when people are like "I love your manbun", it's such a stupid thing to say
My only response to this, every time, is "Thanks babe, you too" with no spaghetti. They trip over themselves working it out.

>> No.9410358

Lmao I imagined a stereotypical cop (with a topknot) wearing DC's.

>> No.9410380

I've had long hair since like, high school, because im a big fuckin loser.

now its cool and sometimes drunk women in the city say nice things about it. I don't know how to feel about it

>> No.9410824

I like it anon I'll say it next time

>> No.9410873
File: 89 KB, 500x656, tumblr_n7tq3gnQZg1r4h2pxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw black
>want qt manbun
>all the good black hairstyles leave you 100% unemployable to any job that matters
>stuck with shitty lowboy/buzzcut

>> No.9410880

>anyone with a manbun
Not even once.

>> No.9410897

sokkacore is my goal assthitech

>> No.9411010

White people are the ones doing the employing bruh

>> No.9411018

Anyone with a manbun is unemployable you racebaiter

>> No.9411032

in awk. stage atm i see so many guys with it i dont even want it anymore
i mean in every group i go past one has a bun (even some black kids do dread buns look cool tbh)

>> No.9411036

My old jew boss showed up in flip flops, no socks, cargo shorts, counted the register, made sure we were all working and left

He could have had purple dreads

>> No.9411041
File: 66 KB, 799x419, MyUnit_Male_Size3_Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because once they choose the adult male, they only have a handful of hairstyles that don't look like shit

>> No.9411060

>TFW I have a weird curly/straight hair hybrid
>TFW I've been growing my hair out for about 6 - 7 monhts now
>TFW I cut the sides but not the top
>TFW top is decently long, but sides are too short to do manbun/ponystyle
>tfw I'm gonna have to wait another year before my hair is long enough to manbun it

>> No.9411074


Nigga please.

>> No.9411167
File: 23 KB, 580x363, Scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh heh racism

>> No.9411194

oh shit,
this came from tumblr?
Now i get it, I figured the hitler youth kick from last year was part high fashion, part propagated from edge lords like you /fa/ggots, while listening to your death grips and harsh noise.

Now I understand the demographic.
Manbuns are tumblrcore.

>> No.9411556

>counted the register

That's why, idiot. You weren't exactly working at Goldman Sachs.

>> No.9411565

i gotta get around to finishing FE:A

>> No.9411688

It's like you've known me my whole life lmao. I'm thinking of jusy shaving my flattop into a bald fade or a number 1 all around...

>> No.9411754

Don't think like that. Not doing something just because it's "trendy" is just dumb and wasting your potential. 9/10 QTs will think you look great but there might be 1 or 2 who think it's a stupid trend.

>> No.9411769

manbun was predicted to be the successor for the hitler youth.

now its hit its peak.

>> No.9411912
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>> No.9412262
File: 310 KB, 1280x1783, 1997 01 14 New York.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have had long hair with shaved sides for close to two years and never tie it up anymore because of this meme