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/fa/ - Fashion

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9401250 No.9401250 [Reply] [Original]

What is your career that allows you to get /fa/ clothes?

>> No.9401251

Selling drugs

>> No.9401258

I'm seriously thinking about dropping my current job because of their dresscode

>> No.9401266

Inventor/musician/ice hockey ref

>> No.9401280

yeah same here

>> No.9401284

I go to med school and I'm on that grad plus loan. Got $40k for school + 10k for clothes. Parents pay for the rest.

>> No.9401288

account manager at an advertising firm

bretty gud job for a 25 y/o english major

>> No.9401294

That feel when have a lot of money, but not enough to justify buying a jacket for 1000$ ;_;

>> No.9401296


how did you major in english and end up managing accounts at an advertising firm?

>> No.9401303

i started out as a junior copy writer after graduation

it was a growing business and they needed more people to help manage all the accounts that were coming in, so i asked if i could take one. ended up taking a few more and making that my full job

>> No.9401307

Have you tried buying used? You'd be surprised how many like new jackets that retailed for like 5k that go for a little over 1k.

>> No.9401310



>> No.9401312

How's med school? Thinking about applying when I graduate.

>> No.9401345

I'm a 2nd yr and studying to take boards at the of May. There's been times I've almost shit my pants, but overall it's not that bad material wise. Actually its kind of shit, cause being in school at such a critical moment in one's life doesn't leave much room for other shit like girls. Going on fb and seeing what other people my age (23) are doing makes me jelly, but making at least 200-300k + social prestige will make up for it in the long run

>> No.9401364

fashion journalist duh. they get given free clothes all the fucking time

>> No.9401366

That's what I'm thinking. I'm a chem major at a big three Ivy and med school is what I'm leaning towards.

Are you in the US?

>> No.9401369


it's called JSA

>> No.9401375

get slammed with one malpractice suit and your "social prestige" done pal

>> No.9401376

Record store clerk and a little label work

>> No.9401379


Thats why you order unnecessary work ups and contribute to the evolution of superbugs

>> No.9401388

yea. I go to a DO school cause I got into one those dual accept programs out of high school. I applied BS/MD as well, but didn't get in cause I was a loose cannon. My parents really pushed me into the program cause they knew I'd end up working at urban outfitters otherwise.

I spent most of undergrad high as fuck and got a 24 on mcat cause I didn't really give a fuck and guessed on the entire test. But for some reason, God or Buddha got me the minimum score I needed to stay in the program.

>> No.9401392

Graphic Designer.

>> No.9401393

Thanks for the insight. Med school's med school. I hope your shit works out.

>> No.9401394

There is such a thing as malpractice insurance

>> No.9401399

Thanks, I'm doing well so far. I'm in the top 25% of my class and plan to take both the MD and DO boards cause I'm from SoCal and want to end up there for residency

>> No.9401409

Would you mind disclosing which school you go to? If you don't want to that's fine.

>> No.9401439

haha I shouldn't cause I'm quoted in my undergrad's alumni magazine. And if you google all that info, it'd be easy to fine

>> No.9401444

Garbage man.

>> No.9401465

i'm a neet

>> No.9401472

I work for the railways.

>> No.9401494

Getting into medical school straight out of HS is pretty clutch. I wish I did that.

>> No.9401502

24yo M3. yeah you basically live medicine in medical school. but of course it isn't nearly as bad as residency will be.

loans suck but that left over money for room, board etc doesn't even feel like real money so people stress-spend the shit out of it.

>> No.9401503

best life

>> No.9401507

You need to be a really fucking good graphic designer to make a good amount of money, so much competition

>> No.9401513

ps. I'm good and I have a 3k salary. I'm just 20 tho.

>> No.9401522

>a 3k salary
im hoping that was a typo...

>> No.9401528

I don't follow

>> No.9401529

He posted his annual salary.

>> No.9401531

Yeah, It's good to have a branch off skill such as UI/UX design, Web Development/Design.

UI/UX and Web Design/Dev is where the money is at in terms of graphic design.

>> No.9401532


Investment banker

>> No.9401533 [DELETED] 

Did you take Graphic Design at Uni?

>> No.9401534

Did you take Graphic Design at Uni?

>> No.9401539

No, but I was going to. I was accepted to central st martins, got a job instead

>> No.9401540

That's the thing... I don't know whether to get a degree in graphic design or just go straight into a job.

>> No.9401548

Psychologist, about 3-4 years til graduation. Right now a poor fuccboi student. :^)

>> No.9401551

I think it solely depends on if you think you're good enough

>> No.9401554
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>Majoring in Psychology

You and everyone else chap

>> No.9401557

I feel that I am capable enough but that's not always the case as some top-end jobs require you to have a BA in Graphic Design.

>> No.9401558

so that's not even your career right now... you don't even know if you'll get that specific job... sad

>> No.9401560

Not that many top graphic designers have a degree. If you have a good portfolio that's all that matters

>> No.9401563

I'm in Yurop. Studying to become an English teacher. I'll make some decent money to buy some nice things. For now, not so much though.

>> No.9401573

I know a guy who switched to psychology major just so he could fuck all the sexy qts

>> No.9401583

So basically ice hockey ref

>> No.9401588

I study psychology at a university level
75% girls

life is sweet

>> No.9401614

but let me guess you fucked none and all your ' life is sweet' means you stare at them like a creep weirdo 6/10 you are and maybe occasionally chat them but never actually fuck or let alone spend time with or talk

>> No.9401621

yeah and they're all idiots

>> No.9401622

well, whatever makes you feel better about your own situation. :)

>> No.9401624

but they're not. top grades are required to study for psychologist in my country.

>> No.9401871

i'm studying at a fashion school for a year and a half until i transfer to a business school
so right now a typical class room is me, 1 straight guy, 1 gay guy, 23 girls

>> No.9401882

how do into

>> No.9401894

Work in bank and some stuff on the side.

>> No.9401895

Media research specialist.


>> No.9401955


>> No.9401964

I'd like a medium coke with that :^)

>> No.9401966
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i work a trade that pays me 20 dollars an hour, and the only other real expenses I have are my miniscule rent and car insurance

>mfw i have tons and tons of spare cash
>mfw all i do with it is spend large chunks on clothes every now and then
>mfw my location and work prevents me from meeting anyone my age, as the only people I deal with are people 30 and older
>mfw I live in bumblefuck with absolutely nothing to do and no where to go other than my abysmal extortionate community college

>> No.9401980


>high grades being indicative of overall intelligence

some of the stupidest and least wise people I know have phenomenal grades

they just completely lack any form of common sense and emotional intelligence

>> No.9401997

> common sense

people who think that 'common sense' means jack shit are the most fucking stupid, like /fa/ level stupid people

>emotional intelligence

top lmao

>> No.9402008

i'm in film school
so i can't afford any spensive cloth
n i never will

>> No.9402012

how do you get into trade school? is it hard?

>> No.9402029


>having common sense isnt real and doesnt mean anything

>having the ability to discern, understand, and react to peoples mannerisms, emotions, and body language is worthless

is this nigga for real

>> No.9402030


>> No.9402033

holy fuck i've never filtered a trip so quickly

>> No.9402039


>going to trades school to learn a trade

just go apprentice under some random asshole. most of the time people in the trades industry understand that if they need workers theyre going to have to go through the expense of training someone from scratch

>> No.9402048

I thought trade school hooks you up as an apprentice or some shit. Also, where do I start?

>> No.9402049


>> No.9402116
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>> No.9402128

I was implying that you work for McDonalds because there aren't any actual jobs in your field

>> No.9402138

It's a job that does not have any benefit in experience outside of it's own field. So basically if you're stuck in here you're fucked if you wanna try for a different job.

Shit, might even be worse than McDonald's when to think of it.

>> No.9402187

That's actually awesome

>> No.9402570

work at my local mcdonald's, im 18

>> No.9402744

learning how shit is run changes your view of clothing so much

>> No.9402773

that's what I want to do, what did you have to do to get into it

>> No.9402774

Artist, so no one really questions what I wear.

>> No.9402779

how did you get into it, it's what I want to do

>> No.9402846

It's the biggest major at my alma mater too. I don't understand why.

>> No.9402854

Teachers actually get paid in Europe?

>> No.9402876

they get paid everywhere except the us

>> No.9402886

Post work pls

>> No.9402890

Le what?
The average Elementary school teacher makes 47k a year.

>> No.9402893

Please post some of your work or website

>> No.9402915

So basically he's right

>> No.9402920
File: 87 KB, 615x481, raf simons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Industrial design. Raf Simons-core e'eryday

>> No.9402922

not in greece

>> No.9402943

Studying Architecture, I guess it's pretty nice (although stressful)

>> No.9402952

>mfw college professors make half that if they're lucky

>> No.9402996

>tfw I literally dress like an asian girl


>> No.9403000

Depends what kind of banking you want to do I'm a personal banker you have to start off as a teller than learn all the products the bank has and keep going from there

>> No.9403045

Did you have to get your CPA, or what classes did you take?

>> No.9403163

Honestly I'm going to school but not for anything bank related honestly you don't need any degree for banking unless you're going into the stock market it all depends

>> No.9403171

nope. have gotten laid with different girls. people here need to step out of this "you're on 4chan therefore you're unattractive and socially awkward". seems a bit like people here are trying to cope with the fact that they're not getting laid by convincing themselves that others aren't as well, in order to feel better about themselves. a kind of cognition modification.

>> No.9403173

Pharmacist - cant be more /fa/ than a white labcoat

>> No.9403215

or checking on returned drugs and finding used repositories

>> No.9403240


>> No.9403468

how do you keep yourself from stealing opiates/speed

>> No.9403476

19 yo trust fund babby

>> No.9403526

I didn't say I did

>> No.9403527

software developer

on the side i jailbreak/root phones for $25 per device.

>> No.9403613

Im doing a postgrad in nutrition. 4 guys, 56 girls

>> No.9403675

niggas out here gettin roasted

>> No.9403695

Server at a fine dining restaurant

>> No.9403901

Freelance programmer

You can have an excuse to dress gothninja because you'll be taking missions to raid megacorps as well as regular client requests.

>> No.9403905

What the fuck why does everyone major in psycology

Especially normies

>> No.9403915

at my school it was either psychology, sociology, or business administration

>> No.9403941

>Especially normies

Fuck that man, psychology is full of nutjobs. Also at my uni business/commerce is the most popular, especially among Chinese.

>> No.9403967

psychology is for people who dont know what to do in life other than a slavewage job and just want a degree. ive taked PSYCH courses for upper GEs where you can just write out of your ass

i havent encountered anyone who isnt struggling with a psych degree

>> No.9403978

>major in graphic design
>minor in web
I'm gonna have a good life.

>> No.9403985

>English teacher
>destined to become /mfa/ core
Kind of sucks but that's how it is

>> No.9403987

Don't confuse adjuncts with actual professors.

>> No.9404110

The navy. Thanks everyone!

>> No.9404152

Hi fellow adv bro. I'm like 5 months from completing a degree in adv and I'm also interning right now as a copywriter in a marketing dept of a corp.

How hard is account mgmt? I feel like you need good people skills, and I'm quite introverted most of the time, which is why I've gravitated to creative & copywriting over the course of my degree.

Any advice for someone new to the game? Jobs seem plentiful, but is it hard to get in to copywriting and establish yourself? I've had a blog post published internally at my internship and should have another published on a national job seekers website. Anything else I should look in to to help?

>> No.9404156

P.s. Looking forward to dolla dolla bill time to fund more sick cops

>> No.9404244

Audio Engineering student, hoping to work in/own a studio someday, unless I nail that combo of hard work and luck that's required to become a successful musician. /fa/ on a budget for now.

>> No.9404287

I got inheritance from my grandma. Invested it all into stucks, made 78% profit on a biotech company last year. Currently making about $40k/yr to pay for college

>> No.9404290


>> No.9404326

wat, personal banker is totally not the direction of someone who gets their CPA.

>> No.9404345

Professor at Art/Design school

dressing like a normie is not encouraged

>> No.9405131

Paramedic. In Australia, so above pleb tier US firefighters with first aid kits. Four day working week, four day weekend rocking comfy core fits because I never go out due to my "weekends" being in the middle of the week half the time.

>> No.9406237


>> No.9406250

up and coming photographer

>> No.9406279


>> No.9406295

know them feels anon

>> No.9406301

Got an IG?

>> No.9406753

how do you build a nice portfolio or get recognized by agencies? won't they ask for a major?

>> No.9406760

Got any examples of your work?

>> No.9406815

i masturbate on cam for tips

>> No.9406906

Software development
Makes being /fa/ super easy because most people are fat old dudes or poorly dressed nerdy dudes where I work

>> No.9407290

is there money in industrial design

thinking about getting into that field, im just not certain how lucrative it is

>> No.9407389

you're major is advertising?

>> No.9407414

He asked me what I did to become a personal banker so I jus told him

>> No.9407428

My parents help me out a bit and I do some freelance design

One of my friends has a parent who got pretty successful in his company by starting with copy writing. Most people are actually quite bad at it, so congrats.

>> No.9407943

go on.....

>> No.9407953

I work for a fashion retailer in a non-fashion related career. So I still get discounts and access to employee only sales.

>> No.9407960
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>> No.9407964
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Working for the government. Making decent pay and can wear pretty much what I want.

>> No.9407984


>> No.9407991

Or he could just go to a state that treats doctors better, like Texas, and enjoy never having one of those suits be successful.

Seriously you have to prove that what a doctor was doing was done maliciously to get anywhere here.

>> No.9408003


>> No.9408011

Retail Associate

>> No.9408015

all about knowing the right people.

>> No.9408025


>> No.9408041 [DELETED] 

Art gallery director in Santa Fe.

>> No.9408053


>> No.9408094

well then if it makes anyone feel better, I'm not getting laid :)

>> No.9408190

Guys, don't do architecture. There's no money here unless you work on good position for some stupid large company as Herzog de Meuron, BIG or MoMA.

>> No.9408264

Buy stuff in huge numbers off darknet markets and sell them back to people. Buy like 500 bucks of acid or molly and I'm sure you can double or triple your money. After you do that for a while you'll definitely come to know other people that are closer to the original distributor who will give you better deals. Once you get deep enough into this shit you actually have to start covering your tracks and keeping a gun on you and shit like that... If I were you I wouldn't get into it deeper than a hobby because you WILL get fucking paranoid as fuck once you start dealing to people you don't actually know. Hell, I keep convincing myself that one of my friends is going to end up being a cop or somehow facebook logs from years ago are going to come back to bite me.

>> No.9408341

What does DO stand for?

>> No.9408357
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>3-years deep into my architecture study
>Can only hope the situation is a bit different in my country

>> No.9408362

Ironically, all the people I know that major in psych had or have issues.

>> No.9408376

digital king pin aristocrat

i get paid pickles though but no exspenses

>> No.9408596
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work in a clothing store, their clothes shit but the pays good

>> No.9408600

job seekers allowance

benefits for bongs

>> No.9408630

>How hard is account mgmt?
not that hard, but as you said you do need people skills. it's mostly about keeping the client happy so more money flows your way

>Any advice for someone new to the game? Jobs seem plentiful, but is it hard to get in to copywriting and establish yourself?
not sure what to say. it took me a while to find a copy writing job to be honest, especially since i live in a somewhat shitty flyover city that doesn't have a whole lot of these positions available. just work hard, develop a good resume, and apply to tons of companies to see who bites. having blog posts published doesnt mean a whole lot, but maybe keep them and you can use them as examples of your work

>> No.9408634

3k annual salary?
that's what i make in 2 weeks

>> No.9408643

not sure where you live, but in the US architecture majors have the highest unemployment rates out of all college majors

>> No.9409047

what major is needed for copy writing?

>> No.9409064

>tfw when living in a country with public health system where doctors dont make shit
Really wanted to become a doctor otherwise

>> No.9409066

Je bicrave