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9396269 No.9396269 [Reply] [Original]

Ask an H&M employee anything
>inb4 shitposting

>> No.9396271

who cares what you think

>> No.9396274

inafter shitpost

>> No.9396276

get me a job there lil nigga

>> No.9396280

im channel you're h&m

>> No.9396287

Check their website if they're hiring in your area lil nigga

>> No.9396320

How much do visual associates and visual leads get paid? Which H&M doe you work at?

>> No.9396348

I'm not sure, i'm just a sales adviser. But I think it's about $15 or $16 an hour. I work at one in Florida

>> No.9396361

can u work tha register

>> No.9396366

hell yeah man. I work it all the time
>ask someone who works on the register anything

>> No.9396369

how hard is it to do register man

>> No.9396382

whats the dumbest thing you've seen someone buy?

>> No.9396384

it's pretty simple

>> No.9396390

a heavy coat. Come on, it's Florida

>> No.9396401

how u like the job m8

>> No.9396408

I love it. Great management, friendly staff, good pay

>> No.9396432

what do you need to work there?

>> No.9396437

How did you learn to play the register.

Also how do you prevent the brewin' of spaghetti storms?

>> No.9396441

Is it true that you guys genocide Ethiopians?
Saw some episode about it on a Swedish documentary TV-show.

>> No.9396447
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Why does your store encourage people wear virtually half their closet in the middle of a desert then?

>> No.9396449

You need to be 18 and have a personality. They hire you if they think you're a good fit there

>> No.9396455

I have good patience so I just deal with it, but when I can I call a manager and have them deal with it

>> No.9396458

What? Lol. I never heard of that before

>> No.9396461

Because they have to look good in the desert, of course

>> No.9396472

looks like you need 6 months minimum retail experience

>> No.9396480

I didn't have an retail experience before this job. I did have customer service experience but only 5 months

>> No.9396483

what if I have no experience?

>> No.9396484
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nice try

>> No.9396489

I would assume that you have a small chance of getting the job, but I wouldn't say it's impossible

>> No.9396505
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>> No.9396510

Is there an H&M retail store in St. Paul, MN?

>> No.9396518

Google it lol

>> No.9396527

What are the shittier pieces in your eyes? What pieces are of better quality?

>> No.9396534

Hello my nigga who also works at h&m

>> No.9396539

"Last autumn H&M started clothing production in factories in Ethiopia where the salary is among the lowest in the world. On average 45$ per month."

"In the program it is shown how cotton that is used in H&M's factories is grown in areas where 'landgrabbing' occurs, that means the state assumes ownership of the area to grow for example rice and cotton"

"Human Rights Watch and the Oakland Institute report that the moving of the local population is done by the Ethiopian military and that there is often murder, rape and torture."

translated quotes from a swedish newspaper

>> No.9396564

>you guys
OP just works there ease up bruh, and wouldn't doubt that hm does/allows that

>> No.9396578

are you ugly?

>> No.9396603


>> No.9396608

Why does H&M only hire prepfags?

I showed up in my ricky dicky cape to impress them and I got escorted out by security and almost got charged with public nudity for the penis hole...

>> No.9396611

what's your best product

>> No.9396625

Is it true that you get 3 shipments per week of clothing per location?

>> No.9396638

how about some stories about customer antics?

>> No.9396739

Honestly, nothing there is actually shit tier. People just assume that because the prices are so slow. Yeah, you get what you pay for. But the stuff is made well and it will last for a while if you take care of it. And as long as you don't put the stuff in the drier. They shrink easily

>> No.9396744

I wouldn't say so. Nor would my girlfriend

>> No.9396747

$5.95 basics. Their plain t shirts are nice. The only downside is that they shrink so you need to air dry them

>> No.9396751

Yeah that's true. Usually it has new stuff so older stuff gets pushed to sale. So if you want to cop a unique shirt (none of the basics, jeans, or button ups) I would wait a week or so and see if it's on sale

>> No.9396761

H&M is for plebs

I'm hijacking this thread, ask someone who works at Urban Outfitters anything

>> No.9396767

Urban Outfitters is the over-priced H&M
>prove me wrong

>> No.9396774

I read once in a Korean crayon drawings board that they indeed do everything you saw on tv

>> No.9396779

I have a few stories of how some of our customers are
>be me
>be closing
>one minute after we closed, manager asks me to stand by the entrance to let people know that we are closed
>2 women walk in
>"ma'am i'm sorry but we're closed"
>one of them says, "they how come they're in here?" while pointed at a man and his wife that are going in line to check out
>"because they were in here before we closed"
>she says "i just wanted to look at a skirt"
>"im sorry ma'am, we're closed. You can come tomorrow morning when we open"
>she freaks out
>runs out the store at yells "this store is bullshit!"
>every other store is fully closed in the mall (lights are off, gates are closed) and its very obvious to tell
People just try to do whatever they want

>> No.9396780

UOs styling is consistently worse than H&M

at least H&M is basic. UO is often at least 2 years behind trends if they even pick up on them.

>> No.9396783

I've heard their quality is shit for what you pay too

>> No.9396798

You guys realize H&M is its own brand and UO is a department store full of various different brands?

It doesn't sound like you realize this.

>> No.9396800

Nah it's more like overpriced thrift stuff. My store is in a somewhat wealthy area so we just get a bunch of wealthy hipsters/tumblr girls/hypebeasts. They're all chill though, no one comes in expecting the price to be really low, so we don't get a lot of people asking for a discount for no reason, or complaining about the price. One time some faggot was trying to barter the price though.. smh

Our basics(for women) is actually one of our best sellers. At least in my store.

Quality is on par with what you pay. I don't buy anything though, even with my discount.

>> No.9396807

what's the job interview like? and what did you wore for it?

>> No.9396808

So I assume you're not required to wear your own stuff? I'm glad I don't have to

>> No.9396809

>UO is a department store full of various different brands

Kind of. They do stock third party stuff, but a ton of their stuff (e.g. BDG, Feathers, Salt Valley, and any other brands you don't recognize) are actually house labels that are manufactured by contract for UO.

>> No.9396816

It was pretty relaxed. I had two interviews in total, but my second interview was the job offer so I'm not sure if that counts. They just ask general interview questions to get to know you. I wore blue skinny jeans, a short sleeve button up shirt and Toms

>> No.9396826

Shit I mean Urban Outfitters clothes

>> No.9396830

>blue skinny jeans
Can you seriously wear jeans at an interview?

>> No.9396831

that could easily be a beach, and if a beach exists where there is significant wind, you can get bright cold days

>> No.9396834

They tell you to dress how you normally would. They hire people for who they are. They wouldn't give a shit if I came in with a tuxedo on or gym shorts
They just want to figure out who you are to see if you're a good fit

>> No.9396836

I'm making 15 an hour answering phones for the customer support hotline for a major appliance company in the us.

Should i quit and try hampersandm?

>> No.9396840

Nah you can wear whatever you want. It's p chill actually one time I came in looking fucked up covered in cat hair wearing sweats and a simple tee, no fucks given that horrible morning.
>ralph semens, ricardo owens usually what im dressed in tho

Yeah, our Urban Renewal is the biggest scheme we do though. Our company goes to thrift shops and buys a bunch of stuff for like 5 cents and resells them under UR brand. But hey people buy that stuff up like crazy

>> No.9396841

Curious if they hire fatties.
Are there any overweight coworkers?

>> No.9396843

It depends if money is a huge concern of yours. I'm earning just over $10 an hour

>> No.9396846

Yes, a few. They're cool

>> No.9396853


I make $5 more and have the privilege of never having to see anyone face-to-face in person. I literally just sit there and answer the phone.


>> No.9396855

If that's what you like then stick with it. I get bored easily so I like how much I move around and interact with people. And since I don't rely on this money to live, i'm in a good position

>> No.9396867

>not interacting with your customers or coworkers
>not making connections for parties/drugs/qts
>not working at the fitting room
>not being asked by qts how they look in their short dresses or shorts
>not telling them, "let's see the back" and looking at dat ass
>not helping them zip up their dresses
>not flirting with them after wards and it turns out you guys share the same birthday week and asking her out for drinks


>> No.9396877

PUA faggot detected

how many times a day do you get called a creep by women?

>> No.9396878

>having to wade through 15 fatties trying to squeeze into ill-fitting outfits to find 1 attractive qt so poor she shops at h&m

>> No.9396890

that's not how retail is, brother

>> No.9396896

is it worth getting a shirt and slacks if i just need it for class speeches?

>> No.9396904

not sure if underage b& or just plain retarded

>> No.9396910

Yep. Basic button ups are $14.95 each, and slacks are about $24.95 each

>> No.9396912

can't you faggots take a joke?

>> No.9396915

Pick Up Artist? I only try to make conversation with people. The rest is really up to the flow and vibe that I get from that person. Do you even know what flirting is like? Have you ever experienced it? Btw catcalling is not flirting.

Actually UO employee here

Admittedly it doesn't go like this all the time. But the people are really nice and I've certainly made friends with customers before. I met my current drug dealer while helping him with some shoes.

How so?

>> No.9396921

You can definitely make friends while working, but its not going to be like how that anon described it

>> No.9396924

>flirting while working at retail

nice way to get fired

>> No.9396931

This is me

And I can assure you all that stuff has certainly happened. Given that though, I have worked at other retail places and they are way worse. Most customers are shit and managers expect you to break your back working for them. But idk it's chill at UO bro

>meanwhile I'm still employed
>not smoking with your managers after work and talking shit about customers with them

Actually one of my managers was tryna spark up tonight but it's way too cold to make the mission to her place

>> No.9396937

which UO do you work at?

>> No.9396940

At my H&M the managers do a lot of our work. They jump on registers to help if the lines are getting long, or clean up after customers

>> No.9396945

>implying I'd tell you

Yeah I was talking about the other retail places I've worked at. Our managers at UO do the same.

Anyways guys I'm out this joint, giving the thread back to H&M guy

>> No.9396947

underrated post

>> No.9396950

There's only one prepfag that works at our store, so its probably your location

>> No.9396952

i once wore a 3 piece suit to a burger king interview because my grandma said so and i didn't get the job

>> No.9396959

That's fucking hilarious

>> No.9396961

You probably showed too much potential. I applied to a local McDonalds and on the application they asked what my GPA was in high school
And they asked what career I wanted to go in
>Mechanical Engineering
I never got a call from them. I think fast food restaurants hire people that are going to be sticking around for a long time and show little to no aspirations

>> No.9396962


>> No.9396971

what color was the suit bro? thanks for the laugh btw

>> No.9396979

suit was black. my mom got it for me at sears for my grandpa's funeral

>> No.9397060

I work at a UO as well. Which store?

>> No.9397084

any robbery stories?

>> No.9397105

A nice pair of jeans are plenty formal for almost any part time job interview, you mong

>> No.9397114

Nope, not yet. Someone did try paying with a fake $100, though

>> No.9397119

was it too obvious?
and you do realize people steal from stores everyday (including myself, I particularly find h&m the easiest store to rob)

>> No.9397162

I am trying to bring a old white tee and jacket over it and steal one white tee and leave my old tee there, will they catch me ?

>> No.9397166

if theres no one in the dressing room maybe
you gotta obviously not have your white shirt visible
and youre going to have to rip the alarm (if you dont have something to take it out) just sew the hole at your house later
in h&m the tags are really shitty, you can swap them putting it through the same hole, it shouldnt break, and swap it with a different shirt thats cheaper obviously (same size just in case)

>> No.9397191

fits is full

>> No.9397571

dear faggot,

why do you guys suck so much compared to C&A?

At least C&A has actual expressive design choices while H&M is Basic Bitch United. Seriously though, the clothes have no sass whatsoever. you might as well be naked instead of wearing H&M garbage.

>> No.9397760

top kek

>> No.9397799

when some overdressed dadcore fedora fatty asks you for advice, do you bite your tongue and tell him that he looks good or do you try to convert him out of mfa madness?

>> No.9398037

nigger if you're gonna break the law and steal a basic t-shirt from h&m you need to re evaluate your life.

Is a 5 dollar shirt worth the criminal record if you get caught ? Go steal something worth having.

>> No.9398060
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>> No.9398110

You'd recognize me if we work together. But I'm in the DC area

>> No.9398114

Kek one time some guy came in and he was asking me how to style red balenciagas...

>> No.9398130

I live in Broward County and it really sucks that the closest H&M is like an hour away. i tried buying a biker online but it'd always fit weird so i gave up

>> No.9398136


I actually never lowered myself into entering a C&A store, so I couldn't tell what their clothes look like

>> No.9398238

Ah. I'm at a store in Jersey.

>tfw your wardrobe is increasingly becoming a UO showcase

They don't pay me enough to get good stuff ;_;

>> No.9398451

why do only 14 year old kids, who call me a nigger in CoD wear your apparal?

>> No.9398553

Yeah lol I try not to buy stuff from the store.... Only have a couple of things now, but apparently for the February month you can get I think 3 items? For like 60% off...might cop them expensive candles

>> No.9398584

Which store fuccboi? George towne?

>> No.9398613

h&m guy- is it a new store or has it been there for a few years? cause i work at a new one and management kinda sucks

>> No.9398680

elliot pls go

>> No.9398683
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How the fuck am I supposed to wear this

>> No.9398688

Implying I'd tell you the location which I work at

>> No.9398819

Lol not like a give a fuck. Jw fuccboi. I'm at the Tysons one rn

>> No.9398938

>I'm not sure, i'm just a sales adviser. But I think it's about $15 or $16 an hour. I work at one in Florida
fuck you and your american pay

>> No.9399130


nice ignorance you douchebags got there.
being fashionable means to be open-minded.
you guys might as well not even post with that mindset.

>> No.9399185
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>> No.9399471

does shoplifting effect employees

>> No.9399681

Do you actually have to know about clothing and dress nice to get hired? Serious

>> No.9399716

I can answer this and I don't even work there. I just shop there infrequently. Most of the employees dress well, but a surprisingly large percentage do not. They seem to have a lot of basic bitches and hipsters on staff, but that's just in my neck of the woods. Perhaps the larger stores have more adept staff.

>> No.9400879

>muh reactionimage

fuck you.

>> No.9400886

why do all you HM clerks act so snobby when you're literally budget shit? you faggot act like you work in Hermes

>> No.9402805

They're all right for sure, but they sure as fuck aren't "formal", at all.

>> No.9404191

If you work in DC I've probably gone to your store to hunt down shoplifters. Why the hell does H&M issue out those friggin' stealing-bags? I cannot begin to express the sheer amount of lookouts we get for ratchet ass black females carrying H&M bags who just stole shit, last seen towards foggy bottom. Like, can't H&M at least make it so they have to shovel ten pairs of sunglasses into their stolen victoria's secret bras?

>> No.9404239

>too much potential

>> No.9404268

I don't think you can even get into a mechanical engineering program with a GPA that low. Well, I'm sure some unranked state college would take him.

>> No.9404293

do you go to fsu

>> No.9404297

Do u get extra commission for weeding out shoplifters or are you just a security guard

>> No.9404300

DC police. I'm not sure if the security guards get more money for catching folks, but judging by how vicious some of them downtown are, I'd lean towards yes.

>> No.9404302

Actually, that's because they're fired for not catching people. Loss prevention is a bum racket.

>> No.9404314

Brutal. I know the pay is shit too, the couple loss prevention guys I know have to work two to three different jobs to make ends meet.