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/fa/ - Fashion

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9394530 No.9394530 [Reply] [Original]

Giant girls (6ft and up), how do you perceive shorter men? Do you check them out, or if a guy is shorter, you just completely ignore his existence? Can they still be sexually attractive to you? Would you date one?

>> No.9394533

OP is a confirmed manlet. No tall guy would ask this.

>> No.9394545


I dated a 6 foot girl once and actually asked her that out of curiousity. I'm 6'2 so I was a bit taller than her but not too much.

She said as long as it wasn't inconvenient she wouldn't mind, though she would definitely prefer dating a taller guy as she was a bit self conscious about her height.

>> No.9394775

>be 5'9" Manlet
>No 6'4" of pure woman gf to climb

Why even live?

>> No.9394788

tell women tend to be weird

either japanime weeb shit


just dorky white chick

real toothy smiles

>> No.9394790


>> No.9394791
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>> No.9394805

tall women tend to be very pretty, in my experience.

>> No.9394813

this isnt fashion related

>> No.9394819

One's physique is part of being fashionable. Ugly people can't be /fa/

>> No.9394839
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>> No.9394928

that bitch is hot.
>tfw when tall but too far from tall cuties

>> No.9394937

why would you grow your beard if that's the best you can do?

>> No.9394944

But this is not remotely about the aesthetics of ones face or body. Nor indeed its relation to fashion. Height within normative limits is rather relative and a stand alone persons height can be difficult to ascertain without something to use as a scale. Taller people tend to be lankier or leaner but I doubt /fa/ would consider a bulky 6'4" person to be as fashionably aesthetic as a lean 5'7"-5'10" person with strong features.

>> No.9394946

Tall girls are unattractive so why would you care

>> No.9394953

I am 6,9 so I do prefer a taller lady.

>> No.9394967
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>tfw when you will never have a tall amazon goddess pick you up and let you fuck her whilst cradling you

>> No.9394980


>tfw you'll never experience death by snoo snoo

>> No.9394986

fucked a 6'2 chick

>> No.9394993

yeah, u tell em!

im 3'5
fucked a 8'7 chick

anyone with similar experiences?
only truth please! nothing that didn't happen

>> No.9395000

My wife's 6'0", I'm 6'2".

She's dated shorter guys before but she prefers them taller.

>> No.9395002

>She's dated shorter guys before

how didn't u divorce her yet
got a kid?

>> No.9395004
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, amazon vs manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny I just watched this video (pic related).
>inb4 metal
>inb4 pleb

>> No.9395014


i am a small baby bird and even i totaly came all over the statue of liberties tits

>> No.9395017

You dumb or something?

She dated other people before we were married.

>> No.9395020

no she didn't date "people"
she dated manlets

>> No.9395047


Being a girl who's 6'2"+ tall has to kinda suck, you pretty much have to be thin as fuck or you look like an Amazon woman. Of course it's not as bad as being a super short guy (since, being a woman, you'll get sexual attention regardless of virtually anything), but still

>> No.9395054

>overcompensating this hard on the internet

I cannot fathom how you can use the word 'manlet' despite knowing how many guys <5'9" can literally kill you with their bare hands

>> No.9395060

you like them used?

i always wondered what kind of people bought old rental cars

guess i know now

>> No.9395075

Because it's funny when you immediately turn to violence.

>> No.9395086
File: 17 KB, 570x584, he didnt learn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scientific simulation of what a fight between a human and a manlet would look like

not that manlets could ever muster enough courage to attack someone taller than them, they lack the confidence

>> No.9395089

>uses a single arbitrary superficial characteristic as the defining measurement of masculinity
>tries to play it off by pretending that physical strength and martial prowess arent more legitimately and universally recognized measurements of masculinity
>missing the point about using the stupidity singular and shallow measurements of masculinity

stay classy

also daily reminder that the manliest man in history (attila the hun, ancestor to 1/4 of the world population) is the one who did the most killing per capita. Whereas the tallest men in history are generally considered medical oddities.

>> No.9395095

>Ive never been in varsity wrestling
>Ive never been in jiujitsu
>Ive never been muay thai
>Ive never watched heavy weight boxing
>Ive never been a golden glove


>> No.9395097
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>(attila the hun, ancestor to 1/4 of the world population) is the one who did the most killing per capita
you went too far there lmao

>> No.9395103

That's a foolish way to look at it. People are different at each point of their lives. I cherish past relationships and learn from them. I expect my girl to be the same. The only girls to be avoided in relationships are ones who have casual sex. Sex in a relationship is more about trust and intimacy. And you learn from each relationship the mistakes you were making. I think the idea of time passing by and the connections we share with each other in our youths, if only for a few months or years, is beautiful. I harbor no resentment for what another had before me because she's a better person now from past experiences and what we have together is amazing.

I'll bet you're still bitter about every ex gf instead of just cherishing the good times and stepping back and seeing the ways you were an asshole and working on them. I have an exgf in one of my classes and I hope she's happy with another and learning to live more fully than she did.

>> No.9395105
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Im confused

Are you implying that Attila the hun, who created a massive empire and spawned hundreds of children, was not the eptiome of masculinity, considering that the formal biological role of males in human beings is the amassing of resources for their in group and impregnating women, or are ou disputing that he sired such an extensive portion of mankind?

Because they are equally factual statements.

>> No.9395110

I'm not the guy you were responding to. I was just saying he's trolling and you're getting flustered instead of ignoring it like you should.

>> No.9395112

Gonna be called a manlet for agreeing with you but...

>> No.9395114

Im honestly not flustered Im just verbose and have another few hours till I have to do anything.

I make almost no distinction between wasting time here asking why he thinks his le epic maymay is funny and wasting time elsewhere on this site.

I dont know when typing more than a single sentence became a sign of someone being upset but that train of thought always seemed like a rather illiterate perspective to me.

>> No.9395115

He wasn't attractive though. In modern society life is about how you present yourself and tall men have an advantage. It's not that big of a deal. You can still live a full and happy life.

>> No.9395124

the 1/4th figure is complete bullshit
you are confusing atilla with genghis khan

in conclusion your bait was too obvious

>> No.9395126

I dont recall calling him particularly attractive. Nor do I recall equating attractiveness and masculinity. Perhaps you can point out where I said that?

>> No.9395128

I agree, I am the same way. But your argument came off flustered because you essentially said you could still beat him up. That's weak.

>> No.9395134

You're arguing that he was short but super powerful in his day. But today is not that day. Looks actually matter now, not physical prowess.

>> No.9395138

Nitpicking while avoiding the central premise.

Literally the bottom of the pyramid come on.

Its not so much that I can beat him up in particular, though I dont really doubt that I probably could unless hes a legitimate mma fighter. Its more the issue of him using bumfucking retarded reasoning.

>inb4 yeah but hes only pretending to be retarded

>> No.9395145

In my experience these days a guys interests and lifestyle matter faaar more than looks. Im not particularly a looker but Ive never really had trouble with girls because Im passionate about my interests. Perhaps we hang around different crowds.

>> No.9395155
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And a tip of the fedora to you good sir.

>> No.9395156
File: 50 KB, 565x848, 1401296737-hostess-logilux-passeggio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'11'' and I dated a 6'1'' girl for 4 months. she was cute and everything and she told me that short guys doesn't really try with her, even though she has no problem about dating a short guy. But probably it's because she's italian, I've heard alot of american bitches saying "ain't no dating a short guy" kind of bullcrap.

>> No.9395159
File: 65 KB, 566x480, 1390515809596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were you actually being serious in that post?
anon you are plain retarded, you were over 1400 years off
that's like confusing columbus with caesar

not only are you a manlet, but you are dumb as hell and uneducated
no wonder your opinions are so childish and stupid

step it up

>> No.9395165

I'm super attractive now but I didn't used to be. It's true that charisma is just as important. I got my first gf senior year and I was a sperglord, she was even cute. Not as cute as my current. But the only attribute I can associate with it is mh looks and height. I had acne until then and suddenly people liked me more and gave me a chance to learn my social skills. I'm >>9395103 and all I do is try to improve myself. I get mad candy from girls now days because I'm the complete package. I'm handsome, tall, muscular, worldly, and charismatic. My biggest tip is to be super nice. Try to relate to peoples interests and relationships at your core. And notice the little things and compliment them on it. Like new shoes or hair or glasses. Tell people they're good looking when they are. Don't be afraid to.

>> No.9395169

I'm exacly 180cm. I think it's as average as a man can be, right?

>> No.9395170

The Huns were adept horsement from the steppes of central asia who invaded well into modern day hungary and poland

The Mongols were adept horsemen from central asia who invaded well in modern day hungary, poland and germany

I confused nothing more than the names, not the images of the khan (the fat bastard) nor the nature of their empires

But of course Id forgotten that you, brilliant anon, have never had a brain fart outside your area of expertise.

And perhaps a more accurate analogy would be accidentally calling Justinian Trajan. A silly but far more understandable mistake.

Im not a history major you are very clearly nitpicking

>> No.9395295

god forbid, im not a history major either, my knowledge is actually very limited

i still would like to point out that the huns were steppe nomads that might have originated from central asia, but the relevant ones we are talking about are mostly eastern european since they slowly migrated from asia and picked up people on the way

they did not stop in poland, if they did they wouldn't be as historically relevant as they are

genghis wasn't fat, we actually don't know how he looked like at all, i pray to god that you didn't watch that dumb marco polo show and assumed the fat mongol dude was genghis khan

lastly i would like to tell you that when i said 1400 years i was using a hyperbole to poke fun at your 1/4 figure, the actually number is closer to 800 years, please don't walk about thinking they really lived 1400 years apart

i feel like what im doing is not nitpicking since i know next to nothing about history and am still aware of these facts
also im still taler than you no matter how much you try to play down your mistakes, but you should stop being angry about it. it's unhealthy

>> No.9395302

Yo you fucking nerds stop with the history talk.

>> No.9395403

lmfao this fucking thread. everyone here should really re-evaluate

>> No.9395465

This is, singlehandedly, the dumbest thread I've ever had the misery to click on in 4Chan.

Listen to yourselves - do you really think there are females above 6' on this board? Do you really think there are females that actually come here often enough to catch a thread like this? Seriously, right off the bat, your expectations are wildly high.

Does a female check out a shorter male? Newsflash, she can see him from a distance but may not perceive his height immediately, so she'll still "check him out". Where she's turned on or off by this, depends on said female.

Can they still be sexually attractive? This isn't a gender biased thing; it's entirely on personal preference. Some really tall guys like really short girls, some short guys like tall girls. Maybe it's their Napoleon complex or what, but it varies from each and every person.

Inb4 Tinder screenshots of girl's descriptions where they say "guys under 6' need not apply" or some garbage like that - any female with those standards are probably inferior themselves, thus absurdly high standards.

For all of you fucking Frodo's and Samwise's in here quoting history like you're teaching a lecture, fucking stop. You're not going to prove a point; it's called history for a reason. People were shorter hundreds of years ago, it doesn't matter what the era was. Walk into any "historic" home, the door frames are shorter because the people are shorter. There is no superiority there, it's how people were. Cut the shit.

I know /fa/ is shit, but this is crossing /r9k/ territory. Get over your fucking insecurities and do something about them. >>9395145 is right as rain, people don't fucking care. You can be tall ad ugly or short and handsome, it all depends on the other person.

Inb4 "lel ok manlet" - I'm 6'5", it's no better.

>> No.9395610

>on 4chan
>6ft or taller
You're addressing a tiny fraction of users there mate.

>> No.9395894

They can be a bit shorter, but not so much that I have to bend more than my head, or it just fucks with my self image, like if I have to stoop my shoulders/bend knees. Makes me feel really gangly and mannish and unattractive. Really short girls make me feel the same way (like 5 footish or less) and it makes it hard to be friends with them too. If the guy were perfect in every other way perhaps, but I'd say as a general rule it's unlikely. I still admire a good looking shorter guy, but just would be very unlikely to date them unless they had a super winning personality or something. Based on the head bending/not feeling mannish rule, I'd say about 5 foot 9-10 would be my bottom limit before they would have to be super awesome to make it worth it.

>> No.9395987

For what it's worth, I'm just shy of 6 foot, at 5 foot 11 and a little bit, but I doubt there will be many other girls here much taller, so be damned to it. Also, when I say awesome or perfect, I just mean for me as opposed to some superhuman guy, things like having similar interests, being able riff on each others humour well, similar philosophies, valuing kindness etc. >>9395145 is basically right, this stuff matters the most, and I would date anyone who was perfect in those respects. But as an abstract ideal for a date I'd prefer slightly taller. It's mostly my hangup though, tall girls in society at large are not generally appreciated, not as bad as short guys, but it's not great (obviously in high fashion the models are super tall, real life is not a Parisian runway and people treat you like you are really butch in personality, or short guys often get kinda rude and aggressive which can be uncomfortable).