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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 69 KB, 700x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9393050 No.9393050 [Reply] [Original]

New WAYWT old one reaching 300.

>> No.9393102
File: 65 KB, 797x838, bootinX15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h8 r8 b8, I love you all

>> No.9393108
File: 804 KB, 2448x3264, 2015-01-22-18.08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btr shoes

>> No.9393111

I think the bowtie... thing sticks outward a bit too much and the hat is a bit silly. It's a fair fit

Also stop those poses it's like if all of jojo's clothes had too much starch

>> No.9393125
File: 95 KB, 640x960, 1514038_10202083746888191_1344317352_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no h8

>> No.9393128
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>> No.9393130

can't you fucking rotate

>> No.9393131

FilthyFrank Core

>> No.9393133
File: 98 KB, 543x838, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RePost Rotated, My Bad.

>> No.9393138

doesn't matter lol
still shit

>> No.9393141


>new waywt
>Better post my shitiest fit as soon as possible guise!
>what I am wearing today means you can help me find better cheap clothing and not just flex my style like I know my shit, right?
>is this le reddit, right guise?

>> No.9393144
File: 2.19 MB, 3264x2448, lasrfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9393145
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>> No.9393147
File: 2.09 MB, 3264x2448, LASERFIT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9393171 [DELETED] 


>> No.9393174

are those cps?

>> No.9393178

I know. Still pretty good tho right?

>> No.9393186

tfw too insecure and fat to post fit

>> No.9393191

why would you post this

>> No.9393195

why not

>> No.9393197
File: 3.51 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20150129_172843456_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9393200

what kind of pants?

>> No.9393201

eh not as good as your usual stuff

>> No.9393212

Safari man?

>> No.9393221


>> No.9393227

you look like ltalian eurotrash

>> No.9393233
File: 2.03 MB, 3264x2448, 20150129_190349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact: I work in an office where the superbowl is. if any of you are going then its entirely possible you could see me

>> No.9393238
File: 432 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-8909554488481275375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry guys

>> No.9393239

get out gabe

>> No.9393248

ok but im not gabe

i dont even look like a gabe


>> No.9393249

looks comfy

>> No.9393252
File: 2.02 MB, 1536x2048, 20150129_163932_20150129201028071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9393260

it is p comfy tbh. the chucks are rly comfy

>> No.9393261

trying to figure out where your penis fits into that

>> No.9393264

ayyyyyyyyyyyy lmao

>> No.9393268

reverse trap

>> No.9393271


>> No.9393274

your face is ugly as shit
and your fit is embarrassing

>> No.9393279

looks like 90% of high school students

>> No.9393281

>Not having superior practical growing masterrace cock

>> No.9393283

this would actually be pretty nice if you didn't have the shirt on under the sweater

>> No.9393288


u bet ur ass

>> No.9393290

w2c sweater

>> No.9393305
File: 921 KB, 2616x3728, 1389919151705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9393334

Matt Miller AW14

>> No.9393356

thank you hungry skeleton

>> No.9393357

thank you hunky skeleton

>> No.9393360

nice fit

>> No.9393363

it doesn't have one

>> No.9393365

thank you comfy skeleton

>> No.9393369

thank you comfy skeleton

>> No.9393370

thank you comfy skeleton

>> No.9393371

thank you comfy skeleton

>> No.9393387

thank you comfy skeleton

>> No.9393388

thank you comfy skeleton.

>> No.9393389


thank you comfy skeleton

>> No.9393393
File: 3.41 MB, 1224x1632, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda cool but I would ditch the bowtie and only use the hat outdoors
decent fit, bomber looks awkward on you though
underage? fit is ok but your stance ruins the pic
looks comfy. id on jacket?
love it. w2c pants?
you look like someone's uncle in 2003
cool hair
dope fit. shirt is kinda generic tho
w2c sweater. please wear looser pants

>> No.9393403

nice bowlegs

>> No.9393407 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 720x960, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9393413

lol its probably my autistic stance

>> No.9393426

thank you comfy skeleton

>> No.9393429

generic shirt is from american eagle tbh lel

>> No.9393430

your torso looks like it's on backwards

>> No.9393431

underage and shit fit why post this

>> No.9393435

looks good though

>> No.9393436

hate the jeans but the henders and shirt are cool individually. looks like something from eototo's latest release, any inspo from that? also see some visvim

>> No.9393440

shoes are humongous
holy shit

>> No.9393442


>> No.9393449

Jeans and shirt Junya SS15

>> No.9393452


in what universe is that jacket a good fit?

i dig your fits huckles, but something always feels a little off in them. Why the camo (?) shirt? It doesn't go with everything else. The old timey jumper on top of your teenage boy-core bottom half is a bit jarring. Still, nice to see someone experimenting here!

not sure about the coat

>> No.9393453

Those hender schemes?

>> No.9393455

i might check it out. i think it's interesting the way western (not on a global scale, u.s. western) styles are becoming an influence for fashion. im sure you've kept an eye on visvim just bc it's a big brand, but definitely check out eototo, i thought if them immediately when i saw your fit. you'll probably like it

>> No.9393457
File: 1.55 MB, 2448x3264, 2015-01-24 13.22.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decent fit, bomber looks awkward on you though
but it's not a bomber

>> No.9393456

Holy shit

This is the best thing I've read on 4chan

>> No.9393459
File: 229 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_niyy8l1Hhh1qiaxyro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rick + Gareth Pugh

>> No.9393461


>> No.9393466
File: 1.86 MB, 1080x1920, zip cardi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9393467

what the fuck

>> No.9393469

thank you comfy skeleton

>> No.9393471

I will for sure check out eototo, sounds good. I am loving the indigo denim + untreated leather looks. Visvim doesn't really resonate with me for some reason but it is nice product. Junya this season is cool but its like a second rate Kapital, which is my current fave.

I am really drawn to the "far eastern western" pieces that have been coming out recently. Or anything that looks like it's an outfit from Akira

>> No.9393472

top kek

>> No.9393473

not sure how?
the sad thing is, i only have 3 coats and its basically the best ;')

>> No.9393476


Did you actually take a picture between the legs of a walking human bean?

>> No.9393481


Thank you comfy skeleton

>> No.9393486
File: 6 KB, 184x184, e574098ce04967154e88071ab2b67ad360f672b5_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human bean

>> No.9393496

yeah im right there with you. dark denim is my weakness. i think visvim clothing looks a little goofy although it is constructed well, but i think their footwear would look cool with a lot of your fits. im checking out kapital rn and it all looks awesome. do you have any pieces from them?

>> No.9393500
File: 1.99 MB, 2048x2048, collage_20150129212418606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I originally had my wranglers. Was going for a beach hunk needs a sweater kinda deal.
But I don't know, I couldn't get a picture of them looking the way I like. So I figured it didn't look good.

>> No.9393507


Too jokey and costumey to take it seriously. I like washed out blue denim as much as the next guy, but we all know what's going on at this point.

>> No.9393508

sleeves are way too long and shoulders seem too wide, looks decent on chest and length tho

>> No.9393511


daaaaamn, hucky boy got guns from paintin dose fences all day

>> No.9393513
File: 1.13 MB, 200x113, 1416290521636.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9393514


>> No.9393517

most autistic picture posted on this forum yet
dont take pictures of highschool kids
more like gareth UGHHHH

>> No.9393519

i kinda feel him on this. i feel like you're trying to make a character. also the openings on your jeans are always bad imo, i like them narrow

>> No.9393525


>> No.9393540

Life's a stage right? Id like to be remembered as a character to people. Like life's a sitcom and I'm an extra in their memories.

I'll be in their dreams.
Lookin like some dude from some movie.

>> No.9393548


you are playing a very risky game here, junior. You remember that older dude, probably a parent of a school friend or a teacher or something? He wore the 'wacky' shirts or ties? Maybe bow ties if he was really in it? thats the sort of territory you are perilously close to.

>> No.9393549

i guess if that's what u like then its not my position to stop you. but, if you're going to be a character, make your character's jeans fit

>> No.9393555

I'll never wear a bow tie unless I'm on the red carpet. Bow ties are for fairy boys.

I look pretty normal in response to my location.
Lookin broke

>> No.9393558

they're all nice pieces and fit you well, but they aren't congruous

the top half looks good and would work with different pants and the cps, but the pants are for a different look altogether

>> No.9393563
File: 355 KB, 1080x1920, 1421604694726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another (basically identical) fit but with a more retarded pose

>> No.9393565

that looks like kosovo

>> No.9393572

underage b&

>> No.9393576

close but no cigar

>> No.9393579


as a fairy boy myself

>bow ties
>you can keep that

>> No.9393608
File: 71 KB, 642x600, themachine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9393616

i don't smoke ty

>> No.9393620

smoking only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, bud

>> No.9393645


stance im worried for you man

>> No.9393646
File: 3.83 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20150123_144507086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a lot from Kapital, If you like denim check out Kapital century denim- maybe the best piece of clothing I own. Pic related

>> No.9393651

our poses almost match

>> No.9393653

What about it makes it the best? Just wondering.

>> No.9393681

The quality is very good with a lot of their pieces. I like the unconventional silhouettes. They also use only organic dyes- check out the hand coated kakishibu (persimmon) dye on the century denim. They do amazing accessories and recently put out a hyper sexualized collection which is really cool considering Japans culture sexual taboo.

I handle a LOT of clothing, and Kapital is special. Hard to say exactly what it is, bit it resonates with me.

>> No.9393692
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>> No.9393696
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>> No.9393699

Well im a bit of a hungry skeleton but I would def cop if it was in a skinnier model lol

>> No.9393704

There are 5 different century denim cuts. I am 5'11" and 130. I got mine tailored to fit exactly, and it was very worth it.

I say cop cop cop!

Hlorenzo dot com has a skinny version also. I would go 2 full sizes up in the waist though- if you're a 30" get 32" ect

>> No.9393724

you're very proud of that outfit, arent you? : )

>> No.9393728


no??????? whats there to be proud of?

>> No.9393735

Socks are coooooool look comfy
Everything fits nice good job

>> No.9393742

it's okay, dont be so modest : )

>> No.9393748

thanks dad

>> No.9393750

Do not ditch ascot, is definitely making this outfit. So cool, great job

>> No.9393757

anonsnap r u an alcohol?

luv, notchrisv

>> No.9393786

w2c jacket

>> No.9393789

zara tbh

>> No.9393796
File: 2.39 MB, 1439x3096, 20150129_211643-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got an interview tomorrow for an advertising job. It shouldn't be too formal, but is this suit okay? I can't really ditch anything and buy something new, but I also have some black slacks. What do you guys think?

>> No.9393798

are those shoes brown?
for some reason im not liking the slack/ jacket combo..

>> No.9393801

I don't get why everyone says it's dope.
Looks really bland. No offense, it's not bad

>> No.9393806

Something about the way that shirt falls on your chest is making me want to know you. Not in a super thirsty way, but I'd pretty much fight a lion barehand to pull it up and put those chesticles in my mouth.

So yeah I guess outfit is p good

>> No.9393807

Yeah. Is it just not working or do you feel like it's personal taste?

>> No.9393808

Don't roll your pants like that for a job interview. When you dress up for an interview the point is to look innocuous and professional, not to style on your interviewer. This just looks really immature and a bit sloppy.

>> No.9393809

Cuffs maybe 1 inch too high but other than that you are A-OK duder! Awesome look.

>> No.9393810

what's it called

>> No.9393824

oh nice, if that situation ever presents itself to me ill make sure to hit u up

im not sure.. i feel like the two greyish pieces are clashing. if nobody else comments on it tho then its just me lol
i agree with that other guy about the pant cuffs tho. a bit too high for a job interview i think.

its just called short coat with furry interior in dark grey. p sure they dont have it any more but maybe you could find it elsewhere

>> No.9393825

Actually, thank you both for the confidence boost and critique. I fixed the cuffs and made them look a lot cleaner and lowered them a bit. I'll hunt around for some better suit pants, but thanks a ton.

>> No.9393831

sorta tight.
top half is really nice, it fits you perfectly.

it's too fucking hot to wear anything proper. wore a plain scoop neck tshirt and shorts, changed shirts during the day because it was saturated with sweat. going outside sucks and so does staying indoors.
new zealand please

>> No.9393985
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>> No.9393989
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And this is new

>> No.9393997


>> No.9394001


>> No.9394006


are you wearing a fucking bolo tie?

>> No.9394017

They're coming back ; _ ;

>> No.9394052
File: 3.18 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_3255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still same fit as yesterday :)

>> No.9394059
File: 2.57 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9394153
File: 75 KB, 1080x1776, 1422278599010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do love oversized (denim) shirts

>> No.9394195
File: 49 KB, 508x958, last night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was technically today
Aint posted here in years

>> No.9394202

thank you comfy skeleton

>> No.9394212

dont ever post again

>> No.9394220


>> No.9394226



>> No.9394242


>> No.9394261


>> No.9394317

thank you comfy skeleton

>> No.9394368
File: 47 KB, 400x461, tumblr_nizg2e6vZg1qmcdhvo2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9394375

Is your name callum

>> No.9394392


>> No.9394396

u look like a cocksucker with aids
sorry mate

>> No.9394402


>> No.9394406
File: 2.13 MB, 3888x2592, 28.01.2015jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9394416

My name's Callum and I look like stance

>> No.9394438


face puckered up like your mums wrinkly cunt ay stance?

ugly ranga poof

>> No.9394439
File: 110 KB, 640x960, fooshbwah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cdg h+
shitty iphone cam


>> No.9394441

u reckon her cunts all wrinkled on account of how much it gets fingered while she gives wristies at her massage job?

>> No.9394442

fits off on everything, none of this looks cool. start over

>> No.9394444

care to go into further detail?

>> No.9394450

have you put on weight? you look more healthy.

>> No.9394485

>cuffed trousers
>no belt
>top button done up

Fix all of the above, u will literally look like a fool walking into a job interview like that, I just saved u a lot of anxiety sweat

>> No.9394488


w2c anorak?

>> No.9394494

This guy kinda looks like an ugly version of B.G

>> No.9394508

too big

>> No.9394513 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9394516

but it was a correct use of the word
literally look like a fool.

>> No.9394517
File: 823 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_20150116_185630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bully me

>> No.9394518 [DELETED] 
File: 293 KB, 1777x1306, 1416844270446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as opposed to figuratively look like a fool
allegorically look like a fool
abstractly look like a fool?

>> No.9394519

right you are.

>> No.9394525

go back to /lit/ cunt

>> No.9394535

Holy shit youre a pasty little nerd lmao. Fetal alcohol syndrome alert

>> No.9394536
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>> No.9394604
File: 94 KB, 462x696, DSC_0148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been a while

>> No.9394606

thank you comfy skeleton

>> No.9394609

i sincerely hope someone steps on your phone walking by when your trying to take your next fitpic

>> No.9394613

le mfa pose xD

>> No.9394630
File: 503 KB, 1764x1763, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well post this here too ;)

>> No.9394637
File: 540 KB, 1088x2437, 41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9394639
File: 577 KB, 412x1006, 2015-01-30 07.25.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aiming at normcore

>> No.9394641

I have nothing wrong with yr fits, I just feel like recently they've been very similar and that kinda of look is becoming, for me anyway, slightly boring to see.

>> No.9394643

w2c coat

>> No.9394656


Different shoes maybe but that's a small critique

>> No.9394660

yea, you might be right
been playing it too safe recently :|

>> No.9394665

why are you literally the worst new trip around?

>> No.9394668

Normcore is a trap if you look like a norm. You have to look incredibly distinct in your face in order for normcore to work.

It's for patricians trying to look like plebes. A plebe dressing in plebe clothes is just a plebe. Try something else.

>> No.9394682


>> No.9394700


sup janitor

>> No.9394721

how much scheme do u oooown aaag
send me some money to buy some plz
thanks :)

btw i only come on /fa/ now to see yr fits

>> No.9394727

trust me, compared to us oldfags you are very new

>> No.9394747

you look like you probably get laid more than everyone in this thread combined.

>> No.9394786
File: 2.08 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just came back from uni. idk im sorry guys

>> No.9394801

You're missing the point. You look like you're part of the Cobra Kai dojo and it's not a great look.

>> No.9394802

I'm sorry you posted.

>> No.9394808


sigh so am i. not having the best day

>> No.9394809

not your blog, fuck off

>> No.9394811

Open the top button
Get a belt
Uncuff the trousers, it's a fucking interview, you don't walk in to make fashion statements.
Other than that pretty respectable.
good luck on the interview

>> No.9394812

hope ur day gets better fam. if i saw your fit at my shitty uni i'd be mirin

>> No.9394816

pff do those still exist? please do tell me, edgemaster.

why, thank you!

>> No.9394840
File: 1.99 MB, 320x240, albundy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw doop doop thinks he's an oldfag

>> No.9394857

But That's what I wanted to look like

>> No.9394869

Dat ass tho

>> No.9394873

fucking kek

>> No.9394876
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just saying im not new
who would want to be an oldfag tho

shit's sad


>> No.9394889


>who wants to be an oldfag
>shits sad

then why u tripping mane? no passive aggressive here brother, but the only difference is, doing the same shit, only with an extra year under ur belt.

>> No.9394890

tell me again why you bother tripping?
dont get enough attention in real life?
did your daddy stop talking to you when he found out your a poo pusher?

>> No.9394893
File: 144 KB, 126x126, 1421265862807.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9394895

i actually like this

>> No.9394899

/fa/scist bringing the heat.

>> No.9394906

nah i think it's fun when people try to ruin ur day

i mean being here for a long time

>> No.9394907

Socks perfectly match the carpet/10

>> No.9394918

Baldchan is that you?

>> No.9394925

you remind me of a mexican mclovin

>> No.9394931
File: 751 KB, 1077x503, haircomparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was wearing a new haircut today

>> No.9394934


>> No.9394949

o i am laffin

>> No.9394958

continue digging yourself deeper into that hole m8

btw does anyone have the picture of doop doop tippy toeing in all of his fitpics? i lost it

>> No.9394969

u laffin?

>> No.9394973

yes i am laffin

at ur hair m8

>> No.9394990

bomber might be a tad to big on you m8, cuffs and shoulders look like their flaring out but it might just be the angle

>> No.9394992

thats cheeky cunt, cost me a tenner that did

>> No.9395016

t-t-t-thank you

>> No.9395018

thank you comfy skeleton

>> No.9395019

underrated kek

>> No.9395024


>> No.9395034
File: 5 KB, 390x124, nop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, actually.

>> No.9395036
File: 218 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9395037

shuttup everyone laughs at u

>> No.9395048

nice fit dad

>> No.9395109

wow dude.

>> No.9395143

samefag harder

>> No.9395199

thank you comfy skeleton

>> No.9395282

I'm not trying to be a dick, honestly, but something about you just makes me feel so embarrassed for you. I mean, you have a unique style which would be cool, but I think the biggest problem is that it doesn't suit your body type. Especially when you do shit like the poses in this photo. You're so obviously not a tough guy, so stop acting like you have a "bad side."

Also my #1 bit of advice for you is: style your hair differently. You're probably self conscious about the size of your head, so you wear your hair down so as not make it look even bigger, but I honestly think you would look better with your hair our of your face. Not trying to sell you on an undercut (I'm sure I'll get shit from everybody, le undercut is ded etc) but some kind of undercut with your hair pushed back will make you look older, I think.

Damn... How old are you anyway?

>> No.9395296
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>> No.9395318

w2c oversized denim shirt

>> No.9395357

Your legs look worse than mine. Consider suicide or long distance running.

>> No.9395359

honestly I really like this fit

>> No.9395375

thrift store.

>> No.9395389

buy running would make them even bigger. I used to run before, what exactly do u dislike about them? thighs/calves proportions?

>> No.9395405

>everyone here has cronic babyface

>> No.9395411

obvious bait

>> No.9395427

you look great huck don't let the bullies get to you

>> No.9395437
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>> No.9395440

stance bullying people on 4chan doesn't make you cool

>> No.9395444

only good fit ITT

>> No.9395448

great fit, but i don't know how well it suits an interview

>> No.9395454

alpha male

>> No.9395455

Your head is almost as bog as your torso kek.

>> No.9395470

Stop posting this, it's like the 3rd time in 5 minutes.

>> No.9395484
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>> No.9395504

I've posted it once in 2 different threads and I only re-posted it here because it was sideways in the other.

>> No.9395510

why does he wear that t shirt

>> No.9395512
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holy shit

>> No.9395513


>> No.9395523

more like nerdcore

>> No.9395549

it's okay, you might add a shirt for full raf mode

>> No.9395604

w2c shoes, fucking gorgeous

>> No.9395606

hender scheme

>> No.9395607

fuck lol

>> No.9395640

thank you comfy skeleton

>> No.9395673

you look like one of the dudes that works at h lorenzo
come to think of it, you look like you're in h lorenzo in that photo

>> No.9395675

Whoa an actually good sort of gothninja fit

>> No.9395754

dope. what shoes?

>> No.9395759

hahaha, i looked at the pic and thought "more like dorkcore"

beat me to it

>> No.9395773
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>> No.9396043

Surplus pilotenstiefel without the zippers

>> No.9396052

thank you comfy skeleton

>> No.9396086

do they make that jacket in womens? wtc

>> No.9396105

lol why the fuck are people wearing carhartt shit when they don't even work, it doesn't even look good

>> No.9396192

Looks good my friend

>> No.9396205
File: 1.07 MB, 834x2104, 20150108_154134-1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drag me for being a basic bitch

>> No.9396571

Thigh prop

>> No.9396581

wow, looks great

>> No.9396591

nick get off 4chan

>> No.9396628

Who's nick

>> No.9396838

shit, hucklefucks got gains

>> No.9396871

What's your jacket in this pic?

>> No.9396986

cool another new zealander on this site..

>> No.9397057

Lose the bowtie/ascot and you're golden

>> No.9397088

21, just because I'm not an asshole doesnt mean I'm not a tough guy. But here I am trying to act tough on the internet. No offence taken. I've been wearing my hair back for a long time. I just want it down for a while.
I know man. Glad you think so too

>> No.9397092

Hucks gf is hot as fuck. He is obviously doing something right lol

>> No.9397111

thank you comfy skeleton

>> No.9397123

good luck with the chemo

>> No.9397135

my sides

>> No.9397144
File: 1.27 MB, 1161x2064, 2015-01-30 20.52.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To cop or not?

>> No.9397147

everything is bad

lose weight and don't spend more than $5 on that sweater because there's 100 just like it at your local thrift store

>> No.9397149

wut, carhartt wip is a higher end streetwear brand

>> No.9397167

I've been gaining muscle and fat, but I'm still have defined abs. I bike everyday so I like to wear baggier clothes. The sweater is pretty cheap and from a thrift shoplace though.

>> No.9397404
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wore this out tonight, with norse projects grey neoprene mix sweater. would love critique. Excuse the death grips meme

>> No.9397417

the fit is great man

>> No.9397420

Forreal? Thanks man <3 tryna escape fuccboi status

>> No.9397450

inb4 femanazi rape, chit looks chill as fuck. Did you actually wear it outside though?

>> No.9397456

To a movie theater. In public. With people.

I live my life vicariously so that you all don't have to

>> No.9397479
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>> No.9397481


>> No.9397602

if actually you, qt af
you should do something to make those plants lie a little flatter imo, maybe iron them

>> No.9397726


>> No.9398004

pls be in new england

>> No.9398008


>> No.9399803

Looks like you have tiny ass legs and a massive ass torso seriously fix that shit