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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 45 KB, 500x370, meetup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9384114 No.9384114 [Reply] [Original]

It's been a while since the last thread. The list has been updated with some locations since the last one. It's available at:


If anyone would like to add a location/add themselves as interested in meeting people locally, then feel free to post locations and/or pseudonymous contact information ITT - or to my gmail: sthlm.fa

If your location is listed, and you haven't added it, then it probably means that there's an /fa/ user near you.

>> No.9384119

bump for birmingham bois

>> No.9384205

big up the london crew. oldest and most active meetup group on /fa/. currently at 23 members

hold tight man like blaise and ricky - whatsapp legends

>> No.9384259

how often do you dudes meet is it a monthly thing

>> No.9384315

erm, depends really

i wouldn't really say that we have like "meets" anymore. now it's just kinda like we're a group of m8s that happen to also chat in a whatsapp group

lots of us are now like friends with each other's actual "irl" friends, so we just invite each other along to w/ever we're doing that weekend

like today, a few of us happen to be in town this evening so we're just gonna go and chill at the pub for a bit

>> No.9384320

that's cool man, hope the Birmingham meet becomes like that

>> No.9384350

Is the Sydney one happening?

>> No.9385303


>> No.9385531

That's pretty much up to you. But there's contact information for one Sydney meetup in the list.

>> No.9386188
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Tokyo meetup is still on for the weekend of 2/7, most likely Saturday. Anyone is welcome! The general plan is to meet at Harajuku Station, visit some thrift shops, then eat and drink afterwards. But where to go will be decided at the meetup.

Contact info is in the Google Doc, messaging in advance would be appreciated. Hope to see you there!

>> No.9386213

philadelphia meetup when yall.

>> No.9386237


how do i edit this

is that you, lemons?

cheers, s

>> No.9386256

op pls add snapchat: skyrmion for philly, PA and for annapolis, md

>> No.9386280

I live in Orange Park, FL. If anything I'd meet at the mall and talk shit about passerby.
kik me @chocolaterocket11. I'm starting to regret that name but yeah

>> No.9386393

lol no but lemons was in my accounting class last semester. i really wanted to leave a postit note on his desk before class that just said "fuccboi"

>> No.9386411

I started uni in Birmingham last year

>> No.9386503

ahaha you should have done it.
you're the guy at temple that left his email in the OP?

i go to drexel

cheers, s

>> No.9386513
File: 537 KB, 620x700, FW14-Looks_008-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is interested in doing a
meet up, I really want to organize one
Meet special guest haven model levi "trunks" sheckelberg

>> No.9386520

nah different temple dude. if we can get a crew together i would def be down for a meetup.

>> No.9386570

wow where'd all you templeboiz come from

got snapchat or?

>> No.9386574

Great work. Good luck.

I'm the only one who can edit it. After seeing how easy it was to sabotage, even if the users only placed footnotes, I decided that it was a good thing to restrict. I won't prevent anyone from copying the information and starting a new list, though.


>> No.9386597

let's do it
add me on skype - hppfce

>> No.9386598

going to go to sydey meeet so i can touch asian girls inappropriately

thx op

>> No.9386667
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>> No.9386712

marklasagna hmu philly snap crew

>> No.9386714



>> No.9386715

>chill at the pub
british people actually do this?? i thought it was a stereotype lol

>> No.9386731

sent ;)

also i see leon is lurking and has added me

>> No.9386740

Ayye lmao,u got a kik or snapchat? Skype? I live in oc but would be down to go down south.

>> No.9386787

WHERE ALL MY SOCAL NIGGAS @@@@@?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!!

ps bakersfield =/= socal

>> No.9386798


who /unt/ here

>> No.9386840

I live in the I.E.

>> No.9386852

Not enough fashun in Portland Or. for this.

>> No.9387014

toronto again when? missed last time

>> No.9387100

Where my Boston bros at?
Did you all die in the blizzard?

>> No.9387305

Saaaaaaame, what area are you in? I'm in North County.

Different guy but I'm also in SD


>> No.9387309

Damn really? This is actually kinda surprising. Then again when I was briefly in Portland I spent most of my time near Sellwood where the house I was staying in was; it was kinda just older people but I'm sure there's plenty of /fa/ people Downtown?

>> No.9387421

it's just sitting around, drinking beer and chatting with your friends. doesn't everyone all over the world do that? hardly a stereotype

>> No.9387475

anyone from porto, portugal?

>> No.9387488

>skinny jeans meetup

>> No.9387510

how come you guys randomly air conflicts that you have on /fa/ tho. I've seen that shit before on the meetup threads and it makes it seem offputting.

>> No.9387517

sitting talking with your mates and getting drunk? crazy

Went to USA with the bois last year and every place was blasting miley cyrus so loud you couldnt talk and flashing strobe lights at 8PM. you guys are missing out on pub nights.

>> No.9387520


But seriously if anyone wants to go for a skate hmu

>> No.9387884

There are some /fa/ people. Monochrome fits with focus on textures and silhouettes are really underrepresented. There are a few stores which stock CDG/YY etc. But not enough that you see people in them very often. There probably is enough fashion here for it, I have been to three fashion shows in the past year and it's good stuff. I just meant there aren't enough people on /fa/ to do it.

>> No.9387896


Dallas reporting in also.

We have to meet up on a rainy day so i can layer up a little.

>> No.9387918

haha, just banter innit fam

>> No.9387953

OC rep
I need to meet up with Connor (what was his fucking tripname again?)

>> No.9387961

you wanna hang out bro?

>> No.9388030

I live in Bristol

>> No.9388042

how do i join the london fa

>> No.9388056

youre a middle class white boy why are you pretending you talk like that

>> No.9388093

read the doc m8
just make sure u've got whatsapp installed
and then email ur phone number to effaylondon@hush.com

>> No.9388121

This. I live in buckhead, atlanta and find the nightlife here to be intolerable. I wish more people my age appreciated going to a bar and chilling with some drinks instead of just going to the club and raging until 3am.

>no group of mates to sit and talk and get drunk at the pub with

>> No.9388150


u wouldn't like london then m8. here it's not uncommon to carry on till ~3pm

and what's wrong with clubbing?

it's just dancing together in a big room with hundreds of like minded people, to music you love, on an amazing sound system, on drugs that make you feel fantastic, forgetting all of life's worries. there's really nothing better

just try and find some good clubs

>> No.9388176

what's your name? what've you had? reach for the lasers. safe as fuck

>> No.9388197

I assume you are 18. Gets boring

>> No.9388208

anyone for austin texas? down to meet at nasty's or any other /fa/ dive joint

>> No.9388362


I agree with this anon >>9388197

Clubbing was only cool prior to age 21, because you wanted so bad to be able to go out drinking and party, and maybe up until 22. After that it's the same old shit every time. Not to mention it's a money pit -- overpriced door charges, overpriced drinks (especially during the first few times before you've realized that buying girls drinks is useless).


>it's just dancing together in a big room with hundreds of like minded people
I actually tend to hate most club goers in atlanta. Nothing but douchebag Chads and Dustins, black guys, and certain clubs have huge packs of asians or indians that take over the whole place.

>to music you love, on an amazing sound system
People actually "love" club music...?

>on drugs that make you feel fantastic
again, dude.. that shit gets old after a while

My whole point was, I'm over clubbing. Actually, I was never really that into it to begin with, but for the past several years the idea of going to a club is completely unappealing.

>> No.9388424
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>> No.9388431

still calling new zealand/wellington

i know u VUW fuckers are moving back soon

>> No.9388456


Hey let me start up the Portland, Oregon one.

>> No.9388473

where in boston

>> No.9388484


I'll start up the Portland one. I'm curious what the turnout will be. I just don't wanna drive up to Seattle for a couple hours then drive back. email if you're interested, I need help picking a place to meet up. PortlandEffay@hotmail.com

>> No.9388488



>> No.9388547

I live in Brest i'll be in Rennes this weekend do you want to meetup ?

>> No.9388554

Anywhwere? Im not sure what you mean. I go to Umass though

>> No.9388586

Actually I'm in Paris now, I'll be moving in only by the end of March

Here, in case you go there later on


Add this to the list OP

>> No.9388664


where u at?

>> No.9388684


>> No.9388685

don't worry about it, i was just curious
i've got a friend that goes to bc

>> No.9388703
File: 64 KB, 500x630, 1419646855229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

!!!!!!pls add hamiltondogger420@hotmail.com for Hamilton, Ontario

>> No.9388719

uk? ayy where u at

>> No.9389051

That is what a lot of middle class white boys talk like haha

>> No.9389401


Would be interested in getting coffee downtown or inner east side. We could go out for a beer as well, depends on others' ages. email me back if you want a quick list thrown together (**cal92)

>> No.9389405

These the same person?

>> No.9389462 [DELETED] 

Well you can come hang out with me :)

>> No.9389638
File: 109 KB, 500x750, bdo-07-189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

australia - canberra

>> No.9389659

ask tripsk

>> No.9389662

auckland here but probably too scared to come to a meetup

>> No.9389675


>> No.9389856
File: 436 KB, 620x700, Looks_FW14-001-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping for vancouver
Probably Feb.21st a saturday
Worst case scenario its just me and trunks having coffee/ beer
If anyone is interested, just reply or post some contact info
I'll probably make a thread closer to the date

>> No.9389874

Akron anybody?

>> No.9389910

AY GOY add me on skype: hppfce

>> No.9389923

i thought i did already

>> No.9389949

philfag here, currently at Temple. recently turned 21, wear black drapey shit to prep and everything in between. if we were to meet up im sure we'd all opt for the black drape meme though

>> No.9389955

are you all asians or something because the only people who i'd suspect to be /fa/ggots are asians here

>> No.9389990

Anybody want to meet up in Chicago, I got 2 weeks left here and I'm bored af

>> No.9390003

tripsk get in here

>> No.9390021

"who can wear the most black" contest

for real though can we start a skype group or something idk

>> No.9390067


yeah, that's me.

>> No.9390073

Anyone from Seattle organizing a meet?

>> No.9390248

give snapchats and locations you fuccbois

>> No.9390255


Am I a 13 year old girl?

>> No.9390259


Give me your snapchat or kik username.

>> No.9390260

meet at the bell tower ;^), bring ur black

>> No.9390265

Like I'm probably not going to plan another one.

>> No.9390270

was it that bad

>> No.9390301


>> No.9390310

post snapchat homie

>> No.9390332


Snapchat: Chilliamyoung


>> No.9390352


snap is ralphwiggum808

>> No.9390355
File: 49 KB, 475x528, 1360420575358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will never see anyone from bakersfield here

>> No.9390372

Richland )))^:

My phone is dead since my fucking charger broke.

Ill add you homie.

>> No.9390600

D e n v e r b o y s

>> No.9390895

clubbing isn't expensive

£10 to get in
£5 for a double stacked pill off a dnm
£6 for a couple of pints with your mates before hand

that's it

£21 total

>I actually tend to hate most club goers in atlanta
i think you're going to the wrong clubs, man. there are some shit clubs here filled with "chads" and "dustins", but those clubs are mostly in central london and designed for tourists and students and playing crappy club mixes of top 40 shit. u wanna go to music oriented clubs where everyone is friendly and nice and there for the tunes. i've made loads of friends just chatting to people in the queue and smoking areas

>People actually "love" club music...?
yeah, loads of people. what do you think all those /bleep/ threads on /mu/ are about?

in london its easy. you can pretty much go and listen to w/ever you want. jungle, house, techno, grime, dnb, garage, dubstep, etc

here's some big tunes atm:

>> No.9390913

Anyone from Århus, Denmark?

>> No.9390930

fuck that shithole.
the bane of southern california
although implying socal isn't already a shithole

>> No.9390960

Ja, din cuck

>> No.9390983


you can't just park your trailer...like not where every where else dumps their garbage?

>> No.9391049

Ayyy Bristol boyz

>> No.9391053

aucks reporting in
not sure if my /fa/ game is strong enough for a meetup yet tho

>> No.9391065




>> No.9391181


>clubbing isn't expensive
I wasn't necessarily saying it's expensive, but if you make it a regular thing it starts eating away at your bank account. Also, I think you've given a pretty low estimate there (in my personal experience anyway). Most club nights would have me parting ways with at least twice that much.

>i think you're going to the wrong clubs, man.
I think you're probably right.

>> No.9391191

hit me the fuck up

>> No.9391385

>People actually "love" club music...?
fucking idiot

>> No.9391386

does anyone here go to rutgers

>> No.9391629

I'm in Dublin, Ireland if anyone wants to get a burrito with me

>> No.9391735

brah im in paris right now
u wanna meet?

>> No.9392158

>loving club music
>same 1 or 2 lines of "lyrics" repeated over and over
>samples from other songs
>every song is the same 4/4 overly bass-heavy bullshit
>in the club literally any song could be any other song
>might as well just have one continuous song play throughout the whole night

You like (love?) this shit, but I'm the fucking idiot? riiiight...

>> No.9392621
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>> No.9392633
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and i managed to fuck it up
(my skype name's the same as the name in these posts)

>> No.9393112
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included an image link to the Stockholm meetup.

>> No.9393846

Harrolds sale on wed 4th Feb

Sydfags down to meet up then?

>> No.9393857

E. E
A. T
T. U
T. P


>> No.9393869

Missouri, St. louis here
Anyone from stl wanna meet up?
pls add to your list op Email is Mallowmella@yahoo.com

>> No.9393870

who /norcal/ here?

san francisco
san jose
even sacramento

>> No.9393878

Does a skype group already exist for Montreal? I tried adding the anon in the google doc but haven't heard from them in forever...

>> No.9393885
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tfw no tennessee :')

>> No.9393893

yikes! didn't think it was that awful

>> No.9393914

Email the guy fsg

>> No.9393975

come to KC

>> No.9394073


w e l l i n g t o n


>> No.9394348

fresno tier.

>> No.9395378

Dude nice nice, I'm in North County as well. Wanna get a meetup going?

>> No.9395584

I'm down to taste some pussy 8)

>> No.9395636

I'm down, how should we do this? Make like a group chat or something?

>> No.9395656


What's your email m8?

>> No.9395735

Yeah sure, get something started and I'll join, I dunno what group chat services there are these days.

>> No.9395790

I'm surprised someone put Slovenia on the list.

>> No.9395889


>> No.9397820


>> No.9397830

i just imagined trunks in his $3000 fit, surrounded by few zaragoth fuccbois, thinking "i bet every one of these fuckers made fun of my halloweenwitch fit"

>> No.9398808

"zaragoth" sounded like some ancient wizard. then I realized "ahh, Zara-goth".

>> No.9398864

we sacramento fam

>> No.9399069

more like $5000

>> No.9399073

hey trunks, how was the meetup?

>> No.9399195
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Don't know. Try adding some info, and someone might contact you.

Several people from there in the last couple of threads.

>> No.9399371

Did you go?

>> No.9399415

add email "sweaty@tfwno.gf" to my contact info ty~

>> No.9400762

Thanks for the Montreal update

>> No.9401031


any time, anon.

>> No.9401724

Anon who "hates" emails here.
I've been really occupied, sorry.

>> No.9401764


>> No.9402023
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I organized the last LA meetup but I haven't had much inclination or feedback from others to organize another. I still have a lot of contact info though, so if anyone would like to set something up, I can help spread the word.

>> No.9402042

It should be noted that I'm actually closer to IE/OC.

>> No.9402068

Seattle fam. Whats good?

>> No.9402792

anyone from nyc? kik moosea33, but I don't post on /fa/ like at all.

>> No.9404122
File: 354 KB, 800x800, famtl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ Montreal meetup
Saturday, Feb. 7, 7 PM
Bar Bifteck, 3702 St Laurent

3 (soon to be 4!) people confirmed. Contact dsvoid on skype or gmail (dsvoid at gmail dot com) for any questions or concerns or just to join the little skype group!

>> No.9404128


>> No.9404163

what kind of stuff did you guys do? missed out but i'd be interested in going to another one

>> No.9404189

Fuck you Grant

>> No.9404440
File: 50 KB, 711x458, Tokyo Meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ Tokyo meetup
Saturday, Feb. 7th

4 people confirmed. Confirming is appreciated, but drop ins will be welcome too! Contact is ClassicHighlighter on Skype or thisgrailguy@yahoo.co.jp for email.

One question for those coming: Would you rather a kind of day long thing (from 2 to 8) or just dinner and drinks (6-9)? Post here or Skype me to let me know or if you have any questions!

>> No.9404454

please post pics bcuz japanese ppl are all qts

>> No.9404608

who ㅅeoul here

>> No.9404680

People from Fresno on /fa/? That's surprising.

>> No.9404707


>> No.9404736

>tfw no /fa/ meetup will ever happen in Poland

>> No.9404789

come to the london 1 m8. youll be over here soon enough

>> No.9404801

b-but, who will organize it?

>> No.9404806

>Live in London
>frequent /fa/
>not part of the meetup group

Feels good tbh

>> No.9404815


Would be keen for an Auckland thing.

>> No.9404818

>/fa/ - Fashion
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>File: 1370399562555.png (29 KB, 741x946)
>29 KB
>Anonymous ## Mod Mod Icon 06/10/13(Mon)16:25:28 No.6310205 Sticky Closed [Reply]▶
where in london

>> No.9404820

>too socially awkward to be apart of the group
>feels the need to tell the group through the thread that you're okay anyways

whatever that makes you feel better, m80

>> No.9404823

what the bloody hell is that most m8

>> No.9404824

why does it feel good?

>> No.9404826
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>> No.9404845
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>> No.9406350

No worries. You're back with us now, and the world is beautiful again.

Top man. Really great. Added info and image.

Awesome. Nice to see a meetup in Japan as well. Is it the first one ever?


>> No.9408295


>> No.9409281

toronto pls? wanna meet toronto monochrome qts ):

>> No.9409653
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NYC meetup anyone

kik: quietyamz

>> No.9409855

Philadelphia hit me up with snapchats

I have 2 people so far

>> No.9409871

hey, im in akron

>> No.9409878


Snapchat: bigconnie

>> No.9409949

Hello, messaged.

>> No.9410274

I live in Ventura/Thousand Oaks, just north of LA

>> No.9411997
File: 57 KB, 711x458, 1422863408238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ Tokyo meetup
Saturday, Feb. 7th, 7 PM

The plan is now dinner in Shinjuku at 7!
The meetup spot is the West Exit of Shinjuku Station, then to the restaurant from there.

Same as before, 4 people confirmed and drop ins are welcome too! Contact is ClassicHighlighter on Skype or thisgrailguy@yahoo.co.jp for email. Still time to confirm!

Taking pictures of strangers isn't my thing, y'know? But anything else is cool. I'll be swinging by a few shops earlier in the day and I don't mind requests.

Yeah, this is the first Japan meetup. Just dinner for now, maybe a longer meetup next time if things go well. Shopping and thrifting could be pretty cool.

P.S. I've had a few people Skype me about Japanese style and other questions about imports and such. I'll answer anything I can, so feel free to add me.

>> No.9412067

any interest in the general vicinity of Yosemite CA, I work in the park

>> No.9412797
File: 422 KB, 800x800, famtl2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buping this to get a few more people to see it, come to the Montreal meet and confirm with me with dsvoid at gmail dot com or just dsvoid on skype!

>> No.9412813

yes son

>> No.9413039

get lots of pics, can't wait to see.

>> No.9414307

yes it was bad
because our lord and savior Rexy did not come

>> No.9414418

yea im in woodland hills, near coco

>> No.9414429

yeah im interested

>> No.9414502

let's do sf shopping or just chill
add me to the doc, i'm bystander@airmail.cc

>> No.9414526

I'm interested as long as you guys don't bully me because I'm poor :(

I camp near Bridgeport every year m8. What city you in?

>> No.9414548

I wish there was a cool meet up in LA/Beverly Hills area.

>> No.9414564

idk our trips have gone nuts and i don't dress well enough

>> No.9414659

Come on Montreal where you AT

>> No.9415339

I live in the park itself during the summer, but south end (fresno side)

>> No.9415353

Any mexifags?

>> No.9415428

I most likely won't be able to meet at Shinjuku at 7, but when I get off work I'll swing by wherever you guys are. keep me updated neh?

>> No.9415515


all the guys jerked each other off and trispk just stood on the other room with a clipboard writing things down, but she wouldnt let us see what she was writing

>> No.9415555

Sounds cool. Is it a sweet gig working in the park? I've always wanted to work for the forest service and chill somewhere scenic

>> No.9415619

It's pretty chill, I work at the wawona, so it's kinda separate from all the super touristy shit.
>tfw nobody to see my sick fits in the woods

>> No.9415769

I too dress like a fuccboi, son.

>> No.9416601


>> No.9416617

>>Ralphwiggum808 doesn't exist

fuck you nigga.

>> No.9416861

what part of glasgow are you guys in?

>> No.9416992

im in between edinburgh and glasgow

>> No.9417091

saw an asian guy wearing geos today a temple university, it was one of you wasnt it

>> No.9417098

if it wasnt at the fucking bifteck id go lmao

>> No.9417139



@tripsk yeah?

>> No.9417200

Where in Chicago?

>> No.9417544

i wanna go but i dont wanna be called a pleb

>> No.9417722


>tfw no kik

>> No.9417727


more seattleites? friends when shall we convene

>> No.9417928

I go to beverly all the time, hmu and i can link you to a guy who goes to UCLA
hows topanga mall ;)

>> No.9417934

Mexi/fa/ Here

>> No.9417936

Wich state?

>> No.9417954
File: 59 KB, 711x458, Tokyo Meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ Tokyo meetup
Saturday, Feb. 7th, 7:30 PM

Tokyo Meetup tomorrow at 7:30! Still time to confirm!
Contact is ClassicHighlighter on Skype or thisgrailguy@yahoo.co.jp for email.

For sure. See you there!

>> No.9418333

Email me


>> No.9418356
File: 185 KB, 1500x1500, 81nVT87CiZL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9418579
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P.S. To the anon in Shinagawa and the anon who said he'd show up, hope to see you guys there.

>> No.9419215


>> No.9420424

you never replied dickfuck

waste of trips

>> No.9421393

Just a meeting place, can move after everyone shows. Come say hi friend

>> No.9421687

I'm in northern SD but I'd definitely be down with going up to LA since I'm in Silverlake all the time anyways