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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 131 KB, 750x1000, maggie-duran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9382263 No.9382263 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: what would it be like if /fa/ had a 99.9% female population

>> No.9382270


>> No.9382274


It has
Grill here btw

>> No.9382283

What if they were normie /fa/ girls?

>> No.9382284

/ugg/ general

>> No.9382285
File: 641 KB, 2550x3537, Fashion - Fredericks of Hollywood 2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a $100 Fredericks of Hollywood gift card for birthday. What should I spend it on?

>> No.9382295
File: 1.52 MB, 1345x1997, maika-monroe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /fa/ anyone know of dress like pic related? I've been looking for a while.

>> No.9382310

Would /fa/ girls still wear uggs? I sincerely hope not. I now avoid interacting with anybody who unironically owns a pair

>> No.9382317
File: 449 KB, 498x750, tumblr_mv5ic3UR8K1s4m823o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

claim your model husbando

>> No.9382319

No, but he said normie girls

>> No.9382323

would there be shlick threads featuring mayle muddles?

>> No.9382328

Try vogue.com

>> No.9382332


>> No.9382344
File: 752 KB, 700x1683, everyday-carry-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EDC thread

>> No.9382350
File: 762 KB, 700x1665, everyday-carry-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9382374
File: 17 KB, 604x586, 1420162955715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if normal fag girls posted on 4chan

>> No.9382385

You never been to cgl

>> No.9382389

They carry toys, toothpaste and DVDs but no spare pads?

>> No.9382392

the way things are going it wont take long for that to happen

>> No.9382458

i feel like its already filled with outside world normies that can come to 4chan and let their inner wierdo true self come out but soon it will be pure normie and all normies will fill these boards. reddit is basically there...give 4 chan another year

>> No.9384268

itt: projection

>> No.9384627

Oceania server is full of kids that regularly spout dank 4chimps maymays. Normies are already here.

>> No.9384640


What's In Your Purse

>> No.9384642



>> No.9384650

I have Uggs. I love them. They're great.

Also a lot of this.

>> No.9384656

>"do I look fat in this?"
>"how much makeup is too much?"
>"how many shoes are too many?"

>> No.9384660

give girls anonymity and they'll tear a place apart

>> No.9384664

>implying grills are attracted to gooks

>> No.9384669

I feel like Uggs are the female version of CDBs and would be treated as such if this board was mostly girls

>> No.9384670


>> No.9384692

Came here to post this

>> No.9384697

I knew I've seen her before
The Guest was a pretty alright movie, gotta love the soundtrack though

>> No.9384702

it'd be like rookie mag with more vibrator talk

>> No.9384715


>> No.9384720


uggs are the sk8 his of /fa/

>> No.9384721

mine are like special edition snowflake CDBs then.

that's from blackmilkclothing.com. It's a dress over some leggings with detachable garter bottoms.

>> No.9384725

it would be almost exactly like /cgl/

no advice given
week old news threads

rather than taobao threads it would be TJMAXX threads

fashion discussion would just be the lowest common denominator due to lack of inherent competition

everyone would dress horridly and simply like tripskank

>> No.9384732


what case to get for your iphone thread


>> No.9384760

inspo threads are just pintrest dumps
with natural lightning and mostly white in the image

be it white fabric or a kitchen with white cabinets


waywt threads are just snapchat screenshots or instagram selfie repost threads

hugbox backhanded compliments rather than being direct or making others look intentionaly bad so they don't have to change up their style

>> No.9384762

it would be like /cgl/ mixed with tumblr

>> No.9387251

>Do these flip flops match my sweat pants?

>> No.9388116


>> No.9388311

Hair threads wouldn't be interesting at all

>> No.9389207

duo-kegal hang dress

>> No.9389673


I HATE TJMAXX so much. They always have the most boring ugly clothes.

>> No.9390047

It would be called skinnygossip

>> No.9391195
