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File: 124 KB, 1280x747, 969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9374489 No.9374489 [Reply] [Original]

So this is now what punk looks like? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoudTpQSHSE

>> No.9374505

no, you're retarded

>> No.9374506

Punk looks like a lot of things, who cares?

>> No.9374591

Punk is dead, except for a few skinheads.

>> No.9374625
File: 1.78 MB, 2539x3272, PUNK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9374634

says who?

>> No.9374664

What's funny is that the Sex Pistols were just a bunch of edgy middle-class kids.

>> No.9374673
File: 32 KB, 400x400, MI0003641855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also lmao at this shit
May the road rise with you~

>> No.9374718
File: 88 KB, 500x667, 1wer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9374759

pretty much every punk ever

>> No.9374768


That song is the tits.

>> No.9374810 [DELETED] 

Scenesters have co-opted "punk" to describe their faggotry

>> No.9374878


What's even funnier is that they weren't at all, with the exception of Glen Matlock, who was lower middle class. They were all classic poor East End housing estate kids. You fucking loser, this is basic info, do your research before you post, you mouth breathing piece of shit.

The Clash, Generation X, The Damned, Banshees, etc were all actually outer London suburbs middle class edge lord brats.

>> No.9374891

Who gives a shit about the financial background when The Clash were so infinitely more talented than the Sex Pistols anyways

>> No.9374901

they all sucked anyway. why bother knowing anything about them.

>> No.9374922


The Clash are the fucking Sum 41 of the 70's scene. Commit suicide you suburban try hard cunt.


That's what everyone will always think of you.

People are still talking about those bands and that era with awe and reverence, they opened the world to music in ways mouth breathers like you take for granted. Have some respect, you insignificant cretin.

>> No.9374933

It's near impossible to be a punk in today world.

Real punks (who started the "fad"), were majority very poor kids who lead quite shitty lives, the word "punk" didn't even associated with fashion until Vivienne and McLaren decided to step in.

Kids dressed that way to look more intimidating, more rebellious or simply because that's the best they had and was the only way they were accepted anywhere or fitted in with others, because they knew life sucked, government gave 0 shits about them and that they were prejudiced before given any chance.

In the kind of world we live today it's nigh-impossible to be a punk, because it's not just "dead", it's "raped" by this and last generations of teens to the joke that you just showed in that video.

Being a punk also associated with certain attitude later on, that kind of attitude is something almost no one will have with how good we live today (in terms of materialism). The last and closest thing I saw to a punk, was this street guitarist who ran away from home because of abuse and other shit at age of 15 and lived on his own by playing on streets, he had both looks and attitude and he was from a 3rd world country as well.

As far as actual high fashion goes, nobody "in there" or who has knowledge of it will ever consider the shit you posted punk and you also shouldn't give a single fuck about what such people think.

Generally I'm quite amused that currently, especially last 5-7 years people care way too much about what teenagers and uni students think or say. They have 0 experience or knowledge about actual real life, most won't make it past basic middle-class life-style anyways and the idea of listening to their "political views" or what they think is "fashionable" is beyond oblivious.

Still, as long as they can be a good cash cow to be milked, it won't change in terms of media, especially with Internet around, still as a person you shouldn't give a single fuck.

>> No.9374943

c'mon, almost all those bands just gave up their ideals and grabbed the cash. thats what nearly killed the scene back then.
atleast Steve Ignorant waited 30 years after breaking up before trying to make big money out of it.
while steve's an asshole now, Crass is the band that brought punk to what it is nowwadays, not the Pistols or any of that crap.

>> No.9374982

>it's popular and therefore it's bad
Eat shit. I don't see how anyone could possibly think that the Sex Pistols' album holds up against London Calling or even Combat Rock. Not to mention The Clash's influence from the Two-Tone scene.

>> No.9374989

real punks understand that punk was fake from the get go

>> No.9375014

you do fucking realize theyre just doing a spoof on edits people make of them. like no one thinks punk really looks like that

>> No.9375165
File: 3.73 MB, 3744x5616, NECK_DEEP_promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what punk is nowadays.

>> No.9375166


Commit suicide. Legit. Actually cut your fucking wrists up through your arteries, you insufferable cunt.

Never Mind the Bollocks has more talent, fire, musical skill, originality and outright fuck you in 3 seconds of any song over the entire Clash discography.

You are exactly what ruined that entire scene - a mainstream, suburban cunt who chooses to worship the safe, copy cat fashion core band who chose to replicate the music but still act like a worthless pop band. You probably think Rancid are a good band, you fucking shit head

Fuck you. Fuck The Clash. Die.

>> No.9375168

No. That's what faggots look like

>> No.9375171

Sonic Youth all day.

>> No.9375176

liike this pOst if uR a REAL hardcore PUNK @@@“$$$$$%&&&

>> No.9375179

when you stop being 12 years old you will understand
sex pistols is a one trick pony, a gimmick, a collective with no talent whatsoever
to compare them to the clash or any decent band is beyond ridiculous

>> No.9375183

they didn't give up their ideals for money. They did because they grew up.

>> No.9375186

lol dave vanian was found singing at a funeral, and was a grave digger, the band liked him and asked him to join. most punk guy of the fucking movement imo he did kinda forbear the "goth" aesthetic before goth was even a real thing, and no other goth faggot really compared to him for that

>> No.9375187

m8 the sex pistols are shite listen to Sham 69

>> No.9375188

actually thats not true at all

by that definition then Gangsta Rap is closer to what Punk is than modern punk

Punk went from a poor subculture to a suburban one

>> No.9375199

this has got to be a meme or youre just a massive faggot

I cant honestly believe that someone actually enjoys Sex Pistol's music more than The Clash

Im not even that big of a fan, I can certainly appreciate what they did but the Sex Pistols made simple dumb music by every measure

>> No.9375216

Siouxsie and the Banshees rock!

>> No.9375227
File: 97 KB, 736x726, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cramps are GOAT

>> No.9375230

You all have shit taste. Bikini Kill is such a better punk band then half the stuff being talked about here

>> No.9375246 [DELETED] 

If you're going to listen to punk, listen to crust or grindcore

>> No.9375251

Bikini Kill is shit. Most of those riot girl bands are mediocre at best. Also, comparing bikini kill to sex pistols/ clash? Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.9375258

No. That shit sucks too. I don't get it. Why do people on this forum has such shit taste in music?

>> No.9375271

You fucking wish those wanna be angsty boys could compare to riot girl

>> No.9375284

Are you trolling? You can't be serious to think riot girl is a superior sub genre than classic punk and post punk? I could name 5 girl post punk bands that are better than that whole movement combine

>> No.9375654

Now take all of these idiots and have them talk about clothes and you can see why /fa/ is well and truly fucked.

>> No.9375678

Its just sorta blending with grunge

>> No.9375686
File: 24 KB, 500x365, 2f01b01f-af98-43d3-b260-018c2e1d4a50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, this is what punk now looks like

>> No.9375696

The original punk scene in New York in the mid 70s and the modern underground punk scene is the coolest. 80s Hardcore was mostly shit that fetishized being a manly man and everything cool that happened in the 90s falls harder in the camp of indie pop with record labels like K and Slumberland.

>> No.9375745

>People on 4chan who think they know about music

>> No.9375771

>That one guy who thinks he knows more about music than the entirety of 4chan

nothing personnel kid...

>> No.9375787

Maybe not more than all of it combined