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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 39 KB, 670x409, moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9371734 No.9371734 [Reply] [Original]

"Clothes aren't important to me, sorry /fa/"

Moot just said this. Is that effay?

>> No.9371743


>> No.9371745

"I had one grey sweatshirt, I have a black one now"
inimitable cool

>> No.9371749

still more handsome than u

>> No.9371758

fuck you fag. i already made a thread about this before yours and it got pruned within seconds. mods are faggots

>> No.9371759

Looks like hairlines aren't either.

>> No.9371763

doesnt mean shit
he still chooses to dress some type of way he likes meaning there is some grade of importance to him
and if he doesnt like designers who gives a fuck, theres no need to

>> No.9371773

You sound a little salty anon.

>> No.9371777

he literally said he doesn't give a shit about clothing

>> No.9371778

he posted here a few years ago , tried to make an effort just like with /fit/. he gave up at that and now he's giving up on 4chan

rip moot

>> No.9371780

hes a faggot, but hes our faggot never 4get ;_;

>> No.9371791

he tried working out as well on /fit/ for a while then gave up.

He gives up on a lot of things.

>> No.9371795

why is he retiring
this a v bad sign

>> No.9371804

didn't he bought a glock just for /k/?

>> No.9371812

He made a "which gun do I buy" thread back in the o/k/ corral days. Not sure if he has any others though.

>> No.9371886

What is he going to do now? Its not like he has enough money to just retire

>> No.9371889

Neetbux, or he could say he got PTSD from this place and get mental health money. :)

>> No.9371925

what time does he say that in the q&a?

>> No.9371950

I had a dream my parents were telling me how luggage lad got his name

>> No.9371960

so what? and further more who cares?

>> No.9371970


Probably will end up doing social media strategy for big companies. It pays v well.

>> No.9371976

He's a failure

He somehow turned the biggest Internet forum on the internet into a meesly 2.5 million dollars. If he actually bothered to ban all pedofiles and get rid of targeted bullying raids he could've made millions in avertisment

Instead he's left with a board full of autists who hate him and a gf who cheats on him

>> No.9372002

sounds like someones butthurt

>> No.9372007



>> No.9372013


Thats like the most effyest thing a rich man can say tbh
Like, yeah fuck clothes, and trash your designer staples on a moshpit, skating, parkour, sweating like a pig or whatever clothing damaging activity there is.

>> No.9372014



>> No.9372047

he has a strong head of hair, dawg

>> No.9372077

thats fine, fashion isnt for everyone

>> No.9372098
File: 32 KB, 288x339, sadm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its all ogre guys.

>> No.9372105

ain´t should be a general per board for this faggot?

>> No.9372110

"See you later space cowboys"
made me tingle.

>> No.9372150

Moot has his own coture, he is the essence of style

>> No.9372157

I think the fact that he mentioned us out of all the other boards he left out, I now know what its like for anime girls to be noticed by their senpais

>> No.9372168

he's a wannabe mark zuckerberg

>> No.9372171

how so

>> No.9372178
File: 19 KB, 500x281, R I P CHRISTOPHER POOLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this effay?

>> No.9372219

because he dresses like a fagget

>> No.9372453


you're uninformed

>> No.9372470

At what time does he talk about /fa/?

>> No.9372492

Normcore af
Hé absolutely doesnt give a fuck

>> No.9372506

idr the time but his only mention of /fa/ was 'sorry /fa/' for not caring about clothes

he was saying he actually has more clothes now than ever: 4 pairs of pants, 2 pairs sneakers, a black sweatshirt in addition to the gray sweatshirt he's had, and a winter jacket for the first time

>> No.9372566
File: 202 KB, 466x700, 6geIDo9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9372574

Fucking Sweden.

>> No.9372577

quite minimialistical, i like it

>> No.9372578

this looks like Moot's gay twin brother who's desperate to give his bro a makeover and always asks to go shopping and tries to give him designer clothing as gifts but Moot just returns it for cash or regifts it.

I never realized how homosexual fashion was, this guy is the embodiment of /fa/. What am I doing here guys? I'm going to start dressing like Moot and not give a fuck

>> No.9372580


Man that guy looks like a twat.

>> No.9372587

I still can't believe he's leaving

end of a fucking era I swear

I don't even want to think about how much a phoney the new owner would probably be

>> No.9372588


for such a beautiful boy i'd have assumed he'd be our poster child

>> No.9372591


>> No.9372593

this was moot's version of a blogger page that people long abandoned in 2005

or a myspace account that had enough visitors to warrant keeping alive for another few years and rake in ad revenue/page views

and the news media searching for cheap time fill storys about lulsec and anonymous helped him profit a bit more all those years ago

surprised he didn't leave earlier

>> No.9372600


That's not from Sweden.

>> No.9372602

>I don't even want to think about how much a phoney the new owner would probably be

yeah this is a worry

tumblr hugbox 2.0 incoming

>> No.9372625

What was the question?

>> No.9372637

"Do you still only wear grey hoodies?"

>> No.9372639

>I never realized how homosexual fashion was
It's what you personally make of it. If you think it's gay then it is. If you don't think it's gay then it's not.

>> No.9372648
File: 73 KB, 636x370, moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Why do you always wear a fucking grey sweatshirt?"


>> No.9372690

his hair actually looks really good here
>moot confirmed for /fa/

>> No.9372748

>He somehow turned the biggest Internet forum on the internet
4chan isn't the biggest internet forum.

>> No.9372751

>I don't even want to think about how much a phoney the new owner would probably be
He's not selling the company, merely stepping down from being an admin.

>> No.9372817

>I wasn't there for the q&a

he is making a clean break. no more moot involvement on 4chan and there will be a new owner he will have no power over

>> No.9372820

What time in the video?

>> No.9372824


>> No.9372830

i've been saying moot should leave this fucking miserable cesspit for years now.

we - all of 4chan - were his frankenstein. he gave birth to the most shittastic subculture the internet's ever seen without dipping into pokemon diaper fetish territory. the second he decided to grow his ass up and ditch the faggy /b/tard mentality 100% his entire board whines about him being an sjw boogieman. he had every right to just sell the name off and tell us all to eat a dick, and for some insane reason he didn't.

shit, if i were him i'd have shut the board down permanently with zero notice as a final fuck-you. i'd have counted down to it live in the Q&A too.

>> No.9372856

i think the best immediate solution would just be to close /pol/. i mean sure, its cancer has irrevocably spread sitewide, especially on its satellite boards like /v/, but we really oughta rid ourselves of the notion that /pol/'s existence is necessary as a containment board. there wasnt a proliferation of /pol/shit because there wasnt a place for it to properly develop until /new/ came along, upon which everything took an immediate nosedive. as long as theres a place for it to fester on the site, itll continue to seep out into other boards

>> No.9372918

Does anyone remember the times Moot actually came to /fa/?

I can recall a few occasions YEARS ago, but I can't remember what exactly he asked us.

>> No.9372936

I still remember the best one

>> No.9372939

This is why I enjoy /fa/. It seems like the least /pol/ infected board of the ones I've lurked. We shitpost, but without relying on that bullshit for the most part. Relatively clean and logical for 4chan.

>> No.9372952

heh, that was fun.
he came and asked for fashion advice about a jacket or something I think.

>> No.9372953

I think it's important for a place to exist outside social pressure where people can express themselves freely without risk of stigmatization. Only pants on head retards don't believe there isn't a western oligarchy and think the two party system is actually a thing. And only pants on head retards who have never set foot outside their homes don't form stereotypes from what they see. It's human nature to classify and categorize. People need to get the sand out of their vaginas and stop being so emotionally flustered by the fact that seriously everyone is racist regardless of race.

>> No.9372956

Moot made lot of threads on /fa/ asking about shoe advices

Having shoe fetism is still relevant to /fa/

>> No.9372970

I would agree with you that having a place like this can be good, but, it's also extremely negative as you can see from this cesspool. There are racists in every race, obviously, but part of being a human being in the twenty first century is learning to just be a decent human being and not be a huge dick to everyone? People love to just tell others to not be sensitive instead of trying to improve themselves to be more positive. But it's 4chan, so it really doesn't matter here which is perfectly fine.

>> No.9372987

I thrive on negativity and only better myself to spite it. The men in my family are teasers. Some people have thicker skin and quicker tounges. I'm super nice to everyone I meet until they act like a cunt then I shit on them because I'm more articulate than most people due to bantering with a belligerent family my entire life. That's why I love it here, I get to be salty as fuck. Plus people can't call me fat, manlet, ugly, no gf, virgin, poor or loser because I'm none of those things thanks to coming here and /fit/ and handling negativity. When I post in waywt I try to get no replies and many times don't.

You can be nice on the daily and still be prejudice. I sell clothes at the mall and am going to school and I only meet the upper middle class of all the races and all of them are nice but indians. Only people I dislike consistently in the world are indians because they only like ugly clothes and they act like cunts despite having no charisma or looks going for them.

>> No.9373024

I think you're a pretty chill dude and I'm mostly the same way. And this conversation wouldn't happen on most of the other boards here which is my point. But that's the thing about it, right? Cunts get other people to act like cunts to them. Which just breeds more negativity and shitty behavior. I don't give a shit what people do as long as they aren't infringing upon other people's rights. In the libertarian way as well, before someone calls me out as an sjw. But, seriously, just follow the golden rule, people.

>> No.9373056

>implying he said that

>> No.9373069

He said it repeatedly throughout the whole livestream, it was probably his response to one of the first questions if you want to find it.

He's going to transition to the new leadership people in the next few months all the while trying to decide who and how to give away the whole site. He said he'll still post as anon and also rarely with a capcode, ex-admin or something, but he wouldn't have any of his admin powers.

>> No.9373070

Find it yourself you lazy fuck.

>> No.9373078

>He's going to transition to the new leadership people in the next few months all the while trying to decide who and how to give away the whole site. He said he'll still post as anon and also rarely with a capcode, ex-admin or something, but he wouldn't have any of his admin powers.
You literally said he's stepping down as an admin, it doesn't mean he'll just give away the ownership of the site. Are you fucking stupid? What makes you think he'll gift a moneymaker to someone?

>> No.9373085

jeez stop being in denial so much and just listen to the stream

he's transferring it away. everything including the financials.

>> No.9373092


starts at around 41:00 in the livestream, he also said it multiple more times throughout the stream that he wants to transfer full ownership to someone else and that he wants to break off completely

>Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.9373432

Fuck, this was great. 2013 was a bretty good year for /fa/

>> No.9373443

What the fuck he lives in NYC how was he able to manage here without a winter coat

>> No.9373449

Black and grey basics are /fa/ as fuck

>> No.9373553

Do you guys really not understand that some people don't care about fashion and hate shopping? how closed minded can you be to not understand that different people care about different things. i don't give a shit about most of the other boards on this site because i don't find the subjects interesting, and you are probably the same anon.

never change 4chan

>> No.9373564


Did you even read the thread?

I don't even know why I'm responding to you as that post and your response will be retarded as fuck.

>> No.9373565

I think you're arguing with people who don't exist

>> No.9373567

Hm, this thread is pretty civil, along with somewhat staying on topic. This is why i like you /fa/

>> No.9373804

s-shut up! b-baka~

>> No.9373814 [DELETED] 

>I sell clothes at the mall
Oh. No wonder your opinion is so uneducated.

>> No.9373818
File: 199 KB, 500x376, 1408228268147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9373821


I fucking hate you so much you have no idea.

>> No.9373825
File: 49 KB, 400x386, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9373945

Is it just me or have all the trips gotten unbelievably worse lately? Like holy shit dude, you don't need an identity unless you're actually giving relevant information/constructive feedback

>> No.9373954


yup there has been a massive wave of shitposting, worthless trips who either dress like shit or never post fits. r-xy is basically their leader.

>> No.9374018

Casemods kept the trips in check. I miss him

>> No.9374027


yeah i honestly realized this recently, i dont understand at what point this happened but hopefully they fuck off

>> No.9374052

yeah, that was like 2 years ago when he got into /fa/shion but gave up eventually, same with /fit/, he lifted like for 2 weeks and gave up

moot is an epic failure in everything he does.

>> No.9374081

Nothing wrong with giving something a go.

>> No.9374323

>hating moot
>wanting him to ban the "bad" people here
>wanting advertisement
>wanting him to be a sell out

Wow you're a faggot.

>> No.9374332

>I never realized how homosexual fashion was

How? That's like the first thing you realize about fashion.

>> No.9374360

they've always been shit; don't kid yourself

>> No.9374380

>le pol boogyman meme

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.9374429

Read the global rules scrub, racism is not meant to be allowed outside /b/

>> No.9376520

he probably does though

>> No.9376523

>following the rules

>> No.9376526

so glad stance fucked off

>> No.9376548

moot... had a hard life

>> No.9376556

hey there newfriend

>> No.9377023

>he doesn't adhere to moots wishes
C'mon son
(Insert pasta here)
Anyways, when I started browsing /fa/, circa august 2013, racism wasn't that big of a deal. Which always made me wonder why most other global rules are usually enforced yet the racism one isnt that much

>> No.9378040


>> No.9378097

so much lost karma omg

>> No.9378099


so does like 90% of the world's population

>> No.9378102

>the new owners will probably sell the site and tell the userbase to eat a dick

You faggots who honestly hate him are just asking for this site to fail.

>> No.9378103

90% of the world's population are fedoratipping KV autists, then.

>> No.9379621

Someone pls post the pic of Moot wearing like 3 pairs of brown pants, I was expecting to find that in this thread.

>> No.9379633

We're missing a crucial point here:

How did he pronounce /fa/?

>> No.9379669


>> No.9379709

someone should get him a reigning champ sweater

>> No.9379723

yeah, well he pronounces "based" as baysd instead of superior bay sed

>> No.9380427

who the literal fuck says 'bay sed' wtf lol

>> No.9380463

I legit cried.

>> No.9380604

The way people dress plays such a great part in our modern societies. Almost everyone cares about clothing, not everyone cares about fashion trends.

>> No.9382561

he's 2.5 million dollars richer than you.

>> No.9382718

Wait how does he have 2.5 million dollars
I though he was broke and working grocery store jobs
I'm gonna go full moot and stop caring about clothes. Just gonna worry about fit

>> No.9382847

if the board has 3 letters, it's pronouced together as a word.
if it has 1 letter, it's "slash letter" or just "letter"
if it has 2 letters, it's generally "letter+letter" unless there is an outstanding reason for something different.

and we've known /fa/ was "effay" for years and years, are you a fucking newfag?

>> No.9382929

>meesly 2.5 million

His monthly interest is probably more than you make all year.

>> No.9382937

>not faye


>> No.9382939

what is /s4s/

>> No.9383140

Clothes actually are not important at all.
No scientific breakthrough has ever been attributed to the scientist's fashion sense.
Wars are not decided by how effay the soldiers are.

>> No.9383154

Its time for me to quit fashion I think
Just well fitting basics for me from now on
I swear he said that the 2.5mil number going around wasn't true. If he is sitting on that kind of money why was he working grocery store and fast food jobs all these years to support the site?

>> No.9383159

Wars would have happened if opposing nations met naked or looking like shit.

>> No.9383169

Yes, fashion is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. By all means, enjoy it, but don't act as if it's important in any way whatsoever.

>> No.9383178

>Wars are not decided by how effay the soldiers are.

I guess this is true, otherwise the nazis would have won, and then this plague of sjw degeneracy wouldn't exist right now.

>> No.9383332

I think you doubt the power of clothes. If a King didnt wear fancy clothing, you think he'd be king for very long?

>> No.9383446

"es four es"

>> No.9383461

well yeah... you just order your army to kill anyone who gives you shit... the you pay your army better than the next closest despot.... thats pretty much how that works...

>> No.9383466


moot is so beautiful

>> No.9383562

I had the same realization not too long ago, in the process of saving up for a nice leather jacket too. Just said fuck it and now wear hoodies and sneakers. It's honestly best to let your personality talk instead of your clothes, not to mention I'm more comfortable than ever before.

>> No.9383674


Is the the fancy clothing or the fact that royalty wears it, and so it is simply the association.

Or is it more of a access to luxury vs poverty disparity?

>> No.9383698

it's the second one

kings gotta look like they deserve to sit on da throne
gotta look majestic and shit
best way to show the people that there's only one true king is to swag the fuck out in shit that the peasants have only seen in dreams and portraits of yours truly

>> No.9384094

>Which always made me wonder why most other global rules are usually enforced yet the racism one isnt that much
Because its only in your head you stupid faggot.

>> No.9384141

just keep in mind we're all on a japanese imageboard in a small section that wanks off to clothes

>> No.9384566
File: 97 KB, 1080x377, Screenshot_2015-01-27-09-14-08~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really

>> No.9384589
File: 52 KB, 925x232, givingbacktomoot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this, clothing is essential in both terms of outward appearance and inner-social identity. somebody claims they don't give a fuck about clothing? that's an identity.

and plus, moot has clearly been rocking the Silicon Valley programmer look for years: clean shaven/good hygiene + hoodies, denim, sneakers, random t-shirts. most photos of moot have that same aesthetic, which is why the palmal instagram set really stood out.

>> No.9384591

spergy PUA maybe?

>> No.9384796

literallly no one listens to those rules you faggot

>> No.9384808

>muh anonymous fame!!!

>> No.9384814

>palmal instagram set

>> No.9385036

No shit you stupid fuck, can you read? I was questioning why they aren't enforced.

>> No.9385046

what board and when?

>> No.9385363

>uncalled for catchphrases

reality check hit too hard

time to leave 4chan

>> No.9385376

yeah but did he say "effay" or "fay" or "fa" (like in "fashion" ?

>> No.9385383

Read the thread, fuccboi.

>> No.9385403

and thats exactly why he is so beautiful

>> No.9385700

underrated post