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File: 943 KB, 2508x1504, 1417588830957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9366493 No.9366493[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

lets make use of the janitors sleepy time and redpill some girls and boys.

Redpills of Zion:

Synagogue of Satan:

US/Israeli relationship timeline:

>> No.9366499
File: 489 KB, 800x800, 1417357774513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Victims Rule: A Critique of Jewish Pre-Eminence in America
>A clearinghouse for information featuring over 10,000 citations from about 4,000 scholarly and mainstream bibliographic sources.

Understanding Jewish Influence I: Background Traits for Jewish Activism

Understanding Jewish Influence II: Zionism and the Internal Dynamics of Judaism

Understanding Jewish Influence III: Neoconservatism as a Jewish Movement

Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review

Jews, Blacks, and Race

The Israel Lobby: A Case Study in Jewish Influence

>> No.9366500

seriously can't be bothered to be antisemitic not enough jews where I live to make it worthwhile

>> No.9366501
File: 361 KB, 1158x1621, 1417416993999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stalin's Willing Executioners: Jews as a Hostile Elite in the USSR

The Neoconservative Mind – They Knew They Were Right: The Rise of the Neocons

Light for Nations: A Short History of the Jews in the Modern World

Wolzek's Terror Timeline: History of the Jewish War Against the World

A Malicious Duo: Two Laws that Destroyed America's Culture

A Malicious Duo, Part Two: Two More Laws that Destroyed America's Culture

The Origins of Brown v. Board of Education, 1954

The Frankfurt School: Destroying Western Culture

>> No.9366503

Do you have autism? serious question.

Stop pedaling your shit on this board. You're worse than sjw fags.

>> No.9366507
File: 631 KB, 1232x811, 1417416522859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you live on planet earth you are affected by jewish influence.


>> No.9366510

fucking walt disney was the naziest in the world
check your sauce

>> No.9366512

Well even if all of this was true it's already too late(to do anything) . To bad you weren't born in 1930.

>> No.9366513

Why are you such a bored faggot

>> No.9366514
File: 140 KB, 480x678, 1417340509098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this cornfed good goy

>they are programmed to react to certain stimuli,you can not change their mind, even if you expose them to authentic information.

>> No.9366515

You got your whole view of life from pretty much two websites, and you don't see a problem with that?

God, you poltards really need your cesspool of a board back.

>> No.9366516
File: 145 KB, 624x384, 1417415297329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walt disney is still alive and owns disney
check your brain invalid, its broken.

>> No.9366520


>Most of the people who graduated in the 60's

fucking lol

>> No.9366521

What did you think about American Sniper and Seth Rogans tweet about it.

>> No.9366522
File: 274 KB, 1516x810, 1417005644230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incapable of refuting anything that is being presented
>b-b-bback to pol!!

you go back to reddit/tumblr/9gag faggot ive been here a lot longer than you.

>> No.9366523

youre not different from someone who live in his own world of fantasy of books or movies
the difference is that yours ideas are fucking cruel and dangerous
races dont exist, such as your brain

>> No.9366524

>ive been here a lot longer than you.
Oh that's pretty much a given

Enjoy being a retard all your life, bye now now

>> No.9366529
File: 53 KB, 550x340, 29740384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of the people who graduated in the 60's

hahaha holy shit

op, you do realize how retarded you have to be to believe this stuff, right?

>> No.9366542

I like how nobody on /pol/ argues about anything anymore, they just spam poorly sourced image macros.

>> No.9366550

read a book guy

>> No.9366551

More like
>I came to /b/ 3 months ago and just recently discovered the other boards on 4chan

>> No.9366555

nice tinychat screenshot

>> No.9366556
File: 285 KB, 674x672, 1417019071507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the video/quote is from the 80's you subhuman troglodyte mongoloid.

its a lose/lose situation. its a shame that chris kyle was so effective at waging war on the behalf of jewish usurers, its a shame 200million white people have died since ww1 fighting meaningless wars for the kike.

neocons like american sniper because it is an apparent celebration of american military excellence and effectiveness, the liberal zeitgeist hates it because is apparently a celebration of white superiority and nationalism.

if you know the truth its neither, its a hollywood(kike) film about a good goy who thought he was killing for america when in reality he was killing for the kike.

>> No.9366560
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>> No.9366570
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>> No.9366573
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>> No.9366578
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>> No.9366584
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>> No.9366585
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>> No.9366586

>the video/quote is from the 80's

you actually think that makes it more true?

hold on a second, are you like, actually clinically retarded?

>> No.9366587


>> No.9366590
File: 189 KB, 632x724, 1417009567946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your reading comprehension honestly makes my head hurt.

>Most of the people who graduated in the 60's

was your quote, meaning that the information was somehow false because people who graduated in the 60's would be a 80 years old by now. at least that would be the most reasonable assumption i could ascribe to your pissant faggot post.

if that wasnt your point then who knows, one thing is certain, you sure are stupid.

>mfw 19 year old high school graduates attempt to debate me on 4chan

>> No.9366592
File: 160 KB, 651x634, 1417013713938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9366595

holy crap, you're even dumber than I thought

the obvious reason i quoted
>most of the people who graduated in the 60's
is that it's an absurd statement

MOST of the literally thousands of people who graduated in the 60's aren't doing any one thing

it's not a uniform group you mongoloid. jesus christ how stupid are you

>> No.9366596
File: 61 KB, 537x585, MuhTradition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are fucking illiterate idiot

>> No.9366598
File: 44 KB, 500x499, meirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know that this ignatiev guy's goal is not genocide of the white race but rather the abolition of the racial social construct right?

He makes this dumb dramatic quotes just for attention. Kinda like you i guess.

>> No.9366601


Disgusting goyim don't even try to hide it.