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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 115 KB, 930x620, asspizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9352164 No.9352164 [Reply] [Original]

How is this kid "famous"? What does he even do?

>> No.9352167

he wears better fits than you ever will, fuccboy

>> No.9352170

Who is that?

>> No.9352194

why is that hoodie so sought after? It' looks like generic shit

>> No.9352196

but his fits are not good lmao

>> No.9352231

he's not

>> No.9352233

his fits are shit though

preme hoodies + jeans + jordans = revolutionary fit ayyy

>> No.9352264

I hate social media.

>> No.9352275

lol wut

>> No.9352292

Literally who

>> No.9352294

you are actually dumb as fuck.

trips gonna trip

>> No.9352298

Another white kid getting Street credit for having money?
Even Internet newbies are tired of it

>> No.9352303

gianni mora

>> No.9352540

I hate you so fucking much

>> No.9352546

these are all the same ugly ass nigga

>> No.9352619

i´m not familarized with supreme but that hoodie looks like the shit you can get for just $5 from Fruit of the Loom

>> No.9352629

>Talk constant shit
>Never post fit
Drop your fucking trip

>> No.9352639

this retarded kid, its hillarious what he posts

>> No.9352646

Supreme hoodies are highest quality on the market

>> No.9352649

forgot link


as i said, i´m not familiarized with the brand but the overall fit looks like it

>> No.9352654

Im just letting you know. Supreme isnt in the pyrex business

>> No.9352668
File: 57 KB, 839x669, IMG_20150118_115924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this kid for real?(from his twitter)

>> No.9352695

you are human waste
drop your trip

>> No.9353444

wouldn't say they are the highest quality, but they are well worth retail

wouldn't buy one at resell prices though

>> No.9353480

that particular is a color they only did once, and a color a lot of people like

their blanks are from Reigning Champs, like 100~$ hoodies.

>> No.9353510

He was on fashion bros ... Actually a cool kid

>> No.9353674

>only 10k followers


>> No.9353718

I have him on snapchat, he's does funny stuff sometimes..

I prefer Ian Connor over him though.

>> No.9354573

*Used to be from CYC
They haven't been for a couple years now

>> No.9354585

Honestly one of the ugliest people I have seen.
>That face
>That hair
>That body

>> No.9354593

He's a very popular and influential teen in the street wear community. He dresses how he likes, and he's a funny guy. I have him on snapchat and he's just always having a good time and doing what he wants. I think that's why teens like him so much. They want to live the life of having a following and doing what you want with other well known people.

>> No.9354598
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Why do they all dress so bad.

>> No.9354606

Far right is the only passable outfit.

>> No.9354608

He's a kid with a trust fund having fun in his own way.

Why hate on him?

>> No.9354611
File: 1.38 MB, 2304x3456, IMG_1720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fuck it's like /fa/ the image

>> No.9354613

its just an all black outfit with white converse

>> No.9354618

Yeah, good episode too.

For those who have not seen:


>> No.9354623

I like most of the teens in this scene but I don't think Mike does anything special or dresses very creatively.

>> No.9354627
File: 114 KB, 1530x316, Screen Shot 2015-01-18 at 10.55.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mike just looks like a dweeb, just his face.

>> No.9354628


What does a trust fund have to do with it? He has a ton of time to fuck off? I mean he's not dressing that expensive...

>> No.9354634

lel found some faggots to rob masked up too ez

what part of New York do they reside?

>> No.9354640

>He has a ton of time to fuck off?
Yeah? Don't people have to go to school or work? I'm just talking from personal experience—I also live in NYC and have friends with large trust funds. They are all students but never really have to work in the sense the rest of us do—if they wanna do nothing and fuck around for a year or two, they can do that.

>> No.9354652

He's 16, having fun, and doing more than all of you. Shut the fuck up

>> No.9354655


>> No.9354683

link to comment

>> No.9354693

It's from the video I linked earlier


>> No.9354709


They're just trust fundie kids who hang out on Mercer and the shithole that is SoHo.

It's funny because they're from really wealthy families but they're IRL following is poor blacks from Harlem who spend a months pay on jordans and old bapestas to try to cultivate a "brand"

The kids for the most parts are idiots, they have actual fashion connections but if you've seen the speed at which they hop trends and the way they unironically cite "Rick Owens and Raf Simons" as their favorite designers is painful

>> No.9354717

Kid in picture detected

>> No.9354729

he is so fucking ugly it hurts

just another fucking loser with parents money

>> No.9354732

fashion bros videos are stupid as shit. these kids are pretentious as hell but theyre a lil younger than me so their stupidity is excusable since theyre just kids. but if your a grown person condoning this shit you need to reevaluate yourself, irony is fucking gay

>> No.9354748

black kid looks cool.

>> No.9354750

Also the only handsome on, and we let handsome people get away with murder here

>aka the entire Japanese comfywear trend

>> No.9354752
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>> No.9354773

He is, I met him a few weeks ago at a food truck, really cool guy I hope he goes far with his modelling.

>> No.9354780

blasian using his asian father's money because his black mom too poor kek

>> No.9354783

too bad hes a manlet

>> No.9354799
File: 133 KB, 715x950, 015[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looked about 5'9/5'10-ish, plus he's only like 16? He still got time to grow.

>> No.9354821

w2c jacket?

>> No.9354825

Looks like one of those old felt sergeant jackets. Its interesting though.

>> No.9354833

"double taps"

>> No.9355086

dude on the right w2c coat

>> No.9355224

i fuckin ddig his look
he knows hes fuckin weird and just rolls with it

je ne suis pas un robot

>> No.9355233

thats how its supposed to be pronounced u fuking sourpuss cuck.

>> No.9355249

The other day he said he's 5'11 with hair.

>> No.9355293

>with hair
so hes 5'8-

>> No.9355298

asspizza and mike arent trust fundies, idk about the rest of the crew

>> No.9355366

azzpizza doodles on $20 jeans, and sell them for $200+ a pop.

>> No.9355408
File: 849 KB, 1591x1066, TKY012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing interesting fashion wise happening in NYC but there is still a metric ton of bloggers and press in NYC looking for something to talk about / hop on / blow up when fashion week isn't going on.

That's why you have stuff like these kids and HBA getting so huge.

NYC is an international hub and so designers from all over the world go to show there and the city has the press coverage infrastructure to match. But when fashion week is over an thdose international designers go home the NYC fashion media needs to report on something else. So they focus their gaze inward and that's when these bozos blow up.

I think the worst part is these people then think they have real talent or skill when the reality is they've simply been co-opted by a self perpetuating media machine that demands new and fresh content 7 days a week 365 days a year. All these websites and bloggers and magazines have to put stuff out. It's not like when the fashion scene becomes shit like NYC has post-recession these people get to publish less content. No, they still have to put out the same amount of content and so the bar gets dropped lower and lower until they find a story.

10 or 20 years ago these kids NEVER would have caught a break in NYC. There was way too much actual fashion happening. The press was busy covering that but these days it's all dried up and so the media is desperate for anything. So desperate that they'll go down to Soho and take street snaps of any weird looking kid in a Supreme hat and put an interview with them on page 2.

This type of shit doesn't happen in London, or Paris, or Tokyo because while also being international hubs of commerce there's actual fashion brands in all these cities with tons of both large and small brands continually producing interesting stuff to talk about year round. It's only in NYC that the media gaze has shifted from the fashion designer to the fashion fan, because there's barely enough local designers to fill a magazine issue.

>> No.9355428
File: 117 KB, 640x640, 10691770_979374825421490_193318994_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wiz wearing his stuff

>> No.9355430

lmao holy shit he actually has a fucking twitch lol

>> No.9355437

hes poking fun at himself.

everyone in this thread doesnt know fucking shit. this guy is neither worth praising nor dissing

>> No.9355458
File: 103 KB, 605x546, 1416298764817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well said. Props.

>> No.9355468

Notting but hes rly cool

>> No.9355474

Right on. Thanks for breaking it down anon

>> No.9355488

I just checked twiters of his and his crews and read some interviews
Basically they are arrogant shitheads
So 16 year old kids being 16 year old kids, why the fuck are we discussing this on /fa/?

>> No.9355772

primeteen boypussy

>> No.9355789

because they have heavy ties to people in the fashion and music industry mostly cus its funny having a crew with some preteens in. Gianni mora (if he stops acting like he's the shit), Jakob Hetzer and a couple of others have potential but asspizza and mike are lowlife slobs who are only interesting cus they're self made rick prepubescent fuccbois. This whole "youth wave" thing is fucking dumb.

>> No.9355806

Silent Bob is all that's missing from that picture.

>> No.9356563

Who cares. They don't say anything interesting, they don't make anything interesting, they don't do anything interesting. It's just kids and media people circlejerking each other, and nobody cares about either of those.

>> No.9356646

Who's the guy in the middle?

>> No.9356706 [DELETED] 

Can someone tell me ehy these kids are kinda famous or something?

>> No.9356713

Can someone tell me why these kids are famous or something?

>> No.9356717

mike the ruler

>> No.9356853
File: 46 KB, 638x688, 1420362528972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9357591

>pronouncing it wuh-taps

>> No.9358158

drop your trip

>> No.9358214

Shots appropriately fired.

>> No.9359084

nigga thats asspizza not gianni mora @squarebutts

>> No.9359119

Sweet baby jesus look at the niggas face though

>> No.9359218

Anorak pls

>> No.9359733

branding, marketing

>> No.9359743

yo if you hand any blog/news source/media zone a few hunnas they will publish anything, please know that.

he might be a shit but apparently he's okay of a person

>> No.9360090

The fit looks like shit because he's wearing it probably two sizes too large. I've never looked at a supreme or reigning champs hood irl but quality hoodies are really worth the extra bucks.

>> No.9360101

at this point you're worse than oioi

>> No.9360312
File: 70 KB, 425x312, only way to make them stfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You idiots never learn.

>> No.9364703

would not talk to 10/10

>> No.9364720

i dont know but every time i hear about him i want pizza

>> No.9364897

how the fuck do you people know about these kids? jesus..

>> No.9364914

yes, that is how you pronounce the brand.

>> No.9364921

damn that looks good

>> No.9364940

3:22... that fucking weird hand movement

>> No.9364948

>literally 12 year olds
who brought this shit into my /fa/
fuck off

>> No.9364965

prob mfa

>> No.9364987

fuck this kid

>> No.9364993
File: 68 KB, 709x380, Screen shot 2015-01-21 at 4.45.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9364995

Beats me. I don't even understand the "yung lean" references kids are making here all the time.

>> No.9365389

yoooo spencer lee, kerwin rodriguez
those be my niggas and they dress better and get more poon than you ever will.

>> No.9365398

chilled with this kid a few times, hes short, like 5'9.
hes also a cunt he studying at the Royal Academny in Antwerp and hes going to be a hack. He told me what he was putting out for his first show and it was lame. I wont share cuz im not a dick, but dont be looking forward to it. He also was wearing full raf.

>> No.9365487
File: 2.40 MB, 1680x2510, SnailsSquatsEurope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nigga u cant just save my dope reaction pics w/o permission like that

whats ur full name and address im pressing charges

>> No.9365510

why are you guys saying he's @newplort?

https://twitter.com/squarebutts is him..

isn't this the fashion board?

>> No.9365518

>highest quality

It's 90% cotton 10% spandex/poly. The fuck does Supreme have some super cotton that no one knows about??

>> No.9365638

This entire scene of privileged kids from NYC is just one big circle jerk. Ass Pizza simply got into the circle, all of these guys obviously know people as well as promo each other and there's tons of idiot kids following all of them so I mean it's not that hard when you just think about it.

>> No.9365659

I don't know who the fuck that is.

>> No.9368029

all fabrics can vary wildly in quality regardless of what fibers they are made of. cotton isn't just cotton no matter what, same with polyester

also only the heather grey hoodies are 90/10, the rest are 100% cotton

u are a true armchair expert

>> No.9368335

fucking cringe
these 2 faggots are laughing at their "jokes" its painful to watch

please don't post this shit ever again

>> No.9368342

>tfw absolutely perfect grey supreme knockoff hoodie copped for $30 except for inside that that says 100% cotton

>> No.9368351
File: 280 KB, 384x216, 800.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying fakes
>bragging about it

>> No.9368778 [DELETED] 

nigga i wasn't bragging. i got a ton of other legit preme heat, i'm just never swift enough to cop a bogo hoodie, but for $30 i was able to get a 1:1 replica of one. if i was a dirtbag i would sell this shit on craigslist for an easy $300

>> No.9368788

lol at the kid with the glasses in the tank. wtf

>> No.9368793

nigga i wasn't bragging. i got a ton of other legit preme heat, i'm just never swift enough to cop a bogo hoodie, but for $30 i was able to get a 1:1 replica of one. if i was a dirtbag i would sell this shit on craigslist for an easy $300

>> No.9368807

fuck off newtrip

>> No.9369320


>> No.9369770

Only on the internet is 5'9 considered short.

stay pleb /fa/

>> No.9369814
File: 1.99 MB, 245x245, isabella.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He posted a vine with some chick model called Isabella something and honestly, she is the most beautiful girl on the planet right now, like I've never felt so shit and so awesome at the same time. I've been on this for days
>pic related

>> No.9369821

I also don't really like most of his fits but dont call him a cunt. You the bitch posting anonymous on a Ghanaian swindling board and he doing his thing

>> No.9369827

>you will never have her
how does that make you feel now

>> No.9369832

just imagine her on the toilet taking a wet dump and hopefully the infatuation will dissolve away

>> No.9369837

>there are people under 6'2 discussing fashion

i feel physically ill

>> No.9369841

lmao wiz will wear anything to stay relevant

>> No.9369878

lol this is fucking wack

actually though, what boots is the kid with glasses wearing? they're nice

>> No.9369965

lol no

>> No.9369983

>fashion designer heights?

>> No.9370003
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>> No.9370016
File: 35 KB, 480x640, XhhiMuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9370030

>I think the worst part is these people then think they have real talent or skill when the reality is they've simply been co-opted by a self perpetuating media machine that demands new and fresh content 7 days a week 365 days a year.

tru dat nigga

also it doesn't help that these guys are LITERALLY KIDS, so they have no actual idea how the real world works.

These kids, and all his friends that associate with him (and in turn also get to feel the glare of the spotlight) are going to have fucked up perspectives for YEARS about life and their roles in it. We all have a little twisted views on the world when we're teens, we all think good things will come eventually. Even if they never seem to come, you always play this fantasy in your head of what your future will be like.

With all this attention they are getting, and actual people out in the world noticing their opinions & visions, they probably can't help but start to feel as if they are important. I mean if this were happening to you you'd like to think it was based on your own merit and not some autonomous media monger machine.
after the fame fades they'll be fucked in the head thinking something is wrong with the world for not giving them what they had