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/fa/ - Fashion

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9340702 No.9340702 [Reply] [Original]

Beard culture is the new #menswear

>> No.9340707

when is beard culture going to die?

>> No.9340716

It has been for a while now. Everyone knows. Stupid post.

>> No.9340726

I'm reminding the newfags.

>> No.9340732

I believe that “beard culture” is essentially the pop culture version of that trap in the drain of ur sink that collects all the garbage and has to be cleaned regularly or it will stink up ur whole house. It is glaringly obvious that what we have is a collection of extremely insecure people who overcompensating in extremely embarrassing fashion. Clearly they want attention, but lack the talent/work ethic to get it thru any kind of normal means (like, you know, actually doing something noteworthy or even just being a cool person that other people enjoy being around). I mean, it’s not like not shaving is some kind of fucking accomplishment, so obviously the fact that they base their entire identity off something so trivial tells u that, well, there isn’t much else there. Just a fat guy with a big mouth who is desperately trying to get u to care about his facial hair.

>> No.9340744

when you die
hurry now go kill yourself!

>> No.9340851

>I posted le new epic maymay on fashion again

>> No.9340920

>I'm the newfag

>> No.9341387

>I must continue to equate beards with insecurity in every beard thread, thus projecting my own insecurities about my inability to grow a beard

>> No.9341428

u shld talk to the handwriting laborourers to do you an oe / goth face tat... bruh.

>> No.9341435

beard culture, barber culture, #menswear.

>> No.9341438 [DELETED] 

a u t i s m

>> No.9341440

fuck off manlet

>> No.9341642

hopefully soon because i look 50 times better with one but i've been shaving because of this shitty trend

>> No.9341751

Sexy tumblr gurlz eat that shit up. If you look like OPs pic youll be getting more ass than a toilet seat.

>> No.9341755


>> No.9341773


why's he gotta be on the internet then?! hmm?

>> No.9343140

>overcompensating for insecurities by dressing well

this describes all of /fa/

dont even deny it

>> No.9343352

waiting for pic..

>> No.9343380

Is this beard thing the bilogic version of Hollister and Abercrombie?

>> No.9344101
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>> No.9344110

0/10 copypasta must try harder

>> No.9344139
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>tfw you can finally grow a beard, but it's become overplayed and hipster-y

>> No.9344236

>going along with the /fa/ crowd
have you seen the posters here?

>> No.9344248

should i stop growing my beard?

>> No.9344250

no. Don't listen to people on /fa/.

Including me

>> No.9344265

Every morning I shave, making sure I get every last hair, making sure my face is smoother than Barry White's sexual chocolate voice, just so I can avoid growing a beard.

>> No.9344308

I really do not even believe in this beard culture shit. If you can grow a beard and it looks good, then go for it, if not, stop being a whiny bitch because some guy with a beard fucked a girl you wanted to. A beard is no indication about the person being interesting, cool, "hip", fashionable, or even likely to be a valuable member of society. Having a nicely trimmed one just says they just know how to cut their facial hair. Same thing as a beardless person.

>> No.9344341

can you be a part of beard culture without knowing beard culture exists?

>> No.9344492

>can you stop a physiological phenomenon ?

>> No.9344927

Alright, then assume there is a hair culture, a skin culture, and a morphology culture too.

>> No.9344955

baby face manlets detected

>> No.9344981
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>> No.9344994
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>Beard culture is the new #menswear

>Beard culture is the new #unemployed

Fixed that for you.

>> No.9347615

?why would anyone be insecure about not growing a beard?

>> No.9347937

It's just hair. The fact that it bothers anyone is pretty ridiculous.

>> No.9347944

I don't really get what crust has to do with it.

>> No.9347947

>new #menswear
It was new in 2011 when everyone looked like lumberjacks.

>> No.9347948

good album

>> No.9348851
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>> No.9348875

Hey, that's me minus the tats and the beer (I don't drink). And my girlfriend is a twig with a buzzcut, not a burlesque dancer.

Spot o,n nonnymoose.

>> No.9348884

whenever is ee someone with a bear i get the uncontrolable urger to attack them with a shaver

>> No.9348896


so you have a beard and a "girlfriend"?

>> No.9348907

honestly that guy sounds pretty chill

whats wrong with having interests and things you are passionate about?

>> No.9348942


>> No.9348965

I don't understand, is beard culture actually a thing or are you complaining about people having beards?

>> No.9349032

you sound like you would enjoy reddit

>> No.9349737

being a bellend about them

>> No.9350267


>> No.9350750

are you living under a rock??

The beard is the 90's goatee.

>> No.9353217

>tfw facial hair too shit to grow more than a neckbeard
I don't even want a beard, but I would love some stubble.

w2c stubble?? I-is it /fa/?

>> No.9353358
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>> No.9353383


come on man this isnt a "you rage you lose" thread

>> No.9353493


this guy is the worst

>> No.9353515

"i come from a family of beauticians. I believe in waxing your eyebrows from the age 12" hehe xd

>> No.9353516

Who rolls up their blazer

>> No.9353540

>not hiding your ugly with a beard

>> No.9353549
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10/10 made me drop few skittles

>> No.9353571
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These are amazing.

>> No.9353593

I'm happy beard culture exists just because my dad bought into it and he's gone from being the hardest person to buy Christmas/birthday gifts for to the easiest.
Please don't let it die yet, I don't want to go back to the years of difficult guesswork when just a fancy wooden beard brush worked this year.

>> No.9353609

>especially for a dude who has a bit going on between his legs

what you got a beard there too m8?

>> No.9353640
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>I have about 30 or 40 pocket squares

>> No.9353775

I wish I could get my shit to grow, I was thinking about getting some b3 and biotin but I know ima just look patches like Clarence Carter

Damn by the time I finally gotta plot y'all niggas tripping on beards but it's alright though cause by the time my shit grown out beards gonna be in again or ima bring that shit in goddamn

>> No.9353801

beard culture is retarded, it used to be interesting but now it's just full of dumbasses hopping on a fad waay too late

>> No.9354428

I think this guy is my barista...

>> No.9354465

He's everyone's barista

>> No.9354474

>30 or 40 pocket squares

jesus christ

>> No.9355093

interests in craft foods are lame

>> No.9355451

OP is insecure oestrogenic faggot who can't grow a beard

>> No.9355685

>Damn by the time I finally gotta plot y'all niggas tripping on beards but it's alright though cause by the time my shit grown out beards gonna be in again or ima bring that shit in goddamn

Please try to speak like a normal person.

>> No.9356687
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full beards are the new fedora

it's basically just unlikeable people trying to look more masculine and cool by trying to hide their punchable faces behind a sack of hair

>> No.9356730

>implying people with baby faces aren't the ones growing beards

>> No.9356740


I don't understand why people think this looks good at all and the le beerd kulcher is ducking annoying as shit

>working at LL Bean
>sell work boots/hunting boots
>about half of my customers are serious blue collar folks or outdoorsmen who appreciate good boots and will put them to use
>about a fourth are fitness freaks who are just interested in hiking
>the last fourth are hipster fags who just want to complete their "gay sailor meets curious lumberjack meets struggling East End writer" look
>all of them have the same hair/beard combo
>that ridiculous grown out slicked-back high-and-tight Skrillex bullshit coupled with Russian czar beard
>cold, condescending eyes peering from a mass of fucked up hair
>I can feel their disdain of us clean shaven plebeians as I head to the stockroom
>they're so fucking easy to rip off though because they don't know shit about the outdoors
>I shed a tear whenever they buy a pair of boots because I know those boots will never touch anything besides asphalt and the pedals on a fixie bike

Seriously what do they even fucking do all day besides listen to vinyl and jack off to pictures of each other's beards

>> No.9356757

what if i have a beard and i wear snapbacks which i do?

>> No.9356790


Beard culture is the dumbest shit ever, you call yourself a "reel mayun" cos youre too lazy to shave in the morning but most of you cunts don't do shit besides lounge around in Starbucks and spend your money on vinyl

Word of advice: real men don't sit around in a circle bragging about how manly they are, real men are too busy out getting shit done so you bundles of sticks can enjoy your free trade chai lattes and Mountain Goats albums in peace

>> No.9356801


>> No.9356811


>> No.9356826
File: 711 KB, 547x800, 9NOFATO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you just described reddit MFA.

>> No.9356840

Sweet jesus

post more

>> No.9356852


>Bean boots that will never hunt for anything more adventurous than free trade dark roast
>parka that will never ascend above the altitude of the second floor of the local art center
>glasses that will never peruse literature beyond the classified ads, price tags at the co-op, and the same battered copy of Notes from the Underground
>delicate fairy hands that have probably never held an axe, a splitting maul, a wrench, or a gun

My maple syrup-infused Vermonter blood is quietly boiling the more I look at this pic

>> No.9356864

lol that man doing too much but it is corny to be doing all that but not be out in the woods forreal, like niggas want to look like woodsmen while walking around the mall

>> No.9356931

I can understand why a lot of men have beards. If you're naturally handsome, a full beard can improve your natural features even more, so I don't really blame a lot of guys for wanting to look like that if it gets them girls.

People with facial hair like this guy on the other hand though, I really have no idea why they think it looks good.

>> No.9357483


Why do you actually give a shit?

You still sell them those boots anyway and it's not like the boots are solely designed for their actual functional purpose. Aesthetics obviously also play a part in this capitalistic industry.

>the last fourth are hipster fags who...

Be glad they contribute to keeping this industry alive.

>Bean boots that will never hunt for anything more adventurous than free trade dark roast


>> No.9357731
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Beards are better than /fa/. This is a fact.

>> No.9357777

i hate the high tied up hair shaved side look
it makes me sad:(
I have a beard, hate it when other people with beards try to converse about facial hair. Nothing worse :'^(

>> No.9357784

The truth

>> No.9357808

Coil is better than /fa/. Beards are not though.

>> No.9357930

RIP John

>> No.9360215

I hope soon. Because due to fire work burns I have a quarter sized circle on my face where no hair grows so I can't into bead.

>> No.9360255

this shit took over my city like a plague. i've noticed chubbier guys jump all over it since the beard covers up their facial chub

my girlfriend's ex (who is about as mature as a 7th grader and obsessed with the beard thing) found out about me and texted her laughing about how "i wouldnt know anything about using a razor" and i laughed and told her to remind him that he knew nothing about maintaining a jawline. also the whole thing was extra stupid and chilidish because if i am clean shaven then clearly i use a razor regularly

conclusion: beard culture is for children

>> No.9360256

replace the shoes with a 50 dollar pair of sperrys.
and give him a fascination with home brewing then you have my neighborhood.

it's just annoying how transparent the trendhoppers are, I'll literally see all my social media accounts get peppered with lookbook pictures of these people that look like confederate samurai fuccbois from seattle, then 5 weeks later everyone in my social circle is dressing like a 2010's hipster with a patchy attempt at pase' manliness

that being said I was finna fuck this older chick that digged beards but my job requires me to be clean cut so the most I could give her was scruff before I had to shave.

not mad, I just love to pidgeonhole

>> No.9360452

LULZ ! Now you've just gone and confused the poor Anon.

>> No.9360676
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>that being said I was finna fuck this older chick that digged beards but my job requires me to be clean cut so the most I could give her was scruff before I had to shave.

>any year before or after the birth of our lord
>changing your style/appearance for w woman

>> No.9360691

was this not already the trend with hipsters circa 2009?

>> No.9360722

>was this not already the trend with hipsters circa 2009?
Yeah but it was mostly mustaches and/or scruff.

And also yes it was a hipster thing now your average joe douche bag is finally hoping on the trend.

Whats really making this catch on with the douches is since advertisments and male models are now bearding up this makes women think its a sexy look. Where as five years ago it was bummy or too grizzly adams.
So men who dont know shit but dress for girls start bearding up and think its something about self image and idenity when in reality its all because they want girls to say "omg I love your beard" beards r sexxxi

>> No.9362014

Damn son