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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 7 KB, 163x308, kdkddww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9337259 No.9337259 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel like tattoos stopped being fashionable around 2009, and then became an accessory for plebs?

>> No.9337264

Tattoos have been fashionable?

>> No.9337268

Around the time that stretching your ears to 2 inches and wearing organic wooden plugs were cool.

>> No.9337279

That was only cool for plebs.

>> No.9337286

They were never fashionable. Only the scum of society wear them.

>> No.9337310

I live in the Chicago area. Many of the young adults who come from wealthy families are getting tattoos, almost as a competition.

They brag to eachother about what state they got them in, who they got them from, and how long it took to finish the tattoo.

Even the best tattoo looks like complete shit. I don't get it.

>> No.9337317

That was never cool.

I think some minimalist tattoos are cool. You can't go wrong with not getting one tho.

>> No.9337476

i'd say 1 in 1000 are cool, but everyone thinks they're that 1

>> No.9337501

tattoos are only cool when they involve
>armed forces
tattoo artists are to regular artists what veterinarians are to doctors.

>> No.9337509

They've always been an accessory for plebs

>> No.9337532

daily reminder that tattoos will never be attractive on a woman

>> No.9337581


>naming two of the worst kinds of tattoos
>not respecting how difficult it is to use skin as a medium

Most people who tattoo are also regular artists.

>> No.9337591

>tattoos involving armed forces are cool

hurrr I was too fucking stupid to go to college or get a real job so I dissapointed my parents and joined the army then got a tattoo to display my fucked up life in all its glory.

yeah nah.

>> No.9337634

>Most people who tattoo are also regular artists.
No. This is false. Would be nice tho.

>> No.9337646
File: 37 KB, 477x346, 57f3b619a307b9def4250586b850d4de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9337649

kill this

>> No.9337788
File: 335 KB, 700x1069, lokerahbek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just as there are plebeians within the category of fashion, there are heaps of plebs getting awful tattoos left and right with a minority of people doing it right, you just have to look a lot harder than a google image search for "cool tattoos".

I think that these tattoos in this photo are very fashionable, they're great for adding a uniqueness to yourself that nobody else has, which can be tough especially with clothing alone (unless you make your own clothes strictly for yourself i.e. subsistence designing ..??). Of course the ship under the moonlight on your calf is going to look like shit and only you and some fellow plebs will think it's cool, but tattoos are a creative form of art that can be effectively used to improve your character.

>> No.9337938

thinking about tattooing myself now.

>> No.9337949

I don't have a tattoo, but seriously who cares? Tattoos have never been fashionable. They've never been unfashionable. Stop being a sperglord.

>> No.9337950

Tattoos are only acceptable if done at tattoo temple

>> No.9337952
File: 97 KB, 500x742, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9337959

Most tattoos have always been shit, which is why I'll most likely never get one. There are good ones, but they are very few and far between and I've only seen them on the internet.

>> No.9337974

>implying this isnt trashy as fuck

>> No.9338010

>not knowing about college education paid for by the military

>> No.9338120

>what is literally every faggot trend you stupid cunts jump onto

>> No.9338151
File: 157 KB, 650x366, richdouche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol but the military pays for everything. It has some nice resources for normies but im assuming your a rich fag with a silver spoon up your ass.

>> No.9338500


>> No.9338528


This. The more unique the art and where it's placed on the body are keys to a good tattoo.

>> No.9338546
File: 53 KB, 376x584, 01142015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tattoos are a recent development

k den

>> No.9338551


Well just from my experience they have been.

>> No.9338625

look at that pleb, probably works at hot topic

>> No.9338654


>joins air force as a pilot
>retires from air force after initial contract is over
>immediately gets recruited to fly 737's on a far higher wage


>> No.9338673

there are no fashionable tattoos that use more than one color ink, i can tell you that

>> No.9338696

The only tattoo ill be getting is the snake around the rod thing when i finish my paramedicine course

>> No.9339569

its called a kundalini you wrist watch worshipping brown shoes rich daddy honkey

>> No.9339574

if i ever got a tattoo it'd be something to remind myself of something that made me feel a certain way, not really as a fashion accessory, though aesthetics would be nice as well

>> No.9339608
File: 2.37 MB, 1872x2253, IMG_20150115_133632~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9339913

underrated post.

>> No.9339921

Asclepius, you dick licking fuck animals.

>> No.9340007

its true, rich kids tryna look slummy, but thats hardly anything new. Small, increasingly socially acceptable "rebellion"

>> No.9340928

>T H I S

Trendy tattoos are exactly that, trendy.
quality art will never die.

>> No.9340955

>tfw you'll get get an authentic sailor jerry tattoo, so you'll never get a tattoo

>> No.9340994


also whores with that lower back bullshit killed tattos

>> No.9341062

A tattoo is supposed to be personal. If you're getting one just for the sake of impressing others or being fashionable then you're doing it wrong. Whatever you get a tattoo of, it's supposed to mean something to you first and others second.

>> No.9341088

>A tattoo is supposed to be personal.

it isn't "supposed" to be anything, it can be purely for aesthetic and whether it is good or not is up to the personal taste of who is evaluating it

>> No.9341105

It is a good place to easily hide though.

>> No.9341107

I have tattoos and I like then *shrug*

Why do you faggots care so much what other people do with their bodies anyways?

>> No.9341110

and maybe 1 in 1000 artists are actually good, but every artist thinks they're that 1

>> No.9341115

I dont care, I'm just stating that its not cool nor fashionable. Do whatever you want

>> No.9341525
File: 27 KB, 429x500, ozzy_osbourne_tattoos-0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"to be somebody unique don't have a tattoo 'cause everybody and their friends have tattoos." - Ozzy Osbourne

>> No.9341569

its true tho

>> No.9342610

*pushes you down*
"b-b-b-baka! anata ga... daisuke~"
*brands you mine with my red hot kisses*

>> No.9342631

holy fuck that's a nice tattoo

>> No.9342635

never getting tattoos EVER

>> No.9342922

are those their first post numbers from their first 4chang post??

>> No.9342998

Could be. It's free for you to le interpret

>> No.9343003

Tattoos always look like shit

People are more concerned about getting a generic shitty looking tattoo than any marks that are actually meaningful to them

>> No.9343869 [DELETED] 
File: 833 KB, 1500x2027, 2014-08-18+19.04.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos can very well be something you just find aesthetic.
I fucking hate people who get some faggy shit and then pretend it has some deep philosophical meaning or that it makes them unique.
I have a tattoo that I only got because I think it looks nice and it's a reference to GITS, that I am a big fan of.

>> No.9343873 [DELETED] 
File: 466 KB, 1500x2023, IMG_20150116_145540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos can very well be something you just find aesthetic.
I fucking hate people who get some faggy shit and then pretend it has some deep philosophical meaning or that it makes them unique.
I have a tattoo that I only got because I think it looks nice and it's a reference to GITS, that I am a big fan of.

>> No.9343877
File: 466 KB, 1500x2023, IMG_20150116_145540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos can very well be something you just find aesthetic.
I fucking hate people who get some faggy shit and then pretend it has some deep philosophical meaning or that it makes them unique.
I have a tattoo that I only got because I think it looks nice and it's a reference to GITS, which I am a big fan of.

>> No.9343888


>> No.9343989

general rules for tattoos:

1. don't

>> No.9344008
File: 7 KB, 291x300, clubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree. What you think looks cool now you will likely still think looks cool when you're old. However, what has meaning for you now may not by then. I got a tattoo of pic related on my right ringfinger on a whim whilst road tripping with my best friend a couple years back and it has no significance whatsoever. I just thought it was cool. It's a nice memento though.

>> No.9344013

My fucking nig right there.

>> No.9344020
File: 47 KB, 533x800, faberge egg tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are faberge eggs /fa/?

>> No.9344037


Bullshit. Artists are insecure and self-critical as fuck.

>> No.9344040


Pure human garbage.

>> No.9344073

Everyone having them now means it's fashionable

Which also means it's pleb shit

>> No.9344164
File: 10 KB, 243x250, aleister middle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao if you dont have a tattoo how can you judge something you dont know anything about.. its like not even buying an article from Rick Owens yet claiming you know everything about his work ...

aka everyone in this whole fucking board...

>> No.9344563

You can judge a tattoo based on the quality of the work without having one. The guy that was sitting next me to five minutes ago had a spade tattoo that was sloppy and look like it had been done by a 9 year old. Therefore he must be a shithead

>> No.9344725

>B-But tattoos will look like shit when you're old!
Not necessarily. Plus, everyone gets less attractive as they age. Fuck, I'm more concerned with 1. my dick still working and 2. avoiding lung cancer. Everyone gets old, might as well look good while you're young.

>> No.9344797

>all that fucking text
>post picture of retard from posh isolation
>defends tattoos

I'm glad there are people like u in this world so I can feel not so bad about myself. idiotic trendy motherfuckers

>> No.9344824


>> No.9344831

>might as well look good while you're young.

so you suggesting not getting a tattoo I guess?

>> No.9344875

Anyone have any good minimalist tattoos? I think they are the way to go.

>> No.9344881

Tattoos are for tryhards who want to look tough and masculine.

Same goes for beards and boots with heavy treading.

>> No.9344882

I see the SJW feminists have successfully brainwashed you.
Enjoy looking like a scrawny dickless mangina, you cuck.

>> No.9344893

Enjoy your EPIC BACON, crossfit, red plaid shirt and folk music, you trend hopping, unoriginal loser

>> No.9344897

very true. I've always thought about getting a tat, but I'm adhering pretty strictly to the "only if you still don't think it looks stupid after 6 months" rule.

I've never made it that far

>> No.9344905

great on canvas/paper, looks like a festering wound on skin

>> No.9345370


>> No.9346536

>A skull on the forearm
Holy shit, that's unique as fuck!

>> No.9346550


That's his upper arm, ya dingus. Point stands though.

>> No.9346555
File: 108 KB, 736x1096, c12a3998a2d4cb94e5f52d9816b38a0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9346559


Amazing but what's that shit to the left of it?

>> No.9346860


>> No.9347780

Tattoos are a constant reminder of your social class.
They are only suitable if you are any one of the following:
>A sailor

>> No.9347812

how's life in 1953?

>> No.9347819

>not being fringe class