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/fa/ - Fashion

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9334438 No.9334438 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/ just here to update the people who wanted to see my healing progress from my septo/ rhinoplasty. I have no more bruising, swelling is still bad as I'm only 3 weeks post op (swelling should be 70% gone by the 2 month mark and 100% gone in a year) the picture I'm using with this post is my preop or before picture.

If you have any questions about plastic surgery feel free to ask!

>> No.9334443
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4 days post opp

>> No.9334446

>loving the approval of others more than you love yourself

damn anon, if it makes you happy its alright but its kinda fucked up when you think about it

>> No.9334447

oy gevalt!

>> No.9334450
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2 weeks

>> No.9334451


fuck off

>> No.9334453

My nose wasn't always like this. I had broken it and 40% of my breath was blocked on the right side

>> No.9334466
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2 weeks post opp

>> No.9334476

Looks way better. I just hope this is the last cosmetic procedure you do, because you're plenty attractive now - anything else would indicate an underlying issue. Hope it's everything you wanted.

>> No.9334477


You look cuter now, albeit a bit less interesting. Congrats op on your new nose.

>> No.9334482

Looks great, happy for ya

>>9334476 this

>> No.9334487

ur nose isnt hooked but its still just as fucking huge hahhahaha how much money did u waste on that shit and they didnt even fix it all the way

>> No.9334489

No I'd never do anything cosmetic again, I wouldn't of gone for it if I wouldn't of gotten the functional benefit or had to pay

>> No.9334491
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>> No.9334495

Not much actually, thank god for insurance amirite?

>> No.9334505

Also bridge where hump was removed and tip stay swollen the longest, not that you'd know anything about any medical procedure

>> No.9334569

i don't want to be a dick but all they did was fix your nose bump and left the tip of your nose still bulbous

>> No.9334574

whats your ethnicity and how much did it cost

>> No.9334576
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too bad there's no procedure to deflate your huge head

>> No.9334584

absolute qt OP

>pls be in DC

>> No.9334589

Idk if you read but the tip is going to be swollen for like a year. It's cartilage there for not a lot of blood flow, therefore increased healing time

>> No.9334595


>> No.9334597

As much as I hate to admit it, but you definitely do look better by common standards.

>> No.9334598

I'm French and Ukrainian, and I only paid 1,000 for the extra work she had to do. The rest was covered by insurance since I was getting my breathing fixed also. I know a girl who got the same procedure done with out the fictional aspect and for charged 6,000

>> No.9334602
File: 212 KB, 590x322, 1420965962424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you in the process of destroying all old photo's of yourself? if i was interested in you and then saw your real nose, i would abandon ship asap.

would not breed / 10

also, you still have ugly girl eyes. as in you still have no confidence and feel like you're ugly. aint no surgery for that!

>> No.9334606

i need a more clear before and after pic comparison

>> No.9334611

you live in france?

>> No.9334627

No, Quebec

>> No.9334630

1. If you did this purely for cosmetic reasons: You are an inadequate, insecure, superficial, weak, immature and disgusting individual.

2. If you did for functional/medical reasons: Good for you, I hope that the procedure wasn't to discomforting and that your quality of health/wellness has noticeably improved.

3. If you did for cosmetic reason but tried to fool yourself and others by masking your true intentions under the guise of a "functional" and/or 'necessary' surgery: see point 1 + there is no hope for you.

>> No.9334640

Also with the same guy as before, so no not destroying my photos, I also didn't take picture from unflattering angles before as I purposely did for this thread also I'm fairly confident, I'm going to school for something useful, make good money, and I think I'm fairly physically attractive

>> No.9334649

Sorry, i replied from the front page, but i see your posts now.

anyway, apart from your swelling your nose looks great!

>> No.9334656

Looks like someone is too poor to afford a nosejob

>> No.9334671

so it only takes 2 weeks for any visible bruising/scars to disappear?

if so, i should get my nose done whenever i get some time off school

>> No.9334678

Ya even less, took me about a week and 3 days I had a lot of functional stuff done too so my healing would probably take longer then just a nose job

>> No.9334682
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>> No.9334689


He's probably too poor to afford a blowjob let alone a nosejob.

>> No.9334690

does he have a tumor in his head?

>> No.9334691

It takes a fucking year for swelling to go down on a surgery operation? Holy shit.

>> No.9334698


Maybe he's telepathic?

>> No.9334700

Why are you such a douche?

>> No.9334701
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>> No.9334702

Ya, because cartilage, rhinoplasty has the longest healing time of all cosmetic surgeries. But it's not bad, I like how it looks swollen too! A hell of a lot better then before

>> No.9334705

I have a slightly big nose but it was nowhere near as big as OP's and i remember kids making fun of it

did you get teased in school as much as i did?

>> No.9334707

her eyes are completely normal lol try again.

>> No.9334713


>implying 1000 dollars copay on a nosejob is expensive


>paying for sex/oral


>> No.9334721


You couldn't if you wanted you, fucclessboi.

>> No.9334730


>implying its difficult to get/have sex

stay virgin, fuccboi

>> No.9334735

My nose wasn't that big, I had button nose back in the day. I slipped on ice in grade 8 and fucked it up, and by then we were to old to pick on people for that stuff. People asked what I did to it though and that made me feel self conscious as I didn't even realize it changed until friends and family pointed it out >>9334713
Most people don't get then for 1000

>> No.9334750

Hi do u want to hang out?

>> No.9334802
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Great posts guys

>> No.9334809
File: 18 KB, 301x330, nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pretty lucky
I got constantly picked on until middle school

Here's a profile pic i found when i was in high school.

Is there any way to just fix the tip of my nose without them doing anything else?

>> No.9334818

You've genuinely sold me on plastic surgery right here...

>> No.9334860


He said if you wanted to. It's not about sex. He's saying you're poor. Apparently you're dumb too.

>> No.9334875

Ya they can just do tip work!

>> No.9334897

OP, don't listen to any of the people ITT that are being negative. Obvious projections of insecurity - likely because they would be intimidated by you in real life due to their own looks. If that isn't the case, they're just very sad, angry people and you should pay them no attention.

>> No.9334913


>implying that he implied that it would not be difficult to get sex because he could pay for it
>disregarding the premise presented here >>9334713 in which it understood that he would not pay for sex nor that he is poor

Apparently you're retarded.

>> No.9334959


I really don't understand this mentality. If a person wants to change their body/a body part to the point of surgically altering it - which takes quite a lot of resolve to go through with and more often than not a large amount of time and money as well - having the procedure will most likely greatly improve said persons mental well-being.

I do agree that the first response towards disliking your appearance shouldn't be to alter it, because there's very likely some underlying mental issues that should be adressed first. Sending a person with BDD to the surgeon before therapy wouldn't be a very good idea, nor would surgery because you've been taught that the only way to be attractive is by being a white european help - in these instances it might just cement the persons percieved "flaws".

Thing is, you act like surgery is the first thing people resort to when they dislike or hate their bodies, like it's not something that requires a shitload of determination and planning, let alone knowing that there's people like you, who'd literally consider them filth for ever having cosmetic surgery. If a person decides to go through with a procedure despite the fact that it's scary as shit with a massive social stigma attached, why the fuck shouldn't they?

Why? I see "it's superficial!" cited as a reason for this unadulterated hate, but considering the same people saying this also starts talking about being cheated out of the option to "design" the appearance of their fictional, unborn children, I'm going to take this with a fistful of salt.

>> No.9336039

anymore preop pictures? can't tell if you were cute in the first place and are just trying to ruse me

>> No.9336050 [DELETED] 

look at this swedish faggot cucklord, he'd probably ask the muslim raping his sister if he needed a backrub.

look at him and ridicule the pathetic excuse for a 'man'

>> No.9336054 [DELETED] 
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its still fucking huge lmao
better head back for round 2 ugly bitch

>> No.9336055

hey mamma :)

why are you young men so angry?

>> No.9336058

Tbh you are my favourite trip, absolutely hilarious ily

>> No.9336094
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now you need to fix your lips

you over lip is too thin

>> No.9336097
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Wellcome to the club OP *_*


>> No.9336220


ur head is fucked up trunks stop trying to bully people on fa lol

you look like a hba model

>> No.9336696

u wan some advil bud

>> No.9336705


ur qt

>> No.9336721


You're a fat bitch chick, aren't you?

>> No.9336724


>> No.9336813

do you really have to reply in every thread to every dumb shit thing that trunks says? it's the same person every single fucking time. Trunks, if this is you, please try and kill yourself.

>> No.9336826

I bet you like to talk to your irl friends about how much the jews run the media.

>> No.9336917


No, the whole pol-jew-conspiracy shit is terribly boring and a good way to loose friends and/or make bad company.

This topic however - that of self image, psychology, identity, human reason - is interesting, enlightening and beneficial towards development.

I hope that your friends are as good as mine.

>> No.9336936

I have blocked breathing too and am meant to have a septoplasty.

Very similar nose to yours and would like a rhinoplasty at the same time.

Was yours done by an ENT or a cosmetic surgeon?

How did the insurance cover it?

>> No.9337063
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I've been thinking about getting a nose job since I have excess money to waste.
Should I go for it?

>> No.9337069

hell no, ur cute

work on your self confidence

>> No.9337072

Eye surgery exists...

>> No.9337075

pretty cool nose
no surgery required

>> No.9337130

Fix confidence.

>> No.9337161

i want 2 marry u

>> No.9337167

thinks shes attractive..gets cosmetic surgery..

i hope your future husband sues you when his kid comes out with that nose

>> No.9337434

Just get over yourself boi

>> No.9337463

>thinks shes attractive..gets cosmetic surgery..

types like he's a reddit advice animal...

>> No.9337604

way better

>> No.9337608
File: 8 KB, 291x332, 1415602116469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y u sour?

>> No.9337693

verryyyyyyyyyy attractive

>> No.9338015

you got hot as hell

>> No.9338723

Mine was an ENT and I just through the idea at her when I was doing my consultation for my septoplasty.. Might as well get both done at the same time.

>> No.9338769
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Also this is swelling progress the first Is 4 days- 12 days - 3 weeks

>> No.9338776
File: 138 KB, 957x485, kike dyke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you?

>> No.9338777

p cute OP

>> No.9338780

YEASSS I wasn't on my computer so couldn't pull up that preop pic , good to know you saved it

>> No.9338789

it just complimented the greedy jew meme perfectly

>> No.9338796

also you should get lip injections next

after that ndiacmaybe breast augmentation

you'd be a solid 6 on looks alone

>> No.9339006
File: 7 KB, 279x181, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking about the possibility of rhinoplasty. and orthognathic surgery

>> No.9339401

Like what?

>> No.9340938


>> No.9341098

Your nose was really cute before, though! It looks good in both pics too :D

>> No.9341108

also, why is it that girls can pull of big noses and still be cute but (most) guys look like complete trash with them :(

I think girls with big noses are cute, but then I'm really self conscious about my own

>> No.9341113


>> No.9341121

No way it is way opposite, guys can pull of big noses girls can't

>> No.9341133

>spelling lose "loose"

Back to 7th grade bruh

>> No.9341152


>tfw there's this qt shy gril in my class with a big nose

>> No.9341211
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>> No.9341230

Nice OP, you look a lot better

>> No.9341238


you're adorable. i'd take you out.