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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 311 KB, 1120x1600, 231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9331030 No.9331030 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a beard inspiration thread going?

>> No.9331034
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>> No.9331060
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>> No.9331133

what a shit beard

>> No.9331147

fuck off beards are overplayed

>> No.9331160

it's okay mate. Not everyone can grow one.

>> No.9331197

Beard culture is so fucking retarded

>> No.9331212

What the fuck is beard culture?

>> No.9331216

i had a fucking big ass beard until i realized i don't need to hide my great jawline so i shaved that shit. i look 10x better

>> No.9331239

can someone post some non-hobocore beard inspo

>> No.9331259

>tfw literally don't know what I would look like without a beard anymore

I've had mine for like 2 years now

>> No.9331269

post pic or suck dick, fuccboi

>> No.9331355

I have a shit jawline so leave me alone fag

>> No.9331369

>look great with a beard
>look great without a beard
shit fam I don't know which to do

>> No.9331460
File: 15 KB, 236x288, 1419742826527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This beard is awesome, hair is majorly iffy.
>inb4 hipster faggot

>> No.9331469
File: 154 KB, 799x1200, tumblr_mbdz84C6Sd1r8-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9331473

How can a grown Asian male grow a beard?

>> No.9331484

I know this exact feel man. I end up just rocking a heavy stubble, somewhere in between.

>> No.9331529

me too ( ._.)

>> No.9333078

>beard inspo
>pick the shittiest "bearded model" ever


watching him trimming his face pubes as if it was a real beard is topcringe

don't try to grow one if your coverage sucks that much

>> No.9333082
File: 37 KB, 368x534, S-Chabal-Caron-H-104722_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9333093

>tfw 18 and still can't grow proper facial hair

>> No.9333101


come on, fucking cry baby, i'm 25 and i see new hair coming out every day.

You'll obtain your maximum coverage in 10 years, just wait, having a shit beard at 18 is normal

>> No.9333105

Most people can't at 18. Hell, a lot of guys can't in their 20s. Beards take time to develop

>> No.9333108

>implying being a lumbersexual is /fa/
Ooooooooooooookay reddit.

>> No.9333110

>implying i'm not a nextlvl lumbergoth

>> No.9333127
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>> No.9333146

How do I trim my beard? Do I go to a barber?

>> No.9333173
File: 60 KB, 480x368, IMG_0065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate it

>> No.9333182

????? remove it then ?????????

>> No.9333192

still growing it so i m giving it some time
but it grows just weird in the middle

>> No.9333235

Somewhat related question:
Beard oil, yay or nay? If yay, what kind?

>> No.9333238
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x2560, beard_thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to trim it for work though

>> No.9333252

flax oil i ve been told, but i ve never tried
can't tell if it works either, always replied NOTHANKYOU when asked if i wanted to stroke another mans beard xD

>> No.9333277

beards look like shit unless you're /fit/

>> No.9333347


looks shit, like someone glued hair on a child's face


same to you, but the glue melted a bit, and the hair is falling off your face

>> No.9333351
File: 47 KB, 497x750, milly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking grow a bigger mustache, your shit just looks silly. fucking beardplebs.

>> No.9333352
File: 112 KB, 720x720, Ku3YAyW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9333361

yay, but I use regular argan oil (cheaper than the expensive bullshit "beard oil" sold for men, does the same job, it's used mostly by women, for headhair) makes my beard softer, plus it smells nice.

>> No.9333363
File: 158 KB, 350x575, mifune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.9333436

i need to know what kind of hair product u'd need for this shit

>> No.9333488

no poo + semen

>> No.9333614

streched ears; 0/10, fkn disgusting

>> No.9333810

>people with shit beards talk shit on no-beards

>> No.9333835

I'm 22 and it's fucking terrible. I totally gave up on facial hair years ago. My dad had a straight wyatt earp masculine as fuck mustache and so do all of my uncles/random relatives. I was dealt a shitty genetic hand on that one

>> No.9333864

>22 and complaining

see >>9333101

just wait or take steroids, or apply minoxidil to your face if you want one so much

>> No.9333896
File: 17 KB, 303x535, allahuakbar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw almost 30 and still no dense growth

Just letting it grow longer doesn't cut it.

>> No.9333923

I think that looks alright. If you're not happy about it you could keep just the mustache and the soul patch.

>> No.9335749
File: 572 KB, 1000x667, brd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have much of a jawline, so I try to use my beard to give myself a bit of a leg up.

I feel like a good rule of thumb is if you're going to let it get to a decent length, trim the sides. If the sides get too long, you usually run the risk of having your face gain around 3-6 lbs. mostly just personal experience speaking though.

>> No.9335791


>> No.9335794
File: 47 KB, 381x500, b1d03f64210c6cfb62c8f2976248fcdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw Asian and beard actually grows pretty nice

I trim it like this nowadays

>> No.9335816

that is a massively good look, especially with generally sparse facial hair
kudos to you on being able to rock that shit, man

>> No.9335819


>apply minoxidil

lel that's what i did, had nothing and now have a full beard, took several years tho but it was worth it

>> No.9335834
File: 155 KB, 302x541, ayis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw genetics got you covered

>> No.9335918

> plebs not knowing we hit peak beard back in 2k14

>> No.9336162

>Iron Rangers
every time

>> No.9336167
File: 43 KB, 728x546, Beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOAT beard.

>> No.9336196

>lying on the internet

>> No.9336203

that's not culture m8 that's just the MFA uniform minus CODB

>> No.9336216

How long did it take to grow anon? Looks nice.

>> No.9336231

Shh. That "beard culture" talking is what's keeping their deluded minds at ease with the idea of not being able to grow a beard.

>"I-It's not that I can't grow a beard... I just d-don't want to be part of the b... b-beard culture, ha! go back to em ef ay!"

>> No.9336334

>full beard/stache because it insulates my face.
>jeans/boots/Oxford bit because durable and comfy.
>tfw I've dressed like this for 10 years and now lumbersexuals or whatever they fuck they call themselves ask what fucking beard oil I use.

I fucking hate beard culture.

>> No.9336492

Would hang out with/10.
pls be in Atlanta

>> No.9336622

Fuck all this "beards have peaked", "beards are lumbersexual"

It grows on my face and I'm going to do fuck all about it, deal with it.

You can't really say I'm compensating for my lack of masculinity and sexual insecurity when you are the ones calling people lumbersexual (lumberjack homosexual), and worrying about what people think

>> No.9336632


Mah nigga

>> No.9336691

where are your ancestors from?

>> No.9336714

>i had hair until i realized i don't need to hide my great cranium so i shaved that shit

see how delusional this sounds

>> No.9336716
File: 8 KB, 232x258, 1411846982674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of guys grow out their beards in an attempt to look manlier or tough but it seriously does nothing

they think they can put some hair on their face, wear clothes from LL bean and all of a sudden the look like some badass lumberjack outdoorsman but you just gotta look at their eyes and you'll see how fucking soft they are
A hard expression is what makes a dude look manly, not unshaven facial pubes

>> No.9336718

dolichocephalic master race here, u even tryin?

>> No.9336739

>A hard expression is what makes a dude look manly
are you autistic?

>> No.9336743

I mean, I don't think so

>> No.9336791

>A lot of guys grow out their beards in an attempt to look manlier or tough but it seriously does nothing
Honestly it just sounds like you're projecting your own insecurities

>> No.9336828
File: 14 KB, 480x337, nomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some guys also wear obscenely baggy black clothing, torn sweatpants, and boxy overpriced shoes to present a false status of taste and culture.

>> No.9336856

I was indeed focused on making myself look tougher for a while, but after a stint in the military and time in the fire department (all places I started working at because I wanted to get tougher or whatever) I chilled out. I might be projecting, but that's the general vibe I get from a lot of these dudes- and as someone who used to be that dude, I feel like in most cases I am correct.

Not all dudes who grow a beard are doing it in order to look more badass or tough, but there are still plenty of dudes who grow out a beard to do so. Especially nowadays where a lot of the people featured in these threads all live in fairly metropolitan areas and have lots of filtered pictures taken of them, I feel like those ones are the ones trying the hardest to look badass

>> No.9337210

I'm honestly growing a beard because i'm just tired of having to shave every few days.

I get pretty bad razor burn sometimes, and i can grow a pretty nice beard so i figured why the fuck not.
However, it does make me appear more "manlier", but it's never been a goal of mine.

>> No.9337232

>My dad had a straight wyatt earp masculine as fuck mustache and so do all of my uncles/random relatives.
that's because they didnt give up

>> No.9337234

how does it feel to have a punchable face

>> No.9337238

Yeah like I said, some guys just grow it out cause they want to and it's nice not having to shave every day

>> No.9337243

>following trends

*tips topknot*

>> No.9337246


>> No.9337358

What's the best way to trim your beard neckline? I'm worried I'll go too high and look stupid.

>> No.9337759

>tfw 23 and beard still hasn't fully come in yet.
I hate not being able to grow it out.

>> No.9338138

waiting for you to post your face...unless you're a fat pussy

>> No.9338164

>people complaining about "muh genetics" in a beard thread

you do know test levels arent genetic right?

>> No.9338273

What is the point in beard inspo when genetics ?

>> No.9340006
File: 56 KB, 400x536, b8082de8829033928cb35c559c2740cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well your hairline is also genetic but you can style your hair.

It's about style, you can have a big mustache or a small one, a short or a long beard, pointy or squared, a wide or a narrow beard etc etc...

>> No.9340012
File: 414 KB, 964x4156, beard02-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just do a fade m8, "neckline" almost always look silly.

>> No.9340017

>test levels aren't genetic

u wot m8 ?

>> No.9340029 [DELETED] 

I saw Bret Easton Ellis eating a hot dog in 7-11 once. Least /fa/ thing I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.9340095

Trim the beard down to match the volume of the mustache. trim the neckline.

>> No.9340554

it also looks way shittier because of the bad photo, my mustache is actually like, blonde, idk, so its a little thicker "live"

>> No.9341401

It's about length, look at the length of your beard, compared to your mustache the longest hair of your beard are like 2 inches, judging by the picture, but your mustache doesn't even cover your upper lip.

If you want to look like an ISIS member, keep it that way, if not : LONGER MUSTACHE

>> No.9341417
File: 528 KB, 1920x1080, 20150115_174342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do to make this look as professional/neat as possible?

>> No.9341426

I have no idea why it's rotated like that

>> No.9341432

Shave it

>> No.9341451

I'd say trim it closer to your face if you want a more professional look

>> No.9341561

I would suggest trimming the sides down to a faded point towards the chin

>> No.9342241

Shave this shit, holy balls, it looks like your jaw has a jewfro.

>> No.9342303

I like it!

>> No.9343102

Isn't the point of fashion to acknowledge trends? People ignorant of fashion is why we have the fedora/cargo shorts combo.

>> No.9343594

didnt realise blue on blue could work until this picture


>> No.9343597

Acknowledging is different from following, I keep up with what's coming and if some style has something fresh and new going for it purely because even though I don't necessarily wear the stuff, I can still appreciate it and at times I find something I really like and feel like I can add to my style in a way that works.

>> No.9343605 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 640x426, Photo on 16-01-2015 at 11.25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trim or not? always feel like my eyebrows look massive w/out the beard.