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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 44 KB, 416x600, dondraper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9322031 No.9322031 [Reply] [Original]

Are there websites that sell the kind of ties you would see on Mad Men?

Pic related

>> No.9323341

I look like Jon Hamm
...in my dreams ;_;

>> No.9323344

goodwill has tons of old ties

>> No.9323370

Raulph Lauren

>> No.9323371

Loro Piana

>> No.9324012

Don't wear skinny ties. Jesus.

>> No.9324026

why not?

>> No.9324037

You notice how your point of reference is a costume from a TV show set in the 1960s?

>> No.9324045

Everyone wears skinny ties these days. Everything is slimmer. Look at Brooks Brothers and the popularity of their chinos / extra slim button-downs.

Wearing a fat tie may have looked suitable for the box-shaped cuts of the past, but in current fashion trends a slim tie will always look better.

>> No.9324143
File: 184 KB, 1280x854, 20130617-_E3B8729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing a suit
>going for the fashoin suit variant
The only reason to wear a fashion suit variant is if you're going for the Russell Brand look (Glittery blazer, silver ankle boots, rings EVERYWHERE)
>implying you could pull it off

If you're going to wear a suit you should just do it proper and go for Savile Row style. That doesn't necessarily mean that you need a dead salmon hanging from your neck but I wouldn't wear a pencil tie unless you want to look like a clown.

Pic related
You could dress like that now, look back in 50 years and not cringe.

>> No.9324146

I'm not the OP, I just came in to say that thick ties look ugly

didn't say anything about suits

>> No.9324158

Shit looks dope af

>> No.9324168
File: 269 KB, 1000x667, savile-row11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you did m8
>wearing a fat tie may have looked suitable for the box shaped cuts of the past

>box shaped cut
Personally, I would never wear a MASSIVE tie as it doesn't fit my style.
I have a passion for suits and Savile Row. We're lucky as Men that our choices for fashion have been perfected so long ago. You will always look fantastic in a bespoke tailored suit; no matter the setting, no matter your company.

>> No.9324175

people generally look good in tailored anything?

>> No.9324188

>no matter the setting

Are you one of those faggots who wears a three piece suit to go grocery shopping?

>> No.9324195

The roped shoulders make me cringe

>> No.9324205

>dat ugly affirmative action tribal lookin nigga "model"


>> No.9324222
File: 205 KB, 824x1235, 20130617-_E3B8683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on if they have good taste and if their tailor is willing to tell them when they're goofing up.
Depends on what else I'm doing that day.
If I was just going to the store then probably not.

>> No.9324293

I'm often jealous of the crisp suits and ties, the nice shoes. Briefcases. I already tower over most of the men at my job, but I still envy their clothes.

I'm guessing there's no classic suit style that won't look ridiculous on a woman, is there?

>> No.9324297

no menswear looks ridiculous on a woman if it fits her right and anyone that tries to tell you so probably has a pathological fear of women looking even the slightest bit masculine lol

>> No.9324364
File: 1.94 MB, 347x196, 1388903455932.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a slim guy or a manlet there's no reason why you shouldn't wear skinny ties.

If you're a big dude or fat, regular ties.

This is incredibly basic.

>> No.9325381

> coming from someone with no office experience

>> No.9325393

Why hasn't anyone made a website dedicated to ties similar to those on Mad Men?

I mean, I have seen tons of people searching for them and admiring them. Someone could make a lot of money setting up a shop like that.

>> No.9325435

Everyone wears skinny ties these days. Everything is slimmer.
Nope. Stop watching those Jos. A Banks commercials and thinking "that's what modern style is".

>> No.9325436

None, sorry.

>> No.9325437


Incorrect. Once you're old enough to buy alcohol you should have grown out of getting your suits and ties from J. Crew.

>> No.9325568

> still coming from someone with no office experience

So do you prefer the clown ties of the 1970s for when you go to work at Starbucks?

>> No.9325834

Might as well ask here
What's the most symmetrical knot?

>> No.9325983

Windsor knot is a good symmetrical knot if you do it right. Smaller ones can be a bit crazy, and big ones just look douchey and weird. A good, normal sized windsor done the right way is the way to go

>> No.9327653

If the lapels of the suit jackets are slim you must wear slim ties.
So, if you're wearing slim fit suits it will have slim lapels so a slim tie is a must.

>> No.9327663

Except he's gorgeous
>Ugly people commenting on anyone

>> No.9328592

>thinking "office experience" defines /fa/

>> No.9328613

im looking at it now and cringing very hard
this better be a troll

>> No.9328646

He's clearly trolling ("just do it proper and go for Savile Row style"... LMFAO...) but the photo is OK.

>> No.9328667

Forgot I was on /fa/ which is filled with teenagers.

>> No.9328678


Your problem is that you talk like someone who just discovered suits and is trying to impress people. "Just do Savile Row style" is retarded given the whole gamut of great tailoring styles (never heard of Neopolitan? Spalla Camicia?)

GTFO back to Fedora Lounge, son.

>> No.9328685

I've heard of both of those things. I prefer Savile Row. What's the problem, anon? Why are you so bitter and quick to be enraged over things that don't actually matter? Are you lonely?

>> No.9328710


>> No.9328795

Looks like I was right.