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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 18 KB, 500x375, Tumblr_ll7nzmCbdb1qbrct0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9303488 No.9303488[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'll be visiting Canada next week.

What's the hourly rate of Alicia Fuller a.k.a. blah?

>> No.9303506

she ded m8

>> No.9303509

idk who that is but if you're coming to toronto lmk

>> No.9303555

you're too late for that m8 unless you're into necrophilia

>> No.9303566

nice trips

i think OP is just trying to make an edgy meta joke...

obviously he is sitting at his computer and refreshing the page constantly to check for any replies acknowledging his sophisticated sense of humour... but he doesn't have any humor so the joke is actually him


>> No.9303577
File: 38 KB, 460x337, Frat Bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ded buddy

>> No.9303626

wait, fuck, was that the british chick who gave that long motivational speech about shit in her life on vocaroo before?

fuck, man...

>> No.9303773

this hoe looks like the uglier version of a high school chick I had a crush with

>> No.9303789

how'd she die? wtf

>> No.9303790


>> No.9303819

heroin addiction from what i've gathered

>> No.9304051

>refreshing the page constantly
Who does this anymore? I'm sitting here thinking you mean they're spamming F5
With the native extension you just press R or lower your refresh timer...
nice dubs doe

>> No.9304099

Wait, you can do that? I have no need to constantly refresh pages (I use Refresh Every when I do on other sites) but I guess you learn something new every day.

>> No.9304144

she looks chubby for a heroin addict, still, such a shame when qts die...

>> No.9304148

It's terrible when _any_ human life is lost.

>> No.9304151

she got horribly skinny, that picture isn't contemporary enough. it's a shame, i have pics back form when she was thicker, much better looking compared to her skinny ones.

>> No.9304865

not urs lmao

>> No.9305060

Once I asked her to show me her tits on skype and she blocked me after I said I was joking.


>> No.9305077

weird that she's dead, like if casemods or tripsk died. she made a mess of her life. it ended quickly, at least.

>> No.9305081


Common misconception that people think that JUST because you do heroin it makes you skinny

Heroin =! meth

Meth is what actually deteriorates your health faster and faster
You could live forever on Heroin if the baggage it comes with doesn't kill you first
All heroin does is make you SO content and euphoric that you feel like you don't need to eat, but of course if you have food it wont STOP you from eating.

in fact eating on heroin is one of the best things you can do on it as it helps boost your euphoric state

meth and cocaine though actively stop you from eating

>> No.9305092


oh also

>newfags not knowing blah

blah was a pretty influential trip on /fa/ b4 she became a total crackwhore prositute and then died


>> No.9305093
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477 1m40

>> No.9305110
File: 106 KB, 282x268, Eric Bestowith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really? When I'm using, I'm too lazy to get out of fucking bed the next day that generally I won't eat.

>> No.9305111

Where can I find her sites? Like her seeking arrangement sites and such. I know she deleted her tumblr but this is a real blast from the past.

>> No.9305113

She died? How? I miss her

>> No.9305124


oh yeah im not saying it's like weed and that it makes you want to eat
but it's not like meth or cocaine in that JUST because you use heroin doesn't mean you'll automattically become skinny.

Using H does of course make it easier to lose weight because you're so happy you don't need food, but if you felt like it you could eat.

esp when H makes u crave sugar

>> No.9305133

I remember when she first started tripping before anyone knew who she was

and then I found her nudes on anonib and posted them on here and then everything went spiraling down and now she is dead ):

>> No.9305141

I know tripsk spends all day on /fa/ and posts in every single thread
Who's casemods though?

>> No.9305162

>not knowing casemods

Did you start posting here 6 months ago

>> No.9305186

As an Asian guy, I would never date a white girl. I just find them unattractive and I know I can do better than that.

>> No.9305218

>who's casemods

nice b8

>> No.9305234

does she still post?

>> No.9305249

this retard is drinking red wine in a champagne glass smh

>> No.9305267

of course the worst trip on the board is new

>> No.9305272

of course you're jealous

>> No.9305278

Still have the pic of you doing the pig nose making fun of her.

Every other female tripfag died of an overdose shortly after working as a prostitute

Your friend spooky is next. When are you going to go on a binge?

$600/night Canadian
That was spoony, chick posted nudes here, she got dosed I sent her nudes to her friends family and she never came back

>> No.9305280

This is your fault berry

>> No.9305296

idk whats going on with spooky
I think she lives a pretty normal life
probably in my binge phase right now
): I know

>> No.9305305
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this is me and her after eating at panera bread

>> No.9305308
File: 35 KB, 500x375, mspiggulu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fucking idiot

>> No.9305315

Whatever happened to case?

I stopped going on /fa/ about a year ago and recently started again. Hate to say it, but I miss that fucker

>> No.9305321

>not knowing casemods
Did you start posting here 6 months ago

>> No.9305333

I said I do know about him. I took a break from /fa/ and fashion about a year ago and I came back a few months ago

>> No.9305346

She's been a cam whore for years, and gained some weight.

What are you on?

I always pegged you as a meth girl personally

>> No.9305365

A couple years ago a "petition" was made and moot brought the smackdown on Casey's unprecedented shitposting

Personally loved it though

>> No.9305367

I do live in an area full of meth that is true

bad for your teeth though

>> No.9305459

imagefap . com/pictures/4010653/demonbreast

Pics from her tumblr.

>Your welcome

>> No.9305472

>I sent her nudes to her friends family

Why are you such a pathetic autistic cunt? Holy shit when are you gonna kill yourself you fat cunt

>> No.9305530


I want the pictures that show snippets from her failing and pathetic life. Please post those.

>> No.9305539

>and then I found her nudes on anonib and posted them on here and then everything went spiraling down and now she is dead ):

Why are you such a pathetic autistic cunt? Holy shit when are you gonna kill yourself you fat cunt

>> No.9305550
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damn tho

>> No.9305564
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Hips like a male and disproportionately fat arms

>> No.9305659

She looks like my ex girlfriend

>> No.9305685

jesus fuck, please stop posting. I've never seen a good or insightful post from you.

>> No.9305698
File: 335 KB, 1280x960, 1285359680054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people know she's dead? Why did she start doing heroin? Just cause tryhard dumped her? When did this happen? Any recent pictures?

These are the things that I must know.

>> No.9305709
File: 192 KB, 581x385, Screen shot 2015-01-07 at 12.14.07 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess it is true

>> No.9305723

you look like my ex girlfriend

>> No.9305729

lol newfaggot welcum to the sight i hope you have nice stay try deleting system 32 next it also lessens refresh time fagot

>> No.9305738

Meth is for amateurs.

>> No.9305747 [DELETED] 
File: 628 KB, 1322x741, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's .. sad

>> No.9305753

someone got a zip with all the nudes? (the tumblr ones)

>> No.9305757

yeah, fucking noobs these days

thinking they can be edgy and shit by mainlining pussy drugs like heroin and meth

might as well just smoke marlboro filter pluses

you ain't effay until you're vaporizing krokodil and drain cleaner and research chemicals with alphanumeric code names lololol

>> No.9305758

did she do H to be effay?

>> No.9305777

heroin used to be effay in 2008 but now it's too played out

>> No.9305827

Anyone kept the nudes? Berry? Please?

>> No.9305832

lmao i can imagine some skinny kid with a buzzcut typing your post while his mom is yelling at him to turn off the computer to go to sleep

>> No.9305839

this board is such a cesspool

>> No.9305843

resu, you worthless twat, don't trip to me until you make it to the tripfriends wiki

>> No.9305848

She was bragging about cheating on try hard and how small his dick was then would delete the posts when he came around.

This was back in 2010 tho

Nigga flew across country to spend weekends with her

>> No.9305858

>tfw i was the last one blah spoke to before leaving /fa/

I even took a screenshot of that thread for some reason

god, i'm so pathetic
if i spend another year here i will reach sieg's level of autism

>> No.9305974

Her parents facebooks are sad :(

If you want the proof just check there

They talk about missing her and stuff

>> No.9305988
File: 32 KB, 1021x255, ugjhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it
here is her last thread on /fa/
and as i was looking for this i came across a lot of webcams shows she did nude...i don't know i should delete them or not...

>> No.9306036

that guy was/is such a pompous ass, fuck him

old /fa/ was so weird

>> No.9306045

there were so many more, any other dumps?

>> No.9306046

I remember one time she had threatened suicide on her old tumblr and I called the police and they said they couldn't do anything and it invoked such an empty, futile feeling. I eventually found her number and address and they were able to get in contact with her and things were supposedly okay (she deleted that tumblr shortly after) but I don't think she ever really healed or dealt with all of the pain she suffered from. When I found out she had passed away I felt overwhelmed by sadness, because, again, I couldn't do anything about it. I wish I had met her or gotten to know her, but it would probably hurt even more. Rest in peace, Alicia. I hope you found everything you wanted.

That is a really fucked up thing to do, because her initial photos came from an ex. She didn't post them everywhere for everyone to see.

/fa/ was really cruel to spoony too. and even posters the community liked (e.g. Tom) were the victim of threads dedicated entirely to making fun of her appearance. Today girls complain about getting harassed by "please be in London" and "let's see the back" but /fa/ used to just dox you for kicks.

>I know tripsk spends all day on /fa/ and posts in every single thread
Actually today I spent all day at the airport and only posted in about 15% of threads.

>> No.9307093

Wow... She lost a lot of weight

>> No.9307139
File: 248 KB, 500x375, 1364008539801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refreshing the page

>> No.9307150

cant you just get the fuck out of 4chan ?
who wants you here ?

>> No.9307154

>5. Persistent harassment of posters should be reported as off topic. Don't start threads to single out and insult individual posters. The posting of personal information or doxing should also be reported.
