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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.13 MB, 7112x4256, 1418263499714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9302210 No.9302210 [Reply] [Original]

More like this

>> No.9302213
File: 1.12 MB, 4208x3888, 1418594730834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9302214

no, go to mfa

>> No.9302215
File: 53 KB, 660x400, 1417766863400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9302217
File: 121 KB, 1000x800, 1419907303950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9302218

don't be a faggot they don't do this on /mfa/

>> No.9302225
File: 1.44 MB, 2378x1124, 1420223064708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9302229

all of these outfits are catered for people who browse mfa

>> No.9302231

I don't give a fuck where they browse, it's how I dress. Go play goofninja dress up elsewhere then cockbreath.

>> No.9302234

I work a respectable 9-5 I can't dress like a mall goth in chunky fucking meme shoes like all of you 15 year olds. Eat my grits homo

>> No.9302247


Should I do a graphic like this for trying to remain /fa/ in adulthood?

>> No.9302249

Fucking REKT

>> No.9302256

I would say so, I don't like every photo posted in this thread but I like a few looks.

>> No.9302297

mfa meme face

>> No.9302320

w2c jacket

>> No.9302388

This is my problem too. I can't go around dressed like a fuckin' goofball if i expect not catch a lot of shit at the places where i'll be.

>> No.9302478

bumping for this

>> No.9302485

i didnt like op's image but this>>9302213
looks more or less solid for me.

Decent basic pieces.

>> No.9302510
File: 48 KB, 428x494, 287404_0_48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it, NVM, do not want

>> No.9302723
File: 74 KB, 500x748, YpIONK2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have the one for this?

>> No.9303161

this picture will give me nightmares

>> No.9303202

lol whoever made OPs pic clearly has not been in tropical country ,a cardigan and a denim jacket? negro please

>> No.9303401

I live in florida and own a cardigan, it gets cold in winter for a month, also some places are cold like my friends office

>> No.9303421

I have a hairy chest....are vnecks still ok for me or should I just keep it hidden and stay crew?

>> No.9303449

>More like this
>doesn't say please

>> No.9303481

tycho t shirt, that's embarrassing as fuck

>> No.9304355

ralph polo

jesus actually all of it. awful.

>> No.9304480

Why? They make decent music

>> No.9304971

tycho is 1 dude

>> No.9304987

>eat my grits

u wot? that's one of the silliest things I've ever read, thanks for making me laugh guy. Good job putting goofs in their place too.

>> No.9304988


but yeah, I also like Tycho
and that t is cool

>> No.9304990
File: 203 KB, 590x885, 10914Beppe2390web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this different from your mom buying your wardrobe as a kid?


>> No.9305010
File: 58 KB, 373x560, 1659635_10-19 bodylb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is essentially what it looks like, right?

how does this look bad? why all the hate?

>> No.9305020


ewwww at the v neck and that faggot ass "baseball t-shirt"

nigga that ain't no baseball t shirt i ever seen

>> No.9305034


change v neck to crew neck sweater, and size it up one for a comfyer fit (whole outfit look kinda stuffy and too fitted)

change shoes to something other than MFA tier

then it will be fine
also the reason why it gets so much hate is because it's not in line with /fa/s current aesthetic.

If you posted this back in 2010-11 people would love it

>> No.9305040

It's safe. It's not a bad look and you'll get complimented, but it isn't anything to write the pope about.

Also reddit likes it and we're bound by honor to hate everything reddit likes because we're the original secret club

>> No.9305044


extremely boring and basic. i see people wearing this exact outfit about ten times a day.

nothing really bad with it, it could just be made so much better

>> No.9305048
File: 44 KB, 396x385, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>polo shirt, hoodie, denim jacket

>> No.9305052


shows the average iq of people who dress like this

>> No.9305067

go to bed

-- Mutti

>> No.9305119

The issue is not that it looks bad in itself but that it is the status quo of people breaking into introductory fashion. It shows that someone knows a bit but not a lot and goes with a reliable pairing without anything special. It is functional but not the most fashionable.

>> No.9305242

Looks like every /fa/ fit circa 2 or 3 years ago

They played out desert boots and autistically dislike v-necks

>> No.9305246

handsome and well dressed
looks like a nice neighborhood too if that's where he lives... idk what's up with all the hate

>> No.9305265
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some of those items
>hot weather country

I sweat thinking about it.

>> No.9305269

implying Australia is a country

>> No.9305274

>26 second response

I'm impressed.

>> No.9306402

Don't be. Cunt.

>> No.9307052


I made this =)

I've almost finished copping most of the pieces actually, with a few adjustments.

>> No.9307080

He's not used to such fast internet that allows you to upload few letters to 4chin servers in under 30 seconds

>> No.9307104

what kind of shirt could you wear opened opened up with a t underneath? would you roll the sleev still?

>> No.9307162


It's generally going to look shit and make you look like a 14 year old high school kid.

I'm from europe and I don't understand this whole american fad of wearing shirts under shirts

t shirt under an open flannel? stupid as fuck
a white 'undershirt' showing under your oxford/dress shirt? fucking horrible, ruins the casualness of the shirt, use some fucking deodorant if your worried about sweating. imo say..an oxford shirt should be something you can casually throw on and off...so you're at the beach and you're taking on and off your shirt, you're taking your little white undershirt on and off each time too? gay as fuck

>> No.9308459


the fucking collared shirt and v cardigan look so fucking GHEYYY together please do not wear unless frooty homo

>> No.9308488

I like this, a lot...

>> No.9308583
File: 81 KB, 419x480, 1419897704867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hot weather country
> no shorts
> no light footwear
> oxford shirts


>> No.9308662

>actually wearing a polo shirt

>> No.9308692


Oxford shirts are fine for hot weather, get linen as well but nothing wrong with oxfords