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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 267 KB, 1024x1024, fa crew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9287417 No.9287417 [Reply] [Original]

>you're mustering the confidence to enter the rick owens store and this crew start shit
>nice vampire outfit faggot

What do you do?

>> No.9287594

Listen here you queers, what kind of fucking vampire do you see wearing this? Now, either give me directions to the straight people clothes store or get back to sucking daddy's dick for more money to spend on that shit.

>> No.9287612

i unleash my monster donger and summon a lightning bolt

>> No.9287622

Diss them about their shit sense of fashion.

>> No.9287637

oh you must have mistaken me for one of the creatures that buttocks you in your magical world of varies you neon fucking abortions of taste now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go spend a community college education on clothes

>> No.9287657

Dude far right seems p chill. The rest of them look so damn punchable.

>> No.9287680

get on my rightful place on my knees and start servicing orally my social betters
" i hope this pleases you masters!" i remark with a cheeky smile

>> No.9287690

is the dude on middle left wearing a kabuki mask painted skin tone?

what the fuck is wrong w his face

>> No.9287730

he's just asian or mixed

>> No.9287763

its the jew cheek flush

>> No.9287784

I'd unsheath my katana and would start swinging randomly into the crowd. Most likely I would kill all of them, except for one, the one with red shorts. He might wonder why he is the only one alive, but nevertheless, he would attack me, because he is weak in mind, full of uncontrolled anger and fear. He would swing his fists at me, try to kick or tackle me, but in the end I would hold my katana to his neck.
"Checkmate," I would scream "Time cannot stop the innevitable, unless you have a reason I should'nt kill you."
He would kneel before me with his degenerate BRO-LOL-YOLO outfit and scream for his life, tell me that his father is reach and that he could pay a ransom for his life, but in this moment nothing could stop me from ending his wortheless little life.

>> No.9287789

>Asian or mixed pretending to be a WASP

>> No.9287797

Leave the Rick Owens store because I'm not a fuccboi, silently chuckling to myself about these Wingdings wearing shorts with blazers

>> No.9287879

Nice shorts faggot.

>> No.9287892

let them kick my arse than have a good wank about it when i got home

>> No.9287910


Ask them what look they're trying to pull off I guess if I'm a faggot vampire why they are definitely the counts of foreskin licking.

>> No.9288211

i scoff in disgust and clip them with my shoulder as i swagger past in my six figure all black designer outfit

>> No.9288440

Run home and shitpost on /fa/

>> No.9288470

Dude far right looks beta as fuck

>> No.9288473

quality post

>> No.9288475

Probably would laugh at them.

>> No.9288478

The situation wouldn't happen. I would go into the Rick store and those fuccbois would follow me in - dicks half-erect at the mere idea of potentially being about that life

>> No.9288480

I don't really care about what 10 year younger kids living of mommys money are thinking

>> No.9288481

Ask them if they're aware that their tailor thinks they have gorilla arms

>> No.9288483


>> No.9288487

underrated post

>> No.9288496

>*unsheathens sandwich* "bet you fags cant even stuff this bad boy inside your pocket"
>turn 360 degrees and walk away as their amazed faces stare at me in silence

>> No.9288506

Hockey players are faggots anyway i'd probably just laugh at their "flow" and walk way.

>> No.9288513

I have headphones in so I don't even hear them and continue on with my day.

>> No.9288558

Stop samefagging you twat

>> No.9288652

*unsheathes fedora*

back the fuck off??!!

>> No.9288654


>> No.9288668

name one sport more /fa/ than hockey

>> No.9288670

fukking ur mum

>> No.9288742

So I assume you're the star catcher for the team, huh? or do you all take turns?

>> No.9288778

look at each one of them with complete un-interest then hop in my sc400 and whip the fuck out Mat Zo blazing from the stereo

>> No.9288781

Where's your passport?
>Fake Rick over here guys

>> No.9289166
File: 63 KB, 252x249, Captura de pantalla 2014-03-04 a la(s) 01.42.08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9289197
File: 379 KB, 495x625, 1388088124791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm gonna go spend a community college education on clothes

god damn it, /fa/

>> No.9289211



>> No.9289239

Swordplay IS pretty /fa/

>> No.9289263

>slap the one closest to me
>you are one rude idiot
>leave them and enter the store

>> No.9289266

Flex as hard as I can and mean mug

>> No.9289273


Esp if by sword u mean dik

>> No.9289275

Cc only costs like 5 grand total. I'm p.sure we've all spent that much over the years.

>> No.9289276

lol man

>> No.9289357

commence hazing the shit out of the high school frat stars

>> No.9289368

Ofc I mean dik

>> No.9289741

"nice vampire weekend outfits, faggots"

>> No.9289747

my hero

>> No.9289751




>> No.9290907

:^) u chky cunt (^:

>> No.9290938

my sides

>> No.9291464
File: 48 KB, 288x356, 1420242481142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c hair

>> No.9291540

Far left is a qt3.14
Would rip off his clothes and show him how to dress/10

>> No.9291542

raven etc

>> No.9291874

confirmed kill

>> No.9291888

every sport

>> No.9291930

w2c those shorts in the middle?

>> No.9291941

Zumiez :^)

>> No.9292003

All of these replies are so fucking cringe, lmao.

>le edge

>> No.9292022

restaurant is like 12, every other thread he makes stupid comments like these.

better stick to shit-posting faggot

>> No.9292046

>be home for break
>old friend from hs invites me to some frat party
>whatever I'm not doing anything
>walk in
>every single guy there is wearing brown desert boots, khaki chinos, a green, blue, or pink gingham button up, and a plain grey patagonia vest

>> No.9292141

>All these replies insulting their wealth / sexuality / daddy's money

They would simply laugh back at you. The only winning move is to be richer than they are and then call them poor for wearing $500 jackets and $300 shoes

>> No.9292165

or seize control of the means of production

>> No.9292196

Wonder why I am in the backyard of some of 15 year old boy and get the fuck out of there asap before hansen pops up.

>> No.9292364

Sperry Top-siders are usually around $100.

They go on sale nearly everywhere for sometimes half that.

The jackets they probably thrifted like most high-schoolers did at my school.

OP's pic is the male equivalent of the one(s) with the white girls in riding boots and black yoga pants. Both are the male/female white highschooler uniforms.