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9287255 No.9287255[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In need of a new Gaming mouse /v/, how relevant is this image now?

Also General PC Accessories/Battlestation/Apperciation Thread

>> No.9287266

still relevant
technology develops very sluggishly, and desktop/console gaming is a dying trend
only mobile gaming has a somewhat bright future given our fast paced lifestyles and short attention spans

>> No.9287268

nigga this is fa

>> No.9287272

Well buddy'o you seem to have posted on the wrong board. But the best gameing mouse is the Zowie fk1

>> No.9287300

>le ebin

>> No.9287332

For years Ive only used Microsoft Optics, unless you play SC or CSGO you dont need any RAZR branded shit

>> No.9287351

The only relevant infographic. Read the fine print too. The part at the bottom is useful to check to see if they plebs. Usually people recommend steal series saying they don't have acceleration when they do. also >>>/g/

>> No.9287357

lol video games, grow up manchild

>> No.9287359

only homos care about clothes

>> No.9287403

that's true too

>> No.9287419

chart is bullshit. it puts a logitech near the top then other logitech models that are as good as shit tier. some angry nerd's opinions.

I have a G500S. It's perfect.

>> No.9287429

>God Tier
top fucking kek

>> No.9287455

I have one too and like it a lot. Keep in mind that the 500s isn't on that chart and most put it pretty high. I think it may be discontinued now though.

>> No.9287462

get bent faglord
deathadder is GOAT

>> No.9287464


this, video games are shit. Except for the odd Fifa, banter-fueled games with the lads

>> No.9287504

I ended up buying a QPAD 5k and I'm pleased as shit, but gaming was only like 30-40% of what I needed it for. Still, it's real fucking precise and the programmable speed pretty much sold it for me.

(plus 90% of gaming hardware seems to be designed, visually, by a fucking 5-yo. Doesn't matter in the end, but it was a nice plus that I don't have to hide it when I've got people over, lmao)

>> No.9287671

fk1 coming in the mail holla

>> No.9287673
File: 31 KB, 781x749, laughing-haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9287700

>Except for the odd Fifa, banter-fueled games with the lads
you best be joking
fucking pleb

>> No.9287709

Yeah and Alienware is great value for your money too right?

>> No.9288190

logitech g9x

>> No.9288205

>Microsoft Intellimouse not in at least demigod tier
surely you jest

>> No.9288226


Go ahead and waste all your parents Christmas money on a mouse, I'll still wreck you with my $20 wal-mart bargain binner.

>Thinking a mouse makes you better

Top fuckin' lel.

>B-but my K/D went up!!!


>> No.9288229

fuck off

>> No.9288240

I've used mine for over 5 years without a single problem

>> No.9288309

A good optical sensor helps you in certain games 100% (CS for example)

>> No.9288311 [DELETED] 

everyone in this thread is a coward but me

>> No.9288316



>> No.9288321

Video games for losers

Only /fa/ games to play: Gta v online and skate 1,2 or 3 and only on a console. PC is for masturbation addicts

>> No.9288327

>not just getting WMO with that 20 bucks and have flawless sensor
plebs when will they learn

>> No.9288328


>> No.9288384

mah nigga
whens 4 coming out btw?

>> No.9288398

it looks good but gta v is so mediocre it hurts

iv was sleazy and still had that g r i m street filth vibe what the fuck happened rockstar

>> No.9288582


Pretty relevant, if you're on a budget just get a CM Storm Xornet. Great tier mouse for 20 bucks

>> No.9288596

You're about 10 years too late with that. Death adder is used by about 30% of cs go pros

>> No.9288597

Ss sense raw is great for me. Mouse isn't that big a deal imo. Of course to some degree it is but a better monitor or sensitivity will change your play much more

>> No.9288598

There are better mice out there and better value for your money for sure but razer actually has few competent mice

>> No.9288600

I prefer my mx518 to my deathadder.

>> No.9288610

>this, video games are shit. Except for the odd Fifa, banter-fueled games with the lads

That screams "dudebro who only wears jersey shore outfit"