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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 933 KB, 1800x1200, itscalledfashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9266075 No.9266075 [Reply] [Original]

what do I need to tell the barber to get hair like this

>> No.9266080

"make me look like a retard"

>> No.9266082

short back and forget about it

>> No.9266084

"fuck me up"

>> No.9266085

u just tell him u be on dat there phaggy time brah

>> No.9266090

I want the Reverse Hitler please

>> No.9266092


just fuck me up fam

>> No.9266096

"I'm not going to tip"

>> No.9266105

"just leave a little landing strip in the back, don't want to look like a whore."

>> No.9266109

This at least has some creativity to it. Not enough people tryingnew stuff

>> No.9266110
File: 32 KB, 281x381, 1413870862511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Americans tip the barber

>> No.9266121

'my usual style please but this is a picture of my girlfriends vagina, give me that at the back of my head'

>> No.9266128

europoors don't?

>> No.9266138

I am not European but people in civilised countries have actual minimum wages and we don't need to tip

>> No.9266149


it's sort of an insult here because it implies they dont always do their best

>> No.9266152

haha why would anyone tip anyone
don't they get paid

>> No.9266252


>''just the tips please''
>mfw barber starts cutting all the bills from the tip jar into little christmas angels

>> No.9266347
File: 237 KB, 594x383, 139111349065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me laugh

>> No.9266567

just tell him you have autism and he'll know what to do

>> No.9266601
File: 2.60 MB, 320x240, hyde-laughing-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9266638

all the barbers I have ever been to either run the place or are allowed to set their prices. Its just a nice gesture towards the barber if he did a good job.

>> No.9266659

serious question, how poor do you have to be to NOT tip? If someone gives you a service and does a genuinely good job at it, then why not tip him an extra $5 at least? The dude works a thankless job for pennies.

Have you ever even had a job? or do you just freeload off of your parents. lol.

>> No.9266779

In Europe we have the nice gesture of going back if he did a good job, and don't go again if not.
Also this >>9266149

>> No.9266781

Fuck. I actually am debating this.

>> No.9266791

you just need FKA TWIGS as your girlfriend lel

>> No.9266799

Because in some countries workers actually earn a wage that is befitting of their position, unlike in America where people are paid the bare minimum because they are expected to make their living off tips.

>> No.9266804

I usually tip. I like letting somebody know that they gave me a good service. Usually it is only a buck or two at most. It isn't a big deal to me. I just would want to be tipped if I worked a job like that so

>> No.9266810

>The dude works a thankless job for pennies.
yeah, in XIXth century's hardcore capitalism he does

>> No.9266820


I receive tips sometimes at work so the logic I employ is that I am just giving what I received, I don't mind

It feels awesome receiving a tip, its more about the gesture than the couple of bucks, and I would be glad to give people that feeling

>> No.9267299

Show phone dingis

>> No.9268117


tell him "fuck this shit up real quick"

>> No.9268329

Typical European.

>> No.9268335

Yeah, god fuck us for trying to steer people away from being waiters and barbers for a living.

>> No.9268339
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>> No.9268342
File: 25 KB, 306x306, 10843849_847785048575299_198935970_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9268380

I fucked your daughter.

>> No.9268385

thank you anon, I needed that picture

>> No.9268493

fucking hell you're stupid

>> No.9268524
File: 18 KB, 294x200, 1419569704567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you disgusting piece of trash: stylists and barbers work there asses off and don't make shit on paper (unless they own the shop). Tips are half of their income you scumbag

>> No.9268563



>> No.9268603
File: 75 KB, 419x480, 1413975477330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9268725

Nice meme man! I was wondering... Would it be ok If I save?

>> No.9268740
File: 82 KB, 772x577, photo (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about my new haircut? its a hilter youth.

>> No.9268745

this logic sucks tho. there has to be somebody to do those jobs, and being a barber especially requires a lot of skill. i think it's a job that shouldn't be looked down upon just because you don't need a masters degree or something to get

>> No.9268747

yeah, in america. other countries have decent minimum wage.

>> No.9269596

nice contempt for the working class you got there

>> No.9269616

apparently this is actually some sort of ceremonial haircut for chinese babies
yes, even the reverse soul-patch.

>> No.9269623

looks like the average style zeitgeist poster

>> No.9269756

Wait I live in America but I never tip are we supposed to?

>> No.9269881

I thought Americans were supposed to tip everyone?

>> No.9270137

>yurops are this jewish
Topkek, enjoy the extra pennies you save .

>> No.9270277
File: 61 KB, 720x669, 5ae7a398-9674-4a10-84c9-142e99eab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9270329

/mu/ memes

>> No.9270347

i cut my own hair using a machine, a shoelace and a mirror(s)

saves me at least $150 a year

>> No.9270367


Holy fuck you're telling me you've NEVER tipped your barber?

No wonder you have a shitty haircut.

How have you not known this? You have to be joking because quite honestly you have to be retarded to not know you have to tip the hair cutter.

Especially if you go to a nice place it will say on the bill how much you want to tip.

>> No.9270616
File: 87 KB, 665x665, 1419491177606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9271569

shoelace? go on? i always do my own undercuts but its so time consuming trying not to fuck it up

>> No.9272181

underrated post

>> No.9272202

Just fuck up my whole life fam

>> No.9272250

"Fuck me up fam"

>> No.9272480

german here. most times i do tip. unless I'm at a more expensive store (--> 25€ for a simple men's haircut) and the service wasn't up to standard

>> No.9273133

"humiliate me"

>> No.9273241

jesus christ nigger $50 for a fucking haircut?
I live in Miami and I thought $10 was fucking expensive. Poor Europe.

>> No.9273591

>get pussy from FKA twigs
>turns into a weirdo

I knew it would happen

>> No.9274104
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>> No.9274118
File: 47 KB, 320x449, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9274161

more inspo
this is the 2015 cut not even joking

>> No.9274181

'just fuck my shit up'

>> No.9274200
File: 136 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9274211


matt helders in 20 years

>> No.9274223

>The dude works a thankless job for pennies
Whose problem is that?

Do construction workers get tipped by the people who will be using the buildings they built?
Do firemen get tipped for saving retards from burning buildings?
Do you walk into a Walmart and tip the geriatric greeter because he said hi to you?

If you work a job where you have to rely on tips to make anything, get used to the fact that some people just don't tip, entitled trash

>> No.9274235

tell him you fucked his wife

>> No.9274243

i think they are used to not getting tipped all the time, they are probably just pissed at people like you that come up with all sorts of bogus justification for why they dont tip because theyre really just a cheapass piece of shit

>> No.9274261

What kind of backwards society is that where you need justification for not tipping? You should have a reason for tipping.

If I'm at a restaurant and the server goes out of their way to make my visit a pleasant one, I'll tip.
If they just bring over food and drinks like they're supposed to, why am I going to spend the money I worked as hard as them to make for no reason?

>> No.9274317

Where do you go, Supercuts?

>> No.9274340

>pay 92.79 USD for a haircut (690 NOK)
>Americans still want me to tip the barber
fuck you fatties

>> No.9274434
File: 22 KB, 360x233, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is best one

>> No.9274472


>> No.9274483

do you think this guy knows he's a black twitter meme

>> No.9276773

give me the flashlight look

>> No.9276852

fucking retard ameripigs who cannot for the life of them imagine a place with customs other than in their beloved "MURICA!"

>> No.9276946

they are not kidding with how this haircut is called
somebody please tell this man that shit does not look good

>> No.9277130

wow, you guys arent funny at all. you think youre funny copying something off of a black guy's twitter account? 0/10

>> No.9279515

>Fuck a nigga up brah

>> No.9279522

You know how they know if they're doing their best?
By coming back.

>> No.9279526


>> No.9279653

This is bait

>> No.9279676

Please be trolling

>> No.9279736


"Just fuck my shit up" is the better version

>> No.9279740


If this guy were bald, I'd let him fuck my boipussy

>> No.9279932
File: 22 KB, 633x758, tfwnogf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your barber shaves your goatee so hard it comes out the back of your head

>> No.9280110


>> No.9280139
File: 38 KB, 400x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give me the shitler youth thanks lad

>> No.9280562

Trow electric razors at me

>> No.9280773

different question but how do I get my stubble to look as good as his?

>> No.9280791

wtf? you just trim it dude. you need to have good facial hair growth in the first place though.

really amazed at all the weird shit people keep asking on this board.

>> No.9280811

If I'm already paying 20-30 bucks for a haircut, why should I tip them for providing a service I've already paid for? Seems excessive in my opinion. They've already made 20-30 bucks off of my haircut, and I'm willing to bet most barbers/hair stylists make better than minimum wage. At least 10 an hour.

I don't get tipped for doing the work I do. Why should I? I'm providing a service for a set rate. Do clients I build signs for need to tip me for applying vinyl to their product?

>> No.9280877

they should be getting paid minimum wage. the whole obligatory tipping system in america is fucked up. I pay for the service already, which goes to the owner, and then he should pay them a fair wage. It's not my job to give them a salary.

>> No.9280881

Nobody tips anyone in Europe, you dumb shit. It's not a custom here because employers aren't exploiting cunts who make their employees survive off tips.

>> No.9281354


>> No.9281365

came first 2

>> No.9282059

who tips their fucking barber? maybe its because I go to a place where the guy who owns it is also the only guy who cuts hair but I never tip. Its $15 hes not an employee all proceeds go to him so why fucking tip him?

>> No.9282065

Also if they dont like the amount of money they make they shouldnt have gone into hair styling.

>> No.9283323

Thank you, you've said what I needed to, so shall we let this thread expire?

>> No.9284715

I don't know why you guys are hating at least he's trying something new

It doesn't look bad. I can see it catching on

>> No.9285523


yo just fucc me up b ayyyy


bong here, always tip em like £2 because she does a great job and makes nice conversation

for real in this world theres 3 things to keep close - your family, your friends, n your barber