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/fa/ - Fashion

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9234020 No.9234020 [Reply] [Original]

I just realised a shocking truth

/fa/ is unfashionable
I mean, it's sort of like some sort of brain wash going on here,
what styles are idealised here?
goth ninja is a market for rich stupid inept autistic children
workwear is worn by some fag who validates clothing by its rigidity, rarely ends up with a nice fit,
popcult designer era items look like crap
nobody has any foundation in art, and those who do are flops anyways
one in every thousand waywt actually look half as good as what an actual clothing stylist can compose for any given online model
people who have muscle and confidence are skewed as idiots with poor taste when plenty of them could be intelligent good people just enjoying life and not analyzing every detail of their wardrobe

and most important of all, the sheer number of similar products being posted and talked about really is the last straw, it shoes how incompetent and reliant people are on what they should wear, and how their ideology of fashion is based almost entirely on poor self image and low self esteem.

everything else is just a grail/brand circlejerk for people who Still don't know how to pull off the crap they own. like holographic rafs and creepers- what the fuck?

most trips are either weird gross human beings who real people don't want to associate with, or are good people who'se families' are worried about why they spend so much time in their room instead of going out and living a real life.

you're all just emulating what you don't have what's outside of your room by dressing as if you do have and live that life. see?

>> No.9234023

Alright dude, breathe in.

You don't need to enroll to /fa/'s homogeny, hide threads and post where you feel good.

>> No.9234024
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>> No.9234025
File: 398 KB, 1307x940, gp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks doc

>> No.9234031


clap clap you found it was a copy pasta.

>> No.9234036

I physically cringed at that swans patch

>> No.9234057
File: 1.32 MB, 2448x3264, 1404577833100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for ruining your thread op

>> No.9234141

>cringing at a patch

>> No.9234652

>them niggerlips