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/fa/ - Fashion

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9231843 No.9231843[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Took /fa/'s advice and started doing heroin to be more /fa/.

I just snort it though, is that /fa/? Or should I start injecting?

>> No.9231861

ur mom

>> No.9231872

smoke it faggot

>> No.9231877

snort it

>> No.9231885

>doing heroin makes you effay
fag, go insert it anally and kill yourself

>> No.9231889

Seems too wasteful
I just snorted half a stamp probably gonna snort the other half now

>> No.9231897
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thats it?


>> No.9231907

i just don't wanna od that seems really excessive is that a heroin pancake? i thought ingesting it doesn't do shit

>> No.9231918

lmao @ pancake

>> No.9231922

Nigga, it's just Flour, Milk,Butter,Water and an egg.
A normal fucking pancake

>> No.9231930


>> No.9231956

inject that shit
thought ur arms r gonna look nasty due to the needle marks

>> No.9231966

Water in a pancake?

>> No.9231977

nigga is a pancake

>> No.9231988

snort it faggot, injecting will fuck you up

>> No.9231998

That's not a normal egg>>9231922

>> No.9231999
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>OP injects heroin for the first time trying to be slash effay slash
>dies right before Christmas

>> No.9232002

In Eastern Europe it is

>> No.9232003

OP cant find vein.
Loses needle in arm.

>> No.9232019

injecting it is the most /fa/ way to do it. honestly i wouldn't tell people i do heroin unless i inject it. snorting it makes you look like some edgy bored suburban kid.

>> No.9232043

I just don't wanna od and I'm kinda scared of needles but if that's what it takes I'll try it I'm not tryna look like some edgy faggot poser. I'll look into it

>> No.9232065

If you really must do it, I suggest snorting or putting it in your ass. Main lining it is the quickest route to dependency and has the worst side effects. Prepare it like you would for your arm, break the needle off, put in your ass, and push the plunger.

I learned this because I can't handle needles. That said, I don't suggest it. I started with snorting it because my friends would lock themselves in a far room during parties and eventually I just decided to join them. It resulted in a huge waste of time and money, emotional stress that destroyed a lot of good relationships, a had the roughest withdrawals, and even now, a year clean, I still think about fucking up and doing more.

Don't do it because you think it's cool, because it really isn't.

>> No.9233431

My favorite cousin just OD'd on heroin 2 nights ago, right before Christmas. I can't believe it still. I haven't been home for break at all and I don't want to go back and see my aunt and grandma. It's gonna be so terrible. I haven't let myself cry or feel much of anything as of yet, but I'm typing this out on a 5th century cartography board, so maybe I'll be ok someday

>> No.9233441


>> No.9233443

>I'm not tryna look like some edgy faggot poser
>I took /fa/'s advice and started doing heroin

>> No.9233444

who cares dude was probs a piece of shit anyways

>> No.9233446


well first you wanna buy a .00 scale

amazon sells an AWS one for $20 (should be $60)

also I totally recommend shooting it because im a junky

The only way to OD is if you're a fucking idiot that doesn't weigh out his shots on a scale and doesn't do a test shot (aka a small amount) first to see what you're dealing with
Pro Tip:

be warned, you're gunna lose a shit ton of money and spend all your time doing heroin.

unless ur rich as a motherfucker all ur money is gunna drain fast
P.S. walmart sells points and they don't judge

>> No.9233458


that sucks man but as I said above your cousin was a dipshit if he managed to OD and die.

its seriously SO easy to prevent

>> No.9233463
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>> No.9233470

Heroin is great until you start needing to function and to avoid withdrawals. The honeymoon period is wonderful, but its easy to get sucked in.

I used to be addicted but now have more than a year clean. I just make poppy seed tea now...

>> No.9233475

poppy seed's doesn't do shit, u may get a little energy boost but overall ain't shit, u need to start fkin with the opium

>> No.9233480

I would but I can't find any and don't know anyone.

They give me a bit of a buzz if you put in more than 10 oz. You gotta find the right brand for them to work...

>> No.9233484


PSH was a sorta special case because his batch had fentanyl in it which is like 100x more potent than the avg street H.

Also he probably didn't do a test shot and he didn't have a friend near by with nard an, although with fent I feel like he would of already been too far gone for the narcan to work

>> No.9233485

uhh it's easy just grow the seeds u get then when the bulbs pop up u make slits in them with needles and let this white goo drip out and that's the opium

>> No.9233492

Maybe I'll try that one day, but for right now its just easier to drive to the store and buy the seeds, make the tea, etc...

I don't really have a space to grow poppies anyways...

>> No.9233498
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Explain to me how making yourself do something like that is /fa/

Explain to me how you chose to put money towards that instead of sick cops.

I certainly hope you're attractive as fuck if you're going for /fa/'s sought after heroin-chic look but even then, you can make yourself look emaciated without doing that shit.

>> No.9233510

It does suck, but he wasn't a retard. I think he was w people he didn't know.
Idk, I was figuring it was suicide but i managed to talk to my mom today and they said the texts on his phone made it seem like it wasn't.
I guess he was kind of a piece of shit though, hes leaving a 3 year old son behind. The first time I found out he was using was when he took me w him at a family function to go score. Really random and pissed me off a little.
Really wish I could go back and kick his ass

>> No.9233516

Op, don't snort it. You're wasting time and product.
Either smoke it or inject it, you'll get more of a bang for your buck.
Ive never done down but heads always told me how they abused.

>> No.9234522

Take care when you inject. It's pretty to OD as a dumb teenager

>> No.9234545

>smoking heroin
why do people do this ?
either shoot it or smoke opium

>> No.9234579
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Who /drug-free/ here?

>> No.9234735

Pig disgusting. Who psychedelics here?

>> No.9234743


>> No.9234816
File: 48 KB, 431x182, crave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw 2 days nicotine free

>> No.9234822


>> No.9234825

psychedelics master race reporting in

2C-I is my personal favorite