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File: 46 KB, 517x776, fresh-clipper-shaved-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9230683 No.9230683 [Reply] [Original]

i m 24 years old and started to go bald, at the moment i m shaving my head to 3 milimeters but i m considering to completely shave it.
Whats your opinion on shaved guys, do you like it / hate it / dont care? also does having a beard looks like "compensating" for the lack of hair? maybe a 3 day beard?
i would much rather have "normal" hair but i dont have a choice, starting to go bald at 24 years old aint easy

>> No.9230691

shaved looks cute, just make sure you aren't fat.

>> No.9230701

>shaved head
I can't recommend anything without a picture of your face. Without a picture, literally everything anyone says here will be absolutely worthless to you. With that said, you're probably too young to rock a shaved head. If you can grow substantial facial hair, that might help balance out your face. That is if you decide to keep your head shaved.

>> No.9230726

i know i m young but i dont see any other choice, at the moment i can still have 3 milimeters hair but i m losing it pretty fast at some spots... i m also working out in a gym and swimming, so i guess i will become a stereotypical bald guy from a gym... at least we dont live in 60s and 70s when everyone had a huge and long hairstyles, today its pretty common to have shaved head

>> No.9230736

shaved head here, post pic, front, sides and back if you can

>> No.9230741
File: 18 KB, 175x261, facepic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is when i had longer hair 1 year ago after washing it so it looks funny, i have somewhat "round" face so shaved head might look good

>> No.9230746

you seem like you could pull it off, I recommend you start lifting weights though, there's only 2 ways to rock a shave head, like a chemo patient or like a old timey strong man

>> No.9230762

already doing that, not because of hair but because i enjoy it. Dont think i ll look "huge" though, my natural body type is more athletic with smaller waist and broader shoulders, about 79-80kg at 183cm

>> No.9230778

Atleast ur not baldibg at 16-18 . im 19 and my haorline is shit and i started fin

>> No.9230792

good shit, keep it up, as long as you're not skeletor it will work. You can consider turning the mexi stache into a real mustache too, to complete the old timey strong man look. I would love to pull off the old tomey strong man look even if I'm not going bald, just too lazy and depressed to work out properly

>> No.9230801

>but I don't have a choice
Yes you do you dumb faggot, its called finasteride, its incredibly effective at halting the progression of mpb

>> No.9230813

it's also incredibly effective at killing your dick

>> No.9230821

i tried it, its not helping

>> No.9230827


>> No.9230832

pics or it didn't happen. I have never actually seen any photographs that indicate the worsening of hair whilst on fin, and I've spent a lot of time browsing hair loss forums :3

>> No.9230852

That's not even that bad you faggot

>> No.9230870

pic is old, i dont have that hairstyle anymore

>> No.9231751
File: 60 KB, 459x489, hemuls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on fin for 4 months and so far it has done nothing for my libido or erection. Jizz is watery but that was expected.

OP try fin and minoxidil, they should work! If not, shave it bitch.