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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 449 KB, 944x1000, doc-martens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9227005 No.9227005 [Reply] [Original]

What docs does /fa/ recommend & how do you wear them?
>male btw

>> No.9227020

First thing I do is cut off those annoying tabs on the back. They always get in the way of cuffing.

>> No.9227034

this, and if you really want t buy that style of boot, get solovairs if you didn't already fuck up and got docks.

>> No.9227109


>> No.9227124
File: 63 KB, 480x400, 1460 mono white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9227129

>sole of air

But seriously stop recommending those. They're not sold anywhere.

>> No.9227132

We need to take them back. Rugged combat and work boots should never have become a cute girly fashion staple.

>> No.9227136
File: 136 KB, 480x400, karter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9227147
File: 136 KB, 480x400, hadley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9227151
File: 130 KB, 480x400, castel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9227155

buy them online fucktard.

>> No.9227174 [DELETED] 

link or STFU

>> No.9227178 [DELETED] 

By anywhere I meant online as well, you absolute mong

>> No.9227198

Jesus this is such an autistic post just fucking wear them

Frat guys sometimes wear vans man! Gotta take em back make em slash eff ayy slash!

>> No.9227202

What model is this? The matte makes them look so clean

>> No.9228269


>> No.9228371


>> No.9228376

>Jesus this is such an autistic post just fucking wear them
I can't.. /fa/ will make fun of me ;_;

>> No.9228377

>how do you wear them?

on your feet m8

>> No.9228461

castel.png? what about it? did u read my post fucktard? maybe try re-reading it

>> No.9228484

Are you stupid or just trolling? The model name is Castel. It's a Dr Martens Castel. For fuck's sake dude.

>> No.9229439
File: 371 KB, 2048x1152, docs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought my first pair recently.

>> No.9229475

ITT: plebs who get pegged by their chubby tumblr gf's with green hair

>> No.9229495

black out the stitching with a sharpie follow by shoe polish or you look like a faggot.

>> No.9229523 [DELETED] 

Well, at least I don't sound like a faggot.


>> No.9229524

I'm sure you do once you manage to get all the dicks out of your mouth

>> No.9229542
File: 137 KB, 500x413, 1365065581421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9229544

First, make sure to make a tumblr account. You can't wear docs if you don't have a tumblr

>> No.9229577

See >>9229416

>> No.9229736

What if you're in the US?

>> No.9230464

Everyone on /fa/ has a Tumblr account. As much as they like to deny it and talk smack about Tumblr. Regular Tumblr threads prove that most /fa/ggots fit right in on Tumblr.

>> No.9230488

Why ruin something that's perfectly fine? Fuck

Bet you believe in circumcision too

>> No.9232331

I think the pair of Docs I bought recently might be a bit too big for me. How should I remedy this? I already wear thick socks.

>> No.9232460

Get a size down, but they might be too small because they don't make half sizes.

If that's too expensive get insoles and heel grips I guess. Usually when I have too much toe space I put some animal wool in there.

>> No.9232481

get the oxblood ones and polish them with black polish
it looks gr8

>> No.9232484

the fuck? why not just get black ones then.

>> No.9232497

it gives them a dark red cherry colour, its p cool, i wore docs like that for ~ 4 years

>> No.9232508

I think I'll take your insole suggestion. Dr. Martens FAQ page says that their insoles take half a size away from your boots, so that should be perfect. Good idea with the animal wool.

>> No.9232621

Underrated post.
+1 for the uncut fags

>> No.9232718

I really don't understand America's obsession with circumcision at all, here in the UK it's done for religious reasons.

>> No.9232741

the jews did this to us

>> No.9232750

circumcision is mainly done in the US for religious reasons too. which is why people on 4chan have something against it, they hate jews and muslims.
but sometimes it's for medical reasons. not like the child usually has a say in it so it's pathetic to blame them for something that was out of their control..

anyway don't hijack this thread with this bullshit. there are plenty of other boards you can have your penis discussions on.

>> No.9232765


>> No.9232774

>Makes a text wall shitpost about circumcision
> anyway don't hijack this thread with this bullshit

>> No.9232788

I had to clarify because I am one of those people whose parents decided to get me circumcised for medical reasons. I was 4. It sucks seeing everyone talking shit about it all the time like I could have prevented it. But yeah, fair enough.

>> No.9232791

Hey guys can I get sone opinions on whether to cop these clark desert malis or mono 1460s :)

>> No.9232792

>3 lines
>text wall

>> No.9232808

For this board that is as about as long of post as I have ever seen. Tbh a post longer than '"ol fuccboi" is surprising

>> No.9232900
File: 49 KB, 599x353, 1382986637744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have black 1490s, laced up to the 8th eyelet with the top 2 undone. If it's snowy or wet out I tuck my pants into the boot, if it's dry I just wear my pant leg over them.

People get to uptight about this, just wear it how you want to wear it and buy ones that you find appealing. It really isn't that difficult.

>> No.9232933

probably desert malis. i won 1460s and they're okay.

>> No.9233612
File: 119 KB, 480x400, 15219601[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I wear with these?

>> No.9233643

1460 mono blacks
cherry reds also look dope in streetware

better b ready 2 shed blood 4 the ayran race if ur buyin these tho

fuckbois beware

>> No.9233725

Is it even worth it to get the made in China/Thailand Docs? Are the made in England ones any better, or should you just go with Solovair?

>> No.9234015

You retard I was blaming the parents for doing something so stupid.

Seems someone's insecure and butthurt over their mutilated pecker.

Ironically, you're the one who posted the longest and lengthiest post about cocks lol.

>> No.9234535

Just got some solovair astronauts, after owning docs for about 3 years I've gotta say solovair is superior in every way.

>> No.9234547

Don't wear docs

Look like dudes trying to cross play Miley Cyrus or a bitch dressing 2012 tumblr edgy


>> No.9234599
File: 16 KB, 310x233, 3rsj30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solovair is superior in every way

>> No.9234635

can you speak in english? and say that post again so i can understand it. and also stop being a tripfag its not a good thing

>> No.9236100


A noose.

>> No.9236113

nice viral marketing dude

>> No.9236122

Your post is as long as his, asswipe
And of course he's insecure about it, people like you are creating that insecurity

>> No.9236162

>What docs does /fa/ recommend
a noose

>> No.9236183

don't cut yourself on that edge brah

>> No.9236253

Are you retarded anon?

>> No.9236269

STEEL boots, gripfast, grinders, tredair