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/fa/ - Fashion

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9226139 No.9226139 [Reply] [Original]

Us Australians, we have transcended the 'normal persons' routine of deciding what to wear each morning and have shifted our conscious to focus on important things.

Like drinking, escaping the heat, visiting the botanical gardens for the hundredth time, asking your mate with the boat what he's up to this weekend, working, drinking, pretending to like The Pier more than you actually do, chatting up the tourists at nightclubs and more drinking. All of these activities can be completed in the following outfit:

Sunnies, T-shirt, Shorts, Thongs and Stubby cooler (this will be your 'statement' piece)

I know what you're thinking... You're thinking that I mentioned going out to nightclubs and that you couldn't possibly do that in thongs! You would be dead wrong.

Any club owner worth his/her salt (or at least the owner of any club you actually want to get in to) has little to no concerns when it comes to mixing fashion with workplace health and safety. Not to mention they would lose 85% of their clientele if they even remotely cared!

We are free from the trials and tribulations of anything to do with fashion.

>> No.9226152

i can't wait to leave australia forever

>> No.9226158

this is true

>> No.9226174

I live in Adelaide

There are no tourists here

>> No.9226187

I know that feel

>> No.9226189

Sounds like Canberra to me, Melbourne's completely different to u lads

>> No.9226198

can also make statements with branded slides

>> No.9226208

I went to the Australia vs India test match today and the least I can say is I'm fucking ashamed to be Australian. A nation of degenerates on the slippery slope downwards

>> No.9226221

W2c shorts?

>> No.9226241



>> No.9226251


get fucked ya cunts

>> No.9226256

t-take me with you

>> No.9226258

Fuuuck wanna move to nyc but I'm a poor cunt

Fucking straya has nothing to do if you're young

>> No.9226277
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>wanting to live in amerifatland

this website is full of weirdos!

>> No.9226382

>this website is full of weirdos
Welcome to 4chan! New friend!

>> No.9226393
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>tfw almost everyone in my country dream of living in Australia

>> No.9226396

what do people do in nyc?

>> No.9226502


Sit around all day and talking about how awesome it is to live in the capital of the world.

>> No.9226506

nothing. it's too fucking expensive to do anything there.

>> No.9226512

The housing is expensive but the food is cheap

so I don't really know what you are talking about

>> No.9226812


>> No.9226852

australia is the worst place in the world. the heat, the animals, the horrible accents, no good stores so you have to pay lots for shipping.

i hope the whole country gets bombed

>> No.9227394

g'day m8s

>> No.9228256

The Australian presence on this board is what keeps me here

>> No.9228414

You can't be fa in the summer in australia, just buy some short short some wife beaters and just enjoy the heat.

>> No.9228423

You do realize that we live in litteraly one of the best countries in the world?
there will be dickheads every country you go to, pull your head out of your ass and stop dreaming of living in fucking La la land

>> No.9228482

aussie here. can confess to having spiders everywhere. also since its hot they never die and just keep getting bigger year on end. pls someone send help

>> No.9228490

>You do realize that we live in litteraly one of the best countries in the world?

LMFAO. Is this what people from Australia actually think?

>> No.9228509

What the hell is a "Stubby cooler?"

>> No.9228513
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Australia has one the highest living standards in the world no matter where you get your information.

>> No.9228536

Google says its a koozie... Around here only rednecks use them.

>> No.9228564

"Alright I admit it, there are a lot of spiders in australia, get off my balls"

>> No.9228581

Here too. Australians online like to perpetuate the meme that all Australians are like that, when in reality 4chan's Australian population are almost exclusively from the surrounding suburbs of the major cities and don't act like the stereotype at all. Especially on /fa/. Most of these faggots are pseudointellectuals who have probably never even played cricket or league. Softcocks of the highest order

How many actual hardcunts are on this board right now? Very few. You probably would pretend you're from Busby but you fags are really from Marrickville or Newtown

>> No.9228590

are you a hardcunt

post a fit

>> No.9228605

>stubby cooler

Someone nuke this fucking nightmare of a country already

>> No.9228623

I roll with boys fresh out of silverwater, dealt a bit, ran a bit. I 'delivered some messages' from Fadi Ibrahim a few years back. I've never killed anyone or been arrested but I'm 'under investigation'. I don't consider myself a hardcunt cos I was never a standover/collector but I'm harder than 100% of aussie shitposters on a chink fashion board.

>> No.9228645

the botanical gardens thing is right but you don't see many thongs here and there are no tourists

>> No.9228744

You must be Australian.

>> No.9229606


>> No.9229610
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>wanna move to nyc


>> No.9229616



>> No.9229643

M8, live in the bush and wrestle kangaroos and wombats because I am true fucking blue. You're not hard you city slicker, I bet you can't even hunt Koalas with sharpened VB cans you stole out of your mates 74' HQ. I'd wager 12 gumnuts that you've never rooted a dingo to save a baby.

>> No.9229650

>american 'banter'

On the off chance you're actually one of those incredibly unfunny australians who grew up exclusively on american televsion and video games, this is the stupid shit I'm talking about. None of you are inherently hard just because you live in this country. South-west sydney train lines are more dangerous than anything in the australian outback

>> No.9229663

Who cares? Post the most /fa/ summerwear you can.

I know there's not much but please.

>> No.9229666

You sound like a really hard sorta guy. Rock hard

>> No.9229671


Forgetting Malcolm Naden and Crocodile Dundee? Trains aren't scary. Natives bees are scary.

>> No.9229672

oh god

>> No.9229679

What's up your arse, did a dingo steal your baby or something?

>> No.9229681
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we are a racist mining nation. we have no need for fancy ass shit. we spend our money on the good shit. v8 cars and beers. used separately. take care over the christmas break.

>> No.9229684

top kek, tokyo is the good shit

>> No.9229867

I'm in Bogan fucking Gate right now, just came back from camping where I had to kill a brown snake with a shovel. I was out on motorbikes all day yesterday, sunburn to the max, you soft cocks will never realize how important subbie holders are.

>> No.9229882

For everyone who gets there perception of Australians from this website, it will be very skewed. Firstly the australian populous is very diverse with many different ethnic groups so you can't stereotype people very well. The stereotype of Australians that is presented is bolstered by the unintelligent, unfunny and in social demographic of the people who browse this board a lot of times these people aren't even Australians. I'll tell you what australia is like, due to its low population density retail shops aren't very good, the drinking and violent culture portrayed is no where near the level of glasgow or Newcastle. Most people are pretty friendly. It's very humid on the coast, where most people live so in summer it is very hard to be fashionable. Australians as a whole don't like the stupid, most probably immigrants faggy up there countries name on a Lithuanian cartoon forum

>> No.9230188

whose that wog?
hes ugly af (almost as much as u heh)

>> No.9230192

a short skinny white fag like u would get rekt in about 2 hours in nyc lel

>> No.9230214

I'm interested what kind of men Lamy, Stance and Samson will grow up to be. They are like 5'9" max the lot of them and will go from ugly little beta teens to ugly little beta bald cunts with shitkicker jobs. What a sad life. Especially when the average Aussie bloke is a total alpha on roids with a nice tan and fucks new sluts every week.

>> No.9230220

Thread hidden.

>> No.9230239
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pic related

>> No.9230250

>the average Aussie male is a tanned roided alpha
Ayy lmao


>> No.9230305

isnt samson a 5'6" half greek underagedbant?
i imagine most aussies are like zyzz heh

>> No.9230314

No, you're thinking of pigfuck
What, you mean dead, selfconscious faggots? :^)

>> No.9230530

>Countries with Highest Quality of Life in the World.
>Quality of life


>> No.9230557

How the fuck did Ireland get so high?

>> No.9230562

Can comfirm, jumping on test/tren when I'm 21 just to look normal.
The funny thing is I'm not even kidding.
Go to an Australian shopping center, and try and count five non-zyzz-shredded motherfuckers in a row.
Girls standards are that fucking high now.

>> No.9231171

OZ fashion/lifestyle thread

This not posted yet

I'm disappointed in ya /fa/


>> No.9231282

>Tfw norwegian
Stfu aussie fuck

>> No.9232089

how can balding 5'8" fetal alcohol syndrome motherfuckers like lamy compete? or are their choices a 2/10 fat hambeast or goin gay?

>> No.9232097

Pom in Australia.

This country is sick af cunts, get a grip you entitlied little fuckwits

>> No.9232102

>tfw no good reason to move to tokyo

not even strayan
just wanna get out of this lame midwestern america scene

>> No.9232103

Best places to thrift lads?

>> No.9232114

Tbh if I was in the one percent I'd buy property in NYC

>> No.9232163

Yes you are quite true. But in our culture, reinforcing our own sterotypes to ourselves and any foreigners we find is an integral part of our humour and way of life. This may be something that only Aussies can understand, but you're welcome to prove me wrong.

>> No.9232183

>tfw you have never even seen a snake because you live in the city
>tfw you desperately undermine everyone else's experiences to feel better, when the problem is your circlejerk perception of how bad your life is
>tfw you voted for Abbott
"All hail the Lizard King"

>> No.9232265

as someone who's lived in NYC for most of his life, avoid this place. It's an overpriced shithole that will bleed you dry