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/fa/ - Fashion

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9206017 No.9206017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 5'6

H-hold me my fellow short mods.

>> No.9206020

It's cool, don't dress like a pleb and you will be fine, have your own style and that will make up for your height.
Also grow a pair

>> No.9206022

There is no better feeling than being over 6 foot.

>> No.9206028

Same height a Bob Dylan, and many say he had style

>> No.9206031

>wake up feeling good
>walk outside
>everyone is taller than me
>qt grills look down at me
>go to sleep feeling sad
and that folks is a normal day in my life ;-;

>> No.9206034

never knew bob dylan was an overcompensating manlet but not surprised

>> No.9206040

Iktf bro

>tfw you will never be 6 feet + and dress effay

>> No.9206045
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>tfw Mulatto and 6 ft
It's a good kind of feel

>> No.9206049

OP 5'7'' here.
Many people say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But I don't give a fuck about lemons, fuck your lemons life and I seriously give two shits about my height and my friends that are taller than me know that, girls know that, I get laid, I have a life , deal with that. Also in a fight it helps being short and muscley

>> No.9206051

I know that fucking feel, bro....

4chan has made me so insecure I'm considering getting risky leg lengthening surgery in a 3rd world country

>> No.9206056

>tfw almost 6'4'' and still going
this is getting out of hand

>> No.9206060

How much do you weigh?

>> No.9206064

>waaaaaaaaaaah I'm short and I can't mimic generic /fa/ style waaaaaaaah waaaaaah I might have to get my own style waaaaaaaah
Shut your stupid mouth faggot.

>> No.9206069

Just be thankful that you're not a fucking midget or something and stop taking /fa/ seriously

>> No.9206075

156lbs 9%bf, I do hiit as well as boxing 2 times a week and free weights 4 times a week.

>> No.9206079
File: 9 KB, 255x255, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw 5'4

>> No.9206081

seeing a girl thinner than me makes me angry.

>> No.9206093
File: 26 KB, 238x231, 1418070789098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'8''
feels average here in Italy

>> No.9206108

but it's not you're still short

>> No.9206112

>tfw 195cm

Feels good to be a giant :)

>> No.9206113

>tfw white and 6'0" in Mexico
I feel like a delicate angel

>> No.9206117

yeah but it doesn't bother me friend, I got over it, no pun intended :^)

>> No.9206120

Mullato bros stand up

6'4" and gorgeous

>> No.9206126

No it helps having long reach so you can punch manlets in the nose before their stubby arms can reach you

>> No.9206134


he's average

he's not under the 3rd percentile for italy, you know...

>> No.9206142

Lol I'm 6'1 and 128lbs. I'm the optimum height and weight. Not too tall not a short manlet, not a fatty fuck not a aneroixic African.

>> No.9206147

>tfw 6 ft

Almost never have grills look down at me, still taller than most blokes, even if they're taller it's almost unnoticeable.

>> No.9206152

>auschwitz mode

>perfect weight

perfect weight for just 6 ft is 75 kg

>> No.9206160

>tfw 5'10"
>tfw manlet by 4chan standards

I tower over most people in my country but still get upset because of strangers' standards on an weaboo imageboard.

>> No.9206163

128 lbs is the optimum weight for 6 feet hahaha? I'm like 155 and there's no way I could go any lower at 6 feet. How hungry are you hungry skeleton?

>> No.9206190
File: 73 KB, 720x540, ABSOLUTELY_BASED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'6" here too op, just remember you're the same height as the basedgod

>> No.9206196

I can tackle you to the ground and fuck you and your gf, who's the bish now...bish. She'll probably leave home with me anyway, I worked on my personality instead of relying on my height only to get girls. You lankets won't understand that.

>> No.9206198

god this board is filled with /fit/ insecure fucks lol

god bless

>> No.9206210

>tfw 10/10 facial features

>tfw 5'8 and can't model because of it

I was so close

>> No.9206217

post face

>> No.9206223


>tfw 6'2 and looking bigger and more aesthetic thanks to fit.

>> No.9206231
File: 48 KB, 500x750, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9206249


now post a fit

>> No.9206250


couldn't you do like editorial shit and not runway, or do models like that need to be tall as well?

>> No.9206263
File: 210 KB, 1774x1200, 66_1dalai_lama_tear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw short and have broud shoulders
Nothing's worse guys - I can't find anything that's of my length. Sweaters are too long, tshirts are too long, shirts are too long, jackets are too long. It's horrible feeling since I can't find something of my length. Like a simple denim jacket looks long on me which is quite reateded considering she should stay beyond above the hips.

>> No.9206264

Y-you are beautiful, no homo.

>> No.9206268


>> No.9206286

>tfw 167 sm
At least I'm still growing...

>> No.9206295

All you gotta do is get muscle on your body and not dress like a pleb and you are set for life.

>> No.9206323

7/10 maybe a 8/10 if you did a lot of work

>> No.9206326
File: 190 KB, 1280x851, tumblr_l8bmr2JXpu1qc8v0no1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be 5'8
>Don't remotely give a shit

>> No.9206332
File: 139 KB, 378x251, Blanda Upp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye ye ye

>> No.9206340

don't worry
5'6" is a great height for a femanon.

>> No.9206345


No I'm a 10/10 facially. I'm doing commercial modeling but got turned down by all the big NYC agencies cause of my height.

It was like a knife through the heart. "Love your look but we have a height requirement"


>> No.9206347

>get muscle on your body
>want to go to gym
>afraid of growing out of my >500$ fits due to broader shoulders, more muscles and so on

>> No.9206355

10/10 lol your hair is fucking awful, you look cross eyed too stop gassing yourself

>> No.9206365
File: 40 KB, 533x800, pic16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Nick Snider and I'm pretty sure he ain't posting this old shit on 4chan.

>> No.9206374

oh and he's 6'1

>> No.9206400

His face doesn't match his height, it would suit him being smaller, plus that fit is so shit

>> No.9206411
File: 326 KB, 2480x1670, prada-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for ruining my troll thread fgt

>> No.9206428

Try /soc/ if you want to post model pictures. Way easier than here.

>> No.9206437


I knew that one of your fags would recognize Snider but was hoping for a bit more time.

Do you remember how his modeling career ended? Getting arrest and offering blowjobs to the cops as a bribe lol.

>> No.9206443

Yeah, I read that. On bild.de no less

>> No.9207836
File: 133 KB, 354x363, feelhappyfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gf is taller than me

>> No.9207841

im 5'11. but the problem is that i have short legs.

my waist to feet is just 85cm. :(

>> No.9207866

shit nigga, just measured mine and it's ~100cm and I'm 5'10

>> No.9207876

lol u pretend u r fuckin ur mom BIIITTCH@@ hahah im joking ... not haha yeah ... right HAHHAHA

>> No.9207882

Gain some fucking weight - I bet you look disgusting

>> No.9207884

feels good to be you

>> No.9207885

I want to be at least 5'9". Is that too much to ask for?

>> No.9207894
File: 169 KB, 260x556, cool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really? holy shit
he looks so tall

>> No.9207898

I'm still 5'10 so not really

>> No.9207900


Your measurements are anorexic you twiggy fuck

>> No.9207912

>tfw you've had terrible social anxiety all your life
>find out being short is a turn off
>which means being tall is a turn on
>realize you're 6'2"
>feed off the tears of manlets
>anxiety is cured

Yeah, I highly recommend being tall. Do it if you ever have the chance. Best decision of my life.

>> No.9209290

tfw 6'2. I barely think about it, but other people often mention how tall I am, feels p. good I guess.

>> No.9209297
File: 86 KB, 507x600, 1406247790408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% Colombian

I'll take it

>> No.9209300
File: 39 KB, 165x115, h6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'3
>tfw hairy

eh i guess i'd rather have a problem that can be dealt with

>> No.9209335

Feels pretty "meh" to me.