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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 54 KB, 396x361, LODSOFEMONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9189746 No.9189746 [Reply] [Original]

What does /fa/ do for work? How do you afford being so effay?

>> No.9189754

graphic design
I do advertising/rebranding for companies and they pay out the ass for it

>> No.9189782

Retail :(
Make 1600 a month but at least I can afford to live on my own.

>> No.9189787

Starting a job as a computer programmer soon, gonna be making around 4 grand a month.

>> No.9189812

I'd believe it, where at?

>> No.9189819



So I'm supposed to do manual labor now?

>> No.9189824

Work for a wedding photography company as a photographer. We are based in NYC. Most /fa/ job ever.

>> No.9189829

i'm an 18 year old college student who lives at home and off of the 20 dollars my grandma gives me sometimes

>> No.9189841

I build sets for theaters and other carpentry related things, also welding side-gigs
20-yo college student otherwise

>> No.9189848

sup kev

>> No.9189855
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Self employed in the construction industry.

Pic related.

>> No.9189857

lets grab lunch sometime this week

>> No.9189860


>> No.9189861

College student, I'm 19
Just got a job as a sales associate at Macy's. I live in a small town and it is the best store here.

>> No.9189868
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dat's gay, bro, i don't go on dates with my brother

>> No.9189870

Working on my CS Doctorates. I get a shit load of grants from the Government for research and I get some money from my Uni too.

>> No.9189873

Flight Instructor.

>> No.9189902

why are you browsing /fa/? go back to shitposting on /mu/ and saving pictures of koreans from /hr/

>> No.9189913

💰 Los dolares autistico 💰

>> No.9189916

im majoring in bio but have a part time job making bubble tea. bubble tea is /fa/ right

>> No.9189917

I'm a sous chef.

>> No.9189941

The most /fa/

That you, Yawn?

>> No.9189961


for what purpose?

>> No.9190010
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I've compiled a list of things I want to do in the future maybe, seems relevant here

>seasonal firefighter
Fight fires and protect rich peoples' homes in the summers of California. They pay for room and board and then some. Starts $10 an hour, and pays more for riskier positions. Being dropped out of a helicopter in the middle of a fire is $35 an hour iirc

>Volunteer Soldier in Syriac Kurdistan
Get in contact via Skype with the Kurds who are fending off Isis; volunteer to fight; pay $1200 or so for flights there and back but after that you are supplied food, room, board, guns, and Kurdbros. Chance of getting beheaded, though. Other volunteer soldier positions would be the Azov Battalion in Ukraine, which is the only neonazi battalion to be paid for by international Jews

>waiter in upscale restaurant; bartender
You get to dress well and meet well-dressed people. People often underestimate how much you can make in tips

>freelance webdev (MEAN+WP); graphic design; real estate photographer
This gives you maximal freedom and a good amount of dough if you work hard enough. You can cook up websites in hours that'll go for $100. Combine your networking, advertising, and webdev prowess and work for real estate listing companies as a freelance agent

>Lawyer because your pop is a lawyer
Following a family tradition is very /fa/

Any other /fa/ jobs you can think of?

>> No.9190019

>Azov Battalion in Ukraine
Where are you right now? I want to kick your ass, you faggot armchair warrior.

>> No.9190033

>seasonal firefighter
>$35 an hour

Jesus christ, I'm gonna be sitting at a desk making $30 an hour

>> No.9190044

Nope, not even close. Seriously, event photography is the WORST job on the planet if you have to deal with and kowtow to the people I hang out with (which I assume are your target demographic).

>> No.9190046

are you seventeen years old

>> No.9190066

I think you misinterpreted my post. I added that just because I find it funny that a neo-nazi battalion is openly funded by Jews (see how the ADL protested a congressional bill BANNING aid to the battalion). I don't support the battalion, and barely support Ukraine in the conflict. Personally I think Russia has the right to secure land that is historically and demographically Russian when the country they agreed to give it to had a coup d'etat


>> No.9190082

>>seasonal firefighter
>Fight fires and protect rich peoples' homes in the summers of California. They pay for room and board and then some. Starts $10 an hour, and pays more for riskier positions. Being dropped out of a helicopter in the middle of a fire is $35 an hour iirc
What's the deal with this, I'm planning on become a firefighter after I finish my degree, but I've never heard of seasonal really....same training?

>> No.9190090

I'm in auto sales. I work at a Mercedes dealership in Pasadena. The commission I receive is more than good enough for a young, single male to survive and thrive in Cali. I love sales, I love selling, I'm really good at it, but I don't feel like this is something I want to do 40 years down the line.

>> No.9190095
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I groom dogs for rich hipsters in Brooklyn.

>> No.9190097

What degree are you going for that you're just gonna become a firefighter instead?

>> No.9190099

i fucking hate salesmen, pls kill yourself

fucking lol

>> No.9190110

Wow, this place IS filled with autists.

>> No.9190116

Getting my AA from university in English most likely, knocking out college before I hop into the firefighter thing in case I ever have to change careers, and a college degree means more money and an easier promotion rate as well. Talked to a guy the other day and apparently people are trying to become firemen with masters degrees, high school education doesn't really cut it anymore unfortunately

>> No.9190120

im a copy writer for a marketing agency

>> No.9190122

nice. what kind of car do you drive? i ask b/c my brother is a tech at mercedes and he thinks they're garbage, so he owns (an older) BMW M3

>> No.9190123

Why do you say that? Also, what's wrong with Mercedes? I think they are great cars for people who have the money.

>> No.9190127

>masters to be a firefighter

Damn, that's nuts.

>> No.9190135

Yea, there's a lot of competition atm. Real bummer, used to be a lot easier, just go do a civil service exam or whatever and go for it. My dad was a sheriff back in the day, went and got the job at 19 no questions asked and did that until he retired. Those days must of been nice

>> No.9190136

I got a 2012 Mercedes e350. Just like every new-money Chinese immigrant college student. (They are always the best customers.)

>> No.9190147

where my engineers at

>> No.9190255

being an engineer is the least fa job. i was majoring in mechatronical engineering it sucked i dropped out. now i am majoring in industrial design and it is great.

>> No.9190264

it's okay, not everyone can handle the math ;^)

>> No.9190336

18 year old and working at Discount Tire part time & enlisted in the Navy waiting to ship out

Make about 250-300 a week and doing fine staying at home

>> No.9190342

>enlisted in the Navy
do u like the cock

>> No.9190368

aspiring gem thief

>> No.9190385

this guy

>> No.9190412
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made over $200k this year and i'm not even out of high school yet

>> No.9190418

high school dropout, making good $$$$ in the public sector. having fun buying my ricks and my rafs in the meantime. going to spend next year travelling, maybe university after that as an adult applicant.

>> No.9190423

just kidding, actually $150k
fuck fluctuations

>> No.9190439

Enlisted in the Marine Corps

Helicopter Mechanic

>> No.9190517

rusnak arcadia?
>from pasadena
>mom bought form there last year red c250

>> No.9190523
File: 384 KB, 1024x768, 1379272551693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intelligence analyst for a government agency. When people ask what I do for a living I usually lie or say something really vague. The pay is pretty decent.

>> No.9190529

still in hs
getting into business schools rn
looking of going into business management/ retail
want to eventually work corporate for big lables

>> No.9190534

>majoring in business

way to shoot for the stars. :^)

>> No.9190598
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I don't make very much. I do some writing/design/internship stuff and get a bit of help from my parents

>> No.9190604

>People often underestimate how much you can make in tips

i was working as a waiter until just 4 days ago, it may be the best paid job for someone without actual economical skills, i was making like $200 a day in just tips, too bad i got fired because of not assisting one day

looking for job in outsourcing, i might end in a cinema or a call center

>> No.9190608



I still have a semester left of school but I'm working at an engineering firm full-time right now.

Sure it's not fashionable but I love the work and I get paid a lot of money considering that I'm still a student and the youngest guy there.

>> No.9190609


>> No.9190611

freelance, I own an art studio I work from

>> No.9190613

yo what app is that? been looking for some sorta budgety thing since forever

much appreciated, thx in advance

>> No.9190615

How's it going?

I actually remember selling a wine red C250 luxury sedan to a very nice woman in her 50s. Does this sound familiar to you?

If you want to meet up, come over by the dealership and I'll try to sell you a car. I'm the cool looking young guy wearing brogues.

>> No.9190616

💰 The dollars autistics 💰

>> No.9190622

mint.com. It's good for tracking multiple accounts. RBC has one built into its web interface though

>> No.9190632

Where my grad students at?

>> No.9190635

thanks, you da real MVP

>> No.9190638


>> No.9190648

Got any proof?

>> No.9190666

you;'ll never catch your bro on 4chins :(
at least i know someone in my undergrad program goes on 4chan

>> No.9190671

hahahah pathetic

>> No.9190680

18, working a photography position for a small town newspaper, teach guitar on the side and applying for a position at the local richfag airport where I'll be making $20/hour.

>> No.9190698

dang, that inconsistency has to be a killer.

>> No.9190709


did u ball out in august though

>> No.9190731

What job could a poor uni student with a lot of charisma get that pays decently and is fun?

>> No.9190735

you should probably just try and find something related to your major.

>> No.9190763
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all in cold storage, i just use blockchain.info to monitor the price (watch-only)

tfw i didn't buy more coins years ago
tfw i didn't sell at $1200
tfw i've spent hundreds of coins when they were only a few dollars each

i could be retired before i even graduate from high school fml

>> No.9190766


charisma is a must-have, and each customer is a new challenge

>> No.9190771

I was thinking about being a seasonal firefighter in Colorado during fire seasons and instruct snowboarding during the winter.
Volunteer soldier is deff a rock bottom for me.
I served and bartended at the nicest country club in Georgia this year and It's high stress but pays very well I was making 1.5k to 2k bi weekly not including under the table tips but I got fired for too many no call no shows not looking for another service industry job though.
Being a lawyer is insane dedication.

>> No.9190785

How do I get into this. ?

>> No.9190792

through the white doors on the right, probably

>> No.9190795

Yeeeee. Where do you go/work?

>> No.9190797

lmao im starting to like you

>> No.9190806

army paratrooper 240 gunner

maroon beret /fa/ as fukkk

>> No.9190831

I'm a waiter at a cheap restaurant in Manhattan. I make enough to pay rent and that's about it.

I'm also an RN, but I can't find work. I'm about to give up and just move to some shit area of the country so I can get some experience. Not looking forward to it.

>> No.9190840

Buy me some Y-3s <3

>> No.9190865

Stay in the city

>> No.9190870

can you help me make some money anon

>> No.9190915

Trust me, I'd love to, but I can't work in a restaurant for the rest of my life. The longer I wait to find a nursing job, the harder it will become to find employment.

>> No.9190935
File: 112 KB, 700x933, Gucci-Men-Pre-Fall-2014-Collection-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a freelance writer and also a fiction writer, which means that I am a NEET who gets money from his parents while supplementing it on occasion with an article someone pays me for. I am actively looking for a more stable job, hopefully one that would allow me to at least do some writing.

I'll get the last laugh when I'm a towering figure of literature, though. I'm the greatest writer of this age, it's just no one knows it yet.

>> No.9190941

i'd love to but people are bullying me in the WAYWT thread so i'm not going to

sorry anon

>> No.9190944

Okay... As a medical assistant, all the nurses I work with are jaded burnouts from years of continuous stress being a nurse

Just don't become that person

>> No.9190961

yeah, but he will

his life is ruined already. he has too much debt to pursue any other career. he already fell for the "being a doctor is easy money" ruse after he graduated high school (boom there goes his future)

if he doesn't become "that person" he'll be worthless to the hospital and will get fired and become homeless and unable to pay his loans

>> No.9190978

I work at a call center selling tv,inernet and phone.

I don't know if it's effay,but it's a damn good first job.

>> No.9190982


Help me not be poor please. Reveal your ways. Fuck what they're saying in WAYWT, you look awesome today.

>> No.9190990

Assistant Manager at Brooks Brothers.
Get at least 50% off everything

Trade discounts with people from RL, LV, Burberry, Prada, Lacoste, etc.

Pretty much every well know designer brand at the mall.

>> No.9191013

Are you a specialist in some field?
I've been trying to think of careers that would let me make the most of my dream of being well-educated in as many fields as possible (ie a generalist) and can't decide if this would be an option open to me.

>> No.9191018

Hook me up with some good shit :^)

>> No.9191021


>> No.9191024
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>you look awesome today

>> No.9191037

No promises. I can't predict the future. I do like helping people, though.

Except I'm a nurse, not a doctor. I could pay off my debt in a year if I moved back home. Once I have experience I can move into consulting, or I can stay in the field and become a practitioner or an anesthetist. There are options.

>> No.9191049
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No, I'm a generalist. What I need to know or learn about depends on my current location or personal interests. I know imagery/signals analysts and linguists that will never do anything else, but I can dabble in whatever I want/need to.

>> No.9191052

I'd also add it's a good job if you're the type of guy/girl that enjoys reading history/cultural books, or otherwise like to do wikipedia binges.

I essentially get paid to know about stuff.

>> No.9191054

So what you're saying is you're kind of like James Bond, but far more realistic.

>> No.9191075

whats it like helping people much wealthier than you find clothes?

>> No.9191079 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9191081

I don't do any spying or anything, but I've been through combat/survival courses. I've spent a lot of time in shit hole countries too. I never get to wear tuxes or go to wine mixers or anything like that though.

>> No.9191083

sounds good, good luck dude

>> No.9191091

Most of the time is foreigners who btich about the prices, and I can easily afford them with my discount :^)

>> No.9191101

What do you think of the Red Fleece line? On the one hand I really love the styling, on the other hand I worry that Brooks is cheaping out on quality. On the other other hand, Brooks' quality went to shit in the 00s anyway, it might as well look good.

>> No.9191102

Chemical Engineer reporting in, finished grad school two years ago and I make like 110k and have enough time to work out so I'm satisfied with life

>> No.9191106

Red Fleece line is still a good bang for your buck and it looks better than the regular BB line due being slim fit, unless you get the slim fit sizes on BB, but I do own like 2 blazers from Red Fleece and tons of sweaters and chinos and like a tie or two.
Still a shit ton better than the fucking 346 line which is a shit stain on the Brooks Brothers name.

>> No.9191129

That sounds pretty cool; sounds like me/what I'd be interested in actually.
Not to swamp you with questions, but how'd you get into it?

>> No.9191155 [DELETED] 

Joined the military out of high school and scored well enough to get a job in intelligence/passed background investigation. Did that for a few years while working on college. From there I finished up college while in and separated from the military. I was offered a job in the DC area via some networking on my part while in.

There aren't really any entry level positions in this career field outside of joining the military, or being recruited from a college in the DC area.

>> No.9191164
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Joined the military out of high school and scored well enough to get a job in intelligence/passed background investigation. Did that for a few years while working on college. I finished up college while in and separated from the military. I was offered a job in the DC area via some networking on my part while in.

There aren't really any entry level positions in this career field outside of joining the military, or being recruited from a college in the DC area. The main reason is because most places are looking for people with active security clearances and several years of experience. If you go on the agency websites there are some internship opportunities for college students, but you would probably need to be a top performing student, speak a foreign language, and working on some type of STEM degree, or international relations/foreign area studies.

>> No.9191167

I probably have the most effay job on the board.
>tfw marble sculptor

>> No.9191182

im a model

>> No.9191188



>> No.9191189
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College student working at the university library as part of my financial aid package. Minimum wage, I get to choose the hours, work is piss easy, get paid overtime during finals weeks so I pick up a bunch of shifts everyone else drops, and it's not taxed (I think).

It's alright, got no complaints. I earn enough money to buy weed and clothes.

>> No.9191202

You work in a library.

Try not to put so much effort in writing a paragraph going tldr.

>> No.9191210

This saves me from making a thread.

What does /fa/ wear to interviews?

>> No.9191211

children like to exaggerate

he'll be missing his library job when he graduates and has to work at starbucks and make my wife's too-complicated drink. let him relish in it for a bit

>> No.9191217

I work in a Williams-Sonoma, and it by no means pays well with the little hours I get.

Still, the customers are usually fun and I get to cook all day.

>> No.9191264

l o l
dus post wasnt even long i cant tell if this is some new faggots attempt at the snarky fash persona which is so passe btw or a genuine aspergers post

>> No.9191273

teenage geek attempts to play up his soon to be dime a dozen community college education in a suburban cul de sac with a wall street white collar superiority complex

god u really can handpick the autistic /b/ effluent coming on to this board lmfao

>> No.9191280

When I interviewed for my job I wore a suit, but this is a job that's gonna be a potential career, not just some shit minimum wage job.

It definitely depends what it's for.

>> No.9191283


So yeah... please.


>> No.9191311

Who are you and why do I owe you anything? Go beg for money at a subway station.

>> No.9191357

Just started working as an acoustic consultant (M.Sc. in applied acoustics). Salary's about 3k euro a month

>> No.9191375

how can you get a job like that?

>> No.9191377

I'm a butcher. It pays well enough or at least better than you would think.

>> No.9191386

no one here is an architect, damn /fa/ how come nobody has the most /fa/ job

>> No.9191411

because arts degrees are a good substitute for toilet paper

>> No.9191416


I'm an academic librarian/assistant professor and the worst part of the job is dealing with student workers.

>> No.9191444

I steal money from the Chinese overseas for muh country.

>> No.9191474

Work as a pyrotechnician during summer and winter, chemistry major otherwise, going into drug design

Lab coats are /fa/ and so is drug addiction

>> No.9191480
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I'm a cashier at a Thrift Store.

>> No.9191481

What do you write?

>> No.9191495

I write adult/fetish porn short stories. It doesn't pay well, but I get off knowing that people enjoy my writing.

>> No.9191503
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>"Then he said 'I'll get the last laugh when I'm a towering figure of literature'!!!!"

>> No.9191509
File: 58 KB, 433x320, Friedensreich-Hundertwasser-626-The-Way-to-You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work in a supermarket.

I have a law degree and have just finished law school here in the UK.

Law is fucking shit for money here, everyone starts on about £12-15,000 pa with no guarantee you will get a training contract (£20-25,000 pa) for 1/2/3/4 years.

Im gonna fuck off to South Korea and teach English, save up £8,000 and travel the greatest country on earth that I have never been to: USA.

>> No.9191540

This is why I feel ok not going to uni. People who do go often end up working in a supermarket like me, except I don't have crippling debt

>> No.9191550

Very true. But my degree will put me on the fast track to teaching English anywhere around the world!

I really wish I could turn back time and tell my 18 year old self to study something different.

As it stands I have a big compensation claim soon (£20,000) so I might work out a way to part fund a masters or even another degree in something I want to do. Counselling work would be A.

>> No.9191562

you'll get a lot of pussy here

>> No.9191576


I am from Liverpool if that matters

>> No.9191578

19, enlisted in Army as Infantry. Been in for a year.

>> No.9191585

He's referring to South Korea. How do you plan to teach English with reading skills like yours?

>> No.9191600


>> No.9191602
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>all these nontrustfund babbys

>> No.9191610

Why is Korea such a sure bet pussy wise?

Ha. I have just woke up. Plus I pay to do a course to learn how to teach it.

>> No.9191611


Law and military. Despite the means I possess, though, I have never copped designer clothes except from Goodwill. The only exception to that is when I bought my elder brother a Versace long coat as a graduation gift.

>> No.9191612

I work at a breastraunt.

>> No.9191614

who are you quoting?

>> No.9191619

he was obviously joking bruh

>> No.9191648

I draw gay porn

>> No.9191677

Lauren Garner?

>> No.9191694

i like that

>> No.9191708

Well how much do you make off your pathetic retail job?

>> No.9191717

Hahahaha This is /fa in a nutshell

>> No.9191718

I clean surgery rooms at night, garden in the day and make sandwiches in the weekend for a market stall plus I'm getting another job as a grocery dude. Fuck all you guys with your effay jobs. I'd suck a dudes dick to work in retail.

>> No.9191750

get a job

>> No.9191776


I made around 15 euro an hour as a 16 year old pizza delivery boy. Just by being polite (and white). Good job though, popping wheelies, trying to get the knee down in bends on 4 inch tyres, free pizza, dicking about.

Anyway, most of my peers now -nearly 8 years later- are happy to make 10.

>> No.9191842

what should one go for

>> No.9191847

Im a civil/geotechnical engineer. I make about a grand a week.

I wear black Levi jeans, plain tees and black boots, thats it.

>> No.9191956

is bin ladden dead?