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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 68 KB, 700x572, leather-jackets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9187812 No.9187812 [Reply] [Original]

Lets talk leather jackets /fa/.

Personally I'm no where remotely close to being "fashionable" but I like the look and want to know what everyone thinks about them,

>> No.9187816

if youre too poor to afford designer dont bother with midrange brands and just thrift one

>> No.9187836

rule #1, dont buy leather jackets under 1k

>> No.9187839

Is it for quality reasons?

>> No.9187843
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>> No.9187846

You've got to be a confident individual in pretty damn good shape to wear one without looking like somebody who is trying to compensate. That, and only quality leather will look good.

>> No.9187847

I'm pretty fit but have been neglecting the gym recently and to be honest I just really like the style.

>> No.9187848

rule #2, don't buy leather jackets under any circumstances

>> No.9187855
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>> No.9187887

Get a brown one. They look less try hard on the average person.

>> No.9189767
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rate mine

>> No.9189779
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>> No.9189799

Both of these, sadly

>> No.9189802

If it has to say "Real Leather/100% Leather" anywhere on the garment, or has the leather goods symbol anywhere but the garment treatment tag, don't waste your money.

>> No.9189805


I think 1k is pushing though really. There are good leather jackets starting from the 200 pound/400 dollar mark.

>> No.9189809


I've copped almost this entire range and adore leather goods. I've had nothing but compliments on my jackets, too.


>> No.9189827

good one Raccoon.

>> No.9189831
File: 353 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some M.a.+ and then try and not to get too much pussy.

>> No.9189844

m.a.+ is ugly trash mostly

the only clunge youd pull in that is fausts boypussy

>> No.9189845

then follow the real n°1 rule of /fa/ :
>If you really like it and can afford it, then buy it.

>> No.9189887

I have one from Armani. Fits like a dream and have gotten tons of compliments. No pics, and won't be arsed to take any.

>> No.9189928

Pics, or you're a lying poorfag who's wardrobe is nothing but travel-stained workwear.

>> No.9189938
File: 52 KB, 445x543, upload99932825169675542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't pretend this doesn't look good.

>> No.9189949

I'd like a Belstaff one but I can't bring myself to spend £1k+ on an item of clothing - even though i can afford it.

>> No.9189952


It's worth it though. My Grandfather wears a Belstaff and he pulls poon 20 plus years his junior.

>> No.9189955

armani is trash anyways

hes either some tasteless immigrant spending his parents money on the only western his family heard of before they immigrated from new dehli wearing it with his armani exchange tee and true religion jeans


hes some pasty white dweeb who picked up fake/real armani rags (it doesnt really make a difference) at a thrift store and wears it with full thrifted pleated hugo boss slacks, gucci loafers, etc.

either way a sad sad story

>> No.9189970

looks like exactly what id expect from a 300-500$ leather

ugly, tacky, shit quality scraps that exist only to fill the price point between pleather crap and mid tier pseudo designer garbage

>> No.9190001

I think Bandit really drove the point across when he was still around:

"Leather jackets are shit. Never wear a leather jacket."

>> No.9190162
File: 102 KB, 800x584, 1410389663701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you

>> No.9190194

>hes some pasty white dweeb
>coming from trunks

>> No.9190240

Is it a good rule to always size down from your usual clothing size to get that slim fitting form for leather jackets?

>> No.9190260

Yeah. Everything you mentioned there is what normalfags consider "high fashion". It makes me lol.

Speaking of leather. Whats the general consensus on the Schott Perfecto 626B? I've been made an offer of 200 for one. I suppose buddy has no idea what he's trying to sell. Usually sells 700+ new. This one has been worn less than 15 times. Yay or nay?

>> No.9190261

I have the first one on the list. I hate the fact that the zipper's misaligned.

>> No.9190265

No. Get the jacket in a size appropriate to your bodily dimensions they usually add a half inch or so to each dimension to allow for layers. Never fiddle with sizes like that. You'll look like shit.

>> No.9190273

200 for a used item mrsp700 is average

you typically cant get more than 50% rrp used, even unworn, unless its really hype or has limited quantities

cheaper or uglier trash wont even sell for 10%

most stuff goes for around 25-30%

>> No.9190327

I know for a fact this model was made exclusively for Bloomingdales in '12. About 1k on release and 700-850 after the hype ebbed. And the quality of its leather is thicker and just better than anything Schott made before or since release. It has a plain and simple classic moto jacket design. About the only leather coat design worth considering for purchase imo. I guess I'll take the offer and keep it as my 100k mile coat.

>> No.9190338

leather jackets are fucking autistic

>> No.9190356

riders are fucking hideous, literally the worst design u can buy

anything is better, fencing, leather blazer, bomber, high, jut, cowl neck, hooded, hell even a vest

fuck riders are ugly

>> No.9190370

Leather jackets are awful on 99% of people. They're just gross imo

>> No.9190371

Those designs, anyhow. The man makes the jacket, not the other way around. If you don't have social or self confidence in general then forget about pulling off anything remotely /fa/, especially leather, and stick to pleb shit from target and salvation army. Classic leather was /fa/ before your father was born. Don't dismiss it just because a few sperglord designers shit on its heritage and cultural impact.

>> No.9190383

>The man makes the jacket

*tips fedora*

>this entire post

*tips vigorously*

>> No.9190387

Rofl. /fa/ is in they eyes of the beholder. I like it enough. Funny that I think the exact opposite. Anything leather moto jacket-wise except a classic rider is awful.

>> No.9190401
File: 194 KB, 600x600, bopperm-img600x600-1418054960ffkis322015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats cause ur retarded and have shit taste

not all of us mastubate over james dean pics

>> No.9190409


sun-dried tomato core

>> No.9190425
File: 855 KB, 1130x456, yoolius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mates, I've been fiending for a Julius leather for a good while now. Been looking around the Internet for deals and sales, just gotta get the money saved from my first real job that I got recently. Can't wait to cop one.

>> No.9190437

Da fuck is that? It looks like someone skinned a California Raisin and made a coat out of it.
Ha. Suggest something better then. I have it on good account that tripcunts possess superior knowledge

>> No.9190442

i like to put thought into my outfits and study fashion with a passion. i'm not just playing dress—up like you, i'm genuinely interested in the balance of aesthetics and function. not all of as are sheep

>> No.9190465

how much are you looking to spend, what size are you? any preferred styles
>put thought into my outfits
>fashion with a passion
>balance of aesthetics and function
>not all of as are sheep
physically cringed

>fashion with a passion

>> No.9190488

I understand what youre trying to say, but,

>fashion with a passion

Someone make that a banner

>> No.9190538
File: 85 KB, 400x600, ss12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd have to say that out of the ones I've seen so far, I really like the short collared leather from SS12, the first out of the three jackets I posted in the previous image.

However, I wouldn't be opposed to other styles like a jut neck or a cowl neck. I saw a Julius cowl neck on grailed, but I can't say I'm liking the color as I'd prefer all black. Also, I think I would be wearing the leather jacket zipped up most of the time if I do get one.

I'm 5'9 at around 145 pounds and my tops are usually size small, so I think I'd be looking at size 1s or 2s. I've seen guys put their sell prices at around 700-900, so I would be willing to bargain around there.

>> No.9190545
File: 7 KB, 193x262, cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i´m just gonna leave this here

>> No.9190572

This comment made me feel embarrassed

Could you delete it please?

>> No.9190578

Slimane, pls go.

>> No.9190580
File: 23 KB, 960x652, 10409553_10152854825763850_3427402844656491517_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9190614

here man





idk if this is something youre interested in but grail tier for sure



>> No.9190618

" - /fa/

>> No.9190619

how much do proxies cost tho?

>> No.9190623

Hedi is Love
Hedi is Life

i know RO and Julius make more aesthetically interesting jackets but i can see more SLP incorporated to daily fits

>> No.9190646

Pretty damn nice. Thanks for the help trunks, really appreciate it. I'll look into these as well as learning about proxies like fromjapan.

>> No.9190720
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>> No.9191203

can you elaborate? what's so wrong about a SLP DR?

>> No.9191208
File: 416 KB, 1200x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't pull something off due to lack of height, excess weight, general ugliness, etc.
>"It's literally so shit! Only fags wear that! Omg you fell for the Slimane troll!! Lmfao this is so stupid!"

>> No.9191224

God fucking damn it why is that $6000? I mean it's v dope, but 6K..? These French conglomerates don't fuck around.

>> No.9191245

i love rick leathers

i own a good few of them now and they are probably the only label i would ever wear re: leather jackets because of the ultra slim cut and xtra long sleeves

>> No.9191248
File: 27 KB, 600x450, 5zip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Own a mmm 5 zip in all black, horse leather.

My leather > your leather

>> No.9191253

Could never get used to rick leathers.
always issue with shoulders too broad and sleeves too long. bought stooges 3 times and returned/sold them.

>> No.9192325

I've seen some really shitty jackets at that price range.

There's plenty of places to get quality leather, but the kinds you get in the mall tend to be shit quality, unless it's from brand name specialty shops.

Most good jackets will run you 500$+ though.

>> No.9192344

>leather blazer
I want so bad but there would be no fucking way I could ever pull one off

>> No.9192395

Depends, post a pic, then post some jackets you want. You might pull it off, you might not.

>> No.9192411

Leather is made of pigs not horses stupid

>> No.9192427

I would not be able to do it, it's not so that it wouldn't necessarily fit me or my fit but it would feel just awkward wearing one
Maybe one day

>> No.9192433
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>> No.9192455

Let me tell you a story. My best friend is a handsome motherfucker. I'm not so bad myself, but if I'm an 8, he's a solid 9. Motherfucker looks like Dante with his hair long.

He doesn't like wearing a leather jacket because he says he feels gay. But he looks fucking awesome in one, I lent him my jacket one time because he forgot his wool coat at his place. He looks great in either.

Problem is he wears some really shitty shoes that look like they came straight off a homeless man.

My point is, sometimes you just gotta get over it, and wear what you like. It's empowering, I wouldn't steer you wrong, and I don't think most of us would either. 4chans about brutal honesty for the most part.

>> No.9192479


>> No.9192481

gb2 mfa

>> No.9192488

>My point is, sometimes you just gotta get over it, and wear what you like.
True but I just wouldn't feel comfortable wearing one at all probably at this point.

>> No.9192517

good fit m8, you look cool, just a bit of a shame you used to be a total dweeb, ah well no one has to know i guess.

>> No.9192549

Are you a GTA online character?

>> No.9192600

do you actually honestly believe you look good, or are you trolling?

>> No.9192636

Looks good apart from the jacket man, what the hell is wrong with the sleeves? And it's way too small for you.

>> No.9192640

looks like ass

>> No.9192641

just cover the face pls, the rest looks decent

>> No.9192711

the jacket is too small trunksywunks

>> No.9192724

I think if you can't button a jacket by a large margin, it's too small, (even if it doesn't look like it has any buttons)

the arms would look cooler more flowy

>> No.9192739


I bought this leather bomber and it looks awesome idgaf

>> No.9192747
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>saying other people have shit taste

>> No.9192752

if you're buying a leather jacket the lowest your budget should be is 300 dollars, and you should be looking to cop a schott perfecto off ebay. that's the best leather you'll get in that range

if you're looking for a step up from that i say cut out the middleground and go straight for rick owens. rick leather jackets are the best in the world hands down and you can get them for 6-800 secondhand in respectable condition

>> No.9192773
File: 9 KB, 235x224, 1926790_669145363148834_927040082_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post

>> No.9192897

jesus fucking christ that head

>> No.9193054


i personally like this fit. what jacket?

>> No.9193065

oh my lord


>> No.9193067

leather jackets are horrible

>> No.9193075

is this copypasta now

>> No.9193085

do you have any non-monochrome items?

>> No.9193112

Cheap and ugly/10

>> No.9193123

Get something non tacky, stay away from motos, although some can work great

It's perfect for chilly fall days when u want to wear polo/tee/ocbd with jeans and sneaks.

minimal leathers 10/10 I have a Schott 626, but has a little too much detail

>> No.9193185
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Best desicion in my life so far

>> No.9193198

please don't be serious

>> No.9193224

looser jeans pls dude

>> No.9193233

too fat for ur jeans

too fat for a leather jacket

>> No.9193244

Insecure about your weight much?

>> No.9193276


muh grail

>> No.9193313

personally I just don't like all the silver accents on most leather jackets

>> No.9193685


>hey anon, do you ride a motorcycle?

lol seriously this is the most try hard piece of clothing if you don't have a bike. specifically this style of jacket. other more stylish jackets don't give off that vibe.

>> No.9193733

Because people will pay it, sadly. I have no trouble with people dropping a lot of money on clothing if the cost is justified (different materials, well constructed, etc.), but $6000 for a jacket is ridiculous. There is absolutely no way to justify that cost.

>> No.9193746
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My personal favorite.

>> No.9193771
File: 854 KB, 576x1731, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might cop this. Yay or nay?

>> No.9193783

lol na

>> No.9193806

Why tho?

>> No.9193818

Not the guy you're quoting but I'm not a fan of leather jackets with collars like the one you posted. Sort of looks like something you'd see a middle aged man rocking.

>> No.9193828

True, I guess. Any suggestions? I'd like to have one decent leather that doesn't have a biker or dadcore vibe.

>> No.9193841

You dumb fuck pleb
don't comment on shit you cant afford
go fuck with your faux leather zara, noob fag

>> No.9193845

Best leather jacket is no leather jacket.
I mean, you are posting/lurking a chinese drawing website, how weeaboo and fedora can you get?
And you wanna put a leather on that disgusting persona of yours?

>> No.9193861

Sorry man, the only leather jackets I'm a big fan of are bikers, and it doesn't sound like that's something you'd be interested in.

>> No.9193879
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>> No.9193897

Well I do like the Brimaco D-Pocket in black. That's about it, though. And I'm not sure if I'll ever find one. Hence why I was looking for something else. At any rate. Have opinion on that one as far as rider jackets go? I'd post a pic but the ones I find are either too large, or are icons. Could google it

>> No.9193960

The jacket you mentioned looks like it's cut quite awkwardly. The body looks very short and wide. Have you looked at schott biker jackets? Like >>9192752 said, schott is going to be the best price-quality ratio.

>> No.9194162

Looks like it, but it fits rather well. My uncle used to have a vintage brimaco d-pocket from 1960. Still has it. Schott 626b is a nice looking coat. But I'm looking for something that not everyone in my area who is also into leather has. There are at least two rider stores near me. All of the riders wear HD and Schott aroud here. One actually sports a RO. They have good taste, on the Schott side of things. But I'd rather something unique from what they have. May as well go vintage UK inspired Canadian leather.

>> No.9195898

I got that no matter what leather jacket I wore. If you're not autistic, you can strike up a conversation with people that way.
This'd be perfect but that collar always looks like trash. The only time it looks good is in a very specific kind of bmber jacket, but even then it's obscured. See if you can find that, but with a moto jacket snap collar instead.

>> No.9196645

not even trying to be a dick but thats honestly a really crappy leather jacket dude

>> No.9196661
File: 352 KB, 1279x1804, balmain_men_homme_jacket_leather_biker_fall_2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for a cool red jacket that isnt ridiculously expensive. It doesnt even have to be leather or this style. pls help/post insp

>> No.9197860

Fucking kek

>> No.9197880
File: 111 KB, 335x485, IMG_2322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a decent quality leather jacket go with Schott.

If you want a fashionable girly one because muh fashion then go with YSL.

Personally I have the Supreme x Schott Perfecto, I think it's a perfect mix of great quality and a minimalist silhouette without those stupid fucking lapels on biker jackets.

>> No.9197893

If you want a real leather jacket worth something, you go for sum UNDERCOVER JACKET.

>> No.9197901
File: 916 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_2732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>leather jacket worth something
>muh undercover knit riders grailomgzzz

confirmed for being a tumblrcore weeaboo fashionista

undercover is in the fashion business, their leather jackets are made out of cowhide and their designs are for keeping a stylish aesthetic.

schott is an american brand thats been making your pappys leather jackets from WWII, supreme merely changes the aesthetic slightly for the modern look but retains their base silhouette and structure

>> No.9197903

whats the one in the picture?

>> No.9197905

All I see about what you wrote is that you have simply no taste.

>> No.9197908

post fit

>> No.9197914

what's the top middle one?

>> No.9197925

lmao youre a loser dude

>> No.9197931
File: 829 KB, 2448x1516, schottxsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Supreme x Schott Perfecto S/S' 13


This is the best I have at the moment sorry.

>> No.9197934

i said fit not chest
try harder next time

>> No.9197941

oh figures.. it looked different in another pic i saw. Its it brown or black?

>> No.9197952


3 colorways, brown, black, and white.

Apparently the brown is hard to distinguish from the black afar until you look up close but I just have the black one

>> No.9197962

I really can't think of that many that are good under $1k that are actually decent leather - Schott is one of them, but the fit on those can be really really shit. ToJ is the other, and they sit at like $500 used, but again the fit can be pretty terrible.

>> No.9197964
File: 74 KB, 1000x1000, 5_1_front_1_1000x1000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one for less than a tenth of that:

>> No.9197979


>> No.9197982

Ah.. its nice Id have to buy one if i ever came across one.

>> No.9198013

not a fan of most leather jackets or m.a.+ stuff, but that jacket is one of my grails, regardless of trunks' arbitrary opinion

>> No.9198021

>>Cop a nice light leather for the warmer season
>>Fit almost perfectly
>>Why the fuck are these armscyes cut so high? I'm not even that /fit/

Fuck you /fa/ I don't want to be a hungry skelly

>> No.9198039

Some pieces from Jun are pretty cool. Those knit riders however are effig disgusting.

>> No.9198047

>Wanting to showcase ur shit taste so badly

>> No.9198098

Schott Perfecto right? Anywhere to get it on sale/secondhand?

>> No.9198986

Do you have experience with BLK DNM ones?

>> No.9199008

lol wuht
are you dumb

>> No.9199020


The only time ToJ fits are terrible are when people who are fucking retarded did the measurements incorrectly.

They're made to measure, for Christ's sake.

>> No.9199032

the made to measure thing was kind of a big gimmick, the cuts were never anything particularly good to begin with. the brand only took off because of this gimmick and the fact that he was marketing the brand by buying forum testimonials with free jackets.

>> No.9199055

not very tailor/brand cuts the same pattern to provided measurements

TOJ patterns suck

and it wasn't made to measure

all he did was alter slightly from a factory pattern

>thats what made to measure is dumbfuck

no it isn't

drew was called out for not providing made to measure service

and his response "while it may not be real made to measure, i still provide a service where i fit the acket to the owner so no its not made to measure but it's made to your measurements"

bespoke, MTM and tailored mean very very specific things in the clothing world.

none of what you claim to be true

>> No.9199106

did he give out free jackets? never knew this...
can you drop some names on sufu/sf members who did?

>> No.9199111

idk, sieg probably knows. forum politics are something i actively avoid.

>> No.9199156

Uo has 2 or 3 slim-fit schotts 30% off roght now. Im honestly thinking of copping

>> No.9199174

yes, 5+ years ago back when SF was on zeroforum
your sn had to have some cachet on the board

>> No.9199189

until you see it irl. seriously i was like wtf. fucking thick and rock hard